____ . PACK tic U T . ■LLLJ—' I Mayor O. L. Wood and City Treas- UWC. G Caughett left fur Portland Tuesday morning to attend the sum- mer meeting of the League of Oregon Cities, yesterday and today. J. O. Berglund, temporarily em­ ployed in the bank here until Orville Clinton is able to be back on the job, returned Monday from his home in Hood River, where he went last week to greet the recent addition to his family. - I » < ' Tire COQUILLE VALLEY SfiNTlMtL. COQUILLE. OREGON. TH VBS DA Y. MAY IS. IMS. Select your stationery for gifts and for your. own use at Norton’s while our stock is still complete. We print name, monogram or any insignia for Mrs. George Oerding left "Monday a small, extra charge. foi a month's visit1 tn Pm tland and --------------- - 4 ’ Sane, sensible, scriptural evan- eastern Oregon. While in Portland she will be with her mother-, who is gelist campaign, Church of Christ, Willie White, visiting here from her home iq Cali- May 2 to . May 23. fornia. In eastern Oregon, she will men's evangelist, leading. 15t4s meet a friend who also will be visit­ See our targe display ot choice pot ing there from New York City. plants at Bergen's, across' highway Not the Mrs. Dick Sherrill is a guest for from telephone office. s ten days of Miss Anne Hawkins at '•frapest but the best. Phone 64. Ophir. " ; For grave markers for your loved Mrs. Felix Miller came in Saturday ones, see John S. Sanders for style from Lebanon, Ore., to spend three of marker and price. He also has weeks here with her father, J. H. cement building blocks. 541 West 6th, Coquille. Phone 123L. s Oerding. ■ ■ ■ ‘ ■ < ...\ ■ Maury Williams, son of Mrs. Jen­ nie Williams of this city who has been in the Air Corps Reserve for some weeks, left Portland Sunday Choose vour cards foi Father’s Da^ Mias Eunice Howe spent the last * morning for Fresno where hs had Good selection for service been ordered to report" for Army week-end in Portland visiting rela- early, tivea and friends and having a good men and civilians at Norton’s, flying instruction and training. time in general. Sbe <5h“ travelled >>« - • *7 ...... ... ...... tjy ' ------- -------- ■— -— found accommodations Perfectly packed, properly stowed, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Young returned bus and She returned Monday and sarefully handled — a million Sunday evening from Portland where crowded, ’ ' , dollars worth of airplane engines are she had been visiting their daughter morning. 2__ >4»' transported efficiently and safely in and son and his family for ten days. ■ Assessor Chas. Forrest has been a single box car. •'•7'. ' a. —L... .,.'. .2 L Richard A. Hennessey, who left for confined to his home at the Bay the '1 . For emergency lighting • in ‘ war Portland for Induction last Thursday, past week or two with whooping writes home that he is still at Fort cough. He expects to be back on plants and' shipyards, a new qr.lt, weighing 4.7 pounds, may be set up Lewis and as yet does not know duty in tlie Court house soon, to switch on a powerful beam of where he is to be sent. ! --------- , • ------- 9 s . * Henry Wigant. arrested by Officer light automatically when normal Hear Willie White, Evangelist at Farmer at the Tourist Hotel last lighting fails. Church of Christ, East 4th and Coul- Thursday evening, for being drunk Galling caros. 5u tor «’ O' ter. Every nite. May 2 to May 23. and disorderly, forfeited the *15 bail ' 15t4s he posted. Rest night Monday. Graduation gifts, graduation cards. Household Furniture and equip- ' Buy them at Norton’s. ment for sale. Electric Range and many other items. Mrs. Don Estes, FOR RENT—House at 276 West 6th. 293 East First, Coquille. s Newly papered and painted. See A. L. Perry at 302 North Henry. Keys made for all locks. Stevens •sl8 Cash Hardware Coquille. Ore Chadnick hdge No. 63 \ I A \ M " Special Communication Tuesd v, May 18. Work in F. C. Tuesday. May 25. Work in E. A. Visitors Welcome !» -1------ LELU.------------- ——— ------------- --------- ^»miiiiiiinmniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiiJiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiHiiiiii £ TWO for the price of ONE /dat ONE CENT! SSI BASSO ON MANU»ACTUtMI» »UOOISTIO SUAM. »»«I 1943 IS REXflLTS 40th ANNIVERSARY T r continue RcxiHi policy of giving you l'ij Best Valucs’in Tpwn. Likewise, wc lw. none our best to carefully prepare uui stocks to meet your needs. j’ossiblyra-4pw items may nor be available on every Jay Occ»xi»tully wc oflcr a few of the items advertised here at prices lower than regular list prices, but at no time do we offer this merchandise at WE ARE UO1NG Oui. Us. such rock-bottom prices as now! Some soaps, the daily specials, and a few other » items »ft not ôn the One Cent Sale plan, but ate f ’'“priced extremely low-during the sale.' > —------- of our One Cent Sale due to the imposi­ tion of restrictions, the unavailability ot ■ Due to shortage of clerical help, bring your shopping bags and serve yourself. materials and other reasons over which we have noicontrol. ) .1 Dates for 1 Cent Sale Thun., FrL, Sat., May 13,14,15 Fuhrman's Pharmacy Open every night until 8:00 WED. Moy 19| BARGAIN o NIGHT FIRST GREAT SCREEN STORY OF TODAY'S GRFAT HEROES .“..THEIR THRILL CRAMMED, ADVENTURE-PACKED LIVES! BEWARE! Girl Turns Into iÀliiw |H | W- J fl 1 * i KILLER LEOPARD One kiss a ■- snarling; beast, ¿Us* her makes stalking who claws a man to shreds! See it! Gasp at the girl marked with the ter­ rible curse of the— SIMONE SSEjßV simon KENT sm , th tom RANDOLPH co > nway Wtf JmjANE JACK‘HOLT LATEST NEWS Hr- He & 40c A *3^ >* ' 'Tv