THE COQUttXC VALU Y BENTÎNEL, COQÇIUX OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY g, IMS. Two sons of Rev. and Mrs. Chas. O. Brown came in early Tuesday morn­ ing to see their mother, who is In the hospital, and left for (heir homes again that afternoon. They were Rev. Frank E. Brown, accompanied by his wife and daughter from Willamette, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Edgar Brown, from Oregon City. Mrs. Tailant - Greenougii left thia morning for San Francisco where, after a brief visit with her sister. Mrs. Herbert Van Zant, she will leave for Sacramento, wtiere she will take up i«er residence to be near her hus­ band, who is stationed at Can^p Beale. Mrs. Greenough was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Pearl Ellingsen, and brother, John, who will visit for a short time with Mrs. Van Zant and other relatives in the service who are located in and around San Fran­ cisco. J. S. Barton chairman of the com­ mittee for t^e 2nd War Bond Drive of the Rotary Club, announced at the meeting of the club on Wednesday that the members had purchased $5U,125,i>0 in war bonds during the month of April and that every mem­ ber of the club participated. - The selection ot what war machine . the bonds would be designated for was left to the committee to be made later. The following directors for the coming year which were presented by the nominating committee were all elected: W. E. Bosserman, J. S. Barton, Chas. Briggs, L. A. Lundquist, Dan Farr, Geo. H Chaney and Iris 1 Elrod. . . Mrs. O. C. Sanford left Tuesday morning for Portland on business, Aaron Wilson resigned his position having to do wtih the affairs of the in the Farr & Elwood store here last state federation of Women's Clubs. week and on Saturday he and Mrs. Mrs. Clarence McNair returned Wilson moved their household goods Monday from Louisville, Kentucky. to Camas valley. In a few days he She stopped off at Palm Springs, is going to work as boiler fireman California, for a visit with her for the Priest logging mill, just this brother. Corporal Stanley Buell, and side of the Camas Valley ' bridge, ids wife. , where the Standley mill burned down a few years ago. They also Mrs. KUgene Tice, of Tacoma, reported that their son, Lester, in' Yearly Church Meeting Washington, will return today to her the Naval Reserves, is now in V[iF- Pioneer Methodist Church home after ten days’ visit here with ginia. Rev. Silas E. Fairham, district her mother during her mother's con­ superintendent ot' the Cascade dis­ valescence. The friends of Mrs. L. Mrs. Oeo. N. Brooks is'enjoying a trict conducted tlie yearly churcti ,P. Fugelson will be glad to hear that visit from her Sister, Miss Doris Wood meeting of the local Methodist she is making a good recovery. who came up last week from Tucson, church on Sunday evening. The of- Ariz., and may remain here. x Mrs. Josh Ruble will entertain the Harold Wincgur, sqn of . Mr. and 39fl club this coming Friday at her Mrs. W. Wirlegar, came 1» yesterday home on the Marshfield highway. morning from Farragut, Idaho, where Marc Shelley, who ia stationed at he is in Navy training, on a ten days’ Treasure Island and is in the Navy furlough. engineer’s office there, came in last Thursday on a ten-day furlough and Dr. R. S. Dunn To Visit expects to return to duty tomorrow. Coquille Next Monday Royal Carter, formerly with the Mt. Mates Power Co., and who has been in training at the Farragut, Idaho, Naval'training station, was a Co­ quille visitor last Thursday. The Past Noble Grands will meet Friday, May 7, at the home of Mrs. Florabeile Boober and all past Noble Grands are invited to attend. Methodists of Coos county and any others who are interested, will gather on Monday, May 10, to hear Dr. Ray S. Dunn, pastor of Rose City Park Methodist church of Port­ land, who will speak in Pioneer Methodist church of this city. Dr. Dunn's topic will be, "New Fron­ tiers." A fifty-cent luncheon will be served to a limited number, pieced ing the program, which will be given in the main auditorium of the church at 7:30 p. m. Herbert E. Allen, son of Mrs. Laura Allen of Coquille, began his graining last week at the U. S. Naval training station at Farragut, Idaho, where he will be for a few weeks getting ready Eagles News to join the hardest-hitting Navy In The Eagles Lodge will hold its the world Mother's Day program at the ,ha 11 on Sunday at 2:00 p. m. The public is Sane, sensible, scriptural evan­ invited. gelist campaign, Church of Christ, May 2 to May 23. Willie White, - The Eaglet^ Auxiliary lists the fol­ men's evangelist, leading. 15t4s lowing nominations for election of officers: president, Zo Livingston; Mail your Watch, Jewelry sna Op­ vice president, Bess Baker; chap­ tical Repairs to V. R. Wilson, Jew­ lain, Leia Avery; see., Margaret eler, Watchmaker and Optometrist. Spores; treas., Katherine Lemon; in­ Expert Service. Coqui lie, Ore. lOtfs side Guard. Mabel Kyle; Outside trustee, Agnes Storey. Try our complete Southern Fried Chicken Dinners on Sunday at Town The Eagles Auxiliary is to have an Cafe, $1.00 per plate. It* Old Time Dance Saturday, May 15. ' fleers for ttw comm a_ year were his brother, Harold Persing, from for treatment of an injured eye. Bar- elected, together with committees tn KTamath Fata; ficv. Harry Downey, I bars Mullen from Remoteentered for___ care for tile worl^ of the chutjch tor of Medford; Rev L. P. Furman, of J treatment‘bn* SuHdiy.“ Myrtle Fish from Myrtle Point, for : another year. The pastor was invited Ashland, and Rev. I-ecin Hall, of for another year, All reports re­ Grants Pass, will tie present and par­ treatment, and Howard Torrance of vealed a sucressful years work. The 1 ticipating iu the afternoon and even­ Marshfield, for treatment of all in­ i following trustees were elected:. ing services. The public is cordially jured knee, were admitted on Mon- ' v Lloyd Oddy, chairman; A. T. Morri- I invited to enjoy any and all of these day. A nine-pound baby boy, named son, Wesley Chappel, E. M. Wilson, service^. Stephen George, was born to Mr. R. T. Newton, Orville Newton. and Mrs. George Wilson, of Bandon. Stewards for the coming year will be Capt. Fred Lorenz To Be yesterday. Mrs. Louis Fugelsoi'. Mrs. Waiter Stationed In Utah This morning E. V. Hand and Dick Oerding, Mrs. Bird. Skeels, Mrs Mrs. Fred Lorenz heard from Capt. West both submitted to 'major opera­ James Richmond, Mrs. O. B. Harri­ man. chairman of finance, Claroh Lorenz on Monday- that he had fin­ tions. Dismissals have been Mrs Jack Gormley, R. T. Slater and R. B. ished the course at Princeton Uni­ Knife. Ernest Purvance was elected versity and was being transferred ut Storm and baby last Thursday, Mrs. as treasurer, Noble Chowning as ,once to San Francisco.. After two Frank Sackett and baby, and Charley Sunday school superintendent, Mavis weeks there he is to be stationed at Hilton on Sunday, Mrs. Guy. Niel of Reedsport, and the two Four Mile Tyrrell, youth fellowship president, i an army poet in Utah. ’youngsters, Johnny Weaver arid Due- Mrs. Cyril McCurdy, as W..S. C. S. , aid Oddy. were dismissed this morn- president. ■ - ■ _ ■ ing. Belle Knife Hospital District Meeting At Assembly of God Next Monday, May 10^ the As­ sembly of God dt Coquille will be host to the Smith west District Fel- lowhsip meeting, of u£- state i>r- ganization. There are seveh church­ es from the Coast section which will lie represented by their pastor and members. A representative dele­ gation of ministers from Douglas county is also expected to be present. Pastor L. C. Persing states that Louise Johnson, six-year old daughter of Rondo Johpson of Arago, | last Friday, Margie Travis, uf this I cjty on Saturday, and' Hose Marie Peart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Peart, on Monday^'all under­ went appendectomies- •_ Mrs. W. E. Marrion entered’ the. hospital un Saturday and Galvin Williams last Saturday, both for treatment. Mrs. Chas. G. Brown, of Coquille, entered the hospital for trantment on Saturday and the same doy Mrs. Leila Avery’s daughter, Dorothy, entered Liberty TWO GRAND HITS! Hear WILLIE WHITE State Evangelist 90 & 9 Men CHURCH OF CHRIST East 4th & Coulter EVERY NIGHT May 2 - .May 23 Monday Rest Night GOOD SINGING the Rexall Drug Store—whore you can depend upon it being compounded exactly at your doctor wrote it. Only the finest of froth, full-ttrengtn materialt are used by capable, licensed pharmacists. And a double* chock system thaKguarantees accuracy. Fuhrman's Pharmacy GOSPEL PREACHING \Vigte Liston Parrish Pastor Open every night until 8 DURING MAY WE HAVE THE BIGGEST PARADE OF TOP - NOTCH PICTURES WE'VE EVER BEEN ABLE TO ASSEMBLE IN ONE MONTH! YOU WON'T WANT TOMISSASINGLEONEOF THESE HITS! TO REMEMBER, HIT NO. TWO Sun.-Mon. Tue. May9-10-11 THESE TWO ARE DYNAMITE TOGETHER! PBUW Ht IN 1 /» el •o/ HAL ROACH TRACY*SAWYER WARNER BROS. PICTURE with JACK CARSON GLADYS GEORGE FAYF No Advance in Prices He ------ 40c GLAMOUR“ Matinee Sun. 1:45 Liberty