4 ! PAGB SBVÍN Fairview News taining vitamins. Mrs. Roxy Frye ; ArflOO N^WS guests of Mr». E. J, Myers. parsonage here on Tuesday IXCW3 Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mrs E. J, won the prize given by .Mrs. Chas. I, Muy 5 Ray A. Kagelu and Flur- The Home Makers Extension Unit Gaalin. Those present were Mes Vernun McMichael, of Azaleu, ar- ,Myeni “nd M,s'.55 C McAllister vis- eiu-e E. Papineau, both of North | A fair crowd attei^lcd tfvc meeting met Tuesday, April 27, at the grange dames Bishop, C. A. Holverstott, rived at the home of his sister and J»«1 the h,,mc of Mr a,,d M"- Al- Bend. of Townsend Club No. 1 Tuesday- hall. After a planned dinner, Mrs. Robert Holverstott, Fays Holverstott, family, Mr. and Mn. Harvey Myers, Fish la,,t Tue#- houle on Sunday by Rev. M. M. Stern. I church of Myrtle Point, conducted Fulk, of Portland, ' visited with her stott, of Fairview, for one year. The!-- May 1 -Wolter Bodman and Elsie, AMZY * | the regulur Sunday morning church und her son Jim, a few days last week ERNIE next meeting will be on Tuesday, Muy ' Bodman, both ot Mowich, Ore. They . . Sunday school followed and when they returned home Mrs. 35, when the leaders will give their ' were married last Saturday by Jus­ wit an attendance of 25. There will Mullins went with them to visit her reporta on what the year» sub J oct are. tice F." R. Bull at his office here. 1 be services again next Munday, daughter and fam ly, Mr. ami Mrs. Mrs. Hany Lindsay has been chosen ! May 4 Jon. R. Ayres, of Klamath preaching at IU 10 u. a. m. and Sunday living in tr 1 . . p*c«nunB Ui III. anu sunuuy Ziebarth, who have been Falls, and Mabel I. Fisher, of Charles­ Phone «M Portland the past few months, Mr. m 1 ro at g 11 “• m w - jh T he u given " uul during They were married by 4-H sewing • ” hM Csaslln in scho Day ° p ram Zeibarth is working in the shipyards ton, Ore. * Rev. Chas. G. Brown at the Pioneer zi_. d Lu v ., the Sunday school hour as follows: therd. rUM.lt 7h° v S ttPi W8S. **» <,!nner Christening services for James Pap- Don Trigg has returned from Ft. h0"’elpell by Rev. G. A. Gray; opening Lewis, Washington, where he spent Tuesday evening of last week. -t Get your U.S. Fighter and Ob­ j prelude by Mrs. O. H. Aasen; welcome 18 days and is now in uniform as a Bill Grove has been unable to work 'song, "We Come," by little tots; re- servation Squadron insignia — private drawing 850.00 per month, this last week on account of sickness. the kind youngsters are collect­ | citation, “Minding Mother,” Sandra although still attending school at Cor- ing now I In full color on doth, He is a faller at Kline's* camp and Pappel; recitation, "My Mother,” vaUia, Ilves at Powers. they’re just right to sew on The Pleasant Point Needle Club Ginger Sinidt; recitation, “His Ruth Palmer has been home from pockets, caps or sweaters. You Mother's Faith,” Alan Halter; "Moth­ met at the home of Mrs. Ray Eppe:- school on account of measles, get one of these insignia FREE ers and Other»,” by Intermediate and son last Wednesday with the follow­ Vera Bishop was a guest at the —while the supply latts—every Under new law to become effective June 10. 194S, smaller children; récitation, “Moth­ ing members present: Mrs. Belo time you buy War Stamps from home of Dorothy Beagle Tuesday eve­ The safety responsibility act requires that any driver involved in er,” Virginia Butler; recitation, Lewellen, Mrs. Elia Bryant, Mr«. ning of last week. your Shell Dealer or Shell Serv­ an accident that results in injury, death or property damage must “Sick,” John Leeper; saxophone solo, Mike Daniels, Mrs. Ell a Southmayd, Within 10 days present proof of $11,000 worth of financial reapon- ice Station. And There was a moving picture show­ Ralph Weekley; song by the high Mrs. Roy Swan, Mrs. Ralph Rackicff, kibuily or have his driver's license and ear registration cancelled. watch for the next ing the help the aircraft watchers At any lime afterwards his license and registration would be re­ school girl«, “What's the Matter with Mrs. Paul Davia, Mrs. J. Lewellen new insigne! give in watching and reporting any voked immediately if his insurance policy expired or his bond was Father;" recitation. “Advice from Southmayd ami Mrs. A. R. Bennett cancelled. and all airplanes presented at the Dad,” Bill Butler; recitation, “He’ll A short business session was heid tn The act upulieif"WhctlUPr or not the driver was at fault, exception school house last Tuesday evening, "CAM FOR YOUR CAR being allowed only in the cast of a car legally parked at the time of Be True,” LeRoy Zeller; song, "Beau­ which »11.90 worth of war savings for aircraft observers only. A film on the accident. Aller two years, if the driver paid no damages and FOR YOUR COUNTRY” tiful Mother's Day; high schoolgirls; stamp» were purchased by the differ­ the prevention and cure of tuberculo­ no suit was brought ¡.gainst him, he would be permitted to drive recitation, "A Dad and His Lad,” Mrs ent members. The Neelie Club ha« Re member, not the iftrdumttr. but th« und own u car again. sis preceded the aircraft film. Mrs caltruier is your best guide nowaday a I Gladys Fish; vocal solo, “Little sold $30.75 worth of stamps at Jt.< Now U>e average citizen would rather play safe and place i inaur- Dorothy Bishop, county extension sues on his or her car than to take % chance with FATE, Wlth a Mother,” Mrs. S. C. McAllister; short four meetings since the beginning of ¡ leader, was In charge of the moving Once a Week: thi* year. VAOP Tkrn aAAAIIMi of so — ä many jf 1 law like the above tn in force there is mil not much choice. BUT IT 18 On account I play, "What Mother Didn't Know,7 the NOT cost for $15,808 N ot COMPULSORY. The coat »15,»04 insurance insuranee is not high. picture machine, BATTUIY— Reduced driving makes Pamela Evan, Glenda Lillie, Yvonne the members having little chicks t> From $14.00 to »18.25 per year—depending on the kind of Gas Ration Mrs. Fred McLain ia reported im ­ fibril check-upa of water level and Book you have. Holycrosa, No|a Crawford; violin solo, care for there were only 11 meinbeis charge more important than ever. proved at the Knife Hospital. She Ski ME FOB FUIX DETAILS Thelma Crawford; song. “My Moth­ present, less than half of the mem. 4 is suffering with diabetes. Two of TM88—Maintaining correct air er’s Bible,” by the choir. A small bership as usual, A delicious pot- her children are being cared for at remembrance gift will be given to luck dinner was enjoyed by all. pressure rave« tire* and gasoline. the T. H. Benham home. Mr. ami Mm. Guy Grant, of Nor- all mothers and fathers present. Ev­ The Office Where Accommodation Is A Pleasure Every 2 Months: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Teagarden eryone la cordially invited to uttend way. visited his father at Gaylord Oft—Havs crankcaaa drained, had as their guests at dinner Tues­ Orvui Miller and Phyllis and Mrs last Bunday.- • flushed and refilled with Golden Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spires «nd fam­ day evening last week. Liaut. Glotz- Grover McQutgg, of Medford, and fihcH Motor OU. bach and Sergt. Rawson. Mrs. Pearl Smith, of Yakima, Wash., ily returned last Thursday from Cali ­ SHILLUaaiC ATION - Thorough, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Stevenson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. fornia, where they spent the fall and correct lubrication — vital in mak­ winter. He will farm his ranch this brought Mrs. L. A. Ryan home last Nile Miller Saturday. ing your car last for the duration. Harold Fish has been ill with the summer. Mr. and Mm, Jack Monroe, Sunday. She has been very ill with measles at the Stevenson home in flu and was confined to his home tor who have moved to one of the Marsters places on Catching Creek Her daughter, Margy, several daya last week. C c, left Thursday foe their home in Rose­ burg after visiting at the home of brought her grandmother, Mrs. M. B. their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Bennett, of Myrtle Point, down to ' *" Get a job you can trust. beat ion. We’ll gladly help you George Hampton, for several days. spend the day with her son and wife, Reliable recapping takes time, prrpare your Ration Board That same evening after they arrived Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Benne-t, while P. i skill, care. That’s the kind you certificate. in Roseburg, they left with their E. Breuer and his two »on«-in-law. ' get from ua — reliable re­ motlier, Mrs. Gerald Albright, for Walt Moore afid Ben Daniels, went capping, done the Goodyear Cheyenne, Wyo., where they will join fishing, their wives later joining them Mr. Albright, who is stationed at and a taking a picnic lunch- way with Goodyear materials Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroder Fort Warren. and by Goodyear factory Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hampton and visited Sunday at the home of hr, methods. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank were brother, Sam Clinton, and Mr. and < Come in today. Have us in­ Sunday guests of Mrs, H. E. Watkins Mm. Thomas Hanly, on the North spect your tires, inside and Bank road. and Jean, outside. We will tell you (One of the Euentialt of • Democracy) Mm. Geo. Keesee and he*' mother, ■ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish visited frankly whether a tire can be Mrs, Mary Cram Noble, of Centrallia, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank recapped or whether it should Washington, were v|s Lies one day Fish in Coquille Monday. be replaced. last week with Mrs, A, R, Benmlt. School attendance tlie past two Of all of the ewentlals of a Democracy Sunday visitors at the Erie Fowler | If your tire can be safely weeks has l>een poor on account of one of the most important is the right so many cases of measles In the com­ home at Norway were Mr. ai.d Mrs. | recapped, get Goodyear Extra­ of every boy und girl to an education Claude Chambers, of Myrtle Pbint. munity. Mileage Recapping here, for —untainted and untrammeled. Mr. und Mrs, H. E. Jones, of Pow­ Ralph Ixmg and Jimmie Scott re­ many more months of wear. If lumed home Friday night after at­ ers, moved last week to Fairview. ' it ia too badly worn for re­ In the good old U. S. A. no one is denied tending the district track meet held where he has employment. Mrs. capping, apply for a certificate, the advantages of knowledge; the oppor- at Eugene last Friday afternoon. Jim­ Jones is a niece of Mr». Harvey Gant, and get the beet replacement tunity to explore the wide horiaons of mie placed second in the half mile of Norway, tire to fit your mileage claasi- the sciences, the arts, the crafts all the Mrs. Alden Mast, of Myrtle Point, i race which he entered. ■eta that make for a strong, intelll- ­ subjects atrong, intelli There will be u school picnic held ■pent the day Monday with her par* in the Arago gyn* at noon on the ents, Mr. and Mm. R. W. Haughton. ; gent citixcnship citixenship and a fuller life. T--L Strom „r —.. - ....... Mrs. Jack of r».. Curry county last day of school, May 14. Every­ is visiting her mother, Mm, B.ll An­ Can this freedom work! It has dnea one is urged to come. derson, at Norway this week. Mr. Baccalaureate services for the 1776! You mult have your lire* ia- 1943 senior class of Arago will be and Mm. Bill Anderson were .Sunday ■pected to protect your right to Today, Americans are .the most literate held nest Sunday evening, May 9, visitors at the J. F. SAroeder home. drive — doo’t put to oft sople in the world—enjoying the world’s Mr. and Mrs. O. A^JIughs and at 8:00 p. m. in the Arago churçh. Townsend Club Howdy Folks:- 120th Observation Squadron Insigne I Marriage Licenses FREE with War Stamps a 1 M&WAuto Service bought this week at Shell Dealers ' and Shell Stations Auto Liability Insurance Not Compulsory Fred R. Bull ✓ r i TIRES RECAPPED Without a Ration Certificate nhal is\mcn(n fy/ihng lor ? «. good /Y ear EXTRA-MILEAGE RECAPPING Freedom oí Education! Let Us Inspect Your Tires Now ---------------------------- -1 eation, sacrifice, individual enterprise, the will to work, and full confidence in the fairness of one’s neighbor. That’s what America la fighting for. With these incentive» we cannot faiL , Mountain Status Power Co. j Point, as the speaker for the evening. evening visitors with Mr and Mm. J, F. Schroeder. The graduating exercises will I* M t and Mm. Harry Druliner and held in the Arago gym May 12 at Mr. and Mm. Guy Grant attended the | Linn, with Leland P. 8:00 p. m., senior play, ‘'Brother Goose” at tne principal of the Myrtle Point Union Myrtle Point high school last Friday. High school, as the speaker: The Norway Home Extension Unit