Dllflf" THURSDAY, MAY 6. IMS. THl COQUILLE VALLEY -W CLASSIFIED » Items From County Circuit Court Cases Superintedent Office April 29—State Unemployment Coquille Sales By Geo. Oerding Compensation Commission vs. Leon- Pioneer Methodist Church St. James’ Episcopal Church The home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Clerks Prepare Budgets ard Hartley, Charles GoodwiD Brown, pastor WANTED—Piano. Call Bertha Byrd, Daniels at 616 East 11th St. was sold Meeting* for the purpose of as- April 29— State Corner at 3rd and Elliott Sts. 72R or write Box 25. It* to Mr. and Mrs. George N. Brooks, listing clerks or other* who desire Fish. 0:45—Sunday School hour. You The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar will enjoy the study of God’s word The Daniel* have purchased a ranch assistance in preparing budgets are April 29 — Fred A. Noah, Jr., va Sunday: May 9 WANTED — Water wells to drill. with this group. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Have new and up-to-date equip­ near Myrtle Point, where they moved I being held in five towns in Coo« Amelia G. Noah. Suit for divorce. 11:00—Sunday morning worship this week and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks I county. April 29—Edna D. Fredrickson vs. '9:45 a. m. Church School. ment and heavy pipe where needed. hour. ‘‘Mother’s Day message. will move into their new home. The meetings have been scheduled di- Frank J. Fredrickson. Suit for 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield, 7:00—Youth Fellowship Group. Luther Daniels has been employed I by County Superintendent Martha vorce. Sermon. , * 30t4*tf This Is an hour you will find worth at Smith Woods plant and Mr. and E. Mulkey, who will attend all. W.. May 1—Milton L. Bell vs. Iris Wednesday. Msy 18 while. ‘, r ’ WANTED--To buy Used Baby Bug­ Mrs. Brooks conduct the used furni­ 1 H. Wann, C. P. A., will be present to Juanita Bell. Suit for divorce. I 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion 8:00 — Sunday evening worship • gy. Write P. O. Box 757, Coquille, ture store on Front street j help clerks, at some and probably all i ..'ailing cards, 50 tor Si.00. 7:30 p. m. The Sacrament of Holy or call at 322 South HalL- *r 1 The residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. <>F these meetings. __________________ _ Confirmation will be administered by hour. Song service and helpful mes­ Knife at 207 Elliott St. was sold to Schqul boards which are not find- ’ aai.it OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT The Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell, sage. A discussion of church mem­ HOUSE FOR RENT—5-Room house. bership. "Why shall I join a church'.’’.’ Mr. and Mrs. John King. He is a ing it necessary to vote budgets at AND SCRAP MATERIALS Will rent until Oct. 1st. Berries logger and Mr. Knife is an employee ' the annual school meeting on June I The Oregon State Highway Com­ who will make his first visit to Co­ 7:30—Choir rehearsal hour. Wed­ quille since becoming ill last Septem ­ and garden space. 015.00 per of the Smith Woods plant. The '21, will find it much more satisfac-i mission has for sale an assortment of ber. It is hoped that his many nesday evening. month. Phone 168M after six Knife’s are moving to another loca­ lory and accurate to postpone build­ obsolete equipment and parts lo­ 7:30 — Thursday evening Bible cated at the Highway Department friends here will be present at this o’clock. It*» study and prayer hour. tion and the King’s are moving in ing budgets until after the funds are Equipment Plants at Salem, Klamath , service. Your church calls you td Loyalty Falls and La Grande, and a collection received. For grave markers for your loved soon. and Service. The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Meetings are scheduled as follows: of scrap material* located at the four ones, see John S. Sander* for style Emanuel Baptist Church Highway. Department Equipment1 May 4, Tuesday, at 9:30 a. m. of marker and price. He also has King on 909 East 3rd St. yvas sold to Plant* aj Salem, Coquille, Klamath Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor Church of Christ Fall* and LaGrande. Partial Liats cement building blocks. 541 West I^e Waddell who just arrived here Court House, Coquille... _ Sunday May 9, 1943 of the various kinds of equipment East 4lh and Coulter Sts. 6th, Coquille. Phone 123L. , * from another state. He took posses- j i May 6, Thursday, at 1:00 p. m. 10:00 Sunday School. Family Day and scrap sera; materials are as follows: Liston Parrish, Pastor sion of the property early thif week. 1 Roosevelt School, North Bend., AT SALEM: Caterpillar 6U ‘tractor, in Sbnduy School. Special tributes FOR SALE—2-year registered Jersey Mr. Waddell likes Oregon and espec- I May 11, Tuesday, at 1:00 p. m. Friday 7:45. The Booster children McCormick 10-20 tractor, bull­ to Mothers in attendance. ,4 Bull, on Fairview road. See Joe ially Coquille and intends to make I Junior High Building, Myrtle Point. dozer attachments, plow at­ 11:00, morning worship' service. will present a short program along Albino. Lt*s this his home. j May ■ - 13, Thursd«y. ________ - at 9:3(1 h m. tachments, wheel scrapers, scrap National Family Week. Mother’s Day with the evangelistic service. Saturday 7:45 Evangelist White The property recently purchased'City Hall; Marshfield.' steel, cast iron, bronze, radiator message. , . ’ I .OST—Padlock and bunch of keys eores, batteries, tires, tubes and by Walter M. Laird at 808 North | May 18, Tuesday, at 1:00 p. in.- will speak about the Devil and Hell. 6:30, Young People’s meetings, between Coquille and chrome I scrap paper. ' » Bible School 9:45. This will be a AT COQUILLE: Scrap steel, cast i 7:30 Mother’s Day program by the « plant, May 4. Finder please re­ Henry St. was sold to Mr. and Mrs. I Grammar School, Bandon. service in honor of mothers. We iron, bronze, radiator core* and Men’s Chorus. turn to Sentinel. Reward. lt*s Archie E. Cottor who moved in last | Non High Budget batteries. < cordially invite all mothers and those week. The meeting of the budget commit­ Thursday (tonight) Prayer meeting ___________ < FOR SALE - "Farmers’ Bargains”— who love mother to be present. tee for {he Non High School District AT KLAMATH FALLS: Snow-plow and business meeting. attachments, boiler, scrap steel,1 Hens — Mare — Windmill —N. H. Morning worship 11 o’clock. The Good singing, good preaching at of Coos county iVill be held at the cast iron, bronze, radiator cores,' Friday, Teachers’ and Young Peo- mothers of boys in the armed forces Roosters — Separators. See FARR evangelistic meeting, Church of court house on Wednesday, May 12, batteries, tires and tubes. businesK meeting. pie’s LA GRANDE: Snow-plow at­ will be our special'guests. Evangelist A ELWOOD’S "Swap Board.” Christ, May 2 to May 23. No meeting at 8:00 p. m. The budget committee tachments, scrap steel, cast on Monday. Willie White, evan­ members hav«*bcen chosen in ac­ White will speak. The Assembly of God FARM WATER SYSTEM—Meyers iron, bronze, batteries, tires, gelist. 14t4s cordance with the local budget law,1 Jr. C. E, 6:30. 2nd and B*atk Street* tubes and scrap paper. and Red Jackets. Let us explain one — from each of the five zones of ■ I oemea Young People’s C. £., 7:00. Sealed bids for the purchase of a knrn^r r.«. o ........ — Dias lor me purcnase oi L. C. Peralng. Pastor the certificate requirements neces­ FOR SALE —< ’ u er Gas Range t|ie ^on jjigh School District. These all or any one piece of the obsolete I Evening service 8:00. Baptismal sary to purcnase a water pump.— with trash burner. Call at 196 East are: W. H. Eickworth, Empire; Ray equipment and for all, or any one, Sunday service. Good singing, good fellow­ 9:45 a. m. Sunday School with . A. Lamb Compahy. • s Fifth, Coquille. Mrs. Leon T. U1, . . o..^. c-.uk ot the several classes of junk ma- Buckles, Roy, Mis. Myitk Smith, will received’by the Com- classes for every age. Bessie Marney, ship. Evangelist White will speak. Knox. , 'it* Monday, rest night. Eastside; Mrs. Elmer Wilson, Sitkum, mission in the Auditorium, third superintendent. WATER WELL DRILLING — Phone floor, Public Service Building, Port- Tuesday through Saturday, Evan­ J H. Thomas, 26F23, Oakland, WANTED—Dinner Cook; will pay and Ellis Selander, Milington. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Hon­ lIlc u UU|n uiuu.uurr w»> im <- a The budget committee will face a i .lund' Oregon, at 9:00 o’clock a. m. oring Mother in this service. Special gelist White will speak each evening Oregon. 6tf more than Union wage scale. Town very difficult situation because of the . blahki^nd^fulMnforma- to attend. Cafe, Coquille. it* music and message by the pastor in at 7:45. You are invited ♦ FREE — If Excess acid causes you rapid increase in the coat of tuition tion for bidders may be obtained at keeping with the service. , pain* of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges­ FOR RENT — 3-room Apartment, as well a* transportation, ----------------- Com- ! the office of -------------- the State ..ighway Hi; ‘ 6:30 p. m. Christ Ambassadors’ First Church of Christ, Scientist mission, —i—, Room 319, ! State Office tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bleat­ close In. Adults. No animals. 351 The Non High School District will, .. Young People’s service. Melvin Stew­ Building, Salem, Oregon. Separate Coquille. Oregon ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free So. Henry St., Flora E. Dunne. * I however, along with the other dis­ I proposal blanks have been''prepared ard, president. School at 9:30 a. m. Sunday sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug FARM MACHINERY REPAIRS 1 tricts, profit by the funds which for each one of the above' four 7:30 p. pi. Evangelistic meeting. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Company. 6tl5* will be received as an offset on prop­ ■ groups of articles. The bidder should Baptismal service following • pas­ Your County Defense Board -Youi specify which one* are desired when Subject for next Sunday, “Adam erty tax from the State School Sup­ requesting the proposal forms. WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We tor’s evening message. County Agent — Your Country — and Fallen Man. M 1 port fund. Each bid must be submitted on a Monday service all makes of washer*. Urges you to order parts for your Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 proposal form obtained from the Non High Vacancy 365 West Washer Service Co. farm machines NOW! Let us dis­ State Highway Commission and must | Southwestern Oregon District Fel­ o'clock. A vacancy in the Non High board Front St. Phone 17. Three services, 1 Free public Reading Room at 255 cuss your requirements with you. be accompanied by a certified check lowship meeting. of directors will this year fall in or bank draft in an amount not less 110:30, 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. A good Parts are now available without JE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk Zone 3. The candidates for director t than twenty-five per cent (25%) i number of visiting pastors and W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every • costly delay*. Check your machines day except Sunday and holidays from of the total amount bid, where the er», Part* and Dairy Supplies. Ge* for this zone will therefore need to , churches will be present. Now! Use Only “GENUINE IHC 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. them at Pacific Feed & Seed Co. tf* come from one or three school dis- ' total amount 1* 050 or less; and ten Thursday Cer cent (10%) of the total amount PARTS." J. A. Lamb Company, s | tricts. Bunker Hill, Millington or id (with a minimum of 012.50), 7:30 p. m. Choir Rehearsal. Ailwn FRUIT JARS FOR SALE — Mason Mother’s Day is next Sunday. May^s» DAIRY. SUPPLIES—For McCormick Delmar. The candidates, however, where the total amount is over 050.00. Wilson, Director. , quarts; ' Call at 440 E. 3rd street. The right is reserved to reject any 9th. You can find a lovely gift for Deering Milker Parts and Dairy are elected by the voters at large in Friday Telephone 56L. lt*s or all proposals or to accept the Mother in Norton’s gift department. Suppliea-Seq us. j ._ a _ Lamb the uie ituii Non titbit High uvuuui School UITUU.TT. districts. raxi- Peti- propogg] --------- jeered begt jor the State 7:30 p. m. Bible Study conducted Mother's Day gifts will be gift Company. * i tien forms are available in the of- of Oreg BRING Your Tire TrouMes to Thorn­ _regon. v by the Pastor. OREGON STATE fice of th8 county school superinten­ wrapped free of charge. ton’s. the most completely equipped GLASSWARE—Rock Sharpe Crys­ dent. HIGHWAY COMMISSION shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ It By: H. B. Glaisyer, Secretary Church of God tal Glassware. Priced 35 cents to NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL A. R. Delmar, of the Delmar school perienced workmen. Best quality 02.00. You must see it to appre­ district, is now holding the office and BEAVER SLOUGH DRAINAGE ACCOUNT Corner of Henry & Seventh St*. materials and equipment used Al) nuiiVD men % the ii <- NOTICE ib is nriruy hereby given that ciate its Beauty. J. A. Ismb Com­ DISTRICT MEETING Pastor, A. L. Perry has served as a very regular at- ' work fully guaranteed. Thornton 1 undersigned, Walter A. Moore, ad­ . J . » M u: k 1. 1 > Notice is hereby given that there i Sunday School, 10 a. m. pany- s ministrator of the estate of Mathilda tendant of the Non High school board wiU be a meeting of the owners of | Tire Service. 23tf* Diedrich, deceased, has filed his final Preaching service 11 a, m. land .... in the — Beaver Slough Drainage FOR RENT—Furnished Room with I I meetings during the last five years. TOMATO PLANTS—Also Cabbage, Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. account in the County Court of the District held at the City Hall in Co­ garage. Inquire 367 West Fifth, i J Close of Schools County of Coo«, in and for the State Lettuce, and flowers. FARR & EL­ Preaching service 7:30 p. m. The month of May will bring about quille, Coos County, Oregon, at the of Oregon, and that said Final Ac­ corner of the highway. s i hour of 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon WOOD,^ * All are invited to attend. If your count will be heard on the 25th day the close of practically school of "Saturday, da; of May, mcany every scnooi Saturday, "the the 22nd day ‘ . for ‘ " . purpose . ’ _____ the of ‘ electing one child doe« not go to Sunday School of May, 1943, at the hour of 10:00 PAINT UP, CLEAN UP—We carry FOR PLUMBING Repair* and Ser in the county. The Prosper school 1 ¿943, o’clock in the forenoon of said day vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ was the first to close, on April 30. Supervisor for said Drainage District elsewhere, we urge you to send them, at the County Court room in the high quality Paint for every pur- who shall hold his office for a pe­ or better still bring them. pany. tf* The early closing date was due to the riod of three years and until his suc­ County Court house in the City of p<«e, including the new Miracle Coquille in said county and state, Wall Tone. J. A. Lamb Company. HOME WATER ^STEMS Sw- the fact that Prosper is one of the two cessor is elected and qualified; and schools in the county which runs for the transaction of such other busi­ The Holy Name Catholic Church ,and ail whom it may concern are .cited and required to appear at the Gould line of automatic water sys­ les* than nine months. ness as may lawfully come before the FOR RENT—Furnished 3 roomed -Mass at 0:30 a. m. evety Sunday y. time and place designated, and si show meeting. tems at FARR & ELWOOfi. s house. Bk ft nook. Electric range The nlajority of the schools will ~ cause, if any said ____ ______ , there ______ be, why ,__ J ac­ Dated this 6th day of May, 1943. and garage. Call at 367 west Sth, FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ close around May 21. should not * be --- approved > < count ........................ ----------- and r G. L. Smith. allowed and said estate closed. Cor. Highway. No pets. No chil­ Jen* Jorgensen, vice on Milking Machines, Farm Dated this 22nd day of April, Supervisors. dren. stf Oregonian Subscribers: Please Ward McReynolds will be here' Water Systems, Tractors and Farm 1943. Edna A. Robison, Walter A. Moore, Machines, call J. A. Lamb Com­ again next Tuesday, May 11, at the I6t3 Secretary. help your carrier by having your LADY with 2 small children wants Administrator of the Estate pany. Note—For Quick Service, city hall from 9 until 5, to receive ap- ’ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT paper money ready at hi* first cell. work in motherless home or for small machines should be sent to plication* from and conduct exami­ Remember he must pay hi* paper gentlemen. Please write Pearl Notice is hereby given that the our shop.. g nations of those desiring drivers’ undersigned, on the 24th day of April, obligation before the 10th of the Hurd, 460 W. Sth St., Coquille, i 1943, filed in the County Court for month. Thank you. Oregon. * . # its PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, licenses. i Coos County, Oregon, his final ac­ count in the matter of the adminis- Kalsomining and wood finishing— FOR SALE — Late 1940 DeLuxe IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ' tration of the Estate of Gus Gallas, 1943 Wall Papers, Imperial. Pitts­ P. 0. Box No. 245 Phone 201 Special Buick Model 56. Excellent STATE OF OREGON IN AND . deceased; and that said Court has burgh and Birge. No raise in | _____________ FOR THE COUNTY OF ______ COOS Coquille, Oregon made an order fixing Tuesday, June condition. Radio; Under-seat prices. Herbert E. Wood, phone1 ,n the Matter of the Estate of Alva 1, 1943, at 10:00 o’clock A. M., at Heater; Fug Lights; 5 Good Tires; the County Court room in Coquille, 286 Coquille. 275 North Henry) L ’^Ziiee^'^dltor, Goodyear Life Guard Tubes Oregon, as the time and place for e st- lltfs Notice is hereby given, that the hearing objections thereto, and for Price 01065 Car must be seen to ---------- :-------------- - undersigned has been duly appointed the final settlement and distribu­ be appreciated. Phone 235J. lt*s MOWER REPAIRS — Check your , by the above entitled Court, as Ex­ tion of said estate. l>r. De U Khue Machines now for Broken Parts ecutor of the Estate of said Deceased, Dated and published first time IF YOUR Milker needs overhauling, April 29, 1943 Eyesight and avoid costly delav by buying : and has qualified as such, bring it in now; otherwise it might Now, therefore, all persons having Bill Peppes, repairs Now. J. A. Lamb Com-1 claims against said estate are hereby 1515 Specialist he impossible to get the work com- Administrator. pany B notified and required to present the oieted before the Heavy Milking Eyes Examined - Glasses NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE same, together with proper vouchers Season starts. J. A. lutmb Com­ COUNTY BOARD OF APARTMENT For Rent — 3-room therefor, to the undersigned at the Reception room jointly with pany. * EQUALIZATION NOTHING OVERLOOKED Apartment upstairs. First house office of J. Arthur Berg at Coquille, Dr. J. R Bunch The Coo« County Board oi Equali- Oregon, within six months from the across bridge on Bandon Highway. ASPARAGUS ROOTS—2-yaar olds, ' zation will meet at the Court House date hereof. l ahd Building ' Phene 82-J no matter how large and elaborate 16t2*s 3c each, 02 50 per 100. FARR & Dated this 21st day of April, 1943 at Coquille, Oregon, on Monday the 110th day of May, 1943, and publicly the scale upon which the funeral Frank R. Brown, Elwood. a HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy 15t5 ’ Executor of said Estate. examine the assessment rolls, and V. arrangements are to be made. That correct all error* in valuation, de- and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed FOR RENT — Rooms and Apts 1 scription or qualities of tarids. lots •-------------------- Is our policy—that I* our proud - ‘ ft Reed Co. tf» Watson House. Front and Hall Sts. or other property assessed by me. claim after many years of experi­ I6t4* It shall be the duty of all person* Personal Interest WANTED—Front Axle with 16-in. interested to appear at the above ence. A conference with us will wheel* for trailer. With or without FREE with every purchase of PAINT: place and time stated. Petition* or Friendly Counsel be to your advantage. Tires. Call 190J. it*» applications for the reduction of a Your paint thoroughly stirred on Honest Advice particular assessment shall be made our shaker. FARR & ELWOOD. * I in writing, verfled by oath of the FOR RENT— Furnished 3 - room Proper Guidance applicant or his attorney and be Cabins on North Coulter. Inquire MAIL Your Watch and Jeweliy re­ filed with the board within the first LADY IN ATTENDANCE W. E. Foote, 408 East Fifth. Co­ pair* in to Schroeder Jewelry week from the lime it is required to quille. 19tfs meet, and any petition or application Store, Coquille. Ore 22t3» not so made, verified and filed shall Coquille Bandon not be considered or acted upon by RENT OUR FLOOR SANDER and FEED YOUR DOG GAINES- DOG • Ambqlaaee Servie* the board. FOOD, it’s economical, it’s nourish­ refinish your own floor*. Farr & 109B 1083 < «taille Phene 196 CHAS. W. FORREST, ing. FARR A ELWOOD Elwood. Assessor. aad that your bob* 141.1 NOTICE The Oregonian Agency Attention^ |\to Details Gano Funeral Home SECURITY SCHROEDER BROS«. MORTUARIES, lac. CALF FOOD • wecke. W« racom vad Sarurtty CaM fwtswr Benham’s Transfer Ì MONUMENTS à to Buy-Late Model Trucks, Pickups and Cars. See Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors -------- ----------- j m tad. «1 taunt y CW Food with yowgrouwMd SAVK th* «wt at con ■Tri al ■*•!■. Cataa s**ta tartly ■iaad meal and tkriaa an it. Come la for a paill Southwestern Motors F 28« Se. Taylor » Coquille. Ore. THE OREGON GRANITE COMPANY i Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL - FUEL OIL - STORAGE 190 So. Coulter St. Representing f FARR & ELWOOD Chevrolet — Buick \ Beautiful Granites and De- signs, available for your se­ lection of a Memorial. GLADYS C. GANO SAVE ON CALF MEAL Phone 83 Night Phone 272X , _______ -* Agent* for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone Farr & 0wood B|d< * W. Second St. j