i * TŒ OOQVUXB VAIXBY SKNTtMtL. 6Û4ÜILLE. OWCÔN. THURSDAY. MAY 4, IMS ... FAUC FIVE The Salem Sampler Selective draft boards were permit­ I Keys made for all locks. Stevens ted to siphon off moat of the skilled By Hon. Ralph T. Moore Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. tt workers in the mills and logging by Since tlie ciiairnuin of House Ways ■ Tamps and OPA at first refused to LANS LENEVK and Mean» committee of Congress sancUun any Incentive by way of If your service station operator In 1942, the first year of the war, made his redoubtable stand against higher prices for the short items in ♦ ■ ■ ' . .......................................... ■+ appears to be “nosey” in respect to i Southern Pacific carried a freight lumber demand, and then suddenly a pay-as-you-go tax, somebody has A few weeks back there appeared a making inquiries in regard to your volume in ton miles 73 per cent great­ ■lipped a yellow-jacket inside of his reversed itself and permitted a mod­ ■ picture of a dog and a 'coon (rae- gasoline coupons before filling your er than the previous all-time high intnts in the form of public opinion erate raise when forced in a corner ! coon) in a Portland Sunday paper. gas tank, don’t blam are fighting .u*. for. This fine young officer stressed the !ly whlle doing «o- The raccoon is of during an air raid. city hall from 9 until 5, to receive ap­ It has been my pleasure this past the part of a great many service sta­ plications from and conduct exami ­ points that the boys in the Army and } the bear t,ib ® and *• somewhat of q week to attend functions in two of tion operators and, in turn, have They1 clown llk‘‘ o,d bruin himself. Per- become disgruntled when other oper­ nations of those desiring drivers' our towns at which the Domestic Navy were thinking about. WEST COAST Science Department of the high were interested in jobs and an op-|sonal|y. I should like to see a taw ators attempt to comply with the licenses. TELEPHONE CO. portunity for advancement. They Passed protecting 'coon at all times' regulations. ■ennol served the dinner. However. In the fu­ Calling cards. 59 tor $1.00. The Domestic Science Department were fearful of coming back home I for they are really one animu) that ture, OPA will continue its systematic of Bandon high school were hostess­ and finding themselves out in the cold ¡should be kept on the map. check of all service stations and in A 'coon washes all his food before order to assist the operators will es to the faculty and members of the when it came to taking their place school board at a dinner in the new ln lhe Nution's industry. They were eating it. He is clean to the extreme. start an education campaign with ' pU"blic"w7"they w71i”kk“o'w jii grade school building. ¡afraid that the regimentation of our And while it is hard on a jtaor old done by |he operators <■ . J I was told that the entire dinner working people that Is in effect now croaking frog. I have always derived what ,nust consumed only 250 points In feeding 1 wou,d v°n*lnue on to peape times, a kick Wt of it seeing a frog tossed opA urgPn,ly „-ye,,,, thj,t aJl mo. a naxt 'ivu>n 'Tho nnimnl will . . the sixteen persons present. The The>' were uirald ’het the working to a pej 'poon. The animal will toriata cooperate wlth servire sta­ girls had decorated the table in re- Imun would b* Cl,nilned rigidly to S grasp the frog in his pew (which in­ tion operatola In observance nf ratlon bi/ Joe Marsh markably good taste, had softened Ci"ite wllh no type for satls- cidentally resembles a human hand) regolai tona, fhe lights of the room so that the W* amblUon because of his con- plunge it Into a tub of water, wash it candles would show clearly and then Hnement in a prison of governmental ¡thoroughly und then eat it with ap- Celling Prices Sef On ¡parent yellsh. Poor frog! But cajl proceeded to serve us about the best j | restrictions that kill al) hope for ed­ hitroduced the lady brings us a ' w bloodthirsty if you will, we get a Used Washing Machines Charlie Jenkins writes me from dinner I can remember «at iting in ' vancemant above .his fellows. - A ray uf hope has come lately from I hick out of that performance. glass of lieer lieiote diuut .. ( down at camp: ' The Klamath Falls District Office i my twenty years of school board | “ We bad a fine dinner, talke I Not only 'coons, but any wild ani-jof OPA announced today that ceiling I Not only was the food Pronouncements of certain union r . "Dear Joe: Somethin’ mighty experience, I till ten ... Honeatl Jue, 1'11 nev» i* delicious and the meat well balanced ,abor kfader’ that ,h*F ,,vored • P,an th“‘ adoP*ed b> n,un u“aal1* prices in dollars and cents would be ■well happened to me on my last A A ■ a ban flna rvz.4 A hnnt. rm ir «41 > >• but’ït was T^rvZd’ln'wZh a ptaustag tu «»tablish “ bonus-pay system in makes a fine pet. Abesr, an elk, a placed upon nil sales of used washing forget their hospitality. Maki s day’s leave. I'm standin* on the me feel good fighting for | eop.e 1 industry to encourage and reward deer and even a bobcat or cougar re- machines whether by dealers, auc­ corner, not knowin ’ anybody in way and by such charming wait­ It is in- tioneers or individuals. This was felt like that." town, when a stranger says outstanding performance on the part »P°nd to kind treatment. resses. I of workmen. This is a very com- 1 deed strange the trust that a captured to be necessary to eliminate an In- ‘hello, soldier how’d you like a Thought vou might like to And then I had much the same ex-1 • -------------- - -- ~~ ■ i . , , __ . „ , ’ .............. , ... ------- — — . nlun AfiH mAritfi uinnnri I animal Ptaces places in chicken dinner at home with me hear what kind o' fellows we got perlence in the g/llllldSIUHl gymnasium CM of the support in man. man. B But rea||y | iRationary pvi SC-live? Sil llir ' naendable plan and . merits , - —_ , of , ■ r trend in V prices which have and the wife?’ in this army of ours, and how Myrtle Point Union high school on i,M4h and employees. Per- *‘ate w a«y wi|q qnimg| cagetl risen In many parts of the country to I they like to enjoy themselves the occasion of the "annual banquet of hap" 11 wa’ ln,Pired by the fears of Take for instance the king jd tty • th* point where a used machine was “Well, it turns out they were when they get a chance to. the F F A chapter In thia case the th* Armed Forces outlined above. Jungle--a lion. Usually rrstlees, | selling for more than a machine sold ! the kind of folks who couldn’t remarkable thing thing was was not not the the exeel- excel- Certainly Certainly It is a step step in in the the right right Wtaity- P-cing ^>"«11 confines of-new. The regulation will be, or was I do enough to help out soldiers. remarkable ........ HlrsAZvti/kJi sanri ahnu/a u/hinh uiiiu th« Ol idbffagttlvM mv 3. .’4 104*1 ¡effective M May 1943. i of liib hib .StPfiIrbdrrad steel-barred MM, cage. They’d invited two other fel­ lent quality of the food as much as direction and shows whioh way the lows and just as soon as we're i Celling prices have been «slab-1 wind of public opinion is blowing at it was the serving of about 150 peo­ liahed at March, 1942, levels for' Ration Hoard Gives Advice ple. This latter is a difficult under­ this moment. Our industrial power has been built About Rationing Rooks guaranteed machines und at October, taking for even the moat experienced Cupy tight, i943, tir e icing Industry bound.di un 194), levels for tlinae sold "as is” and No. 59 oj a Serie» of caterers. The timing of the up by free enterprise, by free men Keep those ration books In a safe , ure baaed not on the model and year using their talents and energies with ­ courses, the distribution of waitresses, place, the district OPA officials ¡of manufacture but on the features and the attractive arrangement of I out hindrance or control by arbi­ cautioned today following a flood of the decorations and the tables were trary government agencies. We can reports from distraught owners on |and specifications of the particular 1 machine which automatically place it a great tribute to the Domestic maintain our supremacy only if we lust, strayed and »to|en ration books. __ 1 In a given clasa. A tag must placed strictly adhere to that system. Those Science teacher and her clasa. One member of agoh household might ’ pJery ' ™chine ’offered" f«"«!?. who have Ideas and Improved meth ­ Both of these events direct atten­ be made sole ouatadign of these prev-i gjvjng the classification of the ma- tion to the excellent work being done ods of manufacture must be given ioya ii/xliivMAa volumes Fzxae for oil all ritkax other MAmluira members chine, the guarantee, if any, and the free rein. There must be a retreat so quietly in our Domestic Science from regimented plan In the direc­ of the family, the OPA suggested. maximum price. Ceiling .prices will departments. What used to be con­ tion of free enterprise. We have They should preferably be kept in range from $fl fl? to 3147.50. sidered merely one of the trimmings ample resources in manpower and a handy and stationary place, not in If a guarantee is given the pur­ of education for our girls has now be­ material and can maintain a high '8 voluminous handbag with g lot of chaser, the machine must fulfil) cer­ come one of the major courses, as it level pf living for all if we fol|ow old letters- MW* handkerchiefs, paas- tain requirements set by the regula­ should be The scientific and eco­ the l|ne of free opportunity blazed **• Pu’- Wtyrathey might easily be tion, and If sold without a guarantee, nomical use of fopd. the attractive ap­ Far A Versatile Wardrulw flumed out and lost forever to their it must be in working condition when flipped for us by nur forefathers pearance of dishes, the pleasant at­ owners. delivered. As a bu||er is tested by hydraulics BRENTWOOD mosphere of a well appointed dining If you |o«t une of your books, re­ before being put into use to insure The regulation also sets a flat ceil­ room, even though it be humble, a|l DRESSE S that no hidden defects in the seams port it to yoyr ration board at once, ing of $4 50 for the first month and join to build up the morale of our may for $3.50 for each month thereafter as the are present, so does $sig7 the pwvao stress of war «♦V HR* but you • T have to go hungry ” people and to make for better living. severely test our economic system awhHe M the board can’t Issue you a rates that can be charged for the ren­ I-et us support the Domestic Science and reveal the hidden weaknesses IrM * book until ten days have elapsed, tal pf used washing machines re­ I 4ep.nm.nu m N ~i .nP i ü !h. '¿-.¿toi gardless of the type of machine being and encourage the teaching staff and J* Jn waM l'*>• »• «« days, the OPA warned. distribution and the District Office liable cottons, so perfect As a further precaution, write down will be glad tu answer question! and One of the inconsistencies which the numbers of your books and Hie to discuss tl«e matter with anyone In­ fur summertime, that are The cum ¡ng of good weather focuses cool und refreshing to attention on qur major industry that has lately developed in Oregon laws them |n a safe place. terested- wear! Trim looking and of producing lumber fur the Armed is ip relation to electiqns qn PUP dis- ‘ ~ smart for shopping, com­ Forces. The problem before every tripts. Gas Conwinpt(op In Oregon Dorothy Endicott Spreckles The Supreme court has just ruled fortable for defense work, mill in this district Is how to produce I Down II Cent First Quarter Pictured In Time Magatine neut and pretty to wear the required amount of logs to supply that each municipality in the district Gasoline vwiaumption in Oregon around the house! Sizes can decide for itself individually- the mills during the next year. L_ . ’ “ ’ * An interesting picture of Mrs. 12-20 and 32-44 Few winter shows are possible un- j Even if its neighbors vote against |he during the first quarter of 1943 Dorothy Spreckles appears in the art der present circumstances because pf PUD it cgp st||| vote itself in and be- totaled 46,694,734 gallons, a decregM* section of the current issue of Time. | of 21 percent from tty (xtnsumptiun Mrs. Spreckles is the former Dorothy the distance of the timber from paved mp a PUD unit, of itself, This procedure is apt to eventually ;for tty «uiw period ta«t y*«r, adcord- Endicott of Bandon, and has many highways or from opr rivers. On|y by heavy expense can winter roads result jn the more pupplqus districts (ng tu futures compiled in the office friends In this section, having grown be built and no operator in the noun-" forcing « PUP Pfl the less populous. of Robert S. Farrell, Jr., secretary uf up in Bandon where her father. Dr. [ Nuta |he difference between this I state. ty is able to stand the excessive cost Sol. Endicott, practiced dentistry. The , T»X tyid Wl the gasoline used in ! family later moved to Eugene where procedure and that under which of such road* Beset on the one hand by W. P. B. union school districts and city mer­ this stale during the first three Dorothy met and married the weathly i which clamors for greater production gers pan be set up. On both the latter months of the year amounted to $2,- member of the prominent San Fran- , and longer work-weeks. and on cases an adverse vote by one district 330,236.62, compared to $2,979,152.92 cisco Spreckles family. the other hand by the Wage * Hour, oan prevent the completion of the last year. The picture la rephotographed of During the month of March, the one of Surrealist Salvador Dali's Limitations and shortage of man- scheme, It takes a unanimously favor­ power, the plight of the operator la able vote by all the districts to ac- gasoline used totaled 18,979,293 ga|- portarits of society ladies used in the ' complish the purpose. * Ions, compared to a consumption of story as an example of the artist's a sorry one. In my opinion the PUD laws should 22,332,700 xal|orm for March a year versatility. Time says "wtyri Dalj.has Effort is being made to secure com- Out-of-Doors Stuff Gas Buying Rules Must Be Obeyed S. P. Reaches New Peak In 1942 Rom where I sit $1.98 country to man the Industry so that all those who have had any woods ex­ perience can work ty the fogging camps th|s segapn Jty success pf |h|s vepture is somewhat doubtful because of the uncertain quality of tabor to be had from the aectjqns Whjch haye no Wgr industries. There seems to have tyen a regret­ table lack of coordination among the several Federal agencies involved in our lumber situation. Operator» were not fully informed of the tremendous demand for lumber this season. »ul$s have rarely been recognisable 1 < as human beings, but Fast week his I ; first portrait show in New York gal- I leries proved that Dall when confron- I ted by society ladies can make faces ' look as rapidly human as any other | slick artist can." x welfare and harmonious relations be- | The March deqrpuiw was tile least tween the thousands of localities ttyt, of apy monVl this year. January make up the State tp have all unan|- gas WW dropped 29 percent while mpus|y agreed when « thing of this February use dropped 22 percent ’ ngtpre is proposed. Otherwise the j -- --------- - ------------ forcing of such a thing upon an un­ See our large display of choice pot willing public would result in years plants al Bergen's, across highway You are invited to attend the re­ of bitterness and strife that might from telephone office. Not the vival at the Church of Christ May 2- disrupt the economic welfare of the cheapest but the best. Phone 64 s May 23. Willie White, evangelist. entire State. Civil wars are too ex­ 1514« pensive for us. Oregon cannot afford Warranty ana bargain ano Sah- I to have one. I Deeds tar saia at Tne Sentinel office I h Fresh Pastels In Becoming Colors! Cool-Looking Summertime Plaids! Delightful Flower Sprinkled Prints! ■I