THB COQüOLt VALLtt MWTINBU COQUDXK. OKKOON. THURSDAY, MAY 4, IMS. fAGt foca The Sentinel A MM MMB IB * MM MWB TWENTY YEARS AGO i (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, May 4. 1023) Notwithstanding the early morn­ ing rain last Sunday, there were abmt eighteen car» in the caravan which came over from Roseburg for the gun club shoot, bringing about sixty ladies and men. . . The Rose­ burg team was a very much sur­ Entered at the Coquille Poetoffice as I prised bunch of sportsmen, when the Second ClaM Mail Matter. two big events had been pulled, for their champion five-man team had fallen before the prowess of five of Coquille’s crack shots, and their fifteen-man team had . suffered a worse defeat. . . Those shooting for ■ Coquille were: L. L. Thomas, Ira ATI 0 N ulisce Johnson, J. W. Miller, Dr. Leap, Earl Graham, Pete Miller, M. 3. • •••••••• • Hartson, Ed Lorenz, Dr, S. Q, Endi­ cott, Geo. Lorenz, F. C. McNelly, Ray Dean, Frank Laee, Alf. John­ son, Hugh Harlecker. M. D. GRIMES I011 P • • Fragment» of Fact and Fancy Dates For Rationing Stamps Through May Coffee • • E. J. Page and Dr. G. Earl Low, the committee which was soliciting sub- scriptions for this year's baseball team, report very satisfactory results yesterday, over $600 having been subscribed. L. W. Peare, Floras creek murder­ er, and sentenced to be hung on the second of June, attempted to commit suicide Tuesday afternoon about one o’clock by cutting his throat with a safety razor blade. ... . Dr. Richmond wm called and within fifteen minutes from the time of Pears's attempt, the doctor was stopping the flow of blood. Stamp No. 3 in war ration book one to valid for one pound of coffee through May 30. Remember Mother on Mother’» Day five cento, with a beautiful Hall-Mark card from Calling card«, So fur 11.00 Norton’s. Price five cento to thirty- WE NEED BED SPRINGS, MAT­ Sugar 1 Stamp No. 1 in war ration book- one is valid -dor five pounds of sugar through May 31. Red Stamps j-- -- (For meat products, cunned fish, most edible oils and cheeses) Red stamp E, valid April 25, re­ mains valid through May. Red stamp F, became valid May 2. Red stamp G becomes valid May 0. Revised point values were effec­ tive May 2. Retailers must register with local A class of six from Coquille leave boards and receive allowable inven- this afternoon for Salem where they tories of meats and fats May 3-14. will tomorrow afternoon be initiated Blue Stamps into the mysteries of the Shrine. The (For canned, frozen; and certain de­ class includes J. S. Lawrence, L. H. hydrated foods) Hazard, J. W. Laird, E. G. Opperman,' Blue stamps G, H, J, remain valid Dr. W. V. Glaisyer and H. A. Young. ’ through May. TRESSES and BEDSTEADS BADLY What about those stored in your attics. Mice and rust will ruin them, while many people roally are in serious need WE ARE PAYING MORE NOW THAN NEW ONES COST WHOLESALE TWO YEARS AGO WANTED • WATER PIPE • ICEBOXES • LAWN MOWERS • CIRCULATORS We rebuild and repair aU kinds of furniture Keep your stoves in condition for the duration The new Taylor-Ditto B.4tety Sta­ It would be interesting to know I what the president’s recent political tion is to be opened for business tb- swing through the none-too-solid' morrow, Saturday, morning, south cost in dollars. We know it, —o— took the lives of four U. S'. soldiers' J. L. ‘Smith* received a letter this and two Mexican soldiers. Armed morning from Lundin, the former soldiers stood guard at all bridges horseshoe pitcher champion, and as and ail along the four thousand-mile stain as he returns from his trip to trip. Like a PrinCe in a fairy tale, Albany ...„„„j will begin ......... . organization ... w________ the Roosevelt likes’ to travel incognito I ¿7 a“' horseshe club here, under the I — — ■”--------- - — --------- , --------- -- ------ and bask in the surprise his appear­ national horseshoe pitchers' rules and ance causes but the cost is rather i regulations. stupendous. AAVCI ’ Used Furniture WAS Phone H9L Complimenting Mrs. Elizabeth ; _ _ ■ . ... .. .. See our large cuspiay 6r choice pot Perry and Miss May Perry Mrs. H. I . . . j m , n m plants at Bergen s, across highway W. Pierce and Miss Bess Maury en- / , . ... . , ... . from telephone office. Not the tertained with a sewing party Wed-> . . u . . “ . . .. ? cheapest but the best. Phone 64. nesday evening at the home of Miss ■ Maury. - o— The Sentinel received a call Mon­ day from Mrs. Elizabeth Perry, of. Port’ Dover, Ontario. She has taken ■ the Sentinel for the past fifteen | years, ever since she was a resident of Coos county and still finds it full ot | interest and replete with items about , Dr. C. W. Endicott, or Marshfield, her old friends here. [Editor’s Note: All the tricks are not in Germany’s and formerly a Coquille citizen, was Mrs. Perry is still a subscriber, mak- j F i i f1 ■ t>ag. Over the Ruhr valley some ene- married Tuesday morning to Miss ing It thirty-five years tor her on ihy bombeis dropped counterfeit | Ciura Myren, of the same city, 1 the list,J. ration cards which utterly upset the L it .. . ... . . ... . —— ■ carefully planned distribution of food __ _ Over-worked ration clerks *n state treasury. The total of tape and delays. there. I It is no military secret, however, , had to prepare new food cards and '<>untY ,'ea' estate taxes for the cur- : rent fifteen months has reached new that next year there will be an ac­ schedules. There is a silver lining to every [ heights and now the new federal in­ tual shortage of fuel oil and gasoline cloud and whei) Nippon, the great come tax may forgive in theory but in the Pacific northwest, for by that imitator, rains bombs on the Pacific ¡actually it will probably hit your time the war with the Japanese will coast, let's hope a few ration books wallet a harder wallop, with all re­ be so intense that millions of gallons come floating down to us also. That bates promised for “next year,” of high octane for fliers and fuel oil i which.will be like the proverbial to- for the destroyers, cruisers, battle­ would be like manna, front heaven. ' morrow that never arrives. ships, landing boats, escort vessels, etc., will be diverted from civilians The American people need to and fuel oil will be scarce. , Isn't it just like Japan! With two change their tto tgaout obz change their thoughts about this war. sacks of sand underfoot the past year In the eastern Oregon country the There are too many advertisements the enemy has changed chemicals on bombers are setting fires with tracer ext tiling the new inventions and us and the sand Is worthless--except manufactured goods which will be *or Hats for the victory garden, bullets and many thousands of acres have already been burned over. The offered to us “ after the war.” Indeed, tracers are as effective as theJpcen- “after the war” blessings are occu- 1 diary bombs and can ignite anything pying our thoughts when greater at­ of combustible character that they tention 'should be given to winning hit. The fires have been caused, as­ it Japan Is planning for a one sert the settlers, by the bombers fir­ hundred year war and it is time for ing tracers at cow hands and sheep­ every citizen in this country to ask men to see how close they can come ’ himself what can he do to aid in the to them and make them jump—all vital efforts to defeat our enemies in a spirit of fun. Complaints have' and not what he to going to do after reached the war department and in- ■ it to over. structions have been given­ planes be numbered to enable set­ There to a hint that medical prac­ tlers to know what bombers are do- , tices may be radically changed in the ing the dirty work. For punishment, I future, one noted scientist stating when the guilty fliers are located,1 that it to possible that electronic rays will be the loss of half a month’s pay. may be used in treating disease,' Washington, D. C., May S—An esti­ The bombers are based at Boise, with a different wave length for each mated 10,000 troops will be estab­ i Walla Walla, Spokane and Pendleton. of the various maladies. lished at Camp Abbott, a few miles it is alleged. I The raid on Tokyo a year ago has from Bend. The disposal of sewage One reason raised against the lo­ from such a city (it will be almost as turned out to be another boner by . an' arm-chair*strategist in Washing- ‘««e « Bend) presented a problem cation of an aluminum extrusion ton, D. d It put Japan on the alert *hIc,i the army *"*«**« have plant in Oregon is the alleged short­ The assertion was for future sustained attacks, result- 1 *olv*d hi theil satisfaction by giving age of labor. ed in the massacre of countless Chin- the ■*wa«’' a ,reatment and then made that this plant would have to ese men. women and children over £'U,ing “ into Deschutes river, get its workers from the shipyards a vast area of China, and did com-1 Tbla does not I»’*"* th,‘ stockmen and other war industries in the state. paratively small damage to Japan-,a,,d other ’e,tler!i who ,lelx‘nd “P°n The division of aluminum and mag­ ese military installations. Specially Ithe Deschutes river for’their domes- nesium in war production board has been advised that there are three first has the Shangri-La persiflage turned t,e water 8upply- sour with Americans who were be- i Scores °f P^^ hav‘‘ si“ned ■ Po­ class sites for the plant. These lo­ intedly told that all the bombers were lition oi prote8t and warded it to calities are Salem, Eugene and The lost and some of the pilots fell into ^«hir^n. a C. of these pe- Dalles, where there is ample labor Quibbling with tiUoner * a88ert that * f the “wa«e for another war industry. The Ore­ the enemy’s hands. t,_____ ______ woids, official announcements once 'from Camp Abbott is permitted to gon senators had a conference with gave the impression that all the men pollute the river there will be an Donald Nelson and William L. Batt, and machines were safe when none ' epidemic; that the condition of the but their arguments made no impres­ stream will be such that a number sion. Government will finance three were downed over Japan proper. of farmers now engaged in raising plants, one in the southwest, one Victory gardeners may be divided potatoes and other vegetables will south of the Dakotas and one in the into two classes, those who use the be compelled to abandon their mid-continent area. hoe and those who do not. After ranches. Army engineers reply that Several communities in Oregon are , sowing the seed, cultivation is the i there to sufficient flow in the Des­ most important part ot gardening. chutes to dissipate the sewage and benefiting from war contracts for Of course, it kills the weeds but it that actually there is 15 times more supplies, shops in various cities co- ' The engineers operating into one organization. One I also loosens the ground for aeration than to necessary. and it conserves moisture. A dust also explain that the plan has been of these combinations will produce1 mulch thus formed forces the roots approved by the state sanitary en­ thousands of truck bodies this year, you are urgently needed to work on S. P. track on week-ends in this and it has already produced about of the growing plants downward gineer of Oregon. In the area of Bend and Redmond vicinity. There is a serious shortage of track workers. We must keep 20,000. A high spot in the combina­ rather than to the surface where the heat of the sun would wither them. the sewage is disposed of by using tion is held by Baker, which is doing our track in first class shape to move vital war traffic. Keep the hoe well sharpened and in the underground caverns of that re­ , its share of the work faster than the gion. The army engineers do not ap ­ contract calls for—a bang-Up job. frequent use if you want to eat vege- [ prove of this plan, explaining that Another of the members ot the group , Help win (he war, gel healthy outdoor exercise and be paid for it. tables of your own raising. the water in the caverns eventually is located in Eugene, and there are 1 • three plants in Portland's metropoli- j It is to be hoped that John L. makes its way into the river. At other points on the line, many business and professional men have —O’ 1 T^wis is digging the pit for his own tan area. These separate companies been doing week-end work for us. They have heen very helpful and destruction. He is not aiding the New fuel rationing regulation have pool their resources and make a have gotten a lot of personal satisfaction out of this patriotic contribu- cause of unionism and the smolder- been mimeographed and distributed formidable showing,’handling a large ing resentment of American patriots to congressmen with the notation that contract which none of them could tion to the war effort. individually. Another will result in legislation that will di­ ; they are “secret.” The most impor­ maintain vest him of the power he now wields tant feature of these to-be-announced group to building parts of Boeing's For full detail', please see, as sommas possible_ to the detriment of the public welfare. regulations is that whatever the al- flying fortresses, and another mftnu- YjplVM. ***** or Germany since is actions make Till F. A. POOR • Phone IN fin his oil tank in the summer tnetic robber plants, navy ships, etc. t _ _________ ___ i him their friend and ally. ; months. Formula for rationing will Give Mother a beautiful piece o^ ' be published almost any day now. "lio|>e springs eternal in the human A simple plan is devised for the Heiaey crystal for Mother's Day. breast; small consumers, the people who are Priced fifty cents to five dollars At f Man never is, but always to be chiefly dependent on kerosene. Norton’s. blessed.’’ These would be the ruralites who are Tux reduction is always promised not in position to illuminate their Hear Willie White, Evangelist at —for next year. The state income homes with electricity. The coupon Church of Christ, East 4th and Coul­ tax is the biggest fraud, with hope system , ___ for fuel ________ ___ be ________ cards _ will stream- ter. Every nite. May 2 to May 23. deferred, as a huge surplus piles up lined and generally stripped of red Rest-night Monday. ist4s * c f j HERE’S WEEK-END WORK that will help win the war! Business and Professional Men! Clerks! College Students! Farmers! All able bodied men in Coquille SP * 4 t ‘t i