May Day Dance Sponsored by Junior Women’s Club Saturday, May 8th At an executive meeting of the Coos and Curry County Pioneer As­ sociation, held Saturday,. April 34, at the Public Library in Coquille, ac­ tion was planned to perpetuate the organization and its work. The consensus of opinion prevailed that the association must become I self-supporting if the ambitions of i the members materialize and, in or­ der to transact legal business, the organization must become an incor­ porated body. Accordingly a motion wag made, seconded and carried that the Ae- sociation incorporate. Instructions were given by the president, Mrs Mary Randleman, to have this attend­ ed to before another meeting. At the same time she appointed a commit­ tee consisting of L. H. Hazard, J. £. Norton and Chafles Stauff to draft a constitution and by- laws, and have them ready at the same time. The questions of the collection of historical relics toward a permanent museum, and also the publication of historical stories and experiences were discussed. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Watson have loaned to the Pioneer Association a display of photographs, guns, silver pieces, old china, and things. These toegther with a number of other relics loaned to the group were placed in a show case provided through the courtesy of J. E. Norton. Through the kindness of the Library Board, this accumulation is on display in the Coquille City Library* Notices of a called meeting will be made through the press some time in June, when these transactions will be mado ready for presentation at' the regular annual meeting of the Coos and Curry Pioneer Association held on the last Sunday in July. Those present at the meeting Sat­ urday included: Mrs. *Mury Randle­ man, president, Bullards; J. Albert Matson, vice-president, Marshfield; Mrs. Inez Chase, secretary, Coquille; Mrs, C. H. Wsnvl, North Rend; Gus Bender, Myrtle Point; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laird, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Beyers, James Watson, W. H. Schroe­ der, Charles Stauff, John Quick, Mrs. Flora Dunne, all of Coquille. OAKS PAVILION MYRTLE POINT FAIR GROUNDS Bob Zumwalt's XJ’"" Tickets 50c, plus Sc tax b My Friends nd Customers I want to thank you for your Loyalty and Patronage It’s our sincere regret that we leave ■Coquille. Our successor wHl be Jim Herra, recently from CqHfornia, who will be your meat cutter "JalNng cero«, so tor '1.00. > 65th Fighter Squadron Insigne TMnmen, doughnuts, Townsend Club unless absolutely necessary FREEwith War Stamps Use the money to PACIFIC GREYHOUND CLINES SHELL OIL COMPANY