W- % •/3- •*" : -.v . ♦ '< » ■ . » ■ ' ■. ■ ■ Í <&■ ; PAGE flGH-r CLASSIFIED . .. J ■ [X fine ('ent a Ward Each Inserito« No Adv. lees than 25 eente 1 ■ I i - ..1 I i g Ì. ■’ a K • . 4 - i I I I ft. I ■— . ........... . ........ -—'■■■■ WANTED—One woman at Coquille Laundry at once, and another one needed next Monday. It --------------- &------------------ a—Í— FARM WATER SYSTEM—Meyers and Red Jackets. Let us explain the certificate requirements neces­ sary to Durenase a water pump.— J. A. Lamb Company. s WRECKER to Buy'Late Model Trucks, Pickups and Cars. ■ I a Coos County Women County Court's Reply To Assessor M b . Eleanor McAdoo Forrest’s Letter WANTED — Water wells to drill. Have new and up-to-date-equip­ ment and heavy pipe where needed Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield, (Continued from Page One) NI0t4,tf (Continued from Page One) WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We service all makes of washers. with her mission to inform women rest’s extra girls, not steady •m- DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ 3d5 West that the urgent need of their help in ployees but solely employed as extra Washer Service Co. er», Parts and Dairy Supplies. Ge', tfl the great task of raising money for help, had been rectos ing pay at the •Front St. Phone 17. them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tfs war needs is of paramount impor­ rate of 83-00 per day. Mr. Forrest PAINT UP, CLEAN UP—We carry tance. This she did wtih a charm­ requested a raise and he was told by WANTED—To buy House with 2 or high quality Paint for every pur­ ing grace of delivery, an informality the County Court that any reason­ 3 bedrooms on easy terms. Write pose, including the new Miracle of manner, in which the different ap- able raise would be granted, pro­ Box S. care Sentinel; no phone Wall Tone. J. A. Lamb Company. calls. . lt*s ____________________ ____________ proaches to her subject sometime* vided there were sufficient funds in PILING FOR SALE—See them on resulted In almost dramatic change* his budget to sustain it, but that at FOR RENT — Furnished Duplex Fat Elk; road already built to them, in her mood. The security angle and that time the Court would approve a Apartment, oil circulator, gas Will sell cheap. Wrjte Box 133, i anti-inflation she gave a* the best raise to $4.00 per day, which was range, private bath, quiet residen­ Coquille. Robert Fults. 13t3*s | arguments for selling war bonds. granted: Then, arbitrarily and with­ tial section. See B. W. Dunn, 558 That taxation and the savings of the out consulting the court Mr. Forrest N. Coulter. Phone 196L. IStfs FOR SALE — "Farmers’ Bargains”— people are the only way to prevent raised two of his extra girls to a flat Hens — Mare — Windmill —N- H. a destructive run-away inflation was $120.00 per month rate, which was FARM MACHINERY REPAIRS - Roosters — Separators. See FARR given as positive and yas discussed I done without any authorisation what­ Your County Defense Board—Your & ELWOOD'S "Swap Board.” •• ever by the County Court. Al­ at length. County Agent — Your Country — though, to save Mr. Forrest embar­ How to circumvent an uttitude Urges you to order,, parts for your '•'OR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ rassment this rate was paid for two vice on Milkjpg Machines, Farm on the part of the individual who farm machines NOW! . Let us dis­ months and he was definitely ad­ hesitate* to Invest tn war bonds on Water Systems, Tractors and Farm cuss your requirements with you ground of his or her belief that such vised that it would not be paid there­ 'Xachinea, call J. A. Lamb Com ­ Parts are now available wlthoqt Note^For Quick Service, great , waste exists in national af- after, but that his extra help would costly delays. Check your machine» small n^cNnes shoJld be sent to! »«“'ther subject of discua- all have to be paid at the rate es­ Nowl Use Only "GENUINE IHC our shop.. " > ston by Mrs. McAdoo. Her answer tablished, namely, $4.00 per day. The PARTS.” J. A. Lamb Company, a ' ______ :------------ i--------- . was that all war is waste, that we Attorney General in his opinion PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. HOME WATER SYSTEMS—See the were not ready for war and in the says, “It appears after these em­ Gould line of automatic water sys- frantic effort to make ready, waste ployees had rendered their services Kalsomining and wood finishing— terns at FARR A ELWOOD. | s. resulted but Washington knows thia for the month of February the Coun­ ,1943 Wall Papers. Imperial, Pitts­ and is trying to