128.50 Packing Co, meau 20 86 , A. G. Trendell, labor 188.47 A Seed Co., feed Harold Zeigler, labor 187.74 14.85'C. J. Martell, labor ilarly serious, and, as there is 158.88 H John B. O”Sullivan, labor Swift A Co., butter and cheese 71.23 88.42 BY REPRESENTATIVE RALPH T. MOORE question of legislative intent, the S. R. Stover, hauling milk .... 28.37 ' Charles Mentzer, labor .... 174.43 Mrs. Lillian Short, Care Delp Carl Mathews, labor Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees., cash can be left over to be cor ­ .... —.................. ..... 147.28 children. Care of Dependent 50.00 I L. C. Burner, labor adv. for hogs .... --------------- 100.50 75.00 1 Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs .. 28.22 I C. F. Hawk, labor ....... —■* Newspaper headlines announce the fact that there is a serious rected by the next legislature. If 148.24 Greenough, Represent­ Orin Demarest, labor ..... Schroeder A Hlkforbrand, shortage of lumber in prospect for 1943. An earnest attempt is necessary, the Supreme Court could Tailant 137.55 ing Indigent Person, i, Circuit — ^change the content of the bill to 3J5 I Chas. Hofer, labor hardware .............. ................. being made to induce loggers to return to the woods to overcome make it conform with the intent of Court ________ __ — 188.58 15.00 J. A. Lamb, hardware............... 22 35 i Bill C. Daggett, labor ..... ___ a . 179.83 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Indus­ Benham Transfer, diesel oil . 41.88 I William Dinsmore, labor ¡the legislature. the log famine threatening the industry. , 155.71 trial Insurarice ................... 47.34 Overland Goal Co., coal........... 13.00 i Cecil Hartley, labor ...... 182.43 This brings to mind the similar conditions of the first World This sort of thing has happened West Coast Telephone Co., ser­ Coll McLean, labor --------- Schroeder Bros. Mortuary, Court House ...------- 121.70 155.48 32.50 i Carl Shore, labor........ ....... funeral, Lydia Olsen ....... War when it was found necessary in use soldiers in the woods and before and in this case is not par­ H. vices, R. Homer, pigs, County 134.15 Ben A. Wigte, labor ------- Coos County Farm, food. ticularly serious. It does show the mills to maintain necessary high rales of production. 115.71 44.30 i Jason Smart, labor . ......... Farm .......................... ,...... —.. 80.00 County Jail ........... ...... 144.74 Walter L. Taff, labor ------- Stevens Cash Hardware, sup­ It seems to be impossible for a d------———--------------------.— danger in having a flood of bills at Tallant Greenough, Secy., Bud­ This choice by the governor is a the last moment Chances of clerical geted Item, Coos County Bar 87.15 8.10 Ben Kuhnert, labor ----- ..... plies Carious Offices ......... democracy to benefit by experience. 139.21 350.00 J. A- Lamb Co., lawn mower Assn............. Van A. Spores, labor------- Each group of officials who adminis­ well deserved tribute to Mr. Fql- error are very great and future leg- Marie Bellah, Salary, Steno­ 188.03 17.85 Berlyn Billings, labor .... . Court House ......................... grapher, County Court....... 148.10 Railway Express ter the laws have to be educated by sheiin’s long yean of faithful public islaturec will do well to avoid this 50.34 Agency, Gustav Amundsen, labor service. Particularly was his courage final confusion. Edwin Peterson, Salary, Depu­ 111.35 4.38 Howard Carver, labor ..... express on books, Ration fid. their own experience. The charac­ ty Sheriff, SherifFs 15745 171.12 Coquille Gas A Power Co., Oran Young, labor ............. teristics assigned to natives of the and perseverance of help to the Ban­ 2.40 C. F. Christian, labor 120.84 gas. Defense Council ...»...... Indicative of the general concern Alice Perrott, Salary Deputy 117.35 great State of Missouri seem to have don people during the soul-trying Eleanor Peterson, Salary, 135.30 Anderson Stationery, supplies. Harold Robert, labor ...... . Deputy, Tax Dept.............. 157.85 spread over the whole nation. We days of the great fire. Louis came I over the war-time fate of the small 8.05 Teen Miller, labor -------- 153.14 Ration Bokrd.... ...... .......—..... through nobly then and he will come business-man is the current investi ­ Muriel Davis, Salary, Deputy 47.50 1.15 Don Crouch, labor ............ H. S. Norton, supplies ........... ' find ourselves in even a worse mud­ Tax Dept ..... -........ — 110.35 Coquille Service Station, auto 141.80 Sye Davis, labor ................. gation by Congress of the possibilities dle than we were in during the first through just as nobly now. Catherine Trendall, Salary, supplies, County Car ........... 1.15 L. E. Hamlin, labor ...... ........ 103.68 of using most small businesses in World War. It is worse because this Tax A <8M Dept____ _____ ________ 118.10 H. S. Norton, supplies, Various Charles Wolff, labor .^...— _ 162 69 I the war production campaign.. Because I am Representative at the Juliene Freeman, Salary Depu­ 2.85 Robert Palmer, labor ----- 111.88 -war is far greater in its scope and Offices.... ............................. ty _________ Sheriff, ,, Tax Dept.......... 121.10 Deluge«! by a plague of bureau- Alfred Frederickson, Bounty Alda L. Nosier, labor, Asst. demands a far greater effort on the State Legisalture several sqnall em- 2.5q Clerk ............... .’...... 83.10 on 1 playen have complained to me about , critic forms, handicapped by a hope- Marie Clinton, Salary, Clerk, part of the citizens. Tax Dept. .-..-. I’..—......... 88.35 Arlyn Barklow, labor ------- ... 74.18 the difficulties they are having in leas tangle of priority regulations, The one fact that tends to alleviate J. W. Leneve, Salary Deputy William H. Wann, Audit Con­ Lou L. Spencer, labor —.' 34.11 paying off their men properly. They aften attacked by labor unions, and Clerk, Clerk’s Office........... 181.80 the perils of the situation is the in­ tract Acc^J^Ui' «uto supplies 3.80 —o— -j- In the final draft, as the Senate fo°lish enough to trade it off for the Burroughs Adding Machine E. U. Smith, bounty on bobcat J. E. Haseltine A Co., mater­ Co., Ribbons . ...................... 10.00 Louis Eisele, bounty on 2 cats The appointment of L. D. Felsheim conceded several points to the House, nebulous theories of a foreign econ- ial .............. ........................... 38.04 L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, Orville Brown, bounty on 1 cat Stevens Cash Hardware, ma as county judge is well received the House conceded the method of postage and exp, various Clarence E. Mullins, travel terial ...... . ................... 18.01 medical board selection to the Sen- Our «n«ll businesses need nothing .. —...... ........ throughout the county. expense. Hunter ................... 40.00 MCial8ir H,rdware C®-’ m«t«r be let alone. They are Charle* Forrest, mileage, Dog License Fund Mr. Felsheim’s executive ability, ate. The bill then, as finally turned more than 7.40 ¡Vern Magill, Sheep killed by iSi Tr^« • plus his personality, should insure out by the conference committee, the life-giving cells of our national1 Standard Oil Co., of Calif _ dogs .................. ....................... 15.00 gasoline and o0- . economy. If they die, the nation ... - . his success as heed of ths tfdqpty. gov- carried the Senate’s method of c- feoor Comments On PublitAffairs COUNTY COURT b W When the matter was placed in the governor’s hands he had to use his own judgment in selecting the prop­ er man and was no doubt influenced by his past acquaintance with Mr. Fellheim. ..The appointment seems to be a happy one and the entire county will unite behind Mr. Felsheim to give him its loyal support in his admin­ istration. * cinate hogs, Co. Farm ___ _ i Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash I adv. County Court _______ 33.84 Western Union, services, Court A Shfs. Off. ...---- ------------- 2.87 Mrs. James H. Leonard, at­ tending girl to Louise Home, Juvenile Office ________ . •.00 F. C. McNelly. transporting Woman's Club Annual May Day 3 persons ——------ ......— 24.15 C* Farm Coos County Farm, food used 44 00 on farm--------------- '.---------- Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 113.44 I Busy Corner Grocery, groceries I 2045 House method and was passed in that! unfriendliness towards business be way by both houses. ‘ succeeded by a decade of friendli­ lt now develops that through some nes" and co-operation. Our troubles clerical error, the House’s method of wiu quickly vanish and real social selection was printed in the bill as security will come to our people draft of the bill and the V T. Ralph Salary, Chief County of Coos: as. !. L; W. Oddy, County Clerk of CÆy’ Oryn> and «x-officio 208.35 clerk of the county court, do hereby Gunder Gunderson, labor .... 154.10 certify that the foregoing ia a state­ Wayne Goodman, labor .... .. 184.75 ment of the amount of claims allowed Mike Boone, labor ................... 78.13 WÆ-'LKS? Ï Ernest Franson, labor ....... 158.04 •PPeers on the exhibits of claims in James L. Child, labor ______ 37.81 Victor Demarest, labor______ 155.73 my office and custody. WITNESS my hand and the seal Ralph Hnrlbutt, labor ............ 148.88 County Court affixed this O.r. Smith, labor........ ..... . 103.03 15th day of Henry FrSnson, lab«...... 180.43 County Clerk W. M. Williams, labor Deputy CUrit_______________ Tom Evans, Salary, Shop Foreman __ _____ ______ 147.85 A q C I