• *. X ♦- '/ — . Awt-*, Ì '* ■ '■ ■, a... ■ ■ ,1— Out-of-Doors Stuff Of Oregon, April 30-May 2 , Oregon mothers will be honored on the campus at U. of O. in Eugene at the l«th annual Mothers' Week­ end, April 30 to May 2, in conjunc­ tion with Junior Week-end. They will be entertained at special af­ fairs and will be guests of Junior Week-end events, including the cam­ pus luncheon and all-campus sing on Friday and the junior prom Sat­ urday evening. lütenfion OOtiers An Official Inspection Station Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service __ every rusty rock, and handy stump in sight, and then fell back on their M -haunches” to wait for some one to ,e come and place the “golden horn” in their hand. Well, the years roiled by, and Squaw creek and Pine creek were “gh'oet town«” proper, even the .» Chinks had flown to new fields and j J the place returned to its original owners, the chapparal cock and the rattle snake, and what transpired in that ghastly, old ghoet town for a great many years is not on the records; but for all this. Bully ' ffill did blossom again and the towns 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. «52 \ \ * < * * / / / BRIGHIEN-ÜP / ' / ; • t ' \ of Delemar, Circle City, Bully Hill, * grew up oa the ashes of the once -ghoet towns,” whore hundreds of men earned a livlihood and carloads of high grade bullion were shipped out to markets. 8uch a thing is pos- sible here tn our own district, but it ( seems that these old camps must be ( J doomed for a period of years, before ( ' they are allowed to some to life again. , ’ . . j ■ «- ïîi’wui MKACLf WAU . However, it boils down to the fact, j ' gloeas A from long experience, that ( ’ the Johnson creek district is a flat < 1 failure, as far as quarts mining is ‘ concerned, hut when it comes to the , , awwy «wry iww“) ■* •hute "Ud‘ to *** P ■? is also true concerning the to Porphyries, which to very light and floats away very i muddy water, along with • black sand happens to be > with it, which during the •ion period W,y ocean beach, to make some in Ines. placers it to quite different as the ( district has stood out for years as a . producer of placer geld, and if it was possible to recover all the yel-l, low that still remain» In the bad of a Johnson creek, it would swell the output of gold from the southwestern Oregon to an alarming extent. We have recently examined a great number of mining location notices on record hare, most of which are quarts locations and seme of which date back aa far as 18M, which with one or two exceptions, have never gone u patent. This fact alone would sue. t*in Dr- Mier’s contention, that* this jg a placer, or low grade base ope dirtrict which if proven as «ueh brlj|f |n pUnty wh<> >r< anxloo, u mon". u «how whew the gold hod tete* from, the common Ida* prevailing that the In. dians had taken it there and scat- tered it about. Meantine all of the oid -grubstakers" and “paperhang- held because po one to interested enough to make a contest against them, Haphazard and indiscriminate kn cations In a mining district never did . the district any good, as It to sort of I* scarecrow te keep bongfide miner, out at the oountry, aa weU aa to add to the difficulty of ironing out legal wrinkles when it comes to legal trans­ artions, ers” got busy and swarmed ever the ( ---------- top of Bully Hill and hung paper on | Calling eanta. Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St Phone «8 * V* S hlrwin W illiams P aints •140. IMS I