The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 29, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    eating and drinking establishments San Dieg() Manne
,nd won ,
within the jurisdiction of the Coquille promotion to Private First Class from
Ration Board are reminded again to Privilte. it was announced from there
file immediately copies of every
menu or price list in use during the
Brlvalp First Claas
period of April 4 to April 10.
‘M|.s Qruce Rackleff, of Arago, was
"If you own or operate a restau- aMlgne(| to the
after (Omplet-
rant, hotel, cafe, dining car, bar,
recruit training at the South­
delicatessen, soda fountain, catering ern California Marine training cen-
businesa or any other eating or drink-
He Wlliated in
Marines last
ing place, it is your direct responsi- December.
The newly elected head of houses
bility to file these lists with your io- ,
__ _
for 1643-44 at the University of Ore­
° P / °,der
On Two Coquille ,
gon, is Mary Jane Dunn, of Coquille,
The filing requirements are very
junior in social science. Her job is
simple. A menu, bill of fare, or Yol,n< Men In
to lead all women's living organisa­
price list for all meals served during
Eugene C. Shore, W. O. (8. GJ, tions for the coming year.
the period of April 4 to April 10 McKinley. Star Rte., Coquille, was
Next Saturday and Sunday there
must be signed and filed with the among the latest student officer class
War Price and Rationing Board not advanced from the pilots' preflight
later than May 1. A copy of each school of the San Antonio, Texas,
April 22—Minnie K.
menu or price list is to be'retaining Aviation Cadet Center.
Another Coquille young man who Joseph Gale Barrows.
by the establishment. If the menus
do Hot show all the food items, meals thia week began his naval training
April 22—James W. Menning vs,
or beverages offered during tbe spe­ at Farragut, Idaho, Is John Carrol,
Stanley Phillips To Be
cific period a supplementary price son of'Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Knupp, Ethel W. Menning. Suit for divorce.
S. P. Traveling Auditor
April 26 - Dora Horn vs. James D.
list must be prepared and submitted, who live in the Folsom Apts. here.
Horn. Spit for divorce.
In the event that eating qnd drink- ;
Stanley Phillips, formerly, of Co­
April 26—Benjamin Gant vs. C.
quille. who has tor the past five years ,ing establishments do not use menus, kjinrri/sriA I ironcac
McC. Johnson.
been with Schroeder’s Mortuaries at a price list containing every food <▼»<!» »MjgC
April 27—Gwendolyn Wygal vs.
Myrtle Point, as funeral director and item. sneal and beverage offered dur­ > April 25—Joe Rocco and Mary
embalmer, has decided to return to ing the seven-day period must be {Florence Anderson, both of Coquille, Thomas D. Wyjal. Suit for divorce.
railroad work and will be a traveling prepared and submitted to the War i They were married the same day
auditor for the Southern Pacific. He Price and Rationing Board before i by Rev. O. A. Gray at the home at Myrtle Point Junior Women’s
will be at Woodburn for a time, then May 1.
241 South Hall street here, with Dora May Day Dance May 8th
A filing of menus or prices of foods and Kaye J. Howard as witnesses.
at Medford and this summer will be
The Myrtle Polad Junior Women's
served during the seven day period |> April 26—Frank Heischel Hazelton Club is sponsoring a May Day dance
transferred to California.
from April 4- to April 10 is the first land Pearl Harriet Johnson, both of on Saturday, May 8, in the Oaks
step of an OPA order designed to North Bend.
Pavilion at the fair grounds at Myr­
bring under control the cost of “eat- |
tle Point. Tickets will be 50 cents
ing out.
j Get your new gas ration book plus five cents tax and Bob Zum­
I holder at Norton's. Attractive lafther walt's orchestra will furnish the mu­
folder with pockets for tire inspec- sic.
I tion record, operator’s license and
gas ration book. Only 89 cents, s
GLADYS C. GANO. 190 So. Coulter St.,
The Oregon Granite Company
«. «, earn» «rne«
At the last regular business session
of the CoquiHe Aerie of Eagles, F.
R. Bull, secretary of the Order, an­
nounced that he had carried out in­
structions given him at the previous
meeting and purchased for the lodge
another 8500.00 bond.
The aerie
voted unanimously to continue regu­
lar buying of bonds of the *500 de­
Probate Court Items
BAinltMÎaa aaialaM
•i vetetablet
NEW CHESTS $4.50 to $10
-i ' ,
" ■ *
• Davenports
• Davenos
"'. >"t
a . »
• Bed Springs
• Radios
• Furniture Sets
We will pay Any Price for Goods that leaves
a rea*unable profit.
Uted Furniture
Phone 119L
Effective as of June 9th, 1943
------ the -------
Safety Financial Responsibility Law
BROWN SUGAR I lb. pkg......... ....... 8c
Baking Power Calumet 25 oz. can 23c
OATS Ceretana Quick or Reg. 9 lb. 49c
PEANUT BUTTER Beverly I lb jar 30c
SHREDDED WHEAT Nabisco 2 pkg 23c
COFFEE Golden West 1 lb glass..... 33c
COFFEE Hills 1 lb glass
JELS RITE PECTIN 3 bottles...... 29c
PARAFFIN - lb. pkgs. 2 for ....... 25c
TOILET TISSUE Comfort 3 rolls 24c
LUX Toilet Soap 3 reg. bars ..._.... ». 20c
........... 39c lb.
Center Cut
Pork Shoulder Rons,' .... 3ic lb.
35c lb.
!!)< lb.
SHOULDER LAMB Steak 35c lb.
at the low rate of $14.00
Buy Co I fit
Ike Wkole
Bean. See it
-j. gretmd .
I\ know it't
' ' FRESH!