The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 29, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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C. H. S.
Justamrre Club
Mrs. F. L. Greenough and Mrs. B.
Folsom entertained members of the
Justamere Club jointly at the home
of Mrs. Greenough last Thursday,
starting a second rotind since the win­
ter luncheons.
Members attending
were Mesdames M. O. Hawkins, H.
A, Young, J. L. Smith, Jane Williams,
H. W. Pierce. Leona Bryant, R. A.
Wernich and Mrs. Genevieve. West­
phal, of Oakland, Calif., visiting
her sister, Mrs. Bryant.
Eastern Bur Enjoys
A Musical Program
Following the regular meeting of
Beulah Chapter, No. ft, O. E. S., last
.Thursday evening, a most interesting
and delightful musical program,
presented by Mrs. Gertrude Ulett,
was enjoyed.
Mrs. Florence Hal­
lock sang a lovely negro spiritual
and she accompanied herself on the
» Mrs ’Clara Stauff led the singing
at hymns appropriate to Easter,
She was accompanied, by Mlsas Inez
Rover at the1 piano.
The closing
number was “America the Beautiful,"
with Mrs.« Stauff and Mrs Hallock
singing the descant.
A social hour and refreshments
Shower For Mrs. Watson
At Guild Wednesday
The Guild member» honored Mrs.
•lames Watson Wednesday afternoon
during the hours of their social af­
ternoon with a miscellaneous shower.
Very lovely gifts were opened and
games were played.
Mrs. Watson
will ga as far as Portland on Sunday
with Rev. and Mrs. R L. Greene and
on to Seattle by train on Monday.
Busy Evening Fee
Bachelor Girls
' Dividing a dinner up in|o four
courses and serving each at different
places is one way to provide plenty of
exciteibehtt. So it was st the Pro­
gressive dinner enjoyed Tueeday eve­
ning by the Bachelor Girls. Starting
at the home of Marianne Axtell fop
fruit cocktail, thence to Maxine John,
son’s for salad, on to Yvonne Kern’s
for chick and rabbit dinner, they fin
ally Wound up for dessert al the
apartment of Lunelle Chapin. After
dinner the club went to the show.
Members attending were Margaret
Belloni, Maxine Johnson, Dorothy
Coffey, Lydia Holstein, Norene Mc­
Keown, Alys June Fox, Phyllis Bel­
loni, Lunelle Chapin, Eunice Howe.
Donna Dean Boaserman, Margaret
Stewart, Aloha Allen, Marianne Ax­
tell, Yvonn* Kern and Gladys May.
Roy District Enjoys
Travelogue Pictures
A very fine trtat was enjoyed by
the pupils, teacher and patrons of the
'¡Boy school district last Friday after-
¡neon, when Dr. J. R- Bunch showed
moving picures of his trip to Cuba, a
winter sports picture, and one of the
logging industry in Coos county. His
talk along with the pictures was given
in such a -clear interesting manner
the audience veritably felt they had
taken the trip with him. A piano and
accordion duet by Lillian Aber and
Teddy Parrish was also enjoyed.
i A great many schools in the larger
systems teach by means of visual in-
I struction and it la to be hoped it will
soon be available to the smaller sys­
tems as the children who saw Dr.
Bunch's pictures rtrteinly learned
| more about Cuba and the United
States than any study of geography
* or history could impart.
Dr. Bunch also remarked about the
i marked attention paid while he
i showed the pictures and the number
I of people who came te see them.
I However the attendance was much
'smaller than usual as a large per­
centage of the pupils of the district
¡are out with either chicken pox or
I measles and several parents are em-
' ployed during the day.
thanks to Dr Bunch for a veiy in
»tractive and enjoyable afternoon
Junior-Senior Banquet
Date Set For May «
The Junior-Senior Banquet which
each spring the Junior Class at the
High School puts on for the grandu-
ating Seniors, will be held Thursday
May ft, in the banquet rooms of the
I.O.O.F. hall. The affair is to lx- a
formal and will be followed b>
Miss Mary Morns is m
Old Photograph
New shipments just received at the
Purkey Furniture Store
9x12,9x18 Wool Rugs - 39.50to 120.00
Hand-tinted Pictures 1.95 Io 12.95
Handsome Mirrors - -1.95 to 25.00
Rest of fables - - -: - - - 15.95
By Biltwell
Occasional Chairs
Linoleum '
in ft, $ & 12 ft. widths
parked at the tune of
> ■
'Extra Helper In Tax
I Department Praised By Court
Trendall aa a clerk in the tax office
■ caused a vacancy which was filled by
1 advancing Marie Clinton to the past
I at $125 a month. Succeeding her is
Wine gar,
■ stipend was fixed by the county
court at $120 per month.
In increaaing the salary of Mrs.
Emma Pierce, who has been extra
help in the office for several months,
1 to $120 a month, the county court
order, signed by three members of
the county court reads, "Mrs. Pierce
has worked several months as extra
help and Iter salary is advanced" to
Mrs. Pierce’s office experi­
ence and willingness make her a
very valuable employee until after
the new tax system is completed." . J