.................. ■ -....... - ' ' ■ —--------------------- -V Belle Knife Hospital Minor Mention Mr. and Mrs. Clffton Brockmann, Marvin Goodman, ut An SU pound boy, Paul Alien, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sackett, of Coquille, April 22 The 13-year old daughter of Mrs. Chas. Mullens, of Remote, under­ went a tonsilectomy last Friday. R. J. West, of Catching creek, en­ tered Saturday for treatment. 1941 tlie On Sunday Dorene Dyke. Coquille, entered for treatment of a head injury, received wh»;i hit by a ball bat; Ramona Bell. Coquille, under­ went an appendectomy, Mrs. Guy Neil, ot Reedsport, a major opera­ tion, and Mrs. Fred McLain, of Co­ quille, entered for treatment LeRoy (Buck) Gilbert, who had his preliminary Naval Aviation train­ ing over at Ontario, Ore., and had .been home for several days, left Saturday for Seattle where be was instructed to report on Monday. No indication waa given as to which school he would be sent to for further training. for appendicitis on Tuesday, and yes­ terday Ernie R. Smith, of Coquille, underwent the same kind of an oper­ ation. Dismissals the past week were yal Canadian Air Force but was transferi-ed to the U. S. forces | when we went into the war, has been flying a bomber on sub patrol in | the Allantic. Just recently he was ( made an instructor at a southern starring JU DEE Kay FRANCIS John BOLES. FUEHRERS FACE” . Joan Bennett Milton Berle Otto Preminger « » TRUNK . NEWS Mail your Watch, Jewelry ana Op­ tical Repairs to V. R. Wilson, Jew­ eler, Watchmaker and Optometrist Expert Service. Coquille, Ore. lOtfs COMEDY