I HHBM - ■ Vy. * L_ ♦ ’’ I 1 1 ' ' sfa' ■ —•• '■ io-“ \ I ■ M/S T I __ ‘ '¿¿Mt f¿.-J I 1 ' .'Â' '"*♦ All ■ k /• A A J F ”W VOL XXXIX. -r ■ twit , t ______________ ml ■una».. n NO. 15. Coos Bond Purchases May Day Dance To Open House And County Court's Be Brilliant Affair Nearly A Million Band Concert Greatly Reply To Assessor Saturday Evening Exclusive Of Banks i LeMer1' R Buried 4rs Jl Tuesday íab^h Lone Coos County Women Delighted With Mis. Eleanor McAdoo Mrs. Elizabeth Sherrard Lane, a resident of Coquille for the past 37 I years, passed away at the hospital Preparation for the Coquille Wom­ liere last 8unday, at the age of 71 The city of Coquille and surround­ an’s Club annual May Day dance, to years. four months and twelve days. be held this coming Saturday eve ­ Last night in the beautiful _________ _ __ ing territory which last week passed Crowded to overflowing was the Funeral ser vices, with Liston Par­ Harold issues between the Coos Comity its $150,000 quota for the second War ning, are practically complete, Mrs. High School Gymnasium rish officiating, were held at the Chandler Hotel dining room last Bond drive which started April 12. W. H. Mansell, chairman in charge, Withnell, music instructor directed Court and Assessor Chas. W. Fbrrest, Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries here at Saturday at 12:30 when women from the Coquille high band in a really but inasmuch as it dM, several -was the first Coos county city to at­ announces. two o’clock Tuesday afternoon. In­ every corner of Coca county were Mrs. Mansell endeavored to secure wonderful concert. The program, weeks ago, print the letter Mr. For- tain its quota, and' the local chair­ terment was in the Masonic ceme­ Present to hear Mra. Eleanor Wilson McAdoo. man, E. T. Stelle, expresses apprecia­ an Army or Coast Guard squad to divided into five groups, presented rest requested, over his signature, it tery. ~ ' feels that it should print what I Mrs. McAdoo, vigorous, alert- tion for himself, and fbr the govern­ act as an escort of honor for ftueen for the pleasure of an unusually large now Bom , Elizabeth Sherrard, Dec. 13, ment, to the many assistants who Jerry and the Princesses, but learned audience thrilling music which wae the county court members have to 1871, at Canyonville, Oregon, she was minded daughter of a distinguished from the commanding officers that most enthusiastically received. Only say in reply to his. criticism. . $ » made this drive so successful.' , united in marriage to Thus. B. Lane president of our country, is making The following was received Tues­ Including the City of Coquille bond only men off duty that evening regret heard voiced regarding the in 1881. He passed away 18 years an ideal leader in her capacity as re­ gional adviser for the Women’s Di­ purchase of $15,000, the school dis­ might be available, and she has been coucert was that if only it were pos­ day with the court members’ names <, trict’s $20,000, the sale at the poet- endeavoring to get In touch with a sible to have something similar once appearing at the end: Mrs. I-anw was u devout member vision of the national war savings a month. , office of $21,000 and all sales made sufficient number who Will not be of the Church of Christ; also at the staff. Gtstd-looking, smartly dressed, The band has in its members so hJTh* u* MrpC,?“s ! Neighbors of Woodcraft through the bank, Coquille has now on duty. and the with a captivating personal gaiety, Invitations have been sent to all many students of outstanding talent jrForreet has held offl«. as County , Relief Corps. Mrs. McAdoo can stand on her own purchased a total of $232,700, ex­ . talents at all times. She is of this clusive of the bonds purchased by the service men in this district, in­ that along with the high quality of Assessor certain matters originating ( vk . u been '*'*•Mrs Rltu at c°°"R,ve^ day, this Itour, her being tuned to the Firs! National Bank itself. The viting them to be guests of the Wom­ work by the group, as a result ot quality teaching, Coquille has a high in one or the other or several of the Vlrgtota Une Coquille the present and its problems, her en­ First National Bank of Portland al­ an's Club that evening. Tite crowning of Queen Jerry How­ school band which can hold its own. thusiasm for the work tn be done M ‘‘r 6 W“ Mr* E,,Rlb*th located $787,040 to its Coos county branches, that amount not being In­ ell by Mayor O. L. Wood will take both in beauty of music and stunning ' D C.; two sons, Medford S. and her realization of present world i miii v lities impressed all with the cluded in the Coos county quota of piece promptly at 8:00 ■ o'clock. The appearance against any competition. ture with regard to the action taken * Lester, of MiU VaBey near San $864,000, nor in the Coquille quota Coquille High School band will pre­ The handsome, Immaculate red and by the Coos eounty budget committee I cisco, and Sergeant Thomas Lane, . it of the speaker herself. — Mrs. McAdoo left entirely to others of $150,000; nor is the local branch’s cede the regal party in entering the white uniforms, raised-seating ar­ with reference to the salary recom­ who la somewhere in the South Pa­ quota Included in the $232,700 re­ auditorium of the Community Build­ rangements and the smartly modern mendations to the Legislature in cific; also by two brothers, Martin any utterances made in reference to ing and nothing has been left un­ stage setting presented a striking pic­ which certain members of the county ported. D. Sherrard, of Coquille, and Lin­ her famous father und whose mention Coos county is well over the top, done to makes this as gala an event ture worthy of any place in this coun­ court were, at least by Inference, ( coln Sherrard, of Redlands, Calif., by other speakers brought to her try. $114 000la* the8e war times allow. rather critically handled. The court ( eyes a look of deep and thoughtful having purchased about I ______ and by throe grandchildren. Shady's orchestra will furnis\music The opening marches were ttwill- did not see fit to make a statement reverence. more than its $864,000 quota, or Mrs. Lane was a good woman, one I for the dancing which will follow ing, followed with the group of duets with respect to the matter of salaries, , She Is plainly concerned today $877^05. whom everyone was happy to call a and solos played by high school boys for after nil this question was one . Some of the following figures, re­ the ceremonies. (Continued on page eight) friend, and her passing is sincerely Admission, Including tax, will be surely destined to go plaosa with which falls within the province of . ported as of April 26, have been in­ mourned by a very large circle of creased, but here is the way they 55 cants per person, and the Woman's their music. A clarinet solo, ’’Car- Club will contribute fifty per cent nlval of Venice,” by Wally Moore, the people In tbs county and it is not were given to Mr. Stolte1 by County within the province of an elected of­ Chairman Ben R. Chandler yester- of the net proceeds to the building was the talk of the evening. fund. ! “Jolly Robbers” and “Student ficer to undertake on his own be­ day morning: This promises to be a colorful and Prince” overtures were most popu­ half, in the opinion of this court, a Marshfield, $485,000. Contracts to teach in the Coquille most enjoyable affair and even those lar. "Jolly Robbers,” to quote the campaign affecting salaries. North Bend, $71,600 city schools were awarded to five who do not da pee will enjoy watching director, la a very hard number I4itar certiiin Dublialtv wan uiven » Coquille, $232,700. new teachers at a meeting of the Co­ the entire evening's spectacle. dOne with Hr. both In the local papers and in the Bandon? $80,500. quille school board held Wednesday Withnell himself was most pleased .............. .. ....... . - „ Portland papers to an opinion which dressings Myrtle Point, $38,700 - - a of last week. with the “ Student Prince ” and ft originated within the Attorney Gen­ a month but, to date, no place has Pnstofflcee in the county, other These new teachers will fill va­ was perhaps the most outstanding eral’s office, and which had been been found whuee the ladies who are than Coquille, $54,000. cancies caused by the resignations of overture. ’ . requested by Mr. Forrest with ref ­ willing to take part in this Red Cross Port of Coos Bay, $25,000. present members of the staff effective Wagner’s beautiful “Evening Star,” erence to the wages i«id to certain activity can do the work. at the done of this school year. at his help. The Tacts as they ap ­ played with baritone solo by Jim For sanitary reasons the rolling Articles of incorporation were Dorothy Withyrombe. of Forsrt Peart, was a tract in itself. The peared were not correct and a wrong of the b a nd ag e s must be done in a filed on Tuesday at Salem this week Grove, will teach Girls' Physical Ed­ popular numbers in Group IV were of the whole matter was room not devoted to any other un ­ by J. Arthur Berg for the Coos- ucation and Junior Business, reptac- We do not dertaking or business. Curry .Feed Co-op., of which the all snappy and rounded out iftt^Mn^Kjiy Parrish Mrs. Thors gram, finished off with “ On 1 of facta QopM tbs ioonaJV«EsM«dM|KJM. Retiring Coos County Judge Brvln members ui. the Coquille Vallley In Group V and the National purpose is the ream Jteoh w III even ­ but Mr. tory, replacing Mary Virginia Morris L. Peterson was surprised and hon­ DntryiMWktM upsrettve ere the in­ fitting closing of a grand evening. Flaxel, district attorney, forwarded tually be fitted up as a kitchen in the Mrs. Rose Stromquist will teach on ored yesterday noon when nearly all corporators. Before and after the concert the Community Building, the room back to this office a copy of the Attorney It is the plan to have storage stock* a half-time contract handling secund the employees in the court House halls and class rooms of the high General's opinion presented on the of the southeast comer room tn the and fe^da at several points in the gathered in hie office to bid him school were crowded with visitors basis of the facta submitted by Mr. building. But before that kitchen­ year Spanish and English. two counties with the principal of ­ Mrs. Althea Harrah, who has been good-bye' and present him with a viewing the work of the various de­ Forrest. Sometime prior to the time to-be room could be used by the teaching in the Fairview school for handsome Qruen gold wrist watch. fice and store hare. partments. No wonder graduating ladies it would have to be ceiled with of which thia matter arose Mr. For- Arrangements are now in progress several years, will replace Cherie The presentation talk was made students regret the end of their four plywood, overhead and the walla, (Continued <»n page eight) Mae Hartwell, who has accepted a by Judge Dal M. King, who com­ with the Smith Wood-Products cam­ years in the high school. The op­ and some provision for heating it position in Marshfield. mented on the fine record Judge Pe­ paign for trackage near the old John­ portunity evidenced in last night’s would also have to be made. And at I Mrs. Ruth M. Shaw will replace terson has made during his 28 months son mill site and the plan is to erect display would be an inspiration sure­ I present there are no funds available a building along the S. W. tracks. Ethel Roop in the Lincoln Junior incumbency of the office. ly for making the room comfortable. The new concern expects to have High School. Miss Roop resigned to Judge Peterson is leaving today for The business training, offered in The old Set-a-spell, now Legion accept a position at Oswego, Oregoh. Portland and on Saturday will start all the farmers of both counties as headquarters, was usedwfor bandage (Continued on page two) members, and it will enable them to The Home Economics and Science for Washington, D. C„ where he will The best screening test he has wit­ rolling during the first world war, positions in the Coquille High School be one of the three Oregon men testi­ secure the surplus government grain nessed in any high school in Ore­ but its use as legion headquarters are yet to be filled. fying before a Joint federal lands' for feed. Just how much further gon was the comment of praise by makes it unavailable at this time. the company ’ s activities may be ex ­ committee of congress. A more Mrs. Geo. E. Dix, Coos county the sergeant who attended the test equitable distribution of funds from » tended has not been announced. made by Principal Clarence Osika chairman, has asked that quarters be The Incorporators are Philip G. the sale of government lands is being secured tor there is urgent need for Lester The Rotary Club had the unusual at the high school Wednesday. All sought by the 17 land grant counties Cope, Orval A. Barrows, each community to begin rolling of the boys passed the screening Clausen, Harry L, Heffley and R. H. number of forty-eight guests at of Oregon. (mental) test with flying colors and bandages, and the work here is being luncheon at the hotel Wednesday. Judge Peterson will assume his Christensen. An idea, which originated with the record is something of which held up till a room can be found. I Forty-five of these were members duties as head of the state agricul­ Mrs. Jack Dolan and which was car­ Has anyone a suggestion? S. bend, which the club Coquille may well be proud. tural department on May 20. ried out by F. W. Martin and R. L. Those who took their preliminary The new county judge. Publisher Stewart, resulted last Saturday in physical examination yesterday as L. D. Felsheim of Bandon, has been nearly (2000 worth of war bonds wall as the screening test were Bob sitting in with the county court since and stamps being sold. Willie White, state evangelist for! The other guest was a Portland Ro­ McCarthy, Boyd Stone, Joe Don receiving notice of his appointment Mrs. Dolan’s idea was to get a jeep Estes, Dick Ray, Melvin Steward, and will actively enter upon his the 80 & 8 men will begin a series ’ tarian, G. C. Bukowsky, manager from the camp at Empire in which Wilfred Wasson, Alvin Hickam, Jim duties as county judge next Monday of The Curry county $885.000 airport every person, old or young, who evangeltislc services at the of Roebling's branch in that city. Howe, Bob Kline and Dick Gregory. Wally Moore and Sherman Greg ­ may not be located nt Blacklock bought $2.00 worth of stamps would Church of Christ Sunday morning. Point, eight miles north of Port Or­ be given a ride. May 2. Evangelist White will speak i ory, accompanied on the piano by Confirmation by the cavalry offi- - ford, after all. The Civilian Aero­ every night except Monday at 7:45 Dorothy Beagle, gave a snappy clari­ nautics Administration is not willing car at Bandon, that a jeep would and also at both Sunday services. net duet, which was enthusiastically to accept thg State Highway Depart­ be here Saturday was not received The meetings will close Sunday, May encored, and Director Withnell ex­ tended an fhvltation to memebrs at ment as co-sponsors with Curry coun­ until after the Sentinel was out last 23. The publie is urged to attend. Judge L. D. Felsheim will take of­ ty in providing the site and the com­ Thursday but the news spread rap­ Evangelist White represents the the club to attend the band concert fice next Monday, Judge E. L. Pe­ Ron Dungey, son of Mr. and Mrs. in the high school gym that evening. mission is un wi lling to deed the neces­ idly by word of mouth and those two state organization of the men of the terson having left for Portland to­ J. S. Barton reported on the bond Frank M. Dungey and who left here sary land to the county for airport jeeps which came were kept busy day and from there he is going to Christian church of the state, He some weeks ago with a selective ser- drive being conducted by the club1 all day giving nearly every young­ Washington, D. C., to appear in some is a leader of men and of boys and •vice group, and who had been at a purposes, according to J. M. Devers, but said that final figures could not' ..... the attorney for the highway commis­ ster in town a ride. land cases in which Coos county is is familiar with the work of be given out until the finish of the ‘n Virginia, writes his parents Headquarters was at the J. C. I state. Through Brother White the Whether another suitable interested. that he has been made a corporal in sion. drive Saturday. Penney Co. store where the jeeps site can be found, or the airport Judge and Mrs. Felsheim are going men of the state are trying to reach the engineer corps and has been sent Muri Pettit of the nominating com­ loaded and unloaded, and the girls will be moved to another section has out to Eugene tomorrow for a last others with the Christian message. In school at the mittee reported the names selected to . an Army drafting „ at the booth who also canvassed the visit with their son at the Univer­ 110 months of 184$, Evangelist White ' ~ Ron was not yet been determined. ................ for officers and directors but the business section, accumulated the sity. He expects to be called into conducted nine evangelistic meet­ a physical affliction would election was postponed until _—■ afraid grand total of just under $2000. ings, one in a schoolhouse, one in a the service soon after school is out i ^eep him out but he wanted to get Chamber of Commerce To grange hall, and one in a defunct week. ' in June. in the service so badly that he is now Meet Next Tuesday Bev. and Mrs. R. L. Greene chureh. He organized one church. j overjoyed at his advancement. Mrs. L. H. Hazard Able The regular monthly meeting at To Portland For Convention In that time there were 175 responses Larry Estes Of Consolidated the Chamber of Commerce board of to his message. He directed three To Return Home Soon Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Greene Goes To Grants Paas directors will be held in the Coquille Intend leaving Sunday afternoon for boys’ camps with 280 enrolled. Evan­ ieft ! Woody Jones Says He L. H. Hazard and J. A. Lamb E. F. Dorman, who comes here Hbtel next Tuesday. May 4, a lunch* gelist White is a leader of men and Tuesday Portland where he will attend the morning for southern Will Return To Coquille from Shelby, Mont., hi the new Con­ eon meeting at 11:10. Any mem­ Diocesan Convention of the Episco­ boys and everyone is urged to hear California to bring their wives home. solidated Freightways manager in Mr. and Mrs. Woody Jones, who ber or anyone having matters to him while he la at the Church of Mrs. Hazard, who has been in Pasa­ pal church next week. They will Coquille, succeeding Larry Estes, have been operating the meat mar- present for C. of C. consideration is Christ on East 4th, at Coulter. return next Friday. They moved dena the past winter for the benefit who has been transfered to Granta et in Henninger's Market for the past always welcome to attend the di- this week from the house next west of her is feeling much better Pass. He and Mrs. Estes and their ftw years, Mt.Twwtay morning for Y 5 1 '♦ 1 I I y 5 New Teachers For Next Year Elected ■ < J Feed Co-op. Headquarters Here I Wrist Wtftch Is Given Retiring Judge 1 Best H. S. Screening Yet Seen In Oregon Rotary Entertains C. H. S. Band / $2000 Bonds, Stamps From Jeeps Visit Evangelistic Services At Church of Christ I I Curry Co. Moy Lose The Big Airport New Judge To Take Office Next Monday J I Ron Dun gey An Engineers Corporal I MM EMistmant Board At, City Holl Friday this week for their new location. Mr. Dorman was accompanied here by Mrs. Dorman and their three-year The army traveling board Which • Id son. d , will visit Coquille tomorrow (Fri­ day) to interview WXAC and Avia­ , Caught Week’s Limit On Bogue tion Cadet candidates for enlistment Leland Peart and Walter Moore, will be at the city hail in the morn­ Enlistments In the Women's showed up a lot of fishermen this ing. week when in two days they caught Army Auxiliary Corps cun be com­ the week’s quota of salmon on the pleted by the board here. Boys from Rogue. The limit is five in one day 17 to 26 are eligible for the Aviation Corps. $$*3 or ten in a week, per person. long periods as is sometimes required on bus and train, and Mr. Hazard re­ ceived special consideration to allow him to go after her. Mr« Iamh ha* been visiting her old friend, Mrs. Fred Slagle, the past few weeks. The party intends to be back home here early next month. Willamette valley, where he has leased a market in the store where he formerly clerked. He expects to be called by the Selective Service board by the end of this year but says he intends returning to Coquille after the war as he likes both Co­ quille and its people. Jim Hem. who owns Jim's Market The boys nf the Coquille Fire De­ partment will be hosts this evening and who comes from Palm Springs. to the Coos County Firemen's As­ Calif., will be in charge af the market sociation at the city hall here. hereafter. Wm. Matejka Becomes A Proud Father Wm. Matejka has been happily passing out the smokes since last Thursday afternoon when a baby girl was born to Mrs. Matejka and himself at the Mast Hospital in Myr­ tle Point. The little miss has been named Sandra Kay, and she weighed seven pounds, five and three-quar- ..A- : sw« ¿’-. km - I J 1 I' ond street to the house recently vK cated by Mr. and Mrs. Tailant Oreen­ ough, at IM East Second. 3^2». rt