Out-of-Doors Stuff Open 5 Days a Week—2:3« p. m. to 1:00 a. m. Open Saturday and Sunday 10:00 a. m. to 1:00 a. m. - Soft Drinks, Cigarettes, Candy Lloyd Lackey, E. J. Peterson, ^rops. West Front St. Coaullle Calling carda. M tar aiJM. flclent operation functions. A D'dightfuP Variety! Eoster Dresses Planning Day Program For The Homemakers 4.98 SHEER Norton*« have just received another naw shipment of books, popular fic­ tion aad juveniles Stop In and look there over, * Rayon Mesh Full Fashioned applicable to the five counties served than the former name, Mr, Starcher declared, The association covers Jackson, Josephine, Douglas, Coos and Curry counties, • The association was chartered in »the organization henceforth will be .the Southern Oregon Production 'Credit association. Announcement t | of the change was made by Bren H, I Starcher, secretary, who stated that; j the decision to return to the original I i name was made at the annual meet-1 |Ing of stockholders In January, but, that approval of the governor of the1 Farm Credit Administration had Just been received. Stockholders believe that the name Comfortable Service Shoes