The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 22, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    r.wi Foia
The Sentinel
« tato MHI » A ceto
to can as much as possible. The can­
ning season is just around the cor-
ner. You cannot even .buy a wash
beiler to convert into a cold packer.
This will prevent many thousands of
Gus Bender has given up the idea
Americans from doing their own
of leaving CoquUle and when Lans
Despite the sale of many dairy .canning- and thus fewer reserves of
Lebeve’s resignation takes effect May J
’. _ . _ as . dairymen, un- food for* the future. When the can-
1, he will again be on duty at the ' herds in Oregon
able to retain help, have auctioned off ning season comes on us, listen to
local postoffice.
their cows, the department of agri- the hullabaloo among the politicians
culture states that there is un in- and listen to how they scramble to
O. C. Sanford left last Friday
crease of cows in Oregon of four .
morning for Ashland for a short visit
with his parents. He returned Tues- ■
1942. The depart mint has an idea
day morning. E. D. Webb assisted
that .while small and large dairies
in the bank during his absence.
have folded up. other dairymen have
botight the* milkers and there is as
Hugh Harlocker was the first one
much milk now in that area as there
to feel the full force at the marshal’s
¡ever was.
. i
notice concerning dogs running at
large and he contributed a dollar to
House, appropriations committee
the city’s funds yesterday morning has been requested to include an item 1
for bis neglect in observing the ordin­
ance. He was later seen heading for of 3500,000 for the newly located,
electro a development
laboratory j
home with a chain and collar.
which has acquired the Albany col-!
lege campus. The original appro-!
“The Vagabonds’* last Friday eve­
priation was partly used in purchase ;
ning brought out the largest atten­
I of t|»e college plant and additional
the Liberty Theatre has ever ¡funds are required by the bureau of!
had, and the S. R. O. sign was hung
oui before the curtain' went“ up.'"’
lor inatal,«»i«‘
The amateur performers in the castiand •"•«‘‘•nance. Nothing has been
were: J> Beyers, Mr. and Mrs. F.
yet, % the bureau u<
G. Leslie, Kenneth Ki.tner, Mrs. Geo. I** ,n any nt
R. Johnson, Aaron Wilson, Mrs. SUsie tion
The staff U ,,ow be’
Folsom, Art Selander and Mrs. Via ' "* stl‘‘vU‘d
»he labora-
lory and eventually about 300 scien-
Although we are Pontiac spe­
rlists will be engaged on experiments.
cialists, we have the men,
The first baseball game of the sea-
WM “ 8,ru“le “mon“ half a
experience, facilities and know­
the job as Indian commissioner. Af-
ter la Iking with Mr. Roosevelt, Ickes
uas offered the top place in interior
and now the Indian bureau is one of
his many agencies.
i (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday.
April 20, 1823)
k A. YOUNG, Editer
L. W. Peare, convicted last month
32 00 nt murder in the 'first degree, was
One Year _________ i.—t....
1.00 sentenced this morning by Judge
Six Months...... ............. ........
___ to
__ hang,
__ date _
Three Months.................... ..... -— *•> i John C. Kendall
The county oratorical and declam-
Entered at the CoquUle Postoffice as atory contest will be held at Myrtle
Second Class MaU Matter.
¡Point this evening, the five larger
!, high sci^ols participating. Coquille
I will be represented by Louis Donald­
son in the oratoriacal and Theresa
Clinton in the declamatory contest.
At a meeting of the fire company
Monday evening the department was
______ ____ Z' i re-organized by the election of J. W.
A SUGGESTION TO THE LIT VS Richardson, chief; Tracy A. Leach,
assistant chief; Keith Leslie, prtsi-
There is one matter to which the dent; M. C. Tozier, vice president; A.
city’s budget committee, which is to A. Selander, secretary; Walter F.
meet next Monday evening, should |Ofl ding, treasurer.
< give attention. That is the matter of,
a sewage disposal plant for Cdquille., A preliminary meeting looking to
The state board Of health has made Iorganization of a Girls Scout
an order forbidding the running of »•’O<,P wa> l»eld at the Setaspell Mon­
' _. Mrs. Geo. Chaney is
sewage Into the streams of the state, dag evening-
the organization.
and while it U not yet rigidly en- perfecting
forced, the plan is to compel ail f
towns and cities to stop using the i J. 8. Lawrence, the secretary of
Coquille Lodge, No. 53, I. O. O. F.,
rivers for disposing of sewage.
The statement which is about to ■ was the recipient last Friday evening
be made has not been referred to W.; of a veteran's 50-year jewel, pre­ son will be played at Athletic Park ‘ : all the westertf delegations are now i I
- . , here Sunday afternoon, startirig at' .
L. Kistner arid he does not know the > sented to him by the lodge.
The game is advertised as I b"tk‘nM Albany_ A'
Sentinel is suggesting it, but hie,
being between the Coos Bay All-to
Cbar,e’ L McNar*’
ran~h, or the high part of it on the!
bcat plaee w“hifW-
ooint, is an ideal place for a disposal f1'» Marshfield, on Sunday, April 15, Stars and the Coquille Outlaws, both , **■"* *“
ntant as the city’s larger sewer line urt ei<ht pound boy. Mt»- Hanson teams being a pick-up from balli“*’ wanted “* **“ *° many tdWn" I
i were contesting in that state that
runs close to It.
was formerly Miss Kate Willoughby. players residing at the two places.
.Oregon's'delegation was united.
Mr. Kistner has reached the. age'
"'■/ J
War department is aranging to
when he wants to quit active ranch W*"* showed the act raising the
send a contingent of WAACS for the
work and, we are informed, hi/debt “mitation to become law with-
cantonment at Camp Adair. There
around-100 acre ranch is for sale.
oUt ‘h* ■i««»»«« Jus» because it
will be 144 dormitory units built for
If that is correct it is ah oppor- I contained a rider which nullified one
the girls in uniform at Corvallis. The
tune time (or the cjiy council toi°r bia unconstitutional acta in usunp-
WAACS are to replace soldiers and
make an investigation and possibly I “* »«gislatlve power. A salary limit
permit the latter to join combat
arrange a deal to assure that a loea- .af WMM which the congress had dta-
triopa. -They will attend to the
tion for disposal plant is available CUMed and '‘‘‘fused to epact was
per work.
and to satisfy the state board of made the l’*'
th* ,and b> <’xe<?u-
health that the city is figuring on!tive decree and ,ater the congress,
the construction of such a plant.
by a
V“te, set the president’*
• There are other possible sites but ***"■ aslde
The consUtution pro-
none as close to the large sewer vidrt tha‘ th<> 1‘-’M‘»tative branch of
: There ig much for Mr. Average
pipe line aa this one is, and it is up government be the law-making body,
Citizen and Taxpayer to ponder in
to this council to begin preparations :
facto—which should be self-
the following by Boake Carter, coin-
for a disposal plant.
Waahington, D. C., April 21—Prob- ! mentator, whpch appeared in the
One of the popular weekly picture
ably one of the most surprising prop-
Pre“ recently under the copy-
• •••••••• 0 magazines last week carried illuatra- ositions that the war department has ' lRritt-d date line of the Public Ledger
• (tions to show how the human body
ever received was the suggestion that in Philadelphia:
Fragfnenii of Fact
is made and the structure and func- work on the ”my«tery’’ plant between * **
and Fancy
• tiuns of its microscopic cells. It is
• •••••••• • very educational and fascinating for
Columbia river, be postponed until tjdi is tlx; false use of words. When
The sight af soldiers in battle dress most people but for others it is like after the harvest. Reason fer thé t®Gnvemmen rtarti talking about
and with armored equipment on the peering too closely into the secrets of suggestion was that there will be “giving” things to people stop and
” *
* ?
streets of Coquille is a-spine-tingling Nature.
A Government
an estimated 20,000 men in the plant : tMn8 a moment.
It reminds us that the planting of
experience. Well do we remember
and most of this crowd will be ‘ must take from the people before it
another occasion, seven years ago bulbs in the dark earth and their drawn from the surrounding terri- j ran give to the people. Thus the
next October, when we first glimpsed later resurrection with green foliage tory where there is already need of , giving is the product oT an original
the regulation army uniform on soi- and many-hued petals was once a 40,000 men and women to take care i act of force—because if a citizen de­
diers who.came ifi with't'he"Forest more enchanting experience. After
of the crop.
The suggestion was murs about giving up to the Gov-
Service to build up fire-breaks and h£*vin,i ***n a few bulba 8prout 4n 1 passed to General Marshal, chief of eAtment, the politicians use force to
take over the protection of our town dark ‘ basement
"“'"e"» without benefit of
Remember that
staff, by Spn. Rufus Holman. The’ take it from him.
during the weeks when the smell of
8om* ** tb* n»y»»ery of the idea originated with C. C. Yates of when thinking of all this social legis­
burned forests and a pall
of smoke frowth <rf
underground was Umatilla county.
lation that the White House is talking
hung over our city. 1.
It was
with ***•
I In the area affected the crop* are j about for-nature years of American
course, we are wrong in mak-
«.... ,uu. ......
, . .
deep gratitude and relief that we i , Of
. .egtunated at 315o,ooo,ooo, of which
ing a plea for ignorance. We would
im. ___
realized we no longer stood alone i -J..
What is Social Security? It is a
, a . j 7
j Umatilla
county will produce 830,-
11 be*ruled by black magic and
. .
’ . !
but that the United States army was st
T .
000,000, but unless workers are ava - falsa* title. Actually it is a lollypop.
by superstition if man had not ..,.
. _
there ready to help us in our peril. bound,
... . . uble a large percentage of the crops And on that account the populace
. __ ...
Today the feeling is similar. We been.curious about the growth of his (fruits and vegetables) ........
will go to likes it. The same populace wouldn’t
bless the young men who are on the body. And we need not fear that he | waste.
In Umatilla county alone like vinegar. Is there any reason
alert for an enemy attack by air or i will learn too much. He can never | there are 38,000 acres uf caiuiing why Soical Security should not be
an invasion by land. Again we know touch life itself and after he has ex- l peas, with a value of 88,400,000; called by its right name—State forced
we are a part of our mother country hausted all explanations of the phys-
about 22,000 acres of prunes valued insurance? Ah, that’s vinegar! It
and will have its protection in time lcal bein« l,e mu*» 8»and
awe of
at 82,000,000 ; 21.000 acres of dried doesn’t taste as good as the lolly­
of danger. No income tax payment, the God who made “• what we are peas, estimated at 82,100,000. There pop, does it?
no amount of money spent for bonds Neither will his microscope nor his
There Is something that puzzles me.
are 18 crops m this one county where
is sufficient to pay for the security chemical test tube give an under­ i formerly wheat growing was the Qfficial Washington seems willing
standing of the soul of man or of the
of which our flag is an emblem.
i Eternal Spirit which ruleth the uni- backbone of agriculture, and in the tb give the shirt off the back of every
current year canning peas will bring American to the rest of the world but
The office of wsr information, verse.
in more money than the wheat field... is afraid to give anything to the
which started out so bravely last
t a
Where the canneries and farmers' American taxpayer. If we can give
year as the co-ordinator for all new» Oregon Motor Vehicle
will find the 8,500 men and women I (which should be the true wotd for
from the various war departments,. Responsibility Law Has Teeth
to harvest and process the crops is lend-lease) billions to the rest bf the
boards and bureaus in Washington,
Oregon, by adopting the new Orc- a leading quqestion, which is why I World, it is quite fantastic that the
D. C., is rapidly losing the cqpfidence gon Motor Vehicle Responsibility Act Mr. Yates asks the war department same political manager balks at giv-
of the public. Elmer Davis; aa its of 1943, has given its former f¡nan- (if it does not interfere with war :ing to American citizens a fractional
head. was previously a favorite voice ctal responsibility law teeth that are plans) to hold back construction on Advantage (in xtime for payjnent)
on the radio but now he is enmeshed «harp and powerful,
the powder ptant until after crop (With regard to taxes as proposed in
in the politics at the nation’s capital, j The law now makes Auto Liability ' time.
• %
Uie Rumi plan.
He has chosen, or _ possibly
. the choice
__ practically
r____ .__ r an
absolute I
i If the United
States taxpayer
was forced upon him, for his assist- necessity to the automobile operator,
The 130 conscientious objectors at' were to lie put on a pay as you go
ants a group of advertising special- Oregon is one of the 30 states of our Wickiup, on the Deschutes project, basis by July 1, he would be given a
iste wise in propaganda and he nation which has financial rvspon- will be continued tfjerc until fur­ break of six months on 1942 taxes.
has lost his staff of trained reporters sibility laws in the interests of com ther orders.
These conscies
That would be immoral and unpatri-
who looked for and fave out au- bating auto accidents and resultanl working on the reservoir site, clear- ptic! Bu(
___ __
____ _____
it _
is _
a ____
noble deed
thenic news.
Also some of the personal and economic lorn. The law ing the area of trees. Announcement, W>e same politicians just abput loot
hot uir from his office is backfiring; ¡* expected to alleviate much indi- is made that these objector* will be;this country to give it aWay to
for example Rubber Czar Win Jef- »¡dual loss and suffering in the state, maintained on the project at the au- eigner*.
fers flatly contradicts some of the
Contrary to public opinion mileage thorized strength. They are work- 1 We are told we are short of man
reports from the office of war Infor- rationing and wartime driving re­ ing for the bureau of reclamation power. The British and the Cana-
mation.- -
slrictions have not solved the prob- and are carrying on the work for- dians are our allies, aren’t tliey?
The American people resent any |em uf motoring accidents according merly performed by CCC boys until More than that, they are among the
tampering with the truth of news m Ernie Smith, local representative that organization was liquidated.
English speaking nations of the
releases, . they want nothing that
tm- Fur mars AutonKbiie Inter-
‘world.’ Their government and opr
faintly resembles Goebbels and his Insurance Exchange.
Reedsport wants something, wants government is based on the same
propaganda machine.
During 1842, Mr. Smith states over several things. It asks for an air broad principles. I* it therefore im-
27,800 lives were lost in traffic acci- base for army or navy planes, and possible for an executive order to be
The rain thia week has been a dents and 31.500,000,000 of damage it wants a turning basin in Winches- issued removing lestriclioiis against
lucky break for the’ gardener, in sustained by America's motorists,
ter bay for ships.
Sen. Rufus C. Canadian and British aliens working
more ways than one. Many gardens,
Holman.ia. placing theaa raquesUi te- m -defense- ptents tte the Vrtted
pass off the blame to some one else
Now is the time to order your
graye marker for your loved one if
you desire it tor Memorial day. See
John S. Sandeni. Phone 1231..--541
West Sth
to run, economical. FARR A EL­
how to service any make or
model—«»«/ </« » goaJ
Many parts are interchange­
able, and if we don’t have the
necessary ones in stock, we
know where to get them. Most
any Pontiac owner we take care
of will tell you that we do com­
petent, honest, moderately-
priced work. Talk to one of
them and then drop in.
1. Ws still have competent
mechanics. 2. We still urt
genuine parts. 3. We still check
your car without charge. 4. We
have specially-designed tools
to reduce repair time. 5. We i
want to be helpful in your trans­
portation problems.
r**>ÄT or rwt "
Church Pontiac
Freedom oi
(One of the Eiscntiali of a Democracy)
★ In America, Faith has no limits.
America believes in and hallows the
religions of the world.
To Americans, tlie right to worship as
they choose is as fundamental as the
right to own their own property, or to
choose their own life’s work. But to our
enemies, America’s way is intolerable.
The very precepts .upon which our
American life is built are the things they
seek to destroy..
Faith and courage . . .. initiative and
honest sweat ... a passion for liberty
and justice and equal rights for free
men—those are the seeds from which
the American way of life has Sprung.
Today, America’s Faith is undaunted.
The light of freedom burns indelibly in
^omthe grouno.",we^ralher <Iry nance, Saturday, M^rVin Coquille
• There are several hundred thou­
but Ute greatest ................
benefit the
rain —
ac- Community
and see ‘
— -----
----------- - Building
--------- -
Myrthus Evans will be the new su-
sand such
su sand
such Ainglo-Saxon aliens in
eompltahed just at this time was the:the queen crowned at 8:00 p m. !perlntendent at the Indian school at West Coast
----------------- — .. —-- -------- 1 area. We see British |
death of millions of spittle bugs Admission 55 cents per person. 13t3 Cbemawa. Mr. Evans has been prin- and American political delegates
Still in the larva stage they were ]
cipal of the high school for Navajo working together in Washington to
washed from the host plants and left
Indians in the southwest, reports the win the war. Why cannot British and
friscriftion pillin # is a
--------- of - - Indian
— -
to drown, starve or shrivel, whatever 1
Harold L. American workmen work together in I
NmoiflwM m « *»
it is that kills these pests when they '
Ickes secretary of the interior de- :the factories to help win the war? ;
rt MT
can no longer froth up plant juice
partment, came to Washington when i Mark this one down for iater ref-
tart prta»
for a protective covering.
President Roosevelt was preparing erence. No housewife can buy the
l«< ’ f r»«rtf»io> ‘»rrte».
,te throw out the Republican appoin- equipment to do canning. Yet the
FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY tees of President Hoover and wanted Government is urging housewives
It was with poor grace that the
Let's All Fight
Buy and Keep on Buying Bonds for Victory!
Mountain Statos Power Co.
A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Private Enterpri