PAGE TRUE next meeting on May 1#, Gladyus Ja­ divorce. PIMPLES DISAPPEARED cobson will entertain for Ruby John­ April 17—Mary Kathryn Brown vs. OVER NIGHT son. Attending, were Mesdames Jane James Franklin Brown. Suit for di­ Yes, it is true, there is a safe harm­ vorce. Burch. Bianctie Mast, Edith Tennant. less medicated liquid called Kleerex Ethel Fuller, Doris Youst, Glaydus The Coquille Red Devils track that dries up pimples over night. Jacobson, Edna Kern, Gladys Wheel­ team tied with the Myrtle Point Bob- Those who followed simple directions er and Mrs. Donald Burch. i cats for, second place at the Coos and applied Kleerex upon retiring County Relays, held at Athletic Park ■ were amazingly surprised when they here last Friday afternoon. Those fotrnd their pimples has disappeared. teams scored 25 points each, while These users enthusiastically praise Just A Letter In The ~ the Marshfiled Pirates won the meet Kleerex and claim they are no longer with 29 points and the North Bend Wrong Mail Box embarrassed and are now happy with Bulldogs took last place with ten Dick Connam of the Coos Electric their clear complexions. Don’t take points. Co-operative, R. E. A., thinks he has our word for it, use Kleerex tonight. If | Coquille and Myrtle Point euch something on a public utility offi­ one application does not satisfy, you ¡won two firsts while the Pirates won cial here. Tuesday morning Carl ; gel your money back. There is no i five: The Red Devils firsts were in Gilbert brought Mr. Connam an en­ risk so do not hesitate. For sale by | the 75-yard shuttle relays and the velope, which had been slit open, and I Barrow Drug Co. 8tB* sprint medley relay. Howell, Wol- which bore the long hand apology, gamott, Anderson, McCracken ran “Opened by mistake.” The envelope the shuttle relay in 37 seconds and was addressed to the “Coquille McCracken. Anderson, HoWe and Light & Power, R. E. A., Coquille, Wolgamott the sprint medley in 56.5 Ore.” and in the upper left-hand cor­ seconds. " •■”/'. • ' ner the return card Indicated It was The discus throw of Ben Maine, of from the Central Lincoln, P. U. D.. at Marshfield, of 123 feet, 10 inches, and Newport, Ore. the javelin toss of Jerry Ford of the But this writer heard Bob Stewart same school, 161 feet, 6V4 inches, assure Dick that he didn't read the both of which are new high kchool «missive. , ‘ t Mr. and Mrs. James Brady were margg jn the county, cannot be ac- surprised last Monday evening by 1 cepted as breaking Coos county rec- the arrival of their daughter, Kath-,or' • ’ (Corner Second and Heath) leen, from her home in Loe Angeles, county track meet. who' got here by careful planning on April 15—H. M. and Margie E. You are invited to attend the Easter her birthday. Kathleen holds a re- » Counts vs. Robert Lennox Wingate. Services next Sunday when Special sponsible position in the Los Angeles I CIM»rk“ Chappell» Comes From April 16—Coos Bay Logging Co. Easier Music will be rendered. branch of the Federal Reserve Bank Louisiana For Visit Here vs. Howard W. Irwin et al. of San Francisco. She is in the Epr- ' Mrs. Howard Detiefsen was pleag- April 16—Coos River Boom Co. vs. eign Funds Control Department, antly surprised by a visit from her Blue Ridge Timber Co. et al. Kathleen majored in Foreign Ex- brother, Chas. Chappelle, who ar- April /16—Irwin & Lyons vs. Coos Morning Topic—“The Triumph of the Resurrection” change in college and, though for a rived here last Saturday evening Bay Logging Co, et al. while was in the Traffic Department, i from Camp Polk, Lousiana. He was April 16—Coos River Boom Co, va. Evening Topic—“The Evangelist on the Witness Stand. was placed where she now is to take on a 15-day leave but except for a Evalene and Wm. J. Breen et al. the position of a man who went into few days’ visit with his sister, Be- April 16—-Irwin & Lyons vs. Coos service and thia Is more In line with atrice, in Marshfield, he spend most Bay Logging Co. et al. her specialized training. 'of his furlough traveling here and April 17—Marianne E. Anderson ..... back. Charles and his wife were vs. Richard A. Anderson. Suit for Fer Mias Kathleen Brady Mrs. Fred McNelly gave a delight­ ful little dinner party on Tuesday evening for the more intimate friends of Kathleen Brady, who is here on a visit with "her parents. The guests were Mrs. J. E. Axtell, Marianne Ax­ tell. Betty Sturdivant, Aloha Alien, Glenda Clinton and Mrs. Brady. Coquille Ties For Second In Relays =JOYOUS EASTER ¿GREETINGS... C. 8. C. data Members of the C. 3. C. club met on Tuesday with Mrs. Ophal Gilman at her home. During the afternoon there was a handkerchief shower for Mrs. James Watson who, with Mr. Watson, is moving to Seattle just after Ifce first of May. The hostess served salad, coffee, and cake at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. Neil McGilvery will entertain the club next in two weeks. Attending were Mesdames Aurora Willard, Maggie Simmons, 3. 3. Stanley, Sam Arnold, Sr., James Watson, W. E. Cross, Jack Arnold, Fred Kunz and Frank Pook. Assembly of God IwKfidíU Gladys Friday Gasner at her made 1 Bright befiiiMgi fer Eister Mera Sugar Belle Peas No. 2 can Green Split Peas 2 lb. bag Chicken Soup, Campbell’s lO'/i oz. can .»...... Tomato Juice Sunny Dawn 41 ox.................. Safety Financial Responsibility Law Atar 14c 24c 11c 22c /¿tar rZe Wt«wwf/ at the low rate of $14.00 —11 " ■ FLOCK « lb. uek , amf mmf nuts IO Og Kitchen Craft—enriched Fisher’s FLOUR 2 lb. bag Ifl- Handisacks SWANS DOWN lge pkg O7e Value Per Lb. Value HAMS 41 c Armour's. Swift, Morrell or Del Monte—7 points a pound • SLICED HAM 8 points per pound lb. Me • PORK ROAST Center Cuts 7 points lb. 35c • SKINLESS WIENIES Skinless 5 point lb. 30c • SLICED BACON 4 points a pkg ‘/¿lb pkg 23c ! if you haven't had your WWW «WKT , OFFICIAL O. F. A. INSPECTOR Station No, 11-W Mid No, 11-3 Southwestern Motors Car & Home Supply Store Fleischman's CRISCO Shortening 3 lb yi- 15 points Red Stamps » Royal Satin Shortening 3 lb AA IS points Red Stamps Margarine Dalewood lb pk QA 5 points per IT» Red Stamps 1 lb jar HONEY QT- CHEER I OATS Gold Medal ASPARAGUS CALAVOS GRAPEFRUIT 41c Texas nub Lb. .............. RHUBARB TOMATOES lb OA1 Mexican Fancy ."Do ft now.. «Mfr«**"1 I * Cake Flour FRESH YEAST 3 cakes 1QC j Field Grewu SHREDDED RALSTON OE. Cereal 12 oz. pkg. 2 fer Sanitary Napkins box of 12 AO San-Nap-Pak 2 hexes W