»•? > V AN THINGS BEING TALKED ABOUT IN COQUILLE So. Pacific Marine A Coquille Visitor INDKPBÉDtNT Appointment Was A Surprise To Judge Felsheim NBWSPAPBR Services For Harry Union Services At Church of Christ Friday Afternoon City Purchases $15,000 Worth Of War Savings Bonds It seems to be rather hopeless, that <>f trying to impress on some of the Coquille has been visited this week iieopie of Coquille the. necessity of keeping dogs from running at large by a Marine Corps member, who The annual union Good Friday and spoiling Victory gardens. Hun­ has seen a great deal of action in services will be held this year at dreds of people in Coquille feel it the south Pacific war tone, as an the Church of Christ These ser- a patriotic duty to raise gardens this airplane navigator. He is Glen By­ Harry Madison Roes passed away The offer of appointment to Claire Gray, president of the coun vices are sponsoivd by the local year, but it is just as much a patri­ ington, brother of Mrs. Paul Simp- office of Com county judge by Gov. at his home on North Hesth street Ministerial Association as a coopera­ cil, occupied the mayor’s chair at the otic duty for owners of animals of son of this city, and before enlisting Earl Snell to L. D. Felsheim last here last Sunday morning, April )8, tive effort of all the churches., The regular meeting of the city dads any kind to see that their pets do not in the Marines he was a student at Thursday came as much of a sur­ at the age of 81 years, seveh months O. S. C. and was one ol the Oregon service will start at 3:00 o'clock and Monday evening. Mayor Wood being destroy the gardens which the other State footbell team which won the. prise to the Western World at Ban­ and ten days. will last an hour and a half. Every­ in Portland. patriotic citizens have planted. don publisher as it did to the rest of Although he had been in poor The most important decision made game a year and more ago from Duke one is welcome to attend these ser­ , This was the object of one lady’s the county. Judge Felsheim—he has health for more than a year, his vices which will definitely be cen­ by the council was that the city pur­ visit to the Sentinel office yesterday. University in the transplanted Rose not been sworn in yet but will be as phasing came as a shock to all who tered about the death and resurrec­ chase 015,000 worth of series G war Another told of how some one Bowl game. soon as Ervin L. Peterson resigns to knew him. Heart affliction which tion of Christ. savings bonds and that, if the city In the war zone he has been taking 4 • .. whose sense of respectability seems take the state position to which the had first bothered him as a boy has further funds which can be in­ The program is as follows’. to be nil, had come into her front in supplies to the various buses and governor has appointed him—was when he suffered with asthma was Congregational singing, Rev. L. C. vested that City Treasurer Caughell yard the night before, and tom all bringing out wounded for the post not a candidate nor had he even the-cguse of his death. purchase more, after approval by Peking. the beautiful blossoms from her seven months. In the earlier phases thought of' the position for himself.1 Funeral services are being con­ of the war those transport planes Scripture reading and prayer, Rev. the finance committee. azalea bush of which she was very Gov. Snell called Mr. Felsheim last ducted at the Gano Funeral Home The series G bonds mature in 12 Chas. G. Brown. proud, and of another lady, residing » were not armed in any way and if a Thursday and stated that with the this afternoon, at two o’clock, his years, are non-negotigble and if car­ Jap plane spotted them there wai Special Music. along the highway who found one number of candidates there were for pastor, Rev. M. D. Rempel of the Message. “The Way of the Cross,” ried to maturity bear 3ft per cent, morning that all the tulips with nothing to do but run for it and he the position, some of them most ac­ Baptist church, officiating. which means the city would have told of one Jap who waa on their Rev. Liston Parrish. * which she had been trying to beau­ tively engaged in pressing their ’ Fall bearers are members of the Congregational Singing, Rev. L. c. received a total of 84500 in interest tify her place had been ruthlessly tail and chased them clear to they if the bonds are not turned in until landing field, firing as rapidly as claims, he, the governor, thought' It local Carpenters Union, of which he Persing. tom up. possible at the fleeing plane. When best to select an entirely unthought : waa a member, and interment will Still another story was that of 14- Scriptural Reading, Rev. M. D. 1058. They are cashable with the of candidate and urged Mr. Felsheim . be in the I. O. O. F. cemetery, No. 2, U. 8. treasury, however, in a short Rempel. year olds who were intoxicated and the crew set their plane down they to accept. where graveside services will be con-1 time at a lower rate of interest and ■jumped and ran to their fox holes i Special Music, Mrs. Cowden. creating a disturbance at a home, not The tatter asked for time to think ducted by the Odd Fellows lodge., Hode Caughell figured they would and escaped personal injury. Message, “ Christ ’ s Credential, the their own, on Henry street. about it overnight, and had not fully | Members of Coquille Lodge, No. 53, Mr. Byington came in Monday And there are other incredible Resurrection,” Rev. Gordon Lindsay. draw 1ft per cent interest if pre­ decided when Gov. Snell called him and the Rebekah Ixxige. both of sented to the U. S. treasury for pay­ Benediction. stories of drunkenness which indicate morning»left Tuesday morning to see again next morning. After the sec­ which he was a member, will at­ ment in three years. his mother at Corvallis, and from . ------------ a. , the lack of parental discipline and Next Monday, April 26, was set as there is going to Cherry Point, N. C., ond talk with the governor, Mr. Fel­ tend in a body. control in many homes. sheim consented to serve. Harry Ross was born Sept. 8, 1861, the date for the city’s budget com­ where he will receive advanced in- -We hesitate to put all these crimes . Louie Fetahelm will make u splen­ at ilia, Wash., and had been a resi­ mittee to meet and prepare an es­ under ooe classification, but do be­ I sti in tion and also act as instructor at did head of the Coos county corpora­ dent of Oregon for the past 25 years. timate for the next fiscal year’s prob­ lieve that the same devil-may-care the school there. tion and his appointment is univer­ He resided in Powers for three years able municipal expenses. attitude which permits dogs to ruin Everyone agreed that the Senior sally approved by the people of Cot>s befam coming to Coquille 17 years A check for the full amount of the another's property is the same atti­ Class play, "Midnight,” presented pipe needed to lay 2500 feet of a county. He has had considerable ex­ ago. * . tude which is permitting the rising perience in public affairs, besides He is survived by his widow, Pansy last Friday night at the high school one-inch main in the Sanford Heights generation to go to the dogs. that as publisher of the Western H. Rosa; a son, Don Rosa, of Coquille; gymnasium, was a very smooth piece district had been presented by the World. He has served on tl>e county two daughter, Mrs. I.uella Smith of of dramatics. There was as a whole property owners there, and the coun­ Visitors to the Open House to budget committee, on the Bandon Portland, and Mr». Georgia Davidson^ such equally good acting that it be­ cil voted to accept the Crane A Co. school board, was a member of the of Coquille; three sisters, Mrs. Paerl comes difficult to comment singly. offer for 2500 feet of such pipe- reconstruction committee in Bandon Rutledge, formerly of Coquille but All the character parts were taken galvanized steel—at 011.50 per 100 un after the Sept. 28, 1038, fire, and now living in Tonopah, Nev.; Mrs. artistically, the plot was interesting feet, F. O. B., Portland. The prop­ was president of the Oregon Press Lula C. Kelley, of Portland; Mrs. full of surprises, well caried out. erty owners will pay the freight as Conference in 183V Catherine Markham, of Zillah, Wash,, Seldom woudl it so happen that one well as for the laying. He has been meeting with the and by one granddaughter, Barbara might scan the names of those in the The offer of the Northern Scliool cast and be so fair to all as to say I Supply Co. to flimtab well-made, county court in its sessions this week, Davidson, of Coquille. each took his or her part as well as I steel-frame chairs getting on to the ropes, and consult­ Mr. Roas was a carpenter and for the Com­ ing with Judge Peterson about all builder by trade, and a good one. any other. But such was the case. Fri­ munity Building at 03.80 each was pending county affairs. He will be missed and sincerely day evening, even the director. Miss referred to the building committee Mr. Felsheim does not intend by a large circle of friends Lunelle Chapin, agreed on this point as well as to the attention of the “No one ever could have with ¿^btasets e group to work with.** After* hearing a motion that the ' pieces, many of which will be on Some of the parts being more im­ mayor be named as a delegate to fine home overlooking the Coquille Grange Met display that evening. Mr. Snider's river bar. portant showed off thè work of’In­ the Ix-ague of Oregon Cities conven­ Saturday At McKinley „ _ ctasa st also will show the model dividual cast members to better ad­ tion in Portland, on May 12-13-at Mrs. Felsheim, who has been as­ . ' planes they are making for the gov- Pomona Grunge met last Saturday . vantage. For example, Mary Borel. his own expense—the councilmen de­ sisting him in publication of the . ,. ernment and the link trainer for Western World for some time, will in all-day session at the McKinley ‘ as Julia Greenwood, characterized cided to leave it to the mayor as to studying the control of planes in the have charge of the Worlds front of­ Grange hall, with Harold Potts, Po- ' the maiden aunt with plenty of style, whether Coquille should be repre­ nOW • fice, and Mr. Felsheiin is now look­ mona master, in charge. These meet- Wilfred Wasson, as I^onard. the col- sented at the convention. ‘nuffh "** .. The Home Economic department, 4 ing are held four times year and ored chauffeur, proved a • perfect 1 Hi for a printer and sssw»/HWi — - a - w -------------------- ---------------------------- -- r- -------- linotype oper- | | ings r by wh,ch Mr*' Dorirthy Kemp Is the a tor. Until one has been next one in July will be with the choice for the part. from lucifuctor, will ba vs some of their cured, and they are scarce now, the Bandon Grange. The mid-day chick- I Elmer Zwicker and LaVerne Bar- ___ sewing work on display. Mrs. Ethel new judge plana on setting the type dinner, according to aJJ reports, is rette, teamed in their episode as Mr. Kranick reports that her biology for the World in the evening, after “***/• • wonderful one. Two local ‘ Smith and bis companion, did " 1 some H____ cl usees will have their term pro- be gets back from h|s official duties IWOWfl took part in the program last real acting, Marilyn Sage, as I$ate While total figures on the sales of w jects ready for the occasion. A pre- in Coquille. I Saturday. Mias Ida Oerding read an (Continued on page six) in Coquille. War Bonds since Monday of last ( view of some of these indicates a Good luck, Louie FelsMim. May Interesting history on “Early Ore- pa* very interesting and thorough set of week are not available this morning, ” In “ it it-!» r\ £ your term as county judge be the gon. <<»n." -k* told of the apple seeds planted at Fort Vancouvel* and VlVIllOn Uetense it can be stated that the drive is pro­ (Continued on page six) most successful in the oounty’s his­ gressing satisfactorily in Coquille, stated that the old trees still live tory. due in large measure to the hundreds which grew from these seeds planted of people who drop in at bank and In 1835, and which were brought by Beginning this (Thursday) eve- I postoffice to invest their surplus in an Englishman around the Horn and nlng and on every other Thursday'(J. S. securities, with a guaranteed found after forgotten In his pocket. evening hereafter, at 7:30 o'clock at interest, and at the same time are Miss Jerry Howell is to be crowned Mra. Florence Hallock sang two The special meetings conducted at as May Queen at the. Coquille beautiful numbers. “Estrellita,” in the city hall a Civilian Defense in­ doing their part on the home front Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Smith were Woman’s Club annual May Day the Assembly of God will terminate Spanish, and Negro Spiritual, “Were cident drill is to be held and all to support and help those on the war dance on the evening of May 1, In this Easter Sunday The evangelist. weekend visitors - in Coquille from You There While They Crucified My police reserve members, hospitaliza­ fronts. Rev. Gordon Lindsay, has brought Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Smith is the Community Building. Mr. Stells says that many people Lord.” Mrs. Hallock played her own tion and first-aid crews of the Civil­ This was decided last Friday when thought-provoking messages and the president of Smith Wood-Products accompaniment on the auto harp. ian Defense, or any other organiza­ who have never been in the bank be­ the high school students chose her as church and Sunday school has been Co. and was on one of his regular Another fine talk on "Pioneer Life,” tion which functions as a part of the fore are coming in to buy bonds. queen. Princesses chosen at that benefited by Rev. and Mrs. Lindsay's trips, visiting his several mills and was given by Mr. Abernathy, of Dora, civilian defense, program, are re­ As a refutation of the statement quested to attend each and every that bonds are presented for redemp­ planta in Oregon and California. time were Kay Leslie, Marilyn Sage, stay. whose grandfather was the first pro­ Easter Sunday morning the subject While here Mr. Ulett took him visional governor of Oregon. one of those incident drills. A qual­ tion after being held but a short time, Doris Ann Wood. Betty Emery, Avis will be. “The Triumph of the Reseur- fishing on the Rogue where Mr. Ricketts and Maybelle Yarbrough. Out of the forty-sevn Grange ified speaker will be secured to talk an authentic release shows that dur­ rection,” with special music for the Smith caught his first salmon, a 30 on some subject related to the de- ing March, when people might be members present seventeen were ; occasion. Easter Sunday night, the pounder. ' tense problems. cashing their bonds to meet income born in Oregon. One had been born closing night of the meetings, Mr. The 10:30 p. m. police reserve pa­ tax payments, only 73/100 of one per Mr. and Mrs. Smith left Coquille in Germany and Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay speaks, "The Evangelist on Tuesday and Mrs. Smith is now in trol is to be eliminated but the desk cent of the War Bonds issued up to Martin both were born in Switzer­ tlie Witness Stand." > duties of the reserves, from 10 p. m. that time, were cashed. Portland visiting her daughter, Mrs. land. After a short rest the Lindsays will Tom Denison and getting acquainted until 5 a. m. are to be continued, Geo. A^ Ulett stated this morning, Corporal Carl Johnson, son of Mr. i as chairman of the Lions club bond go to Westport for special meetings. with her new grand daughter. They . Capt. I. H. Heaton states. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson, walked into expect to leave for Kansas City the drive committee, that the Lions mem- the Sentinel office yesterday»morning Elwyn Nosier Visits Home latter part of this week, ' tiers and affiliated concerns would with the query, “Any chance to go to ~\ Folks For Five Days probably add 065,000 to the Coquille work?” j War Bonds purchases. Former Coquille Lady Carl was printers' devil in this Clarence E. Norton, a former police Elwyn Nosier, who has been at the office for a couple of years prior to Buried At Eureka, Calif. officer at Marshfiled in old prohibi­ Farragut, Idaho, Navy training camp Coquille Women's Organisations He entering the Army last fall, Robert Scorby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ella Endsley, sister of Marc tion days, was appointed by Mayor for the past six months, arrived here came in Tuesday evening from Jack Scorby of thia city, who was re­ and Kirk Shelley, of Coquille, died Wood to the Coquille police force on an eight-day furlough last Wed­ chairmen have to date, since March Geiger Field, near Spokane, on a ported by the war department as at her home in Eureka on Monday last week and entered upon his duties nesday and left on the return Tues­ 20th, sold 027,507 worth of war bonds I seven days’ furlough. He Is with the missing after the fall of Corregidor night. Mrs. Endsley was about forty- Sunday. The appointment was con­ day this week. He has just finished ' and stamps with potential' sales, 864th Engineer Aviation Battalion and the capture of the Philippines by six years old and the cause of her firmed by the council Monday eve­ a cook's school course there and has which should bring this up to 030,000 and expects to be sent somewhere the Japs last year, is a Japanese pris­ death la believed to have been a ning. 'a cook third class rating. Just where by Saturday. Coos county's quota for the second drive is 0100,000. soon after he gets hack from Ms fur­ oner of war, according to informa­ heart attack. She is survived by Since leaving Marshfield. Norton (he may be sent now lie does not ------------------ B------------------------------- tion received thia week by his par­ sons, in the armed forces, and two had been in California for some years know, but he has. an ideg. lough. ents from the Red Cross. Where he daughters; by her mother, Mra, Hattie and more recently has been em­ Miss Elsie Strauss, Fortner Although the thermometer got is confined was not made known to Shelley, of Coquille; brothers. Marc ployed at a Fairview logging camp. down to 18 below aero this pest Coquille Teacher, Married Legion Auxiliary State Mr. and Mrs. Scorby but it brought a and Kirk Shelley, and Mrs. Marc winter, the barracks are well heated President To Bo Here April 28 Her many friends here will be in­ sense of relief and happiness to Shelley. The Coquille relatives left C. J: Fuhrman Again and he did not suffer, although the terested in learning that Miss Elsie Mrs Grover Francis, state presi- This Afternoon Senior Class Play A Decided Hit Open House At C. H. S», April 28 War Bond Sale Is Going Well Jerry Howell To Be May Queen Meetings To Close Sunday Night Drill Tonight Ralph Smith Caught His First Salmon . Corp. Carl Johnson Here On Furlough Councilmen Not To Be Policemen! Robert Scorby A ' Jap Prisoner ary, will be in Coquille on Monday, April 36, to meet with members of the Coquille and Powers units. The meeting will be held in the Amer­ ican Legion hail in Coquille at 2:30 in the afternoon. This will be the official visit of the state president and an invitation Is extended to all members of the Co- Assembly Dance In I.O.O.F. Hall To Be Held April M The Coquille Winter Assembly club will hold another assembly dance Saturday night, April 34. j Tickets will be 01.50 a couple and you can purchase them from Dave | Rackleff, John Purkey or Bob Harris, qullle and Powers units to attend the The dance will be held In the Odd meeting and the tea which will fol- “ “ low. -sr---------------------- Penny Sturdivant Visits Here Sgt. Geo. E. (Penny) Sturdivant, who Is stationed with a hospital unit at Fort RUey, Kansas, left last eve­ ning to return to duty after a couple at days spent visiting friends here. It takes so much time traveling from the middle west and back again that his furlough time in Ms old home town was quite short. Penny looks though army We agrees with him. C. J. Fuhrman waa bock in Fuhr­ man’s Pharmacy a few days this week while Luckey Bonney was fish­ ing on Rogue river. Mr. and Mrs. Fuhrman came up froftt Sixes on Sunday and Luckey went down to Gold Beach the same day. The sal­ mon are striking well down there now. Orville Wood and Lloyd Claver who fished two days on the Rogue last week brought home about 175 bitterly of the cold. J. W. McGuffins Leave After 45* Years In Coquille Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McOuffin, af- ter 45 years residence in Coquille, bid their friends here goodbye the first of this week and left for Long Beacb, Calif. They extend an invi­ tation to any friends here who may go to southern California to come and see them at 1477 Warren Ave. school building here a few years ago, was united in marirage to Sergeant George Guttke, at Medford, on April 3. Mrs. Gutke is at present princi­ pal of the Washington school in Ash­ land, and Sgt. Guttke has been sta­ tioned at Camp White near Medford. He has been sent to the officers’ training school at Camp Lee, Virginia, and as soon as her school is out this Spring, Mrs. Guttke will join him in fé