SECOND SECTION The Coquille Sentinel SECOND SECTION PAGE NINI A LECTURE ¡self, are included in the revelation to virgin. He was appointed to speak to receive a revelation of God, the was suffering from the result of an God’s word and to appear to mortals revelation appears. accident, which her physician Jesus reiterated these command«, in such a form of humanity as they So Mary Baker Eddy, one of our thought would be fatal, she turned and explained their spiritual basis could understand as well as perceive” own countrywomen, proved to be to her Bible for comfort and strength and proved their applicability at all (Science and Health, p.- 332). He | the one ready to receive this revela- and read the account Matthew gives Entitled times to huipan needs. knew that the age in which he lived , tion of divine Science, which is the of Jesus' healing of the man sick Christian Scianca: Tha Kava- As the Apostle John writes. “The was grossly material and idolatrous, promised Comforter. Mrs. Eddy was with the palsy She found herself at Gad’s HaaMng law was given by Moees. but grace and so he appealed to his listeners an earnest, devoted student of the suddenly healed and recognized and truth came by Jesus, Christ.’’ through parables and healings. He l»v Bible, ■■ a »■■■«« —ww* ■■■ firm « believer in God, auu and nun that me the iieaung healing ws was due to God’s by The earthly experience of Christ promised his followers 'that, though »he was particularly impressed with presence and power, Wouldn’t you J C‘ rnr’h^ M Jesus impressed " humanity in two he must leave them, his word and 'the healing works of Jesus and his like to heat; the story? ways: first, through his teachings works would live, and they that be­ disciples. At u time when Mrs. Eddy i (Continued on page ten) Member of the Board of Lecture­ which have endured throughout lieved on him the works which he ship of The Mother Church. The twenty centuries and are still as true did they would do, also, and even First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Inspiring, as pertinent as when greater works. And, most important in Boston, Massachusetts Jesus was here among men; second, of all, he pepphesied the coming of that he brought to the human con­ the Comforter or Christ, Truth, sciousness such an understanding which he said the Father would send, There was a good attendance in and realization of the presence of which would show men all things the Washington School auditorium God that many felt its healing pow­ that he had taught—in other words, Tuesday evening when B. J. Connarn er, freeing them from sin, disease, Se healing of sin and sickness introduced Mr. Browne, whose ad­ rough understanding God and the ! and even death. dress was as follows: Under new Jaw to become effective Jane 10, IMS. Jesus understood Qbd. This un­ fact» of spiritual being . The safety responsibility act requires that any driver involved in derstanding was due to his clear re ­ The-intervening years have shown an accident that results in injury, death or property damage mu«» To be brought into a clearer and within 10 days present proof of <11,000 worth of financial respon­ alization of spiritual'being, for he a gradual, steady growth in the app, closer realization uf tiiat presence of sibility or have his driver’s license and ear registration cancelled was endowed with Die Christ from preciatidn of his teachings and of God which heals humanity's ills is a At any time afterwards his license and registration would be re­ God. The name “Christ,", which is liis unbounded love for humanity. happy as well as a sacred experi- voked immediately if his insurance policy expired or his bond was cancelled. - so often associated with Jesus, was Men and women have voiced their once. Your being here this evening The act applies whether, or not the driver was at fault, excepUon really the divine nature of God which admiration of him and attested their indicates that you are searchers for being allowed only in the cast of a car legally parked at the time of our Master expressed, Mrs. Eddy faith in grand and glorious lives de­ this presence with which Ood has al­ the accident. After two years, if the driver paid no damages and defines “Christ” as, “The divine voted to the advancement of the no suit was brought against him, he would be permitted to drive ready blessed us. He has brought and own a car again. manifestation of God, which comes Christian religion. But, not under­ us together for our common. good. Now the average citizen would rather play safe and place insur­ to the flesh to destroy incarnate er- standing his teachings sufficiently Did not Jesus say, “For where two or ance an his ar her car than to take a chance with FATE. With a ror" (Science and Health, p, 583). to do the healing works, men have, three are gathered together in my tew like the above in force there la not much choice. BUT IT 18 And ''Jesus" is defined by her as, for the most part, relied upon ma­ NOT COMPUL8ORT. The coat for »15,000 Insurance la not high. name, there am I in the midst of From »14.00 to »10.25 per year—depending on the kind of Gas Ration “The highest human corporeal con, terial remedies for correcting the ills them”? And as Jesualfttame or na­ Book yon have, r cept of the divine idea rebuking and of the body. But the great fact of ture was certainly good, we may tU ME FOR FULL DETAILS destroying error anod bringing to Goa's presence, power, and Intelli­ PlVMACS rightly believe that he referred to the Christ, the manifestation of God. At this point in the unfoldment of light man's immortality” (Science gence could not be denied a place as being present with thorn. Chris­ our subject, the question might be and Health, p. 589), Mrs. Eddy also id human affairs and. as has always The Office Where Accommodation Is A Pleasure tian Science enables us to be aware asked, “Why are there not more who states: “Jesus was the son of a been the case when one is prepared of Ood as ever-present; It shows us know and feel God’s presence?" how to think and Uve in the way Mrs. Eddy answers the question in pointed opt by Christ Jesus, He thte Christian Science textbook. “Sci­ overcame the material evidences of ence and Health with Key to the sin. Sickness, and death because he Scriptures." Let me read what »hi* understood God as ever-present, and says (p. M»>; “I© divine Science, so, here and now, brought freedom the material man is shut out from from suffering. —- the presence of God. The five cor­ Nd doubt there are some here. to- poreal senses cannot lake cognizance night who are hearing of Christian of Spirit. They cannot come into Science for the first time, and possi­ His presence, and must dwell in bly others who are just becoming dreamland, until mortals arrive at interested. Some of you may be the understanding that material life, members of other Christian denom­ with all its sin, sickness, and death, inations, and some may have never is an illusion; against which divine belonged to any church. But let I •clone» is engaged in a warfare of p>r assure you all that, as the Dta- •Xtermlnatjun*’ roverer and Founder of Christian It la seen froff) these statements fkMnce. Mery Bafcar Eddy, has writ­ that the testimony of the five physi­ ten "God explains Himself In Chris­ cal senses arguing for the mortal yiri tian Science" (Message for 1901, p- j-. .-»fl «-»a <»1 iVslnws tritrtjpi ta it* A/it rtesv be«»« i-s-izv q «»u ft), and if you are here with expec­ can only be considered in the light tation and sincerity, looking for that of r dream. And that <11 sickness, larger understanding of God which failure, sin," death, calamity, war, will eventually enahta you to beat and famine must be intelligently yourself and others, you will not be dealt with as Illusion, and destroyed disappointed. When < we < team in by scientific reasoning based on the Christian Monee that God is All- eternal, unchangeable, invariable, in -elk as the •erlptwa» deslartoHim invincible, and indestructible facte to be, and that sH evH, si «. disease, of Spirit, which is God. Surely none snd death pre not real but only of us behove that the experiences of suppositions of the absence of Ood. a sleeping dream are real, and w* or good, we ean begin to demonstrate know When we awaken the memory what we team. However, as to other of the experience will soon fade fleidpot endeavor, your sueeess will awpy. ,We know II was a dream depend largaly upon your faithful­ and we are not disturbed by it. ness, your poraevsranee, steadfast- And »a. as we discover in Science ness, and honestryr that the whole material experience A writer once set down'these stir­ we are going through la a waking ring words regarding religion. He dream of belief of life, intelligence wrote: “Heiigton Is not ait escape and substance In matter, we shall nor an insurance It is conquest give less attention to material evi­ For man is In touch with such amaz­ dences and think more of spiritual ing resource» that, no matter what facte, H happens, nothing oan destroy his Naturally we do not see Ood with spirit! What matters Is, how does he the physical senses, neither can we take what happens. The man who see our real spiritual selfhood with has found God has found one who these senses After admitting that will enable him to turn calamity into God is Spirit, we must conclude that triumph” (The Christian Science men must be apiritiftil, too. This is journal )• the most important fact for us to Christian Science beipgs to us the know G«d made mgn In His image message of spiritual healing which and likeness, according to the Bible's Jesus proved in his Ufa, making it first chapter of Genesis. clear that al) disease and suffering, The question next arises; How oan incapacity and disability are the re­ this illusion ar dream of material sults of false education, culminating existence, the presence of "evil and in fear and helpiexsnes«. The argu­ abeenc* of God, be broken’ For the Even tough, two-fisted sergeants go into chants of ment Of the human Mind is, “This answer let me read again from the ¡light when they first sight west coast forests after is a case that is Incurable;“ again, Christian Science textbook (p, 596):' rvTce over-seas or on barren islands. We know—we’vs • Heredity makes it futile for me to “The Illuminations at Science give heard ’em I We’ve read dozens of letters of longing for expect to get help." Otlwrs argue us a sense of the nothingness of evergreens, the smell of forests and fresh-cut lumber! that their condition has made them error, and they show the spirtual u.seies. and a burden, but these »re Inspiration of ¿ove and Truth to be Don't let 'em down I Our forests must be kept green 1 <>n|y arguments pf human belief the only fit preparation for admis­ Every man, woman and child is a Forest Fire Warden Which can be suveewduliy denied now. The first wisp of smoke is your signal for action. sion to. the presence and power of Rush to the nearest telephone and tell the operator you Christian Science is the Science of the M*»t High ” Here, then, la the want to report a fire. It's as simple as that! God, of man, and the upiverae, help­ way to awaken from the dream. The ing u» to find our spiritual selfhood, And look what your action does: It eaves the woods mortal or human conaclouaneas must as God’s image, poaseasing by re­ for our boys! It saves wood and manpower for war! It be prepared to let go of Its material, flection Hi» qualities at wisdom, darkened sense of things, through saves wood for future payrolls and building when the Vigor.' strength, purity. health, the light of spiritual understanding boys come home! |>eauty, and unhampered of the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's teach­ As a “warden" you should know that 9 out of 10 Now, Christian Science not only ings. -1 f YKS, BILL —You take care of the fighting front, and man-caused forest fires are started through carelessness. heals the sick but It exposes snd we'll take care of the trees at homo. The Revelation of Lqve and Troth Watch matches, cigarettes, camp fires! SO — ON GUARDI denounces the fraudulent beliefs and In the Holy Bible, Moses cornea Caution others! We must keep the forests greenl claims of materialistic theories re­ lating to man’s existence by giving first M the one to whom Ood re- us the facta of being, th» »ruth about vealed His great name, Hla nature. Christian Science , that? God's presence would go with him, and give him rest. In ail his walks and doings God would be ever-pvooeqt, ever with him to guide him in all his steps—the light con­ tinually before him. This was enough for Moses, and it is enough for you and me in our seemingly perilous journey through the wilder­ ness of human beliefs or, in other words, the journey out of the ma­ terial into the spiritual. If we walk with God—that is, if we are con­ scious of good and live it, if we enjoy His presence in all our ways—it will be well with us. The great fact of being is that we are forever in His presence. We have always been there, are there now and will always continue to. be there, for spiritual man is God's reflection or witness. Man then must, of necessity, express all of the qauiities of God or God would be unexpressed. Man is Gods idea ever dwelling in Mind. But we mus^awaken to the fact that God is Spirit, and the one and only pres­ ence. Moat of us have given little attention to this, because we were not aware of the spiritual facte of our being, but every time we have had a desire to be good, every time , we have felt a great sense of com- passion or love for mankind, renewed faith and confidence, we have felt the angels of His presence. Becoming Aware of the Divine 1 Not Compulsory Fred R. Bull « referred to as preeenoe. Wtte» M om « toll the need of God'» help to bring up th* children of Israel from the wilderness he said to God, “See, thou sayest unto me. Bring UP this people: and thou hast not Jet me know whom thou wilt »end with me." And God said. “My presence shall go with thee, and F will give thee rest." What did M mandments. Upon some understaud- ing of these commands has been based all suceeaaful government of both individual and state since Moses' time. Jesus of Nazareth, who ■poke “as never man spake” taught ■nd demonstrated his «piritual un­ derstanding of God’« law. The com­ mands to love God supremely and one’s neighbor, and even the “stran­ that is within thy gates” as him- Smith-Wood Products, Inc PKEEP ÖBECON 'GREEN