TO COQUnXfC VALLIT ttNTtNtL. COQVtUX OàtûOM. TVUMDAY. APML IL IMS. PAG* SIX 3- J1» »? . — ls —! ------------------- 1 —,---------------------------- i B-M MARKETING CORPORATION, al be making almost as much rubber by corporation; J. H. O’DOWD and chemical processes as was grown an­ JANE DOE O’DOWD, his wife, if nually in all the world before the By George Peck married; VANDY GEORGE KO-: One Oral * Werd Each Insertton war." r i LAR and JÀNE DOE KOLAR, his The Peace is going to bring a great Na Adv. I ms than 25 crate Emanuel Baptist Church wife, if married; J. P. ESAU and 'Mr. 1 du Point went on to say that St. James’ Episcopal Church {many problems to the American peo- JANE DOE ESAU. hi. wife,! .. Rev. Menno D. Rempel. Pastor WANTED — Water wells to drill. 1 pie. Many obstacles will have to be the American aviation industry would Ceraer of 3rd and EiUett Sts. if ’ married; STANLEY G. ' Coquille, Oregon 1 Have new and up-to-date equip­ hurdled, it Is going to take a bit of be able to produce in a single year MARIUON and JANE DOE MAR- ’ The Rev. Robert L- Greene, Vicar April 18. 1943. (Suaday) almost double the number of planes RION, his wife, if married; R. S. Fate 8nnday: April 18 ment and heavy pipe where needed. doing to provide jobs in peacetime 10:00 Sunday School. Join us in RHODES and JANE DOE RHODES, Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. pursuits for the millions of men now that we're made throughout its history 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion, his wife, if married; also all the un­ studying God's Word. The world i up to 1940. He prophesied that some 30t4*tf known heirs of any of the above, s 9:45 a. m. Church School. ■’ _ in our armed forces and* the addition­ 'of the planes will be four times the* needs this guidance. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with named defendants who may now be WATER WELL DRILLING — Phone al millions engaged in war production. ' size of the largest pre-war planes, and 11:00 Morning Worship Service. deceased; also all other persons or Sermon. (Palms will be distributed Therefore, it is encouraging to know J. H. Thomas, 26F23, Oakland. parties unknown claiming any Palm Sunday Message, “Whose Vic­ that the nation will be dotted with that one, at least, of our outstanding 1 right, title, estate, I.en or interest j at each service). tory or Defeat?" Why not strengthen Oregon. 8tf ; huge air fields. He predicted that in the real estate d-scribed in the Monday: April 19> industrial leaders looks to the post­ your church-going habit, beginning great chemical plants would stand complaint herein. 10:00 a. m., Holy Communion. LOTS FOR SALE—We have a num- war period with a confidence not this Easter season? / Defendants. Tuesday: April 29 ready to turn out new plastics, new ber of good residence lota for sale bom of wishful thinking but based 6:30 Young People's Meetings. paints, new textile fibres, new fer­ 10:00 a. m., Holy Communion. in north Coquille, cheap. Mr. Ned on a sound analysis of the actual con­ Summons 7:30 Evening Evangelistic Service. tilizers, and a hundred and one other Wednesday: April 31 C.. Kelley will show them to you. ditions. Case Mo. 13770 Sermon, “Guilty Silence.” No finer new materials in quantities un­ 10:00 a. m., Holy Communion. Write C. A. Pendelton, Gen. Del. The house of du Pont of Wilming­ place to spend Sunday evening than dreamed of only a few years ago. Maundy Thursday: April 22 Orland, Calif. Ilt3* ton, Delaware, is one of the great ro: SECOND TWJN BELL SYNDI ­ in church! , , "There will be wood that won’t 7:00 a. m.. Holy Communion. CATE, a corporation; BELL VIEW IF YOUR Milker needs overnauliG1 leaden of American industry. Found­ Thursday, Prayer Meeting, led by i burn; glass that won’t break; window __ 10:00 a. m„ Holy Communion. OIL SYNDICATE, a common law i ed In 1801 by E. I. du Pont, newly Nolan Finley. trust; THOMAS TAAFFE and ana > Good Friday: April 23 bring it in now; otherwise it might screens that contain no wire; and ma­ ! arrived in America the previous year, JANE DOE TAAFFE, his wife, if he impossible to get the work com 2 ­ this company has manufactured pow­ chine bearings that contain no 8:00 a. m., Ante-Communion. married; E. M. CROUCH and JANE Church of Christ pleted before the Heavy Milking metal," Mr. du Pont added. _ ­ 12:00-3:00, Three Hour Service, DOE CROUCH, his wife, if mar der for every war in which America East 4lh and Coulter Sts. He forecasts there would be better Seaion starts. J. A. Lamb Com- engaged But tranaeenrd’s RICE AND MERL I. RICE, her 11:00. ' won. Undoubtedly when he Said Morning worship gelist. Lindsay, “The Coming World PAINTlNG AND PAPER HANGING, pany has continued to grow, to make husband; AUGUST THORLAND ' of Tomorrow," table is always spread. Special music. “nd w.ood- fin^h^.g.r *VBn 8reata> contribution to the . cheap-homes, etc., Mr. du Pont meant and JANE DOE THORLAND, his that these comparisons must be con­ Friday, 7:30, Rev. Lindsay speaks, The pastor will bring the second in 1943 Wail Papers. Imperial, Pitta- we jfara o wife, if married; SAMUEL DAVID welfare of f the the American American people people and and, TURNER and MARION TURNER, “Seventeen Years of Experience in the series of Pre-Easter messages, burgh and Birge. No raise in t0 maintenance of the American I strued as Values, not money prices; his wife; ALPHONSE BUCHER and .Preaching the Gospel." “Calvary, A Great Sacrifice," prices. Herbert E. Wood, phone ^ay of Life . This industrial execu- } that Is, If we experience Inflation ___________ JANE DOE BUCHER, his wife, if 286 C “ --------' tu,e recenUy ln a radlo address for even in moderate degree, one would Jr. C. E„ 6:30. I Saturday: there is no service. Coquille. 275 “ North * Henry married; DAISY M. BUCHER AND Young People’s C. E., 7:00. St- lltfs transmission w American .troops not expect any article* to sell for iesr. JOHN DOE BUCHER, her husband, Sunday: transmission to Evening service 8:00. The pastor if married; PETROLEUM MAR­ 9:45 A live Sunday school and a CABBAGE A LETTUCE PLANTS-! "broad' hoP«* ior dollars, but it would be cheaper in KETING CORPORATION, a cor­ living Christ. The "Blue" and “Red” will discuss “the Great Living Creed terms of hours worked to earn the 15c doz. FARR A ELWOOD. s Post-war America. He said- poration; ----....... ~ - poration: J. H. O ’DOWD and JANE purchase price.' bOE O'DOWD, his wife, if married; contest is on m earnest. . Your pres- of the Church.” ,___________ _ • “After the war we will havd at our In conclusion Mr. du P|int said: Wednesday 7:30, choir practice. VANDY GEORGE KOLAR and ence may decide the issue. Bessle MILLWORKERS — Part time work command in America, ten, fifty, a Donald Farr, director. JANE DOE KOLAR, his wife, if . Marney, superintendent, for men already employed that hundred times what we had before, "Spurred to extraordinary efforts by married; J. P. ESAU and JANE 11:00 Morning worship; special are mechanically inclined. See chiefly new materials. American fac- the extraordinary needs of the past DOE ESAU, his wife, if married; few years, in many fields, we haave Church of God and ' pre-Easter music. Evangelist Gor­ Soren Buss, Service Mgr., South- tories will be producing almost seven STANLEY G. MARRION l_._ JANE DOE MARRION, his wife, if don is speaking. western Motor Co. s times more aluminum than in 1939, gone ahead 30 to 50 years as measured Corner of Henry & Seventh Sts. married; R. S. RHODES and JANE 6:30 Christ Ambassadors service; and 100 times more magnesium, which by the old rate of development." We Pastor, A. L. Perry DOE RHODES, his wife, if mar ­ J UST ARRIVED—Rock Sharpe Crys­ Melvin Steward, president. weighs less than aluminum. We will interpret this “old rate of develop­ Sunday School, 10 a. m. ried; also all the unknown heirs tal Glassware. Priced 35 cento to ment" to mean the rate of develop­ 7 30 Evangelist; an enjoyable song of any of the above named defend­ Preaching service 11 a. m. ~ $2.00. You must see it to appre­ i WANTED—Waitress; older, experi­ ment over the course of the last 150 ants who may now be deceased; also service und special music. The evan­ Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. all other persons or parties un- ciate its Beauty, J. A. Lamb Com­ enced women preferred; better years." gelist's subject, “The Unpardonable Preaching service 7:30 p. m. known claiming any right, title, ; »» pany. S - then union wages. Apply Town While in this particular radio ad- estate, lien or interest in the real sin- _ All are invited to attend. If your dpem Mr . du Pont did not say so, we estate described in the complaint | Monday: no service. BRING Your Tire Troubles to Thorn­ child does not go to Sunday School herein, feel certain he agrees with us that | Tuesday through Friday nights, elsewhere, we urge you to send them, ton’s, the most completely eauipped CARD TABLE—New ’Supply Just IN THE NAME OF THE *STATE the evangelist Lindsay is speaking. his predictions can only come true if shop In Southern Oregon. Only ex­ or better still bring them. arrived. Priced $2.59 and up—J. the American System of Free Enter­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re- perienced workmen. Best quality A. Lamb Company. a prise la given full sway, with gov­ quired to appear and answer the ! materials and equipment used. All Pioneer Methodist Church Cornerstone Club of Church ernment merely umpiring and not Complaint filed against you in the; HOME8 FOR SALE work fully guaranteed. Tho. nton Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor above entitled suit, on or before the Of Christ Met April 8 ..a. .................. $2100 participating as a player in the game last day of the time prescribed in the Tire Service. 23th. 590 E. 9th St. ..........a... 9:45—Sunday School hour. of business. Verily, this message of The Cornerstone Club of the 11th St., facing Carter Ave. 900 760 Order of Publication of this Sum­ 11:00—Sunday morning worship. FOR SALE—‘•Farmers' Bargains'' 1325 one of America's great leaders can be mons, which prescribed time is once a Subject, “On What did Jesus Estab­ Chureh of Christ met at the home oj^ 290 N, Elliott St. week for four (4) weeks or five (5) Wind- ¡go S. Division St. ............. Plymouth Rock Hens Mrs. John Boots last Thursday. Those- 1600 called, “Words ofi Cheer.v consecutive issues of the newspaper lish His Church?" mill — Horses — two-wheel trail- 456 S. Taylor St. . ........... —..... on the refreshments committee were 1200 herein mentioned the Coquille Val­ 7:00—Youth Fellowship hour, er — Furniture — Dogs. Mrs. Donald Farr and Mrs. John Sri* 415 E. 1st St....................... 3800 ley Sentinel, the first day of which 8:00 — Sunday evening worship publication is Thursday, the 18th day FARR A ELWOOD’S Swap Board’ 134 E, 7tb St......................... Boots. The club has as its project the 3000 hour. The meeting of Townsend Club No. of March, 1943, and the last day of helping the Children Farm Home. 608 9th fc Beach ....... 3000 which is the 16th day of April, 1943, 7:45—Each evening next week, in- Now is the time to order your The memebrs enjoyed an interest­ .......... 460 I opened in regular form this week,' and if you fail to appear and answer eluding Friday evening. Holy Week grave marker for your loved one it 175 N. Moulton ....... .^....r.. 2000 with prayer and flag salute,M 30 said Complaint by said _ time, Plain- services. Rev. Frank E. Brown, of ing talk by Mrs. Robert Wheeler on E. 3rd ....... — — - 676 you desire it rar Memorial day. See .. .. . .... Court for the __ -_ —• “The Care and Growing of Flowers." 1000 flOMMnbttHI .bkitt^-^JMWflflilt^- - - John S. Sanders. Phone 123L.—Ml 728 N. Coulter ,,.u. a prayed for there! therein, ________ a succinct Willamette church, will assist with Caravan of clubs will meet in W relief preyed These present were: Mesdames 1 acre E. Bush St..................... 3500 statement of which is as follows: the services. Come and enjoy these West 6th. . «tfs 447 N. Coulter ...................... ?.... 3160 O. W. hall here next Sunday, April Clarence Fleer, Berlyn Billings, Mar­ FIRST: That that certain oil leaae Holy Week services. 18, with the Myrtle Point‘club as agreement dated January 1, 1930, FERTILIZER! FERTILIZER! We Many Other Homes and Ranch -------------------------- , I vin Davidson, Ernest Benham, John between Russ Investment Company hogt. Boots, Donald Farr, E. Erickson, have obtained a limited supply of I Listings in my ofiloe—«top jn and Fat Elk Oil & Gas Company, Inc., First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sorry to learn several member^ and that certain oil lease agreement Henry George, Walter George, Rob- Victory 3-8-7 fertilizer. $4.00 per and check them over Coquille, Oregon are on the sick list. Visiting them will dated April 18, 1932, between Ruas ert Wheeler, Liston Parrish, Jack 100, $2.50 for 50-lb. FARR & EL­ GEORGE B. OERIHNG Investment Company and Coast Oil cheer them up. Towne, Tom Stevens and Tom Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. WOOD. s FOR RENT— Furnished 3 - room Door prize at the meeting this week Company; each, be declared to be Schaer. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We Cabins on North Coulter. Inquire was won by Mrs, Wes brook. We terminated, null and void, and the Subject for next Sunday, “Doctrine same be decreed to be cancelled of service all makes of washers. W. E. Foote, 408 Esat Fifth, Co­ are glad to report that the basket ASPARAGUS PLANTS — 3c each. of Atonement." record- , Washer Service Co. 365 West quille. > 13tf • social of the week before brought SECOND: That all of the assign­ 32.50 per 100. FARR A ELWOOD Wednesday et ening meeting at 8:00 tfs ments of said leases to those named Front St. Phone 17. * FARM WATER SYSTEM Meyers $30 W into the treasury. A good pro­ as defendants herein each be de­ o’clock. Free public Reading Room at 255 and Red Jackets. Lot us explain gram wa* .enjoyed, consisting of clared to be terminated, null and the certificate requirements neces­ readings, piano, violin and harmonica void, and that the same be decreed to W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every be canceled of record. day except Sunday and holidays from sary to purchase a water pump.— music by Mesdames Hatcher, Dean, THIRD: That the cloud upon the J. A. Lamb Company. s Von Pegert, Laird. McCue, McNair. title of plaintiffs ignd herein des­ 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. MOWER REPAIRS — Check your Westbrook and Mr. Bob Harrison. scribed, to-wit: Machines now for Broken Parts MAIL Your Watch and Jeweby re­ That part of the North half of the The men are to furnish and serve The Holy Nome Catholic Church Southeast Quarter of Section 10, and avoid costly delay by buying pairs in to Schroeder Jewelry refreshments next meteing. lying South of the County road; Mass at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. repairs Now. J. A. Lamb Com­ Store, Coquille, Ore. 22t3s " Caravan President Tllghman again the North half, the North half of pany. . s says, “Don’t forget to be present the Southwest Quarter, and the DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ Southeast Quarter of Section 11. next Sunday."—Press. Cor, SPECIAL — Reconditioned Royal i er«, Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get All in Township 38, South of Range 13, West of the Willamette l>r. De La Rhue Typewriter, complete with metal them at Pacific Feed it Seed Co. tfs Calung cards, 50 for 31.00. Mei idian in Coos County, Oregon, stand. $60.00, Norton’s Station­ Eyesight > and containing approximately ery. fl * FOR RENT—Furnished 2-room apt FAT ELK DRAINAGE DISTRICT 600 acres more or less, according Specialist Bath, Hot and Cold Water. Laun­ LANDOWNERS MEETING to government survey; FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser­ dry privileges. Adults. No pets. Notice is hereby given that there caused by said leases, and the sub­ Eyes Examined - Glasses vice-call 2-L. J. A. Iamb Com­ 3S1 So. Henry St. Flora E. Dunne. will be a meeting of the owners of sequent assignments thereof, be re­ land In the Fat Elk Drainage District Rr<. ption room jointly- with moved. pany. tfs 4tfs _ ________ I field at the City Hall in Coquille, NOTHING OVERLOOKED FOURTH: That all adverse claims Dr. J. R. Bunch • s PILING FOR SALE—See them on 'DR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ Coos County, Oregon, at the hour of of said defendants, or either of them ten o’clock in the forenoon of Wed­ may be determined by a decree of no matter how large and elaborate Fat Elk; road already built to them. vice on Milking Machines, Farm nesday, the 28th day of April, 1943, this Court; and that by said, decree, Will sell cheap. Write Box 133. Water Systems, Tractors and Farm for the purpose of electing one Su­ it be declared and adjudged that said the scale upon which the funeral ' Coquille. Robert Fults. 13t3»s '.'achlnee, call J. A. Lamb Com- pervisor for said Drainage District plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of arrangements are to be made That who shall hold his office for a pe­ t-ny. Note—For Quick Service, riod of three years and until his suc­ said premises, and that the defend­ ants, or either of them, have no estate RHUBARB ROOTS—Quick growing is our policy—that is our proud small machines should be sent to cessor is elected and qualified; and or interest whatever in or to said variety. FARR A ELWOOD. s claim after many years of experi- our shop.. s for the transaction of such other land and premises; and also that the Personal Interest business as may lawfully come before said defendants, and each and every ence. A conference with us will FARM MACHINERY REPAIRS - Friendly Counsel one of them, be forever debarred from FREE — If Excess acid causes you the meeting. Your County Defense Board—Your be to yourfadvantage Dated this 15th day of April, 1943. asserting any claim whatever in or to pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges­ Honest Advice County Agent — Your Country — W E. Cross said land and premises adverse to tion, Heartbum, Belching, Bloat­ E. L. Detlefsen the plaintiff. Urges you to order parts for your Proper Guidance ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free Leland Peterson FIFTH: For judgment against any farm machines NOW! Let us dis­ Supervisors of said defendants who make an ap- sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug I.AOT IN ATTENDANCE cuss your requirements with you Edna A Robiosn, Karance lierein, for plaintiff’s costs Company. 6tl5* 13t$ Secretary Parts are now available without ?urred herein; SIXTH: For such other and further costly delays. Check your machines DAIRY SUPPLIES—Fbr McCormick I tandoo Coquille IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE relief as to the court shall seem meet Now! Use Only “GENUINE IHC Deering Milker Parts and Dairy STATE OF OREGON FOR and equitable. 10 HR HIM Coquille PARTS." J. A. Lamb Company, s COOg COUNTY This Summons is published in the Supplies—See us. J. A. Lamb Coquille Vslley Sentinel, a newspa­ Company. s Z. RUSS PROPERTIES, Inc., ê NEED AN ELECTRICIAN?- Phone a corporation. Plaintiff, per of general circulation in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, IS, FARR & ELWOOD. s WANTED—Late mede) Sedan. Deal­ ’ 1 • SECOND TWIN BELL SYNDICATE pursuant to the Order directing pub­ ers do not answer. Write P. O. a corporation; BELL VIEW OIL lication thereof, which order was FOR SALE—Hatching Eggs from N. !n»lructor of Plano ‘ Box 141, Coquille. s SYNDICATE, a common law trust; made on the 16th day of March, 1943, H. Reds; blood-tested flock. $1.25 High School' ÂfKTKk ironn 1 THOMAS TAAFFE and JANE by the Honorable Del M. King, Cir­ <•<—■ for IS. Setting Hens $2.50; 500 PAINT UP, CLEAN UP—We carry DOE TAAFFEE, his wife, if mar­ cuit Jud^s. (rédito sei irry A. Slack Eggs Electric Incubator $25. Guy ried; E. M. CROUCH and JANE high quality Paint for every pur­ Given Modern Attorney for Plaintiff C £2iJ£5L hta * “ e * it married; C. Torrey, next to Coquille Auto pose, including the new Miracle 195 W. 2nd * Residence and Postofifce address. A. H. WETHEY, JR. and JANE Phene 29-L Wall Tone. J. A. Lamb Company. | DOE WETHEY, his wife, if mar­ 9t5 Court. Coquille, Oregon. ried; MAUDE I. IVINS and JOHN DOE IVINS, her husband, if mar- h ried; J. L BEDWELL and RUTH Words of Cheer CLASSIFIED I Townsend Club Attentiom kto Details ! Gano Funeral Home MISS INEZ ROVER ÆÆg ^¡1/ to Buy-L»teModel Trucks, Pickups and Cars. See Archie Bushnell at S Southwestern Motors Coquille le _______ Ci WRECKER Phone 83 Night Phone 271X Southwestern Motors Chevrolet Bukk tion; MARRY F. MERRILL and JOHN DOE MERRILL, her hus­ band, if married: GLADYS A. RICE and MERL I. RICE, her husband, if married; AUGUST THORLAND and JANE DOE THORLAND, his wife, if married; SAMUEL DAVID TURNER and MARION TURNER I his wife; ALPHONSE BUCHER and JANE DOE BUCHER, his wife, if married: DAISY M. BUCHER and F • JOHN DOE BUCHER, her hus­ band, if married; PETROLEUM Oregonian Subscribers: Please help your carrier by having your paper money ready at his first call. Remember be must pay his paper obligation before the 10th of the month. Thank you. I The Oregonian Agency P. O. Box No. 245 Phone 201 Coquille, Oregon J