Iw. C. T. U. Hears Order Eastern Star Grand Matron Here 1 Beyal Neighbors Lodge Adopt Last Thursday evening, Beulah ; Change in Social Policy Chapter, O. E. S„ was joint hostess j Changing conditions in the af- with Marshfield and North Bend at i fairs of members of the Royal Neigh- a district meeting of the three chap­ 1 bors lodge have resulted in the new ters held here in the Masonic hall. plan for a social hour* fallowing the Mrs. Marjorie Simpson, of Portland, business session of the regular lodge meeting. This, instead of the con­ fieiaj visit. The meeting was pre­ tinuance of the Tauk-an-so culb, ceded by a bountiful six-thirty seemed more convenient for the du­ o'clock potluck dinner held in the ration. Mrs. Frank Mulder, Mrs. Er­ nest Batty and Wrs William Jones banquet ball. . Mabel and Helen Winnegar, moth­ , made up the hostess committee last er and daughter, algo Corporal Ben I Wednesday night. Jello and cake Holverstott were initiated into the i were served at a table decorated with order by the officers of Doris Chap­ j artistic favors, little flower pots filled ter, Marshfield. In an attractive de­ 1 with spring flowers. Receipts for the gree, presented hy a few officers of ! cake were sold by the committee. Anne Montgomery, assistant depu- Beulah Chapter, the Worthy Grand Matron was presented with a gift . ty from Marshfield, was present to from the three chapters. Following ¡help with plans for the county con­ th^ meeting, refreshments were vention in Coquille June 16. Mem- I bers attending were Mesdames Al served in the banquet hall. • Burch, Ernest Johnson, Orville Tharp, Earl Schroeder, Henry Bel- loni, A. N. Willey, Guy Torrey ^Wm. Guffey; Clyde Clark, Ellis Martin­ dale, J. W. McGuffin, M. D. Sher- mrd and Anne Montgomery. Magazine Exchange BUY - SELL - TRADE New Chests Brooks Swap Shop PHONE 119L I ii ^‘¡sdatn‘‘s Richmond, Laws, Ellis, ' Mrs. Greenough Transportation tl. Schaer, Harriman, Skeels, Couden, , Chairman For Luncheon (.Uifwcll. Grt