X“: Mrs. Sanford To ¡¿p’Be Club President GLADYS C. GANO, IN So. Coulter St., Representing The Oregon Granite Company Baptist Church Officers Chosen Two Coquille Valley Boys Advanced Following is the list of offficers elected at the annual business meet­ ing of the Emmanual Baptist Church in Coquille; Clerk, Pansy Ross; Treasurer, Herman Plaep; Financial Secretary, Mrs. Minnie Nivens; Pi­ anist, Miss Eleanor Petersen; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. Wm. Knight; Ushers, Kenneth Nivens, Cleo Capps, Thad Finley, Darrel Cox; Incoming Dea­ cons, Wm. Knight, Cleo Capps; In­ coming Deaconesses, Mrs. Wills Dean Olson, Mrs. Minnie Nivens, Mrs. Pansy Roas; Sunday School Superin­ tendent; Wm. Knight; Asst., Ford Liday; S. S. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Clyde Parrish; Asst., Miss Georgia Knight; S. S. Pianist, Mrs. Wm. Knight; B. Y. P. U. President, Mrs. fcord Liday; Vice Pres., Miss Phyllis Walton; Sec.-Treas., Miss Georgia Knight; Women’s Missionary Society Pres., Mrs. Alice Holverstott; First Vlce- Pres., Mrs. Wm. Knight; Second V.- P„ Mrs. Clyde . Parrish; Secretary- Treasurer, Mrs. Ethylin Kuenzli. A fellowship dinner and musical program preceded the elections, at which Mr. ahd Mrs. Ed. Finley and Mrs. Flora Dunne, remaining charter members, were honorary guests. Front Camp Hood in Texas comes word that Kenton A. Myers, of Ara­ go, who has been in the service fur five or six months, has been ad­ vanced from the rank of private first class to that of corporal. The camp is a Tank Destroyer Replacement Training Center. He had formerly been, in training at Camp Roberts, California. At the Lowry Field, Colorado, Arthy Air Force Technical Training School, John E. Leatherwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Parker P. Leatherwood, has just been graduated from the Armament School, and has been made a sergeant. He is a Coquille High graduate and was employed at the Smith Wood-Products plant pri­ or to his enlistment January 10, 1942 He had previously been stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash.; Tyndall Field. Florida Fort Warren, Wyo.; Self- ridge Field and Key Field in Mich igan. Return Of Glass Bottles Asked Railroad cur loadings of livestock for. the week ending March 20 amounted to 12,517 cars — an in­ crease of 2,069 cars over correspond­ ing week in 1942. BABY’S PICTURE • It FAMILY groups J**0" l»w cold spring MONUMENTS Order Your Easter Lilies Why Number 88 to bring back deposit bottles prompt' Large off-shore shipments ut beer and carbonated beverages to our Pa­ cific outposts. Bottle returns on shipments to the Armed Forces are very small. This situation has. brought about a substantial reduc­ tion of the normal “float” of beer and beverage bottles. Tremendous increased demands on glass manufacturing facilities, prin­ cipally by food industries. memory of Thurman Kesner, son of Mrs. D. B. Kesner, whose death sad­ dened the entire membership of the 'chtb. Mra.M. O. Hawkins was the accompanist. Mrs. Julius Ruble led j the Flag salute. - Those attending were Mesdames Harold McCue, J. D. Gillespie, Geo. W. Taylor, Emily Hersey, F. M Shaw. W. P. Laws, Birdie Skeels, G. W. Tyrrell, R. B. Rogers, C. L. Tuttle. Lafe Compton, George Oerding, O. C. Sanford. Otto Zentner, F. L. Greenough, L. A. Lundquist, W. E. Bosserman, M. O. Hawkins, C. V. Smith, Pearl Ellingson, Keith Leslie, F. C. McNelly, J. A. Moore, R. A. | Jeub, K. P. Lawrence, A. O. Walker, , Chas. Stauff, Fred Hmutn« Julius +Ruble, Wm. Mansdll and R. A. Wer- nich. Roy Mothers Club Met Tuesday There were ten members and eight guests present at the Ro$ Mothers* club, which met at the Teacherage Tuesday evening, April 13. i A report on the donation to the Red Cross was given. After a short business meetings lovely refresh­ ments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Glenn Griffith, to the following members and guests: Mary Johnson, president; June Green, secretary; Al­ va Green, vice-president; Lenore Stevens, Frances Detlefsen, Mes­ dames Krantz, Walton, Buckles, Aber, Cameron, Gauer, Ballinger, Mackey, Mrs. Tibbet, of Eureka, Cal­ ifornia, Joan Gauer, Richard Guaer and Lillian Aber. The club will meet in two weeks *ith Mrs. June Green as hotsess. Rationing Is Pointe A RED STAMPS 24 PEACHES 14CADM Wl\n Blest SUN BLEST No. 2 Whole Kernel 1 15c >6PEAS C‘A’DEN n .., 116c 5 FLUFFO Shortening lib. 25C 24 TOMATOES NÄv 119c *7 SALMON "NK c„ 25c 6 SOUP- CW™ S 3 br 25c FLOUR FLOUR *™HEN w“n CROWN PANCAKE CRACKERS tLKB_ POT CLEANERS«, OVALTINEJ£ WALDORF™8™ 4 NU BORA BLEACH, OLIVES BORAXO^ BORENE“"' MACARONI Card of Thanks We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the sym­ pathy, kindhes and helpful assistance shown us during our recent be­ reavement, and for the beautiful floral display at the services held Saturday. Mrs. E. J. Myers and Family. The Friendly Southern Pacific appreciation to our many friends foe their beautiful floral offerings, expressions of sympathy and kindly services rendered in our recent be­ reavement. Mrs. Katherine Keener. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Keener. Mrs. Robert J. Carter Bruce Kesner NO RATIONING OF CEREALS CORN FLAKES WHEATIES 2 PUFFED WHEAT 2 OUR CEILING PRICES ARE PUBLICLY POSTED AND OPEN TO YOUR INSPECTION THRIFT GROCERY Coquille For Thrifty Buyers Myrtle Foin