...................................... 11 .HgJi-iaMggJ!,----------- J JB .-.............. — —■ | on the production line of other etn-' of American»—and a different- center« in ployees caused by individual absen- I special code for the benefit of the majority of teeism which, during the past year, privileged few. aircraft now being used against the By Capt. Eddie Rickenbaeker has run well into hundreds of mil­ The demand for real sacrifice is Axis in the Solomons, New Guinea, The symbol that has made America lions of man-hours. from the inarticulate mass uf Aineri- China, ti>e Aleutians and North Afri­ great—in»p|red throughout the gen­ Cut this absenteeism in liaif and . can fathers, mothers and daughter» - ca are modification Jobs, the OWl erations by our forefathers, and our fighting forces throughout the ¡while special privileges and licenses announced Saturday. The Japanese which has woven i|a wa* through I world will be grateful, as it will add [are granted to the tabor racketeer— at Midway met disaster from modi­ the history of these great United ■ ¡sufficient planes and parts and other the labor profiteer—and the labor fied fighters and bombers. States like a golden thread—is com­ The modification centers are able , weapons for their use to hasten final ¡loafer. _ prised of imagination, individuality, I say you cannot have national to take outmodeled American pursuit ~ -— tl unity unless the' leadership of the planes and adapt the.n for desert thousands of our boys. not least, eternal but simple faith' There is no absenteeism in the fox­ nation sets an example of unity­ warfare in Libya and Eiypt as high­ in the Supreme Being holes in the jungles of the Pacific or land that leadership should include ly effective strafing and light bomb­ Aa all of you have either heard or the burning sands or mudholes of Industy, Labor and Government. ing planas. read of my Pacific mission, there is You cannot demand that the mass Africa, for if attempted there the ab­ little need of my dwelling on that sentees would get a bayonet in their of common folk shall think only of subject with the exception of stating winning the war if the aristocracy of tallies from their buddies. . . . that after visiting with General Mac­ Why should not our Congress show labor unionism is thinking only of Arthur’s boys in New Guinea—Port the common sense and intestinal for­ more dues and more power—and the 6 Moresby—Buna and Gona—I return­ titude now and clarify aur labor laws inner clique of bureaucracy is The angling season for trout not ed to Australia, and then through so that millions of innocent men and thinking only of a fourth term. » less than six inches in length opens the Fiji» to Guadalcanal, a veritable women will have the same protection Any administration that demands Saturday, April 17, in all counties in hell-hole—as the rainy season had from our Government as do the rack­ unity must begin by setting an ex­ the state except ten in eastern Ore­ just started. eteers’ * ample of unity. ’ gon. » Henderson Field runway is a metal ' » Let America come back to the fun­ Any administration that talks of Lt The trout bag limit is 15 fish or 15 strip that has been bombed and "equality of Sacrifice” must honestly pounds and one fish in any one day damentals that made it great. • shelled for months, and is also the Let us all be realists instead of mean sacrifice by all, not sacrifice but not to exceed 30 fish or 30 pounds airplane graveyard of the Pacific, emotionalists, sentimentalists or self­ by the many for the financial and- and two fish in any seven consecutive not only for enemy planes but our 1 ish, greedy human beings in this pollitcal advantages of the few ■. . ', days or in possession at any one time. own as well. ”, 1 I speak on behalf of the millions of hour of our country’s need. > Exceptions to the generui season Dugouts were filled with mud and Or must we wait until hundreds of honest men and women in unions and limit are to be found listed in water. Men were working in jump­ thousands of the cream of our youth who want their unions to stand clean the 1843 synopsis of angling regula­ be able to contribute a ' the past several years spent billions Africa? small part to the tremendous effort Yes — sacrifice — by putting a little of dollars to destroy self-reliance, ini­ that they are putting forth here. I tiative, imagination and individual­ of your swollen pay into the safest am the construction superintendent ity, trying to plan — the of 130,- • , lives lrc> vi itj