The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 15, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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Fairview News
age at hl. passing.
I were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. Elizabeth Lett who was oper-
and Mrs. Earl Littler, Jr., and two
HelMVM tomoumhispaeBing:hls|H. A. Schroeder in Myrtle Point.
ated on for goitre March 31 at the
children, of Marshfield. ’
Th- M
!*«• ld“ Myers; his son and his i Mrs. NiUunj Robison, of
of Myrtle
Myrtle McAuley Hospital in Marshfield is
ne nome Ec club met Wednesday i three daughters; two sisters, Mrs. T. I Point, was a Sunday -----
visitor in
- Arago.
------! improving quite rapidly and will be
for an all-day meeting, with a lovely Murray Hazen, of Tacoma, Waah.
The regular monthly W. C. T. U. 'home in a few dyas, her sister, Mrs.
potluck dinner at noon.
Windows and
wlll be held at the Arago
and Mrs.
Mrs. Jesse
Jesse Clinton, of Myrtle meeting will
J. H. McCloskey, says.
were washed and a general house Point, and two brothers, John Myers, church April 21.
Miss Marguerite Laird and sister
^■■"tnj_ performed. Plans for initia- of Myrtle Point, and Ralph Myers, of
Mrs. Bob
Mr. and
and Mrs.
Bob Trigg,
Trigg, of
of Myr-
Myr- and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
tion to be held the fallowing Satur- Springfield, Ore., and one grand- tie Point, were Arago visitors last
Neuhaus, of Berkeley, Calif., and an­
day night were made. Those pres-(child, Gerald Woodward, who is en-I Sunday.
other sister and husband.Mr. and Mrs.
Me,dame« EV* Holverstott, listed in the Air Corps Reserves
Mr. and
and Mrs.
Mrs. Richard
Richard Allen
Allen came
Herman Eickmyer, and' son, Laird,
Chas. Holverstott, Ray Norris, Glen and who recently went to Texas for in from the Lee valley Monday to
of Seatttle, were visitors foe a few
Richardson, Harry Lindsay, Cortland training. One brother, the late L. I visit Mrs. Ida Myers.
days last week at the home of their
Ellis, Chas.
Chas. Geitner.
_____ passed away
a . Myers,
Miss Maureen Evans *is staying
A month after he left,
’left, Mrs. Ben- ! about ten months ago. Besides the I nights with Mrs. Grace Rackleft this
ham Monday received a letter from above mentioned lie leaves a host of I week.
Raymond Norria.
He says he is other relatives and numerous friends I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were
well and has a regular tan, as the. who wilj miss his cheery greetings I Monday evening diimer guests of Mi
port where he is stationed is a sweii and smile. He was loved and re-1 and Mrs. Orvus* Miller in Myrtle
place for acquiring one. The letter spected by all who knew him and the Point.
wo written March 23, somewhere Arago community has been saddened
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.
in the South Pacific.
[by his passing.
B. Puppel were Mr. Pappei's sister
' Funeral services were held at the land family, Mr. and Mrs. Pease, of
Schroeder Brothers' Mortuaries in I Marshfield.
Myrtle Point last Saturday afternoon I
■ H'rH—•———
The Pollyanna club met Thursday lat lwo o'«»«*. with Rev. J. W. Bar- NOHFOV NfiWR lf*PmC
all day, with thf* hostess, Mrs. Jay'nett “nd
M- M stern'
The 4-H sewing club met with
their leader, Mrs. Chas. Gaalln, at the
school house last Friday-
present were Barbara Freeman, Lulu
Marie Lindsay, Phyllis Chezem, Do-
rone Frye, Ann Freeman and Betty
Hatcher. They are all sewir« on
their dresses.
Mrs. Althea Harrah was called to
Arago Wednesday by the passing of
her uncle, Ed Myers. Mrs. Harrah’s
mother, Mrs. Frank Lane, was a sis­
ter of Mr. Myors.
Mrs. Harrah
spent the week-end with het father,
returning Sunday evening.
Frank Grove returned to his work
at Kline’s Monday, after a week’a
vacation. He, with'Mrs. Grove, vis­
ited at Ontario, Ore., where they own
a farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Manning
spent Sunday at the Harold Henagin
home. Their two sons, Wallace and
Clifford, accompanied them.
Mennings are from Coquille and used
to live here in the valley.
Those members present Ue Point. officiating.
Music was
Mr. and Mrs. North up and four
Word has been received from Mrs. were
Mesdames Ernest Krewson, ; furnished by the Arago ladies. In- children and her mother from Broad-
Harold Young that she arrived safe­ Ivan Laird, Elmer Wilson, Osc^r I terment was id the Norway cemetery, bent were Sunday dinner guests of
ly at New Orleans but had had a very Bunch, M. C. Miller, Jack McCarthy,
Mr- "nd Mrs- Lawrence Barklow Mr. and Mrs. Guy Grant, of Norway.
tiresome trip, going south to San John O’Sullivan, Frank Haney und i“nd Mr- «nd Mrs. Wayne Woodward
The Norway Home Extension Unit
Francisco, then across through Ari­ girts, Barbara and Janice; Charles came ln from Portland Thursday eve- met last Friday at the home of Mrs
zona and Texas.
Gill and daughter, Patricia. Geo nln«
attend the funeral service«. Ellis Southmayd. A potluck dinner
Several new faces were noticed at Mast and son, Gene, Reuben Brown **'' “nd Mrs Barklow returned to was served. The meeting was called
church last Sunday, with an increase and a visitor, Mrs. Claude Hall. The Portland Sunday but Mr. and Mrs. I to urder by the chairman, Mrs. Geo.
of attendance in Sunday school. A mainx feature for the' day was the > Wcxxlward remained for a few days Hoffman, who then asked the sec­
Urv w~
rm. j~..k
------ | to
very touching dedication of the new making and working on window cur-¡with Mr. Myers.
Mrs. Ellis
altar, purchased by the congrega­ tains for the hall as Pomona Grange
tiie minutes of the last meeting. Af-
con-1 ter this Mrs. Dorothy Bishop ex-
tion and made by Mr. Byerly, and a will meet with McKinley Grange this
Rev. (L E. Gray, . of Coquille,
lovely new altar, rug, an anonymous coming Saturday. Nearly all the pa- ducted the regular Sunday morhing I hibited a chart showing a “A Square
Sunday school fol- Deal Meal," explaining the vitamin
gift, was held.
The church is plan­ Jamas for Red Cross were turned ¡church service.
ning to fill in the ditch, which has back all sewed.
Marie Churchill lowed, with an attendance of 47.1 content and its great importance to
__ ___
________ t_____
long been an eyesore to the property. drew
the __ attendance
There will be services again next I healthful yvlng. Those timely talks
Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and L ause many of us to wonder how
Kline Logging Co. has donated ma­
teria! and equipment to haul the Thacker, and her sister, Mrs. Ed. ¡Sunday school at 11 a. m. and the we’ve lived to such a good old age
earth to do this. Are there a couple Stewart, of Spokane, Wash., have communion service will be observed without the knowledge of the impor-
of willing men who will help fail the been visiting here with the Kocks 'during the church hour, with Rev. |tance of the kinds of food we should
cedar trees? Get in touch with Jerry since Thursday.
Wednesday Mrs. T. J. Pryor In charge. There will eat and their best combinations
Whelier as soon as possible.
Kock, her sister and father left for be «n Easter program on Sunday, Those present at the mating were
Rufus Rylander,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holverstott Los Angeles for a month’s visit with I April 23, and a pot luck dinner at Mesdames
Ihoon and an egg hunt for the young-1 Grant, Allie Bartlett. R. R. Rackleft
are happy to have their son, Ben, other members of their family.
'Frank Sanders la to leave Wednes- «tors. Everyone is cordially invited |doy Swan, J. L. Southmayd, Ray
home ocf a furlough. He came last
week and has several days left to day of this week for Portland, where to attend.
Epperson, Edna Hoffman,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Juckaon and I Southmayd, Walter Laird, Harold
.spend here.
Ben is corporal and he ia to be sent to a Navy camp.
Diana, of Coquille, were Sunday eve- I Simmons, Frank Southmayd and
stationed at Camp Callan, Calif.
ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Dorothy Bishop.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thommen
I Mrs.
Mrs. J.
J. F.
F. Schroeder
Schroeder ’ ’ s s mother,
mother, Mrs.
have received word from Harvey,
Mrs. J. D. Carl spent last Thurs-| Emily Burgess, has been visiting at
mailed at Chicago that he was on his
The death af Edward J. Myers,
of Mr. and Mrs. I I her daughter’s home the "
past week.
way to the east coast to attend school. , which
w •
a wag as al * I his
sags f home
* .J. * rw — in
• — Ara-
■ ■■!” day at the home
Harvey ia in the Navy and had his go last Wednesday April 7 at about M*ln Schroeder in Myrtle Point, They took her home Sunday.
first training at Farragut, Idaho.
Mrs. Libby Peterson, of Fortuna,
11:30 p. m„ came as a shoeb to his whlle Mr, Carl attended Rotary club.
The Grange met laat Saturday family and friends. Although he had ■ Mrs. W, E. Oroea, Mfr. Keith Ca||f., has been visiting for the past
night and held first and second ini- | been
in failing health for the past , Crlbb*, Sandra and Larry, of Co- week with her sister. Mrs. Vesta
tiation for Mr. and Mrs. John Beagle, ( three years, he was in cheerful spirits [ Mtolle, and Mrs, Wm. Tonlnl, of Ar­ Soaper, and niece, Mrs K. F. Brodie.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kenyon, Phil al! the day and spent
of it1 cata, Calif,, visited at the home of ' Monday Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Brodie
with hi. brother-in-law, ¡Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl 1-rt Fri-
Morrison, Harold Stock, Glen Thom-
took Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Soaper
where they took the
Lindy Lu Holverstott
and | Frank Lane, who spent the day wlth d"?’‘
__ ' _ ..............
_ ? 7' to Eugene,
Mnlva Richardson. Therie ware nine Mr.
and Mrs. Myers and who did not! Mrs. Grace Rackleff spent S itu. - I stage to West Fir to visit a few
victors from McKinley and two from- leave
for his own home until about d*y ni«ht ■* the home of Mcs. Naomi I days with Mrs. Soaper's son. W. A.
* "
Coquille. Refreshments of Jello and 8:00 p. m. After that Mi*, and Mrs. IRobUon and Mrs. Corda IteWellen I Soaper
has received
cake with whipped cream was served Myers remained up to listen to the .
Myrtle Point.
by Mrs. Robert Holverstott.
___ o'clock news broadcast, before 1 Messrs. Clarence Mullins und Ward I , word from her daughter. Miss Betty
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler re- retiring tor the night.
Jit»u, [Evans made a business trip to PoW- I Ree Druliner, who went out to Kiam-
tumed* Saturday evening from a j time after retiring Mr, Myers sorted
l lath Falla a couple of weeks ago to
Mr, and Mrs, Torn Dixon andjfitfr visit her brother, Donald, and family,
it Eugene.
They .
cough und then hg started to
W» Wit
Wb~ar'. P,™-.
¿to «1 »mi In -•
s<>n, John, who ia hom«* on a furlough that Betty has gone to work for the
klrxloo. Visited at American Optical Co. there and likes
Mr, and Mrs. M. O. Edwards, and at- | jygt a short time, about one-half
the home of Mr. and Mr», J, L, Bur- her work very much,
tended special conference meetings. hour.
Mrs. David Toeten accompanied
A. R, Bennett drove out to Rose­
He waa bom In Minnesota and tu ¡aft woak.
them, visiting relatives in Eugene.
Sunday to get his wife, who
came to Coos county when he waa a
The Fairview church voted to pur­ small child and had lively nearly all vin Hammack of Myrtle Point visited has been with her mother, Mrs. Julia
chase two Easter lilies to add to his life on a ranrh near Arago, ex­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile I Leep, the past ten days. Mrs. Leep
fell and broke her left arm Just be­
decorations for Easter Sunday, April cept forztwo years which were spent Miller last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christensen, uf low the shoulder on March 31 and
A special invitation to attend in Umatilla county. On account of
this service is here extended to the poor health he sold his ranch on the Coquille, were Sunday dinner guests has been in the Mercy Hospital ever
since and will be for some time yet
entire community. A special pro­ river bank about three years •ago ** -Mr and Mrs Nila Milter,
gram ia planned for the children and and moved into Arago
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish visited if she survives the trying ordeal.
perhaps an Easter egg hunt.
He was married in 1996 to Ida Mc­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Buoy made a Clellan and to this union were born Fish in ‘Coquille last Monday.
Mrs. John Steams and Mrs Avon
trip up Coos river last Sunday af­ four children; Oliver Myers, of Myr­
were Friday guest» at the
tle Point: Mrs. Stanley Halter, of
J. A. Deadmond killed the largest Arago; Mrs. I-awrence Barklow and Nile Miller home.
hawk he ever saw Monday.
It Mrs. Wayne Woodward, both of [ Mrs. John Etoerns left Sunday for
measured five feet, three inches, tip Portland. He united with the Arago,,,er h°nw in Minnesota after spend­
to tip. Albert Thommen ia mounting church about 1923 or 192« and had ln< the winter with her daughter
been a true and faithful Christian and family, Mr. and Mrs. Avon Wll-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bell had as character all his life, Ha waa 69 | cox.
[ i Misses Pamela and Maureen Evanif
[attended the Juvenile lodge of the
Royal neighbors ln Myrtle Point last
Saturday afternoon.
| Mrs. Chester Willson and Chloe'
I were Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs Ward Evans. After din­
ner Mrs. Evans acoompanied her
while she visited at the home of Mr
and Mrs. J. L. Burtls and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Knife.
Mrs. Eldon Brodie and baby, of [
Myrtle Point, and Mrs. Belle Knife,
of Coquille, were Sunday dinnei
guests at the Jack Knife home.
Ladies Aid met Wednesday at the
'church for an all-day meeting and
uncle, J. H. McCloskey, they having
come to attend the funeral of their
father, P. W. Lard.
A. R. Bennett spent last Saturday
evening visiting his mother, Mrs. M.
B. Bennett, of Myrtle Point, who has
been quite ill with the flu.
grand daughter, Mrs. Paula Cook, is
caring for her in the absence pf her
daughter, Mrs. P. E. Breuer, who
left Mar. 29 for Camp Roberts, Calif.,
to visit her son,
McKinley News
Arago News
They’re here—NOW I Fresh supplies, ia all popular sties
•-just received from the Government’s ”idle tire pool”
to meet essential driving needs. Available now to holders
of MA”, “B” or "C” gasoline ration books, but only with
Ration Board Certificates.
Ivory used tire ia this
stock has been inspected,
inch by inch, inside and
Our check-up shows just
outside, by our own tire
where your tires standi
experts. Yon get frt-war
wbat to do about it.
quality, full valuo, many
If they need repair or re­
thousands of extra miles
capping we can do the job
of tafo torvico.
right, at reasonable cost.
Notei We’ll be glad to
We’re here to help you
help with your application
reduce 111*0 wear and
to your Ration Board, ?No
lengthen tire
i. veer best
11 III s
Station No. 11-15 and No. 11-3
Southwestern Motors Car &
Home Supply Store
nR\\lE W'TH ECOft(nMV
Car Owners
Auto Tires Recapped
No Certificate Needed
An Official Inspection Station
Thornton Tire Service
Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service
340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270
Broadway nt Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. C52
’TrtMEERED TO SAVE cu, T---- 1
.the ladies spent the time quilting.
They will meet again this Wednes­
The regular Missionary meeting
; was held Wednesday afternoon at the
church with Mrs. Tyrrell Woodw^-d
in charge.
Those attending were:
Mesdames J. L. Burt is, Albert Lillie.
Werner Plaep, Tyrrell Woodward.
O. H. Aasen, Ward Evans, Charles
Griffith, C. A. Keltner, Adrian Hal-
The County
'will be held st Marshfield this Fri-
day, April 16.
Mrs. Ward Evans attended the
’ Royal Neighbors lodge in Myrtle
Point Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller and Mrs.
Harold Fish were Saturday evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller,
i Emmett Hammack, Marvin and
Jimmy, of Myrtle Point, visited at
,the Nile Miller home Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Mr.
and Mrs. Melden Carl and Douglas