» àg B TB n -7-------- ffiB COOCTLLf VAiXtf UNTINEL. COQUILIA OBBGON. THURSDAY, APRIL IL 1843. ■ LB 4. 4.1MUUL ----------- B*________ll....lll.J.IY WWgasa ............... ... ................... ----------------------------------- '----------- ' strength, and joy with which ta meet durance and strength beyond the caU“‘ ™ *X’d? authenticated taM of hue error let me recall another incident spiritual consciousness or divine .nd Love,” which she has named V>od but one, that is. who have been healed of almost ev- which happened to Moses. The presence, in which there is no war, MVU. WVW IVYBUi RUil wc.cx/ known disease u .M w aaa w v » vwwMvtt •■^.<..1,.^ (F 44)7), Lawte-O®^ Qod < ovrd engulfed in war. This fact leads one every ill ’that flesh is heir to’ ” (Sei- «r“P fuUer <>< Life m God certainly cannot do any more said unto him, What is that in thine to reasonably expect that, because of ence and Health, p. 107). So we ... "immortality brought to light,’’ as for us than He has already done. hand? And he said, A rod. And he its all-embracing nature, there will a proof of th* truth taught by Christ th* t**lbook “y* (P- »•)• God, who He knows our needs are spiritual said. Cast it oa the ground. And he emerge from this fiery trial a peace Jesus in Mrs. Eddy’s healing. .to •‘«nutl Ufa, is forever expressing and already He has supplied them. cast it on the ground, and it became promising more lasting good than The The Nature of God ¡Himself through spiritual man; con- To pray to understand this fart is a serpent; and Moses fled from be­ the world has ever known. You will naturally agro* that there man is the expreasion of j true payer, which will be answered. fore it. And the Lord said unto prophet Ezekiel’s words are being must be a true perception of God’* ^e' not in material things | During the busy activities of the Moses, Put forth thine hand and fulfilled: “I will overturn, overturn, nature before __ one ____ can ___________ understand ”or ln material **nse of man. day with its many distractions, aug- take it by the tail. And he put forth overturn. It: and it shall be no more, ____ _ _____ His His presence presence and and its its power. power. And. P*“* “ld« “,n hlm *• llve' “dmove- gestions of evil of all kinds con. his hand, and caught it, and it be- until he come whose right it' is.” / again, we must know that it is only Bnd hav* our Then t° do or stantly presenting themselves, we came a rod in his hand; that they"]™« prophecy wiu not ’toP *hort of a mortal sense, a false sense of man, h* good in the human experience is should maintain our poise and con- may believe that the Lord God of complete fulfilment, which shall be that is to be corrected by this heal-|to reflect °od. Life, thereby helping ffdence in God through prayer. And,their fathers, the God of Abraham, the coming of the Christ, Truth, to I«*«» - presence, mm »«,»«» ing for man in God’s image pv®rvon<* everyone with whorn whom we comp come in it jf kaAcmoc becc mes tha the ntaieriiaaosa privilege «*««4 and *-!««<«• duty of . the God of Infiftc &nd the God of the individual consciousness of every man, woman, and child. Then they ' is not in need of healing. But we c°niact. As we do this we become ' the one desiring to know God aright Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.” mortals need to know what God is, consciously aware of that presence to commune with Him frequently, We may gain a splendid lesson/‘»h“11 know «*. irum the least to or we fait victims to the belief of, Life which destroys the belief in This communion with God is the from this incideni ■ident, for it shows the greatest” (Hebrew* 8:11). another presence, the opposite or or *e,r death. | moat holy and sacred privilege w* matter to be a I belief The despotic forces of evil ilf- __ T only, which be- absence of God or good, called evil, i The healing actiivty of Truth is to have. And Christian Science enables comes dangerous or beneficent ac­ will, injustice, cruelty, theft, and de­ till ia is that K imi which wiiicii is. is. : us to io so silence the material senses cording to our thought about it. Then struction—seem to be holding sway Mrs. Eddy has given us the follow- correct. Now Thuth there is no ; and quiet our own impulsiveness and error should be handled from it* oyer a great part,of the world. And ing all-embracing definition of God, God being all or Truth, ’ ~ ‘ anxieties that we are able to have most dangerous aspect, for it cannot there are evidence* of the infiltration which I will read from the textbook opposite of Truth termed error. God of anti-Christian methods and pur­ (p. 48S): “God is incorporeal, divine, is. Sin and disease, as well as death, audience with God and take in the hurt you. supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul are not. They are not the truth or purifying qualities of His presence A little child had been suffering poses in every portion of the globe. _ „-„.un,,,., We muat not> however, 'be dis­ Principle, Life, Truth, Love," which fact* of being, while holiness, lm- as one imbibe« a refreshing draught ____ from _____ a severe earache, _ or mastoditis, terms, she says, are synonymous, re- mortality, and harmony are. Then of cool water or the warmth and and as her mother was unable to m***^ picture presented by ferring “to one absolute God.” “They1 all sickness, sin and death are light of the sun. Mrs. Eddy states meet and heal the condition a Chris­ mortal mind for, as Mrs. Eddy states are also intended,” she says, “to ex- errors which Truth understood, de­ in her chapter on prayer in Science tian Science practitioner was asked (Science and Health, p. »7), “The press the nature, essence, and whole- stroys. Truth can only correct what and Health (p. .19) “Lips must be to help, so treatment was taken up. more destructive matter becomes, ness of Deity.** ----------------------- is untrue. God’s man, reflecting mute and materialise» silent, that Instead of getting any relief the the more its nothingness will appear, Then we learn, according to Chris- j truth, needs no correcting, but the man may have audience with Spirit, child seemed to grow worse, and the until matter reaches its mortal zenith »ian OniennA that flzwi ia ~nsn I * ‘ _ * ” ___ ‘ __ tian W*.ivnvv Science, t that ia incorporeal,' ••«••••«••• human v*«* self ■«««■■ must be corrected and the divine Principle, Love, which de­ mother more fearful. . The practi­ in illusion and forever disappears.” vwsae «asae - God * •*> i v «www ••••«• that is, without a physical body; di- be disciplined by the truth which stroys all error.” tioner !iad been faithful and sincere But unless we are awake and alert vine not human, supreme, without Jesus said would makes us free, in haas» D««4 ¿tlast — to the hidden ways of Satan’s war­ Perfect -prayer consists not in the ( * in her aa«rx»«lr work. But she knew IL.I that L. had an equaL and infinite, filling all Truth is never reversed, but, as the multitude of words, but in the she ‘ — —- rightly diagnosed the case it fare, we shall find ourselves either space; and we also learn that the textbook states (p. 442), “the reverse strength of the pure desire which would have been healed. So, in hu- lulled into apathy by it, or made presence of God would embrace the' of error is true.' We must willingly raises the thought toward God. To Imility and trust, she turned to God frantic by fear. The purpose of presence of His synon^ns—the pres- see the co-called material man as a j pray effectively _________ _ and asked Him to reveal to her the Satan is always to divide and sep­ Jesus said we must ence of Mind, the presence of Spirit false concept of man. Then, by ac- enter into our closet and close the error of belief that was holding the arate, and then destroy Individually, the presence of Soul, the presence of knowledging the spiritual man as ‘ door and our Father which seeth in patient After a few momenta of i whether it be groups or persons or Principle, the presepc of Life, the the true man, we shall find ourselve* »ecret will reward us openly—we quiet, prayerful meditation, like a 1 groups of nations. United we’ll divided we’ll fall. presence of Truth, and the presence in the presence of Truth—of that muBt fpart and anxie- beam of light in the darkness, came stand, 1 j at Love. , which is. tie* for ourselves and others and the words “Handle the error from As our eyes are opened through Now While to each synonym we And. finally, th«v healing activity realize the facta of our true being a* its most dangerous aspect.” clear-sightedness to the The spiritual- 1 may for the moment attribute a --------- of Love Man, as God’s the son* and ’ daughters of UU God. -- _ is to inspire. ----- - —------------ u. thought was then turned to find I presence of God, we shall behold the particular healing quaHty or activ- representative, is forever inspired, There is an old proverb which reads, what was the most dangerous aspect 1 unseen chariots and horses that the ity, we must remember that the and this destroys the beliefs of de­ !’ “ “ Z— gathers ___________ _____ The ■ bee that the honey is of Z- the case, and suddenly the answer • prophet 1 Elisha saw, and rise in words are . I not synonymous, and flits for from that pression, discouragement. ________ the one that flower to, dejection, came, _______________________________________________________________ _____ "Why, the _______ mother ___ ia ______ afraid'1 strength and courage U face any reason what pertains to Mind would and frustration We can always (flower, but the one that remains , that tlie little one is going to die.” foe. ’’For they that be with us are also the presence of Love k by _____ ’’ The _________ ____ of 'The most dangerous aspect is always ,nore than they that be with them. aU? pertain 1*rt*in_ to Spirit, Snirit. to Soul, Soul. Prin- know M m . its ¡«, down in the flower. benefits Brl in ¡4» appli- nnnll ’ fhn four f»/ Ji) f 11 i 71U nnviolzii Art _____ ciple, Life, Truth, Love. However, it uplifting, strengthening, and joyous this will be appreciated in its the fear of riaatkt death. Immediately IL*. the I Unflinching, unyielding faithfulness is true our understanding of God is effect. The cup of inspiration is the cation to prayer. It is not the hur- ' practitioner turned her attention si- to God and to mankind, a refusal to cnlarged and eventually completed blessing of Love. Nothing else can ried, enlarged Tied, wordy wordy prayer, prayer, but, but, rather, rather,. lently to the claim of death. She admit the power of the strongest by a study of these seven other, take the place of that unselfish de- quietly dwelling upon and realising ' knew that God is the life of man “nd most tenacious suggestions of names for Deity. And when we un- »¡er to share with others the bless- the holy, loving nature of God that and life can never result in death, evil -these stalwart traits of char- derstand the full significance of ing of the Father. Being aware of. brings us His blessings. j that God is Love, and mercy and “cter may any moment receive Truth shall recognize recognize '«h» ■» Z-»F Alio tito we « ...... __ _ a . to , i martroll Ana Truth and and Ixive Ixive we we shall the presence of rllsrlrvo divine T Love, we orn are Now Jesus frequently took himself compassion are always present marvellous rewards that Truth and Love are indeed one healed of hate, revenge, selfishness, -t apart from the crowded cities and overcome the beliefs of everlasting ! The Christian peoples of the world — • —•• «w vivwucw ciww ano |--------------- —------- - — and the same, and that one is God. ■" “ .... ■ towns to a mountain or hilltop in 1 punishment • - No other word .... but Ixive can fitly and condemnation, that have accepted the chailense of ma .1 — — JU- ,u. n.A Hi — . ...... I ___ • * Love »__ ____ _____ . . .. Let us consider these synonym* for describe the goodness of God. Bless- or. SoTll X» A.r « ..«b ' S. Z’S'Ï Christian Science u, Mta, «ta, Miu. h. «» purity and love. Remember, God's words to Moses *e for you, “My presence shall go with thee, and | will give thee rest.” Let this pres­ ence go with you in your church, in your business, in your home, in your school, in your innocent pleasures, in your car, In the cockpit of your bomber, in the depths of the sea. in your submarine, on the bridge ot the battleship, in the workshop, the shipyard, the battlefield, at home and abroad. There is no place where His presence may not be felt and His power realized. For in God's presence evil is forever absent and God is present here, now, and for­ ever. Turning Out Synthetic Tires At Akron, Ohio Completion of the first synthetic rubber tire to be made entirely of government-produced materials has been announced by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. The historic tire was in the size for U. S. Army “jeeps." Its only difference from a conventional na­ tural or synthetic rubber tire is the date molded into both sidewalls. Synthetic rubber for the tire was manufactured in a government- owned Goodyear-operated synthetic rubber plant in Akron which was pla.,-,! in operation last May and which has a higher production total than any other synthetic rubber plant in the country. MAXIMUM , For better results and increased profits, feed one of Triangle Dairy Feeds .. I Triangle Milk Maker, Bar-None Dairy Feed, Triangle Milk Ration and Albina Dairy Feed, Each is built from a carefully balanced formula of cereal grains, minerals and con­ centrates for maximum milk production. TRIANGLE Mil LING COMPANY M>5 N bllamot PoHUnd 0< U.S.MMYAMCMM 24th Fighter Squadron Insigne rssbim wjivw ms I*t us throw away the crutches of that he saw only the perfect image ful aruwer to understanding prayer! dependence on matter and physi­ and likeness of the Father. And the ' The World Sltuatlen cality, and lean on the sustaining climax of his demonstration over There Is today a marked increase arms of God. Let u* put off the dark death occurred shortly after his in prayerful consideration of God glasses of prejudice, fear, and doubt prayerful experience on the Mount and many evidences of His guidance and look through the lens of faith of Olives. I Bnd protection. In the war in which and hope; let vs take off the sack­ Working Christian Scientists soon we as a nation are concerned with cloth of self-pity and self-justifica- realize the great need for these | our allies, we hear from time to (tI6n and put on the robes of grati- periods of spiritual refreshment.' time of men in great extremity . tude and joy. Let us stop drinking these moments spent in God’s pres- showing exceptional . ___ _ judgment, We ln ,hp of passions and appe­ ence, imbibing His purity, wisdom, also tiser of numberless cases at en- tites and imbibe the inspiration at y. the qualities of God's wisdom As the vears bring with them just Searching for God we shall find our- and appréciative regard for all those selves instructed by the divine Mind, who have given to men a higher and Constructive ideas, thoughts, will holier sense of God and His creation, unfi.Id to us as we pray for wisdom how grateful we are and shall con- and understanding, and the darken- tinue to be that Mary Baker Eddy, ing suggestions of ignorance, back- throughout the remainder of her wariiness, ■ imperception, and dull- , earthly days, devoted her entire time *"— —1 to the establishment, ness are naturally ............................ healed in the light an •* d fortune of this presence of the divine Mind, equipment, and nourishment of the The healing activity of Spirit is to ' Cause at Christian Science. ’ The .7 11 II*» FREE with War Stamps bought this week at . Shell Dealers and Shell Station» Get your U.S. Fighter and Ob­ servation Squadron insignia — the kind youngster* are collect ing now I In full color on cloth, they’re just right to sew on pockets, cap* or sweaters. You get one of these insignia FREE —while the supply lasts—every tune you buy War Stamps from your Shell Dealer or Shell Serv­ ice Statloh. And watch for the next new insigne! "CAM FOR YOUR CAR FOR YOUR COUNTRY** Remember, not (he tfitdemettr, but the ia your beat guide nowadayil Once a Week: JATrgBT—Reduced driving makea 8hell check-up, of water level and «•E»—Maintaining correct air pr**«»« «av«« dr«« «ad gaaolin«. HlUUglll | Every 2 Month»: «