The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 08, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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OBIGON. tmnuoAr. april i , imi .
Arago News •
Mr. Laird
boys who
have been stationed at Camp White s- 'Ax' ■ ’ .
Mrs. Harold Young left for New
at Medford and brought them in for
Orleans on Sunday, March 28, to join
the trip: Frank Timsick, of Indiana;
Johnny Welling, of New York, and her husband, who is stationed there.
He is in the U. S. army.
Al Burr, <N Ohio. Sunday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holverstott
the above mentioned people accom- . d
P«i«d by Mrs. Grace Rackleff, Mr.
i Mrs. Holverstott'« sister and brother-
and Mrs. Ed Rackleff and Mr. and
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wilcox,
Mrs. Dave Rackleff and Marianne, of
of Portland.
Coquille, all drove to Bandon to
Rufus Byerly, who visited relatives
show the soldier boys the beach, one,
‘ in the valley two weeks ago, has been
of the boys having never seen the
honorably discharged from the U. S.
ocean before. They said they surely
jArmy and will go back to essential
ehjoyed the trip and said our coun­
try was more beautiful than the | mill work in Washington.
A stork shower was held at the
I on
Mrs Gala
to FaTta! Wedne*Uy- March «. ln honor of
----------------------------------------------------------- —u__
in Myrtle Point.
Mrs. Lloyd Teagarden's sister, Mrs.
Mrs. Frank Lane entered the Mmt
Bertha Graham, from Colorado is
April 5—Audrey Kern vs. Harry
hospital in Myrtle Point last week
visiting here at the Teagarden home.
G. Kern. Suit for divorce.'
and will remain a short time for
A board meeting was held at the
April 5 — Louis B. Metcalf vs.
medical treatment.
church last Sunday evening.
Lawrence Abbott and Willard Mid­
Mrs. Amelia Lafferty has been
drawing, up of by-laws and regula­
quite seriously 111 in the Mast hos­
tions was discussed as were also
April 8—Peter Viig vs. L. D. Owen.
pital in Myrtle Point for the past few
plans to interest people in church
April 7—State of Oregon vs. John
weeks but is very much improved
now and was able to be moved home
W. J. Wheeler and wife plan on a
trip to Eugene Wednesday to attend
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow,
ministerial conference this week.
who have beert visiting in* Arago for
This conference will be held at the
about ten days returned to their home
H. R Clark was on Monday ap­
Light-Hottie Temple in Eugene.
in Portland last Wednesday morning.
Mrs. J. A Deadmond, Mrs. Clar­ pointed administrator of the $300
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers, of
ence Deadmond and Mrs. O. B. Dow estate left by John E. Noles, with
Myrtle Point, visited at the home of
were in Coquille Monday. This is Chas. Forrest, Wm. F. Howell and
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers last Friday
Mrs. J. A. Deadmond'« first trip in Chas. Stauff named as appraisers.
since her serious
illness several
«a >ta. UM
See our large display oi choice pot
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers and Mrs. M«a.,
weeks ago.
Stanley Halter drove to Myrtle Point
Mr. and Mrs rrank Sackett moved plants at Bergen's, across highway
Not the
Sunday and visited Mrs. Lane and •Z“
into Coquille last Sunday.
They from telephone office.
cheapest but the best. Phone 64.
Mrs. Lafferty at the Mast hospital.
verstott, Faye Holverstott, H. H. have been living in one of Chas. Hol-
Mr.' and Mrs. Oliver Myers, of
Mr. and Mrs. Harman Sumarlta ¡Hall,
Blohm' Earl LaBranch,
Ij,Bran('h W.
w J,!
Myrtle Point, visited at thfe homes
¡Wheeler, Harry Lindsay, T. H. Ben- ’ grange meets this Saturday at the
of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter and
ham and the hostess, Mm- Chas. Hol- haiL There wl11 ** inltiatton in the
true, there is a safe harm­
Mr. and Mrs. John Widmark Sunday Falls where they went on business. verstott.
and second degrees.
Miss Sylvia Sumcrlin stayed T.?.a
afternoon. •
Mission Aid met at the church last I K“™1
Wicklund and
family less medicated liquid called Kleerex
Ladies Aid met Wednesday all day Mrs. Grace Rackleff her par­ Thursday. Those present were Mcs- ¡.moved Sunday into the home for- that dries up pimples over night.
Those who followed simple directions
at the church with a pot luck dinner ent* were gon«
damas Robert Holverstott, Quivey, merly occupied by Dale Thurman.
Mrs. Ward Evan-, Pamel.i ad
'and applied Kleerex upon retiring
at noon with the following atten­
Harry Lindsay, Earl LaBranch, W. The Wicklunds are from Marshfield.
dance: Mesdames O. H. Aasen, Ward
G. B. Dows received word yester­ were amazingly surprised when they
Evans, 1 Albert Lillie, Albert Gul­ Mr. and Mrs. John Felshcr and Mr.
from their daughter, Joan, In I found their pimples has disappeared
Wm- Byerly made a trip from his
Get your U.S. Fighter and Ob­
strom. Robert Fish and Gene, Clar­ and Mrs. Chester Willson in Myrtle home up the river to the church San Francisco that she had had word I These users enthusiastically praise
Kleerex and claim they are no longer
servation Squadron insignia —
ence Butler, Ernest MqcCalister, Ed Point last Saturday afternoon. '
Thursday to stain the new altar he
Mrs. Albert Gulstrom entered the
embarrassed and are now happy with
the kind youngsters are collect­
Rackleff, J, L. Burtis and 8. C. Mc­
made for the church.
The church been killed in action In Africa. He
ing now! In full color on doth,
Allister. Junior Gulstrom and Ger­ Mast hospital Monday evening and plans on holding dedicstlon services was in the U. 3. Army Tank Corps. their clear complexions. Don’t take
they’re just right to sew on
ald Lillie came in and joined the was to be operated on Tuesday morn­ for this altar on Easter morning.
They have the-sympathy of the valley our word for it, use KleereX tonight. It
pockets, caps or sweaters. You
(one application does not satisfy, you
ladies for dinner.
Mrs. L. L. Buoy went to Coquille in their hour of sadness.
Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl, Mr. and
get one of these insignia FREE
get your money back. There is no
Clyde Lillie received, his call for
last Wednesday eve to met her moth­
—while the supply lasts—every
risk so do not hesitate. For sale by
the service and left Tuesday for Port­ Mrs. Harold Bargelt and Mr. and er and father, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Traffic Death Rate In Oregon
time you buy War Stamps from
Barrow Drug Co.
land. He was to be sent to Virginia Mrs. Arthur Jones, of Myrtle Point, Noah. They have been ylsiting with la Less This Year Than Last
your Shell Dealer or Shell Serv­
were Sunday evening guests of Mr.
at thia time, for his training.
I another daughter, Mrs. Earl Gerber,
Oregon’s traffic death rate for the
ice Station. And
Stanford McMichael, of Azalea, and Mrs. Ralph Long.
M y .nri Ur.
81 Ore*on clty- They have been month of February was six persdns
Watch for the next
- tinted at the home at his sister and
1 “Pne 51nce the middle »f January.
killed per one hundred million miles
new insigne!
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Myers, came iu from Cams, Valley Monday, M
of travel, Robert S. Farrell, Jr., Sec­
for several days last week. On Sat­
retary of State announces.
"**“■"* «d measles. She is much better at
urday Mr. and Mrs. Myers and fam­ ^r.
Traffic took ten lives In February,
ily and Miss Lillaverte Myers drove
compared to 18 in ths same month at
Mr end Mrs, Nile MHlcr were, Word
received that John
to Azalea to take .Stanford home and
1842. Based on a mileage eomparl-
Saylor joined the U. S. Army about
they spent the Week-end visiting Sunday evening gtmW Ot Mr,
Mr. Orvna Millar to Mvrll. Pnint
o. /winy «uvy , son, however, th* roeord for this Feb­
there and on Sunday they all ea­
'a month «go and also that Ralph ruary was 22 per eent bettor than for
sed a family reunion at the Mc-iT^ reP(,rt that Miss Alice Miller Duncapson has been inducted into
the corresponding period a year ago.
Michael home. Stanford expects to ¡“as been quite III and they thought th«
Highway »nd Street travel during
leave for the service this week.
« w“ rheumaUs fever. -
The grade »chpo| children «t Fair­ February of this year, as shown by
Mr and Mrs. Frank Miller came in I
Grover McQuigg, of Medford, view hgvp g contest on between the
gasoline consumption figures, ran
from Alleghany Thursday to spend wne in Saturday and will visit at two rooms to are which room of pu­
UP to 167,100,SM miles.
For the
a few days with relatives and friends
MUler home for a few pils buy th« most war saving stamps.
first two months of this year, travel
before returning to the lookout sta- days.
This contest has just gotten well un­ totaled 310,028,044 miles.
tlon where they have been on duty.1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish visited at derway and they have already jump-
Improvement in the traffic death
Mrs. Iteoml Robinson, of Myrtle th< ho*>* ot Mr and Mrs. Frank Pish j«d from 38 per cont to 82 per cent
rate |s
important factor in judging
Point, wag a Sunday dinner guest at In Mr
.»a Mr. Wm Xneh. who bUying the#e
relative safety of traffic, It was said.
Mt** 8th*! ri,h H»ent
the h°me of Mr. and Mrs. R C. Me- '-
I Mr~.
The substantial reduction in the
to Qi
loo^,ut •*»* I end «t h«r home in ArsgA »he took
Allister. Mr. and Mrs. MeAUister have ****
death rate reported in Oregon for
rode to Myrtle Point with her Sua- u<**
Zv: fT-Zi““ ““>«■ Mr> «wi M >.. 1842 as compared to ¡841, was an im­
»a moved
mmma back to Arago
Arwm phytlcian Mrs. 1'ish has been ill for portant consideration in Judging this
day evening and visited at the home their job and
Of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wannamaugher this last week. They are renting an­ quit* a white.
state the winner of the western dl-
other ranch from Pete Peterson.
before returning home. --------'
Mrs. Althea Harrah’s mother, Mr«.- vioieti of the naUonal traffic aafcty
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rackleff and
a tettftr *PM Lyle Faull, who is Frank Lane, is in thy Ma»t hospital oofrtest for State, announced today.
Marianne, ot Coquille, were Sunday
dinner guests at the home of M*. somewher» overseas add reports that
he-Is well.
Grace Rackleff.
The pot luck supper and party giv­
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laird and Mrs.
Charles Gale, of Klftnath Falls, ar­ en last . Thursday evening for the
rived at the home of Mrs. Grace W. C. T. U. was very much enjoyed
Rackleff Sunday evening.
Mr. by all present.^ The president of the
Laird came in to attend the funeral Arago W. C. T. U., Mrs. Charles
the honorary
of his uncle, Pink Laird, at Myrtle Griffith, presented
members with "White Ribbon" pine.
Those receiving pins were! Messr».
Nile Miller, Clarence Mulling. •. C.
MoAiiUater. Chee. Orifflth, Tyrrell
Woodward, Ward Evens, Other hon­
orary members who were not present
but will receive their pin« later were-
M omti , John widmark, Avon witeo»,
Albert Fish, C, A, Keltne», Melden
Rev. IB- M, «torn. M the Brethren
church in Myrtle PolnL conducted
the regular Sunday morning church
Sunday school followed
with «n stenganoe of 46
will be services again next Bunday.
I preaching «| ¡0 8. m. «nd Sunday
¡school at 11 a, m.
Much as we regret the necessity of
FOR MANY YEARS your city has
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister and
withdrawing our products from your
Mrs. O. H. Aasen attended the union
been one of the bright spots on our sales
church fellowship supper at the
market we feel...mid ure sure you will
map. You folks semi to have liked our
Methodist church in Myrtle Point
ugree...this is as it should be. Our
products. Free to choose between the
Monday evening as guests
Napn| pstylRt
nation is at war. Civilian wants must be
beverages of many of the foremost brew­
Mn-. Aggen. WM •
to war needs. Businesses
eries of the land, your preference for
hw the program fol-
Fairview News
Circuit Court Cases
Squadron Insigne
Probate Court Items
" aw “ z : z ::.
FREE with
War Stamps
bought this week at
: Shell Dealers
and Shell Stations
rs. ¿sz
the /ay
City Mice Coses
Three name» appear-on the blotter
in the city police court the past week,
all for the »am« often»« against city
, RuaseU Summers, arrested Satur­
day, forfeited the 110 ball he posted:
Jack Bredlm paid a fine of 810, and
, Whiter Calvin Smith, in since Monday,
: is serving five days in lieu of the gio
j fiee given him by Recorder Leslie.
Columbia Ale and Columbia Beer has
and individuals alike must expect, and
been quite pronounced. Of this prefer­
accept, some dislocations in our every­
ence we are proud. For your patronage
day ways of life.
we are grateful!'
But now we find ourselves in a war-
bom “pincer”.
In common with many other Ameri­
can producers wo are operating under
war-time restraints. Among other things,
restrictions have been placed on deliv­
.1 —1
eries to conserve rubber and gasoline.
The Industrial Repair Co
No longer will it be poesibie for us to ■
• Qf Coquille
make shipments of our Columbia Ale
and Columbia Beer into your city
So...if the next time you call for a
Columbia product you are unable to get
it4..we hope you will understand. The
things which made their unlimited dis­
tribution possible are going for more
important purposes. Until the victory ia
won...that’sNhe way we want it to be|
that ia the way we feel sure you went it
to be.
We will be looking forward to again
serving you... f Am/
Repairing Aids Victory