The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 01, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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Fairview News
Mrs. Olive Beil left for her home in , is not so well again.
Mullins and he, is now stationed at
Vancouver,. Wash., last Tuesday,j Mrs. Chester Willson and Chloe, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, as radio section
Rufus Byerly surprised his rela­ March 23, after spending a week i of Myrtle Point, were Sunday dinner chief in the 9th corps division, U. S.
tives by paying them a very short visiting her son and daughter-in-law,' guests of Mr. and Mbs. Ward Evans.1
| Mrs. H. E. Watkins was a Friday
Irwin Barktow and two daughters,
visit last week-end. He came Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bell.
Mrs. Rube Day and Mrs. Frank > guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ■ Mrs. Earl Hoover and Miss Mavis
day and left Saturday, He visited
| Barktow, all of Corvallis, were last
his father, Wm. Byerly, and aunts. Peters spent Tuesday, March 23, vis- ; S. C McAllister.
Miss Carrie Byerly and Mrs. Clara itlng Mrs. Gordon Bell. They were | Clifford Albertson, who is stationed week-end visitors of his sister, Mrs.
Kibler, and his sister, Mrs. Ray Dead- from Marshfield, Mrs. Bell's former' at Alaska, and who has been tn Coos Roy Robison, and Mr. and Mrs Wal­
¡county on a 15-day furlough; visited ter Barklow, of Coquille, another
mond. He is in the armed forces home.
Word has been received that Hur- at the home of Mrs. H. E. Watkins brother of-Mrs. Robison's, and Mr.
stationed in one of the southern
vey Thommen has graduated from j and Jeon for several days last week, and Mrs. Harold Pribble and two
Dennis Buoy has been very ill the Naval Training station at Farra- He had to return to Seattle Monday to sons, Billie and Jimmie, of Norway,
and ! were all Sunday dinner guests of
with a severe cold on his chest, He gut, Idaho. He expects to be sent to j be ready to sail for Alaska again,
' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison.
missed last week of school.
Correcting an error in last week's (Watkins ________
and Jean, ____
who _____________
made a busi-j
' Mrs. Gilbert Sumerlin, of Norway,
Mrs. Robert Holverstott has been
ill with a cold but she is much better. items: Ben Holverstott is at Camp ness trip to Portland last Saturday. | who has been at the Knife Hospital
The W. C. T. U. ladies are giving i ‘he past two or three weeks, returned
Mrs. Marion Lewis, of Powers, re­ Callan, Calif., instead of Camp Rob­
her home Tuesday of this week,
turned home last Saturday after erts. He has been in the hospital for an April Fool’s party and potluck j
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bennett visited
spending several weeks at the home an operation on his none. Latest re­ supper for their honorary members
of her daughter and family, Mr. and port was he is improving satisfac­ i this Thursday evening, April 1, at the his mother, Mrs.^M, B. Bennett, last
; Arago church. Everyone is cordially Saturday evening at the P. E. Breuer
Mrs. Russell Martindale and son, torily.
The valley was grieved to havfe I invited to attend.
home in West Myrtle Point. Mrs.
Roderick. She has been ill for sev­
greatly improved.
The high school play and box so- M. B. Bennett is _
eral months but was much improved confirmation of the report of the
death of Clynard Holverstott. He I cial given at the Arago gym last- ®h* suffered a light stroke some
when she returned home.
Little Lorene, daughter of Mr. and was one of the valley's finest boys Saturday evening was a very suc- lhM* weeks ago but is now able to
walk “bout again-
Mrs. Faye Holverstott, has been ill and Mr. and Mrs- Chas. Holverstott cussful affair. The program was a*
have the sympathy of the entire val- follows: moving pictures, presented
Mrs. Doward Strong, who left Nor-
with a cold.
! by Ralph Kring of Myrtle Point, were *•> Mar 1». going to Seattle to be
Mrs. M. -O. Edwards returned to 1W.
fbf Death Valley, were -in color and w“h her husband till his transport
her home In Eugene March 24, after
were greatly enjoyed by all present;; ,ef‘ far Alaska, returned home on
spending ten days hore visiting her
the play was "The Dormitory Dub,", Monday, he having sailed on Sunday,
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
___ college
_ i' Mrs. Martha Jane Mullins and son,
Mrs. W. J. Wheeler. She made the . J. D. Carl and Geo. Mason, mana­ a one-act comedy; setting, a
hresent about
»two Jim’ were Saturday evening dinner
trip by train from Marshfield, being ger of the Arago Co-Op. factory dormitory; time, the present,
taken there by her daughter and Mrs. made a trip to Springfield the first I 10:00 p. m. Characters: Irene Graves, «uests of Mr; and Mrs. Bob Soaper
a pupil, Pamela Evans; Francis Bar- ln Myrtle Point.
Harry Lindsay.
of the week and purchased a separa­
Mrs. Amelia Lafferty was taken to
ton, a pupil, Glenda Lillie; Mar­
The 4-H sewing club met at the tor for the factory.
the Mast Hospital this week, suffer­
Fairview school last Friday. There
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pappel, Sandra,
was a new member taken into the and James, drove to North Bend Lfceper; Gwendolyn Harriman, a pu­ ing from a heart attack.
William (Dill) Smith came in Mon­
club, Edith Noah.
Seven of the Sunday and visited relatives there. pil, Yvqnne Holycross; Ann Drew, a
day of this week from San Diego on
girls were there. They are making
Mrs. Martha Pauli and Ralph and pupil; Dorothy Warren; Bertha Mills,
servant, Nola Crawford; Mammy a ten-duy furlough to visit his moth­
themselves dresses. Mrs. Chas. Gas- Miss M^vis Tapps of Gardiner, were
lin is their leader and Mrs. Hazel Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Grandy, a colored woman, Lillaverle er, Mrs. Martin Schmidt. He had
, Myers; Mias Peebles, principal of the just graduated from the fleet torpedo
Freeman, assistant.
school of San Diego and is now a
Mrs. Althea Harrah visited her
Mrs. Althea Harrah of Fairview, school, Thelma Cruwford. Play di­
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, was a weekend guest at the home of< rected by Mrs. Ralph Long. This P*“y officer, first class seaman. He
of Arago, over the week-end. Mrs. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I was followed by a box social. The hus ‘° report at San Francisco April
boxes were auctioned off by A. B.. • “n<1 wai‘ further orders there.
Lane is still suffering greatly. She Lane.
I Crawford.
There were Ice cream1 Mrs. Harold Pribble accompanied
has been ill several months.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers and Mr.
. Miss Ethel Fish visited her parents, and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow, of Port- I cones for sale after the sale of the her husband one day last week on
;««« °f his tripe hauling gravel for
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fish, last week­ land, were Sunday dinner guests of' boxes.
Mrs. John Sterna, of Minnesota, th* «»*1 t® the Chrome mines in the
end at Arago.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter.
Wm. Byerly spent Thursday and
Mr* and Mrs. Harold Fish were i who is visiting her daughter and Seven Devils country. She reports
Friday at the church, building the Monday
Mootlav guests of Mr.
Mr and Mrs.
Mrs ' family, Mrs. Avon Wilcox, was «¡“ wonderful view from the top of
new altar. He stayed Thursday night1 FraBk
ln CoquUle.
j Monday visitor at the Nile Miller ‘he r*<to« near the lookout tower.
Ruful Rylander has discovered that
at th« T. H. Benham home.
| Mrl; Qrace Raekleff and Mr. and home.
The Fairview Extension club met ¡Mrs. Ed Rackleff, of Portland, visited ! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barnett were ‘his stormy weather is a good time to
Tuesday, March 23, at the Grange at the home of Mr and Mrg j D. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. hav* mumps as he couldn't do much
: and Mrs. John Wldmark.
! farming any how. His wife is sub-
Hall. The subject was: Point Ration- ‘ Carl Sunday evening.
1 Mrs. H. E. Watkins and Jean andi«‘“uting for him in the dairy busi-
ihg, with Mrs. Dorothy Bishop in
Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and
charge. A planned dinner was served Maureeri, visited at the home of Mr. CUfford Albertson were Thursday «»*^
Mrs. Martin Schmidt, her son. Dill,
at noon.' Those present were: Mes- and Mrs. Chester Willson, of Myrtle I evening guests at the home of Mr.
and daughter, Mrs. Dorward Strong,
and Mrs. Frank Burbank.
dames Kathleen Lindsay, Genevieve Point, last Saturday.
Gerald Woodward, who has been drove
Scottsburg Tuesday of this
Ellis, Bethel Norria, Myrtle Holver­
The regular monthly missionary
stott, Dorothy Bishop, .Emma Hall, meeting will be held at the church attending Oregon University again ¡week to visit another daughter, Mrs
Roxy Frye, Pamela Hatcher, Nadine next Wednesday afternoon, April 7, this winter, received his call to re- Orville Heath, returning the same
port for service and left for San daF-
Wheeler, M. O. Edwards, Iris Hol­ at 2 o’clock.
verstott, Bonny Buoy, Amy Rlchard-
Mrs. Ralph Cameron, of Coquille, Francisco Saturday evening or Sun-.
Arago News
■ ±2
and Hazel Benham. At this meeting, Anne, visited at the home of Mr. and
officers were elected for the coming Mrs. Ward Evans last Thursday.
Those unanimously chosen
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis
were:1 president, Myrtle Holverstott; and Alice, of Myrtle Point were
vice president, Vivian LaBranche; Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr.
secretary-treasurer, Kathleen Lind­ and Mrs. Nile Miller.
say. The next meeting, April 26,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers, of
will be for planning the program for Myrtle Point, were Sunday guests at
the following year.
Every hbme- the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers
maker in the valley is urged to come and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter,
and take part in those worth-while
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller and Mrs.
Ward Evans, Pamela and Maureen,
drove to Myrtle Point Sunday eve-
ning and attended the Christian
church services end enjoyed the lec­
ture and pictures given there by a
missionary from Alaska.
Ladies Aid met Wednesday at the
church for an all-day meeting, with
a potluck dinner at noon. The fol­
lowing ladles were present: M m
dames O. H. Aaaen, Albert Lillie, Al­
bert Guistrom, Ward Evana, Robert
Fish and Gene, Clarence Butler, Er­
nest MacCalister. Ward Evans was
a dinner guest.
They will meet
again this Wednesday all day.
Rev. M. D. Rempel, of Coquille,
conducted the regular Sunday morn­
ing church service. Sunday school
followed with an attendance of 41.
There will be services again next
Sunday. Preaching at 10 a. m. and
Sunday schodl at 11 a. m.
court on Wednesday.
Another divorce granted that day
was to Wm. M. McCommia separat­
ing him from Ida R. McCommia.
Still another divorce granted was
The wise homemaker is realizing
today, more than ever, she must keep to the plaintiff in the case of Ann
up-to-date on information that will Kirchoff vs. Earl Kirchoff.
help her properly plan her meals so
Norton's now have the Kem-Craft
her family will not suffer from “hid­
War Bond wallet. Holds 50 bonds
den hunger."
With her choice limited today by and will fit in your Safety deposit
or handbag.
Protect those
point ration buying and by the lim­
Bonds you're so proud to buy.
ited supply of some of the unrationed
food, it will necessitate learning mure Wallets only $1.00 each.
about food values.
“The Square
Deal Meal,” a demonstration that will
..'ailing caras. 50 tor SI 00.
be presented to eleven Home Exten­
sion Units in April and five in Muy,
S h 4 «WIN W illiams P aints
is planned to give assistance in the
wise planning of meals. The meet­
ings are as’ follows: April 1, Milling­
ton, at.the home of Mrs. Geo. Chaney;
April 6, Empire; April 9, Norway;
April 13, Coos River, at the home of
Mrs. Lyle Strong; April 14, Catching
Inlet, with Mrs. Albert Smith; April
Mrs. Mury Smith;
April 20, Englewood, school house;
April 21, Broadbent; April 22, Green-
dell, Grangç Hail; April 23, Charles­
ton. Rid Cross Rooms; April 27,
Fairview^ Grange Hall.
“Planning the Family's Food Sup-,
ply under Point Rationing” will be
the demonstratibn that will be pre­
sented to four extension units as fol­
lows: April 2, Riverton, home of Mrs.
Jensen, Murshfield Highway; April 7,
Bullards, Grange Hall; April 8, Sum­
ner, Mrs. Vesta Baker; April 16,
Bandon, Presbyterian Church.
Three extension units will have the
demonstration on the “Wartime Buy­
ing of Clothing,” as fallows: April 7,
Valley View, Mrs. Mabel Willard,
Glen Aiken Creek; April 8, Marsh­
field, Mix. Frank Peters, 512 Hull
Street; April 16, Eastside.
The Coquille Extension Unit
have the meeting on “Cleaning
Repairing Sewing Machines.” Per­
rons who are interested in attending
this demonstration should contact
Mrs. L. W. Oddy for additional in­
How To Pion
Meals To Be Told
ÄSS- $(i 3.30
«?S. 189 c n.
Circuit Court Coses
Mar. 25—Thelma E. Toxen vs.
Simeon Foxen. Suit for divorce.
Mar. 26—J-inton A. Huughawout
rs. Esther V. lfaughawout. Suit
Mar. 29—Inez Evelyn Cagten
Frank Wray Casten. Suit for
Mar. 29—ty. T. Alpine et al
Buteerwd Lumber-Coz tiuK ’tor an'
Mar. 30—Faye N. Wisweli • vs..
Robert L. Wiswell. Suit for divorce.
1. One pound (31 tablespoonfuls)
Mar. 30—Russell C. Keeney vs.
of waste cooking fats will produce the Mice L. Keeney. Suit for a divorce.
glycerine required to manufacture 1.3 A decres granting the divorce was
pounds of gun powder.
ordered by Judge King in circuit
3. One pound (31 tablespoonfuls) of
waste cooking fats will produce the
glycerine requqired to fire four 37
mm. anti-aircraft shells.
3. Fifty pounds of waste cooking
fats used in the manufacture of syn­
thetic acna,i
resin w,„
will p.wuvr
produce triltnjgll
enough vail
»ullage to cover one medium tank.
A TvAi pounds (62
/OO tablespoonfuls)
A-*_S_____ e.i
«3 I’,e
“tw Whet Kitchen
Fat Will Do
Norway News Items
|Tex“’ a‘ the praaent time.
Mrs. Raymond McLeod and little
son, Roderick, of Port Orford, were
week-end guests of her aunt, Mrs. E.
F. Brodie, of Norway.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rackleff, of
Portland, and Mrs. Grace Rackleff,
of Arago, were Sunday afternoon
visitors at the J. H. McCloskey home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder took
dinner Wednesday of last week wjth
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bender, of 1 . **
tie Point, and in the afternoon Mrs.
Bender and Mrs. Schroeder attended
the Methodist AM held in the base-
ment of the church and helped tie
out a comfort.
Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Bennett took
dinner last Thursday evening with
S h / pwin W illiams *
P aints
Roofs Repaired
of waste cooking fats will produce the
| glycerine required to to fire five 37
mm. anti-tank shells.
5. One pound (31 tablespoonfuls)
of waste cooking fats will produce the
Kly<*rtne requl red to manufacture >A
»WUI h A
«-»12 * 1
Mr. Bennett’s niece and husband. Mr. pound of dynamite for demolition
and Mrs. Walter Moore, jA Coquille,
8. Ope pound (31 tablesspeonfuls)
and spent the evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Elden Brodie, of Myr­ of waste cooking fata will produce the
tle Point, had as their dinner guests glycerine to fabricate three gas
Sunday his grandmother, Mrs. Vesta mask bags of cellophane.
7. Eighty pounds of houaefata will
Soaper, and his father and mother,
produce enough glycerine required
Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Brodie, In honor
for one depth charge release mechan­
of Mrs. E. F, Brodie's birthday,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Warner, of ism.
8. Every pound (31 tablespoon­
Coquille, were Sunday dinner guests
fuls) of waste cooking fatejwiR pro­
'Mrs. R. £‘Wanfliui«ttWWÄ'1fiMirM'^’*w^^
duce enough glycerine for’lTT" of a
mother, Mrs. Thena Warner, of
from California last Thursday, after
pound of high explosive nitro-glycer­
way Com* in and s<
Broadbent, and an their way home
Mta* far th* **M>W
visiting relatives there for the past
1 few weeks, since her husband had
9. Seventy pounds of waste cooking
Last Friday morning A. Kellen-
28« He. Taylor
Coqullk. Dre. been shipped rover seas.
j fata will produce enough glycerine to
berger, of Norway, visited a couple
I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barnett visited
¡at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank seems slightly Improved since *-!"***»•"» * •
I Lane Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lane
turning from Ashland, where he has|g'**'
¡0, One pound (31 tablespoonfuls)
I been the past three weeks.
Mrs. Jack Monroe was a visitor one of waste kitchen fats will produce
afternoon last week with Mrs. Ella enough glycerine to fire 10 pounds
Bryant and her mother, Mrs. Belle from a 50 culiber airplane cannon.
II. 350 pounds of waste kitchen
Ix-wclien. The Monroes have rented
the Roy Spires’ ranch.
if fats will produce enough glycerine to
Mrs. Paul Davie and Mrs. Charles Hre one shell from a 12 inch Naval
! Southmayd, of Gravelford, were Gun.
If 30 million homes in the "United
business callers in Coquille Monday.
Mrs. R. W. Haughton, who was States would save and turn In the
operated on Tuesday, Mar, 23, at waste fat from their kitchens what a
friends, is a way people keep oat
"Well.” «ey* Judge Cunning­
the Mast Hospital, Is reported to be boost it would be to the war effort!
■ x
ham. "I see they’ve got it!"
improving nicely and experts to be
From where I sit, I certainly
••Got what?” I says
agree with the Judge Th« fellow
- "Look.” beams the Judge. And
Harry Druliner, of Norway. is do-
^wllh the «Mbi. about 6 “couple
Shingles or Paper, Built-Up Roofs
Grass Removed, Shingles Painted
or Stained
109 South Elliott St.
lack Bevlin
Car Owners
From where 1 sit...
/y Joe Marsh
Auto Tires Recapped
No Certificate Needed
Marriage Licenses
special kind o’ lie detector-an
"alcoholometer” they call it
When a fellow gets haled into
court for doing mischief, and
blamee it all on a “couple of
beers” this scientific machine
proves whether Just a “couple of
beers” is really the true answer.
Aude’coarse tt MaX Becaa-e
a couple of beers, enjoyed wi,h
No. 55 of a Swtes
citizens everywhere who enjoy
a quiet glass of beer with their
meais-sittln’ with their friends
or just relaxing after a day’s
work. Moderate folks like that
are entitled to consideration.
for Mrs. Lora Carver, of Myrtle
P. F. C. Myron E. Hall, who has
been attending military school In
Chicago since last November, has
recently been transferred to Trux
Field, Madison, Wis., where he will
finish his course in radio mechanics.
He enlisted in the army early in
November. Mr. Hall is a grandson
of Mrs. Martha Jane Mullin, of Nor­
Corporal Lavel James Zie-
is another grandson at Mrs
and Sara L. Edgerton, of
Marshfield. They were married by
Rev. Geo. R. Turney at the Episco­
pal church in Marshfield last Friday.
Mar. 25—Harold L. Riley and Irene
Tumidge, both of North Bend. They
were married at the Pioneer parson­
age here last Thursday by Rev. Chas.
O. Brown.
Mar. 27—William Bisaett, of Co­
quille, and Millie Sanford, of Marsh-
cial Inspection Station
Thornton Tire Service
Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service
340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270
Rr.tadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. *52