The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 01, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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First Wagons To
The Rockies
will be held in Coquille. The meet
ing will be preceded by a six-thirt
o'clock potluck dinner. Mrs. Mar­
jorie Simpson, of Portland, worthy Monday Night Bridge Club
When “Jed” Smith crossed the
matron, will make her official visit.1 The Monday Night Bridge Club
(Continued from Page One)
(Continued from page one)
Last Thursday evening. Past Ma­
Rockies at the South Pass in 1824, he
Dr. June Martin, associate grand was entertained Monday evening by
i pointa of the V-Home 1943 campaign
trons and Past Patrons were honored >
will also be an honored Mrs. H. W. Pierce at her bonté. i Curry County Reporter as saying
visioned a wagon trail crossing the
at the regular meeting of Beulah |
that a 15-mile clearance in each are aggressive drives: Conservation
Continental Divide in the not distant
Prises for scores went th Mrs. J. A.<
Chapter, O. E. S. A most instructive
I Lamb, high; Mrs. Ed Loren», second direction is necessary to make it a . . . salvage . . . guarding information future. It had been the practice of
and entertaining degree, entitled
buying War Bonds and War,
perfect or ideal location. That is, .
, the fur traders to transport the furs,
'high and Mrs. Muri Pettit, consola-
“The/Ten Virtues.” was given by
there must be no obstruction within Stamps, and air raid protection,' bought at the annual rendezvous in
; lion. Others attending were Mes­
several of the members, assisted by
that distance that would be a haz­ which can be interpreted as ag­
the Rockies, by bull-boat or pack-
dames J. L. Smith, Jane William«,
the choral group. Each past matron
ard to flight of a pl;uie landing or gressive in that it protects military
H. À. Young, Bert Folsom, Edna
horsa. Such transportation was labor­
and patron was presented with a
taking off. The prop ,ed field, he objectives and plants, which turn out
The next regular meeting of the I Hartson and Pierce.
ious and dangerous, but had been ac­
corsage or boutonniere.
stated, fulfills ail these requirements, war materials and supplies.
as the only way. Smith
Following the meeting, a social Business and Professional Women's
A compelling additional reason for
except that in one direction it was u
hour was enjoyed, after which mem­ Club will be held April 5 jn the of a shower for a previous member, ■ mile short, or only 14 miles miles, conducting a new home-to-home broached the matter of wagon trans­
bers and guests adjourned to the Guild Hall at eight o’clock, promptly. Mrs. Ula Leach, whose marriage In I and that in the direction the very Civilian Defense enterprise is the portation to hit partners, David Jack-
banquet hall where attractively dec­ Mrs. Inez Chase, chairman of the Hollywood is to be solemnised in the I least used. It was further pointed need for instructing each family in son und William Sublette, while
camped to Pierre’s Hole in the pres­
orated birthday cakes, honoring those committee in charge of the program, near future.
out that only on.e airport on the Pa­ new methods of fighting fire bombs,
ent Idaho In the winter of 1829-30
whose natal day was in the first submits the following announcement:
cific coast met up with specifications
Smith declared that it was entirely
three months, were served.
The "All members of B. P. W. and friends | Party For Mrs. Wm. Fteten
equal to this. By these specifications chargee to Axia incendiaries. It is
Worthy Matron, Mrs. Edna Taylor, who are interested In the subject, i Mrs. Harold Withnell and Mias 1 it is meant that the air approach must essential that every citizen be in­ feasible to transport furs by wagon
whose birthday was in March, was •How to Check Inflation,’ are invited i Mary Virginia Morris were co-host- be in the clear approximately 40 to 1. formed personally, that the printed from the Rockies to St. Louis. His
honored with a special cake, which to ask questions on the subject and esses Tuesday evening at the With- j The development of the runways instructional information in hia home plausible arguments won them so
was made by the Associate Matron, receive the opinions of five Coqttille nell home. The party was in the to these standards will permit the be brought up to date, and that his Sublette started for St. Louis to out­
nature of a stork shower in honor' operation of army, commercial or home. equipment be inspected again fit a wagon train.
Mrs. Leon» Bryant.
business people.,
The train consisted of eigh(y-one
“This round-table panel discussion of Mrs. Wm. Fioten. Pinochle was I i civil aircraft equal to any flying to- in the light of the new instructions.
Thuraday evening, April 8, the
mounted, ten wagons drawn by
district meeting of three chapters group will consist of a banker, an
I day and will undoubtedly be ade- Here's How The
five mules each, two light wagons
experienced politician and timber­ refreshments and the unwrapping of | 'quate for aircraft yet to be designed. Campaign Shape« Up ,
drawn by one mule each, twelve head
man, an expert in agriculture, an lovely gifts. Two invited guests un­
The development of this airport is
This campaign will be the most
educator and a business woman who able to be present but wNb sent gifts the initial'stage of a mammoth plan extensive conducted in Oregon "by of'cuttie to be used for beef if the
is also aware of household problems. were Mesdarnc» Dennis Waggoner of aviation in Curry county and the i any agency since the start of the war. buffalo failed, and one milk cow. The
"After an expression from each of and Herman Fioten. Others attend­ southern Oregon and northern Cali­ It will consist of three distinct phases, motley outfit ihft St. Louis on April
10. 1830, and followed the Platte
these people as to their own beliefs ing were Mesdames Lud Scharfer, fornia districts. •
and its objective will be to inte­
River to its destination on the Wind
Wm.’ Walker, Leroy Swinney, Tom
- Myrtle Point
Misses should be rememebred that addition- all the steps civilians can take in River range, reaching there on July
be checked, there will be a bit of Stevens, Bandy McBride,
crossfire since they al) can not be Yvonne Kern and Eunice Howe.
.al airports, of a subsidiary nature, to their homes toward shortening this 16.
repaired at
The trappers were elated with the
expected to agree qr disagree in ev­
take care of this ‘large port in the war. Just' as the 1942 campaign
wafttag far
coming of the wagons and the Indians
ery respect. However, the success Roy Mothers Club
future will undoubtedly be con­ aroused public interest and participa­
declared that it was “Big Medicine."
of the program will be contributd At Work On Quilt
structed, making it possible for any tion in civilian protection, the V-
Small Electric Moton
Tbe Roy Mothers Club met last citizen of Curry county to take ad- Home campaign is designed to win On August 4, the wagons, piled high
to by the individual questioning
with precious furs which men had
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. O. K. I vantage of the port at Port Orford.
raised by those in the audience.
full support Of the entire population | j risked their lives to obtain, pulled
“A good attendance is solicited and
all phases of Civilian Defense.
A pilot present Informed the meet­ for
¡away from the rendezvous on the
refreshments will be served by the worked on the blocks for the emsr- ing that flying in the future will be Campaign
The firot three weeks of April will lon* )oun*y
11 "“jJ" 7^’'
committee before the business ses­ gency quilt which they will complete I more and more by instruments and
st a special meeting next Wednesday that airports with tbe specifications be devoted to an intensive publicity ber 10. six month, to a day after leav-
sion convenes." *
Members of the committee are: at the home of Mrs Frances Detlef- and conditions adequate to care for and advertising campaign throughout
the entire state mtorml^ the public I-ouis The m‘lkJ»* ma<?e *e r°u"d
Mesdames Belle Knife, Jessie Kay, aon. Two new members were added this method of air navigation are
trip in safety and four head of the
Alice Lafferty, Wanda Cochran and at the last meeting, Clara Krants and bound to become the terminals of a of the V-Home plan, whit
a_____ -____ XA.
Katy Detlefsen. The next meeting in great ajr traffic, just as are the im­ should do to prepare for it, etc. Co­ beef catUe escaped the cook’s pot.
Mrs. Chase, chairman.
It was an epochal journey, for a
two weeks will be in the evening at , portant rail heads of today. With thia incidental with this, will be released
■wagon trail had been blazed as far
Mrs. Halter Entertains
ployed during the day that the policy be only 48 hours from any point in Control Methods, new Gas Warfare west as the Rockies, though thirteen
Townsend Auxiliary
of the alub at (his time is tu alternate the world.
techniques, etc. . . . this material years would elapse before it reached
The Ladies Auxiliary of Townsend an evening meeting with • home aft­
will be in the form of full page mag­ the valley of the Willamette.
Club, No. 2, met last Thursday at two ernoon meeting, giving everyone g
azine features in the Portland Sun­
Two Coos Boys Named As
o'clock, with Mrs. Alma Halter. It chance to attend *t least onpe a
Vanilla flavoring tablets have been
day papers, a series of five articles
was reported that the auxiliary’s month. Attending Tuesday were MB’-
with illustration on Bomb Control developed to save shipping space and
Appointment of two Coos county for all local newspapers, half-hour alcohol. A ten-cubic-inch package
debts were all paid and that two da me» June Green, Earl Cross, Hukia
quilts had been sold- The ladies tied Ellingson, Cora Mackey. Frances candidates, Ralph O. Bolt, of Marsh­ radio program on ail stations in the of 192 tablets weights 2 Mi ounces and
another at this meeting, and talked Detlefsen, Bess Willard and Edna I field, and Eiden E. Breedlove, of state, billboard displays, retail store is equivalent to a quart bottle of
of what to make for a bazaar. Only Rakestraw.
Charleston, as alternates for the U. S. window and advertising tie-ups . . . vanilla which weighs 2H pounds.
the tying of quilts will Ur done for
Naval Academy at Annapolis, Mary­ Special movie trailer tie-up with
land, has been announced by Con­ Noel Coward’s “In Which We Serve"
anyone wanting quilts. It was or­
J unta stere Club
A large optical company
dered that flowers be sent to a mem­
gressman Harris Ellsworth, repre­ In every theatre in which this fam­
over to the government its
ber, Mrs. Ernest Buckner, at the hos­
sentative of the fourth district of
a one-fifteen luncheon last Thursday, Oregon, . The appointnumta- ace.. . the ous picture appears. -. . Speeches by speedy machinq method of grinding
the statewide apraktm‘horeau to aa
The day’s prize was awarded to
ul ***** h,*n,e "f Ml
result of u preliminary qualifying many luncheon clubs and fraternal precision lenses. The machines elim­
. - - >----- .U-— ....... - —J..-
; — t
—e A
inate the previous slow grinding of
examination , given in the diatrict organizations as possible.
Maude Brockman and a lovely lynch
lenses by hand.
was enjoyed by all.
Civilians For Victory Week
Eaoti member of Congress is en­
At the next meeting, to be with promtu musical, Upon request Mrs*
The fourth week of April will be
Mining Location Douces toi sale ••
Mrs. Florence DeNoma, 580 North Bryant consented to sing, accompan­ titled to make four appointments the climax of the V-Home campaign
to 4he Military Academy at West . . . ali V-Homes should have their this office.
Hall, on April 8 the ladies are re­
quested to bring scissors. needles and which are some of her own favorites. Point, and ftve appoint menu to the identifying stickers up. The final
thimbles, as the work will be getting Attending were Mesdamea H, A. Naval Academy. Congressman Har­ “Civilians for Victory Week” will be
Young, J. L. Smith, F. L. G reenough, ris Ellsworth writes that aince no
rags ready for rugs
a recruiting week for new volunteers
Anyone wishing to attend the A. J. Sherwood, Bert Folsom, Jane one had been appointed to either for all branches (Protective and Civ-
meetings will be welcome. — Press Williams, M 0- Hawkins, J, A. Lamb, academy from the-seven counties In ilan War Service Branches) to fill
Get your U.S. Fighter and Ob­
H. W. Pierce, Lpona Bryant and R. A. this district fdr some time, all places
’ *
in replacements of existing vacancies
servation Squadron insignia —
Wernieh. ’
were open for appointment.
Ac­ and to develop a poo) of available
the kind youngsters are collect­
cordingly, he has. now named four workers for new jobs as they come
ing now! In full color on cloth,
principals and three alternates for up. Highlights of the publicity will
Pawba Group Have Meetiag
they're just right to sew on
The Pawha group of Camp Fire each principal, for West Point, and be special sections of the Portland
pockets, cape or sweaters. You
A good meeting was held Tuesday
Girls met last Thursday afternoon five principals and three alternates Sunday papers, and special photo­
get one of these insignia FREE
evening in spite of the bad weather,
after school with their guardian, Mias for each principal, tor Annapolis. graphs, editorials, and publicity ma­
—while the supply lasts—every
29 persons being brave enough to
Cheri Mae Hartwell, in her room In There will be no further appoint­ terial on all Oregon Radio stations . .
time you buy War Stamps from
come out, and the president was in
tbe Washington school. The main ments to either academy until a va­ Speeches to civic and fraternal clubs.
your Shell Dealer or Shell Serv­
the chair. The caravan meeting also
ice Station. And
subject disrupted4 waa that of head cancy occurs in the future. A va­ . . Special moule-trailer tie-up with
had a good attendance Sunday
bands. Plans were made for the hike cancy la created by: (1) Failure of a the picture “Air Force” in each the­
watch for the n«t
About lOQ^were present. Next car­
new insigne!
which the group will take Thursday, principal or any of the alternates to atre that it is shown . . . and. retail
avan meeting ia Sunday, April 18, in­
I, Coleen Chowning waa elected qualify; (2) Failure at the academy; store window bnd advertising tie-
stead of Easter Sunday.
to take the place of Myrtle (3) Death; (4) Resignation or ex-1 ups in each city.
The program Tuesday evening con­
who is moving to Ketchi- pulsion; (S) Graduation.
sisted of group singing and readings
“Ip making these appointments I
Members present were
Warranty ana Bargain and Sale
by various members and a vocal solo.
show no favoritism," writes the con­ Deeds tor sale at Tne Sentinel office.
Next Tuesday evening there-will
made every possible
be a basket social, so ladles, don’t Barbare Slater, Diane Buell, Barbara
Davidson, Betty St. Clair, Shirley effort to obtain a large list of boys
forget to bring a basket.
to take the Civil Service competitive
•amav— R«luc«<i driving mskM
Hope our sick members are im­ Anne Brown, all of whom passed first
examination February fl. When the
Wwll check-upt of witer level and
proving; two of them are confined rank.
Civil Service Commission supplied
ctaigv more important than ever.
in the Knife Hospital.
the grade list to me, I mad^ a careful
Tn»-Maintaining correct air
Mrs. Leach won the door prize.
«check on each boy to determine his
preMure Bare« tirei and gaaoline.
See you next meeting. -Press Cor.
; general fitness in addition to his abil-
Patricia McKenna Beard was last | ity
to qualify mentally and physical-
Every 2 Months:
Newly designed lifebelts, to guard Friday named as administratrix of; ly. Thereupon the list of appomt-
Oft —Have crankcase drained,
the lives of U. S. troops aboard the $500o estate left by M. J. Me- j ments and alternates was made out
fluahed and refilled with Golden
transports, are worn night and day. Kenna, who died Feb. 23. Apprais- I- based uopn the grade earned in the
Shell Motor 03
They can keep the heaviest soldier ers appointed were J. T. Sullivan, W j competitive examination.
IHIllUHK*TION — Thorough,
afloat indefinitely
P. McKenna and J. B. Bedingfield.
“Ordinarily ttyese competitive ex-
correct lubrication — vital in nuk­
ing your car Inn for the tamtiau.
A. H. Rosa, L. D. Felshejm and G. ■ aminations are taken in the fall of
See our large display or choice pot R. McNair were on March 28 ap- the year. Mine were delayed be-
SHILL OH. COMPANY plants at Bergen’s, across highway pointed appraisers of tlie $1500 es- cause I arrived here after the first of
from telephone office.
Not the tate left by William H. Button, who the year and represented a new dis-
cheapest but the best. Phone «4.
a died March 8. C. R. Wade, of Ban- trict. If any vacancies occur from my
don, is executor of the will.
present list, similar competitive ex-
The $300 estate left by Max C. amination will be held late this fall
Davie's, who died Feb. 21, will be ad- for any appointments I may have to
ministered by C. J. Winsor and ap­ make for 1943." '
Man, if’a pouring outside!"
{INDIVIDUALITY is so easily achieved when me­
praised by C. P Kibler, Irvin Hartley
¡Fell, get those
FOR HALF!—4-year old black Mare.
and Harry Graham.
morial selection is made from an exhibit such as ours.
wet things oQ—
Sound and gentle. Write Lewis
We have more than seventy five new designs Each
Sell, Sr., Bandon.
I've got a rainbow
Getting Carry Co
Airport Started
W. G. Matron To
Visit Beulah Chapter
April Is To Be
V-Home Month
Round Table Talk
Next B.P.W. Meeting
66th Fighter
Squadron Insigne
FREE with
War Stamps
bought this week at
Shell Dealers
Shell Stations
Townsend Club
Probate Court Items
right here in
$30 Paid To
City In Fines
design is available in any of the eight granites-in the
4 /
Rainbow Line.
The city treasury was enriched by
........ .
, ...
' -w-
Howe was arrested for being intoxi­
cated last Saturday, pleaded guilty
and paid a $10 fine He paid another
$10 on Monday for‘the same violation
of the city’s laws and die same day
Frank Fenton Davis, on the same
charge, pleaded guilty and paid S10.
"anuum as
Now is the time to order your
grave marker for your loved one if
you desire it for Memorial day. See
John S Sanders. Phone 123L—Ml
West «th.
our fine monuments are so reasonably priced Whether
vitamin. Calcium
nate, ha« «■> «'■<»«
tarity SS tha r«Ml« <*.”5
.txwn m a Igdint nati«ml
->rce oi a return of Mfr cm
«, a I num Pantothenate PLUu.___
you buy or not, you are always welcome.
GLADYS C. GANO, IK So. Coulter St.,
The Oregon Granite Company
«iipiJiei a natural color
V. ». MMM •rftet