——i Miss Miyllis Bunch, who is attend­ ing the Seventh Day AdVentist Col­ lege at Walla Walia, arrived home last Friday morning for the spring vaca­ tion. Other guests at the Dr. J. R. Bunch home the first of this week were Mrs. Bunch's sister, Mrs. Hasel Peterson, and daughter, Ca?bl, and Mr and Mrs. Frank Peterson, all from Walla Walla, and who came in Sunday Phyllis accompanied them when they left for home on Tuesday. She is taking her two years of pre­ training course in one at the college and this next fall will go to Portland for her nurses’ training course. i--------------- Andrew Smalley Was Born Before The Civil War ■ - Mrs. Arlan Shaw has been substi­ tute teacher in Junior High this week, while Miss Elfleda Endsley was at home nursing a case of chicken pox. Forewell For Mrs. Harold Gould z i Complimenting Mr». Harold Gould, I last Monday evening, Mrs. R. E. ! Cochran gave a surprise bridge party and handkerchief shower. Mrs. Gould is soon leaving for Sutherlin | to join Iter husband, whose business ¡takes them away from Coquille as | residents. The rooms were decorated with ¡spring bouquets of narcissus. Mrs. j Wm. Barrows held high score at ibridge. The guest of honor, Mrs. ¡Gould, was second high. The show­ er surprise was tendered Mrs. Gould | after bridge followed by the serving of refreshments. Attending were Mesdames L. B. Gould, Hazel Hanna, Wm. Barrows, Mona Inman, George Jenkins, Elbert Schroeder, Harold Gould and the hostess. THUR-FRI-SAT Kennett P. Lawrence, Jr. a student at the University of Oregon, enlisted lorw time ago in the Aviation Corps and this week received his notice to be in San Francisco tomorrow. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Law­ rence, brother. Gordon, and Dorothea Yarbrough left yesterday noon for Eugene to tell him good-bye before he loft. He is to receive his train­ ing in Texas. * ' March 25-26-27 LIBERTY Mrs. R. L. Stewart returned Major F. O. Brasch and Mrs. Brasch were in Coqullle last Sunday day from a trip north. *1' r.n personal buslness. Major Brasch is a dentist stationed at Albany, Oregon. The Master Minds of Mystery . . I mp to life to challenge the menace of modern crime! 1 Gora Saw»0 WT SO rocM rte w#/ cT/y ews Events Me Party For Mothers The C. H. S. Home Ec Club, of which Mrs. Dorothy Kemp is adviser, gave a very nice party last Friday evening in the high school auditorium for the mothers of the club. There are 35 members and 25 mothers were Expert Service. Coquille, Ore ir» its FOR RENT — Furnished 3 . room House, iru^iern throughout; oil cir­ culator, gas range and water heater; has just been refinished. See B. W. Dunn. 558 No. Coulter, phone 1ML. Miss Nan Lorraine is giving the famous Cara Nome Facial during our Beauty Week! That’s news greeted with joy by Coquille’s smartest women. They’re hurrying to make appointments! Not for anything would they miss the opportunity of having Miss Lorraine’s beneficial 45-minute consultation, including the restful Cara Nome Facial, individual skin anaysis, glamourous make-up and outline of daily complexion care. Miss Lorraine comes at our own expense to demonstrate the distinguished Cara Nome Beauty Creations. The facial is our special courtesy to you, the beauty-conscious women of our town. WED. March 31 ADULTS 25c AND HIS PENNSYLVANIANS NEWS