1 CLASSIFIED LAWN MOWERS—8 models to choose from. Priced 87.25 to 813.85. Also One Cent a Weed »--rh I hmu » we now have garden hose. Get No Adv. te. ita. m ww. yours while It is still available. J. A. Lamb Company. s WANTED — Water wells to drill. HEADQUABTER8 tor Crown Detry Have new and up-to-date «pup- and Poultry Feeds et Pacific Feed meat and heavy pipe where needed ft «ned Co. ta Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield, 30t4*tf ~ WATER WELL DRILLING — Phone J- H. Thomas, 26F28, Oakland. BEEF, PORK and VEAL Wanted — Oregon. gtf Farmers, we pay the highest mar­ ket price for any of the above. 1 OR SALE—Team of 6 and 7-year 1 Jim’s Market. Phone M. tfs old mares, weight 1400 lbs. Wood­ row Robison, Arago, Oregon. 8t3*s BEEF, PORK and VEAL Wanted — Farmers, we pay the highest mar­ ket price for any of the above. Jim’s Market. Phone 18. tfs » • ’■ A, « ’* t FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ vice on Milking Machines, Farm Water Systems, Tractors and Farm Machines, call J. A. Lamb Com- i-ny. Note—For Quick Service, small machines should be sent to our shop.. s JUST ARRIVED—Rock Sharpe Cry/, FOR SALE — “Farmers' Bargains"— Mule — Brooders — Horses — .tel Glassware. Priced 35 cents to Dodge Truck — Windmill. See 32.00. You must see it to appre­ ; FARR ft ELWOOD’S “8wap ciate its Beaaty, J. A. Lamb Com- Board.” » , » P available to latcwra teachers wno who pany. a any kind to sell, give me a chance ley Sentinel, the first day of whicji^have been out of the teaching oro- publication is Thursday, the 18th day *1JP«-'»- to move it for you and I will give Corner of Henry ft Seventh Sts. MONEY TO LOAN on good residen­ of March, 1843, and the last day of f*"“*0*1 Mnrf who Wlsh t0 qualify as you my best services. Pastor, A. L. Perry tial property; consult me if you which is the 15th day of April, 1843, “emergency teacher.” Emergency GEORGE R. OERDING need assistance in financing loan, and if you fail to appear and answer certification is however restricted hy I * Sunday School, 10 a, m. Preaching service 11 a. m. Complaint by said time, Plain- ruUnaj, which have been «e< un or refinancing your <4d loan — it said tiff will apply to the Court for the rUUng’ Wh,th have Young People’s meeting, 0:48 p. n* may save you money. J. 8. Barton, which are Uxi numerous to be set FARM MACHINERY REPAIRS- relief prayed for therein, a succinct Preaching service 7:30 p. m. ' forth in this artiele, Your County Defense Soard— Y omt - Realtor. - •• - — - - - - .—/------- W All are invited to attend. If your jriRBt: Thai that certain oil lease In order to receive np emergency County Agent to» Vour Country — agreement dated January |, ¡830, child does not go to Sunday School Urges you to order parts for your APARTMENT For Rent — 3-room between Ruag investment Com pan, certification a teacher muot have a elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Apartment upstairs, First house position waiting for him or her and farm machines NOW! Let us dis­ and ... Oil ft _ G m ____ „ and ------- Fat Elk Company, Inc., i or better still bring them. across bridge on Bandon Highway. and that certain oil leaae lease agreement ,___ also have the recommendation of the cuss your reoulrements with you. dated April 18, 1882, between Ruas local school buaid. as wed aa having 18t8«s Parts are now available without I Investment ftvtMJtirænt ( ’ompany and Coast Oil Company the .’ approval of the county school su- PLANT A GARDEN -Garden seeds costly delays. Chock your machines l Now! each, be declared to b»i be — *l"7"'" U m Only “GENUINE IHC Company; each/be .terminated, null **s«M and » void, and the receipt ’ of ARE NOT RATIONED. FARR ft ssstfssawcnq, U«M> »»»W I , perintendent. Up<»n r~' *• thia in- ( J ' PARTS." J. A, Lamb Company, s ,1V» VICTORY GARDENERS — We are same be decreed to be cancel cancelled led of formation and recommendattons. reeommeiidatiuna, the i . ELWOOD. ■ headquarters tor seed, fertilizer, FOR SALE—3-room House and nine ^SECOND: That all of the J .Pub,lc In"| SECOND: That all of the ftUgi ...... tools, equipment, and information. acres, mostly bottom. Cose in. ments __________ • struction Is authorited to Issue emer-. f of Mid leasee to those nimed • .«ruction is autnix FARR ft ELWOOD.. » - 32200. Also 2 1/7 acres with as defendants herein __ each be de- genoy certificates _____ _ _ _______ , ____ • on the basis of the' ¿ to be terminated, null and rules and regulations regulatl adopted by the I building site, 8530. Mary Burna, ciared Oregonian Subscribers: Please WALLA WALLA SWEETS are here! t0 State Board of Education. | phone 240L. Its help your carrier by having yew Make delicious, mild, green or dry I be canceled of record. . THIRD: That the cloud upon the paper money ready at hie first call. onions. FARR ft ELWOOD. t DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Mllk- I title of plaintiff’s land herein des­ The office of the Coos County Pub- ; Remember he must pay his paper ers, Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get scribed, to-w|t: I.OST—18 one dollar bills, between lie Welfare Commission has made the I obligation before the 10th of the That part of the North half of the White Cottage and Brandon’s, last j them at Pacific Feed ft Seed Co. tfs following announcement: “Schools month. Thank you. Southeast Quarter of Section 10, who are undertaking the use of Fed­ Saturday morning. Finder please FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room and lying South of the County road: the North half, the North half of eral Commodities and which have not get in touch with Billy Brown, 1411 shower Apartment, with laundry the Southwest Quarter, and the P. O. Box No. 845 f prior to March | had such services South Coulter or call 28M. lt*s , privilegM, at 451 South Willard. Southeast Quarter of Section IL Coquille, Oregon will have to communicate directly lt*s All in Township 28, South of CABBAGE PLANTS—We have a| Mm, Edna Hariaon. through the Portland office. It is Range 13, West of the Willamette limited supply of early cabbage CARD TABLE—New Supply. Just Meridian In Coos County, Oregon provided, however, that the regular and containing approximately plants. FARR ft ELWOOD. s arrived. Priced 82.58 and up—J. warehouse will handle the actual dis­ 800 acres more or less, according A. Lamb Company. s tribution of foodstuffs. The schools J FOR SALE—3-room house with hot to government survey; l)r. De La Rhue und cold wster, at 550 W. Fifth, I for BALE—House and four lots and caused by said leases, and the sub­ which are now receiving federal cem- sequent assignments thereof, be re­ i moditiea are as follows: . AUegany, Eyesight full fifty by one hundred foot lot. some furniture, at 158 North Wil­ moved. Bridge, Bunker Hill, Coeledo, Coos L, A. »750.00 terms or cash. FOURTH! That all adverse claims lard See J. W. MoGuffln at that River, EMtside, Englewood, Lakeside, •tta McCue at above address. number, ______ it«, I ■ of said defendants, or either of them may a - * • decree A » t _ be determined • « A •-- « by 1 • • --- ._ of Marshfield District No. 8, Millington, tn mi aim vy »mu ifv ii ^ i ASPARAGUS PLANTS — only 3c jää ,,,- andwbl « i^KSSÄäaöä North Bend High School, Riverton it be declared and adjudged that »aid each, 83.78 per 108, FARR ft EL­ stock just arrived J- A, Lamb plaintiff la the owner in fee aimpie of and Sunny Hill. Company; ® • said premises, and that the defend’ WOOD. _____________ • ------- ----------------------- ------------------------anta, or either <4 them, have no estate Mary Jane Dunn Wins LOST—Leet Saturday, Mar, 30, lady’s FOR RENT—8-ropm Apartment at or Interest whatever in or to Mid Emerald Cover Girl Contest blue purse containing ration books, ,«s.«,1« on..«4 said defendants, and each and every' Mary Jane Dunn, Coquille, was permit, Eagles card and money. one of them, be forever debarred from ■kAmaamilnwa «knew a I cm u/hfliairsu* I* nr Name Inside was that of Mrs. L. R. —--------------- ——------------ ; - eiberilng any ¿»I claim whatever in or to I cently chosen a finalist in the Emerald Anderson. Finder pleese notify FARM WATER SYSTEM -Meyer» . ^aid |»nd and premise» adverse to Cover Giri contest at the university and Red Jecksta. Let u« explain the PtalnUtt , . of Oregon where she is a freshman in her. P. O. address. McKinley route. Friendly th. certificate requiremsnta « mm - architecture and allied arts. She was 10tS»s sary to purchase a water pump.— pearance herein, for plaintiff's costs sponsored by Sigma Alpha Mu fra­ Honest Advice DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick J. A. Lamb Company. s ' incurred herein; ternity, who purchased votes for her Proper Guidance Deering Milker Parts and Dairy - | SIXTH: For such other and further by investing in war bonds. Supplice—See us. J. A. Lamb, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE relief as to the court shall seem meet LADY IN ATTENDANCE The winner of the contest will have STATE OF OREGON FOR ' and equitable Company. ________ * | C008 COUNTY This Summons is published in the her picture on the cover of the Z. RUSS PROPERTIES. Inc., ’’ I Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newjua- Emerald, college daily, and will tee FOR SALE—Boat with oars and, a cornoration Plaintiff, P*r of general circulation in the City . entered in the national collegiate bond trailer. 890 West 4th St., Coquille,, a corporation, of Coquille. Cocg County, Oregon. Oregon. 1 second TW.» BÄXSYNWC*«. ’S» queen contest. A bond queen wtll be selected from this contest and pre­ FOR SALE—4-ytsr old black Mare. ■ ÄSTÜTÄ» STS.”isatw 'S?: I sented with a 150 war bond by the Sound ,nd «en1le- Write Lewis Associated Collegiate Press and the ibfccH *X> A. SlaoS Sell, Sr., Bandon. Collegiate Digest. iNew Certification j 1 Rulings For Teachers NOTICE SL The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar 7:30 p. m. Litany and Instruction 11:00 a. m. Instruction for Church School. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 8:48 a. m. Church School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer -and Litany. W lSaisftW, MMeh 31: 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 10:08 i. m. Holy Communion. 2:00 St. James’ Guild. Flrat Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday School at 8:38 a. m. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Subject tar next Sunday, “Reality " Wednesday evening meeting at 8.-0« o'clock. Free public Reading Room at 255 W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every day except Sunday and holidays from 13:30 to 8:00 p. m. The Oregonian Agency Gano Funeral Home l.ETTUCB PLANTS—Early head let’ tuce plants. FARR ft ELW°O®- f JR and JANE Residence and Poetofifce address: 'his wife/if mar- MS Coquille, Oregon, COMB in and see our new shades ' ivtNSMd JOHN ------- NOTICE ------ WBfc.T9w1i Lc*rn hPW ** Night Phone IT« Southwestern Motors husband, if mar- RLL and ----- TO CREDITORS NOTICE^is hereby ^iven that the Attention to Details NOTHING OVERLOOKED < oqulite 1WR Townsend Club Townsend Club, No. 1, had 4C members prepent Tuesday ÇY ning the door prize. Thia nnr mfrrii r her hüsZ the County Court of Coos ly, Oregon, and all persona hav- i musical evening. We always erijoy nt anvR A RICE County, 4 .£* nicy, T ,n « jlaims Clair™ against against said said estate estate are are | the violins so come again next week. __ hereby required to present them to Attention! All members and me with proper vouchers attached friends wilt be at the caravan meet­ and duly verned at the Office of F. VID E. McCracken. Attorney, in Coquille. ing Sunday, March 28, W. O. W. Oregon, within six months from the i hail, at 11:30 a. m.; dinner served at ' date of this notice. I 12 30. Thia also is the local birth­ JANE DOE BUCHER, hto wHe, if Dated and published first time Feb- married; DAISY M BUCHER and > ruary 25, 1843. day celebration for March. , JOHN DOE BUCHER, her hus­ Tuesday, March 30, refreshments Alta V. Rogers, band, if married: PETROLEUM 8t5 Administratrix of Mid Estate. MARKETING CORPORATION, a I------------------------------------------------------ -| «rill be doughnuts and coffee, ■ ■ corporation: J. H. O’DOWD and Keys made for all locks. Stevens ear. JANE DOE O’DOWD, hla wife, if Calling cards M tor 31.00. Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore. married; VANDY GEORGE KO-, 188 W ■' - —1 1 IHWII I i MUWtf. Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL - FUEL OIL - STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-Caltforaia Fust Freight Office ~ terftBwwN« W. Second St.