1 KinlAtf NdWC nncixiniey news Out-of-Doors Stuff |shrub cuttings to various members ¡and Mlss o^,,, ^rvtll The Jolly Gardeners met Triday ■ange,food cake and coffee. night with Mies Ida Oerding at the school guest, Mrs. Flor- , , .... house. ___ _ - As The George Glens have had ‘the ence Hallock, of Coquille, was pre- bad misfortune recently of losing sent and sang and played her harp, ; both their work horses, evidently ' which was enjoyed very much by from eating a poison weed of some (those present: Mesdames Rex Brown, 'kind. 1 George Glen. Clarence Churchill, Al Grinnel was able to return Frank Haney, John O'Sullivan, Nellie home to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mast's Brown, Reuben W. Brown, Loe Mast, Saturday afternoon, after spending Milford Mast and hostess. Misa Oerd­ twenty-five days in the Belle Knife ing. Hospital in Coquille. Even though She is getting along very nicely, Mrs. Kenneth Hansen also attend­ he is pale he looks quite well again. (By Vernon Williams) i. Naomi Robison, of Myrtle ed the club meeting in behalf of the Most of the McKinley Grange of­ Full recognition of the merit of visited at the home of Mrs. Red Cross. The club voted to donate ficers met at the hall Saturday night proposals In a legislative program Rack left last Thursday eve- j ' five dollars to the cause. to practice for the exemplification adopted at the last executive com­ Club members voted to dispense of the third and fourth degrees to be mittee meeting of the American Le­ Mrs. Harvey Myers visited at the with all extensive flower shows and given Saturday night. March 27, to gion was accorded by the legisla­ home of her aunt, Mrs. Rose Wick­ fair exhibits until after the war is I ture, with the result that practically four new members. ham, in Coquille last Saturday. over, to cut down on the use of tires every measure sponsored or ap­ Chief Observer Lucille 1 Kock re­ Mrs. J. D. Carl spent Saturday and gasoline." Also as a war measure, proved! by the Legion was enacted . night at the home of her sister and the year book committee will use ceived another car to replace the and has been signed by Governor family, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bender, this “year’s book covers for the next one site had been driving for the Snell. All these measures were, ob­ in Myrtle Point. year’s books, because of the short­ Post car. She hopes to be more viously, for the purpose of aiding r- J. D. Carl returned home from San age of'paper and the amount of work American armed forces veterans, but Francisco Sunday after attending • • mainly In behalf of Oregon men the executive meeting of tlie Chai-' involved. » ■ ’ ■ A new admemnent to our by-laws | serving in world war No. 2. - lenge Cream and Butter Association is to be voted on at the next regular Most important of the new enact­ for several days last week. - meeting, which will read to the effect ments, in the eyes of Legion officials, I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long were that an officer not attending a meet- ---------THE—— is the luw to provide educational Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. I ing for three consecutive meetings aid to those who may not, because of lack of service-connected -disa- , ,, , ,, . .. I shall be automatically dropped and Kiii«» k - James Pappel, small son of Mr. bility, be entitled to vocational1 . . -- .. - — ....................... . i ¡a new officer elected to fill the ot- ¡und Mrs. H. B. Pappel. has had the flce> a, nothing of nature wag training by the federal government. measles for the last few days. thought of when the by-laws were I Under the terms of this law the ben­ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw, Patty written. efits and privileges will be extended and Arian, of Coquille, were Arago to men who entered the service from : Mrs. Milford Mast is to entertain visitors last Saturday. Oregon and who desire to pursue a, for the next meeting and she an­ Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and, particular course of study. Pro­ nounced that It will be held In the i Maureen visited Miss Geraldine: vision would be made by which they Cherry Creek park If the weather is Holycross at the Knife hospital In could attend any public or accredited ; good, so we can have a day for clean­ Coquille last Saturday afternoon. private school or college in the state ing and brushing out the park. It Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow and during the period of their atten­ needs it very badly. If It should came in from Portland Sunday dance receive $75 for the first month, train, we will meet at Mrs. Mast’s morning and will remain for a week 'home that evening instead of at the $50 a month for each of the follow­ or ten days at their home In Arago. [park. ing eight months, and $35 a month Sunday guests at the home of Mr. thereafter for the subsequent three After the meeting Miss Oerding had and Mrs. Frank Lane were Mr. and years in school or college. It is a 'a quiz game at which Mrs. Frank Mrs. Elmer Holverstott and Mrs., 'Haney won first, Mrs. John O'Sulll- referendum measure and will be 1 Alma Halter of Coquille, Mrs. C. A. ivan, second, and Mrs. Milford Mast, voted on at the next election. i Keltner, Mrs. Adrian Halter, Mrs. Another Legion proposal along Stanley Halter and Mr. and Mrs. E. | third. Miss Oerding had as the three somewhat similar lines will also ap­ prizes, plants she had procured from J. Myers. pear on the ballot at the next general Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Athea Harrah, of Fairview, j the green house. election. It is in the form of a con­ spent the weekend visiting at the ' Churchill and 4 Mrs/ Reuben Brown stitutional amendment by the adop­ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ¡received many lovely gifts of vases, tion of which the state would be au> towels, cards and plants, as they Frank Lane, therised to incur an indebtedness not had the birthdays of this month. Rev. T. J. Pryor of the Methodist to exceed three per cent of the as­ ______ __ ________ Following thia Mrs. Rex Brown church in Myrtle ____ Point, . conducted sessed valuation of all property for ¡the Regular Sunday morning church 'auctioned a number of plants and the purpose of creating a fund to service. Sunday school followed [ acquire farms and homes for the ' with an attendance of 4« There 1 . benefit of those who served in the will be services again qext Sunday, i _ army, navy or marine corps. .. preaching at II a. m. .and Sundayjlt To assure that each war veteran school at 11 a. m. | : may be aware of a)i benefits provid­ There will be a basket social and , ed for him and to aid him in securing play "The Dormitory Dub,” given by w I them, a law wgs enacted to provide the Arago high school this Saturday w 4» ♦« »»#■*< assistance by creating a '‘veterans' evening at 8 o’clock at the Arago r service committee" and an appropria­ gym. The ladies are requested to . • tion was made to meet its expenses bring a basket to be auctioned off, J in carrying out the provisions of the Mrs. Amelia Lafferty and Mrs. I act. This service will, of course, be' Fred Lafferty, of Myrtle Point, were I - —.......... ■ "x < without cost to the veteran. °‘ Mf’l IT WF -.. Wf AB j By way of further aid a I-egion- Snd m ^/ e T m ’ vc ™“ Mis. K. J, Myers. SAAkE IT t sponsored amendment to the 1941 uno Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and If *1 A statutes was adopted providing for Maureen, visited at the home of Mr. the Issuance of certified copies of and Mrs. Chester Willson In Myrtle the records of vital statistics without Point Runday. cost to the veteran, thus removing Ladies Aid met Wednesday the present difficulty in obtaining church for an all day session and the i birth certificates. Under another ladies were busy quihing. Those at I new law a veteran 25 per cent dis­ tending were Mesdames O. 11 abled may obtain a hunting or fish­ Wonder Working Aasen Charles Oriffith, Loretto andI ing license for 50 cents; another SHANTUNG PRINTS Mary Anne, Ward Evans, Tyrrell waives the payment of fees to state Woodward Albert Lillie, Albert Gul- boards or commissions while in ser­ strom, J. L. Burtis, Melden Carl and vice. Also the assistance rendered Gaily patterned, A spring Douglas, J. D, Carl, H, B. Pappel, indigent veterans of the first world classic you won't want to Sandra and James, Stanley Halter, S. be without. Sanforized was is extended to men now in ser­ C. McAllister, Clarence Butler, Er­ shrunk. Lovely colors. vice by enactment of H. B. 345. There nest McAllister, Emil Peterson and [ were numerous other enactments Lissie Lett. for the benefit of veterans, some The regular monthly W. C. T. U.j amendatory of existing statutes and was held Wednesday afternoon at the j others for the purpose of clarifying church with Mrs. Albert Gulstrom in meanings which had been in doubt. charge of the meeting. There was a June Valiant, adjutant American short business meeting at which time I^glun, Department of Oregon, re­ lit was decided to have a pot luck mained in Salem during the session supper and party for the honorary j of the legislature and through his members on April Fool's Day. The I wide acquaintance and intimate knowledge of Legion proceedings and supper is to be at 8:30. Everyone is! cordially invited to attend. purposes asisated materially in se­ curing enactment of the legion's legislative program. Legion Measures Enacted Into Law Effective as of June 8th, 1943 Safety Financial Responsibility Law ProtectYourself 69c Actively In! New electric ranges are going to war In many guises. Keep your range in the war effort, by keeping it operating at peak efficiency. Have a service man inspect and adjust It regularly. Good-looking two-tone Hom where I sit GIRLS COATS Plaid or Plain Ü.98 K.M coat styles, to wear un­ der the coat. Rugged for rough-and-tumble school wear! And in all the colors boys like, g - 1«. Back in Service! Delightful Uttle cotton frpeks When you shop for a new spring hat, mike certain it’s a fash inn with a future—buy a Marathon! Genuine fur felts with distinctive styling that spells qual­ ity in any crowd, and with details that are NEW as the season — stitched crowns, welt and bound edges, me­ dallions, wide brims, low crowns.