page two ? --------------- = See our large display or choice pot plants at Bergrril, across highway trom telephone office. Not the cheapest but the beet. Phone 84. a 7 THE COQUtLUt VALLEY l ip.............. Spring Opening Dance A Beautiful Affair Saturday Eve. Mrs. McAdoo To Be In County In April C.T.U. MetLost Friday Afternoon Eleanor Wilson McAdoo daughter j Th* W. C. T. U. met at the home of of Woodrow Wilson, will be the Mrs. Henry Ellis for a regular busi- About 350 people attended the speaker at a Ten Thousand Dollar jiesa session last Friday?- - j r- ~ t| All officer* turned in a good re- Junior Woman's Club Spring Open- ‘ Luncheon to be hold at * X- the Chandler ing dance last Saturday night at the Hotel, Marshflled, at 12:30 o'clock, I port and Mr*. Schram reported 80 Community Hhll. “ Everyone U had 24. . ____ ~ -J a “ Saturday, April ” “ ■* * .. _ " woman J 'books «ent to Bandon for the service Any ; good time and the Juniors will make buying a $37.50 bond between Satur- I men’s library. good use of the money they netted, day, March 20, and April 24, through The program const »ted of a solo by Part of the proceeds will go to the a Stamp and Bond Woman’s Club Mrs. Bessie Couden at d duet by Vel­ Milk Fund, whloh this year is their' chairman, la invited to attend this ma Coy and Rose Marie Peart. The WE PHOTOGRAPH major project.. luncheon and hear Mrs. McAdoo, who topic of the day was “Absentees.” The community building presented is regional adviser to the Western by Rev. M. D. Remple of the Bap­ a very dresesd up appearance due to. Women’s Division of the National tist church, who gave a splendid talk I BABY’S PICTURE the decoration committee’s efforts. Bond Sale Committee. Any club on the subject. with the help of individual members, buying a »37.50 bond for its own “Liquor was a saBateur -ln the FAMILY GROUPS For the past month the Juniors have1 treasury may send a delegate to the hang overs caused by alcohol keep­ been at work making the large flow- luncheon, It 1* hoped that many ing the workers In our defense works Old Photographs er prints used on the walls In the worfien will buy a $75.00 or larger from their work and their best ef­ spaces between the windows. These denomination bond so that the quota forts when on the job. Making a measured 4 Mi or 5 feet in heighth for thia event may be excelled. shortage in vital labor. Using rub­ and ware repeated around the hall, in AU cars going to Marshfield for ber needed for surgical materials so tulips, daffodils and apple bloaaoma. this event should be filled. With vital to human lives.” 7 • * ■' Th* orchestra shell had been painted this advance notice it is hoped that ' He closed with this paraphase on ■7 White and just above it was a gay many will make early arrangements the 23 Psalm. showing of large spring flowers. to attend. Any cljib not yet having a “King Alcohol is my shepherd. Pacli side uf the stage was a garden bond chairman may appoint one and I shall always want: scene with white fence and flowering go on record as belonging to the He maketh me to lie* down in the trees against a dark background, giv­ county bond »¿Hing committee by gutter, • \ . ing tl^e effect of a moonlit garden. calling Mrs. Wernich, local chair- He leadeth me beside the troubled In the ceiling the light from fifteen man of th«; county organization. waters, large lahterns caat a multicolored Coquille now »ell »tamps and bonds He destroys my soul, he leadeth me glow upon the dancers. through their appointed chairmen. in the paths of Satan's wickedness The decorations are to be left in They are the following: Coquille for Satan’s sake. the hall to be used for the May Fes­ Woman’s club, Mm. Fred Houston; Yea though; I walk through the val­ tival. It is a creditable job, effec­ B. P. W. club, Mrs. Viola Newton; ley of proverty, and have delirium and Social club of O. E. S„ Mrs. Pauilne * tremens, I will cling to evil for tive and profession»I-looking properly scaled to the unusually Pettit; Women's Society of Christian thou are with me, thy^bite and large hall. Placing the lanterns, in- Service, Mrs. S. F. Stevens; Junior sting they torment me. " geniously fashioned out of hat boxes Woman's club, Mrs. Hazel Scharf er; Thou preparest an empty table be­ cut out and pasted with cellophane, W. C. T. U„ Mrs. W. P. Laws, and fore me in the presence of my fam­ into their fifteen places in the ceil­ Rebekahs, Mrs. Florence Hallock. ily, thou onointeth my head with ing was a miraculous feat. Bob Mc­ foolishness, my cup is empty. Carthy climbed a ladder and accom­ Surely distruction and misery shall plished it. Georgia Hansen drew the follow me all the days of my life. patterns for the floral prints. All And I will dwell in the house of the girls worked for the past month satan forever." — on the decorations. ¡The president reported the pass­ Announcement of the engagement The committee on decorations was ing of bill, S. B. No. 240, of which composed of: Yyonne Kern, Lucille of Ralph B. Fuhrman, son of Mr. and the W. C. T. U. did not approve Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman of Sixes, former Walker, Donna Dean Boaserman and hs It takes liquor funds to use for Coquille residents, to Miss Janet Fay Waggoner. education and teaching the evil ef­ General chairman was Lunelle Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fects on the human body. , Chas. T. Parker of Portland, was Chapin. Those present were Mesdames made at the sorority house of the Publicity: Mary Morris, Florence Skeels, Fugelson Richmond, Way, bride-to-be- the Kappa Alpha Theta Floten and Eunice Howe. Nelson, Erikson, Schaer, Ellis, Doris Music: Grace Withriell, Mary house—in Eugene recently. Rolph, Schaer, DeNoma, Chowning, Chris­ who is a senior at the university, is a Stevens. tensen, Couden, Dunn, Wheeler, Tickets: Vi McBride, Dorothy Har­ member of Beta Theta Pl. No plans Laws and Kxhn. for the wedding have yet been made. ris. , -4---------------------- Door Committee: Evelyn Russell, Eunice Howe. Ethel Roop, Pat Zodiac CM Honor guest last Wednesday after­ Chomar,, Luneiie Cnapm. noon when Ruby Johnson enter­ ' The prize dance was won by Mr. tained the Zodiac club was Helen and Mfs^aul P. Bales, of 958 North Detlefaen. - After the usual lunch- —-Very- sgeetalhimeeo w ee* -sh own WH« Mae Van Metey on Tuesday Stamps was won by Pat Yarbrough. were elected as follows: Edith Ten­ night at the regular meeting of the nant, president; Gladys Wheeler, Rebekah lodge. She was presented secretary Sewing and handiwork with a service diary and when re­ occupied the members who visited freshments were served, the cake had the rest of the afternoon. Ethel Ful­ been especially decorated with vic­ ler drew the hostess gift. Attending tory emblems on her account be­ were Mesdames Blanche Mast, Edith cause she leaves soon to join the Tennant, Ethel Fuller, Edna Kern, WAACa. She is the second to go Gladys Wheeler, Jane Burch and into this service from the lodge, Helen Detlefaen. Louise Brown having joined four months ago. Delegates Mildred Schaer and Lois Bridge Dinner An enjoyable bridge dinner was Stevens were elected to go to the given by Mr. and Mrs. Dick McClary grand lodge in Portland, May 18 and ' last Thursday evening. The dinner 19. Myrtle Benham will be honored in was served buffet style. Mrs. Tal- lant Greenough won high score for Portland, when the grand degree of women and Otto Zentner for men. Chivalry will be confererd upon her. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bal­ It was voted to donate from the coni, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Zentner, Mr. treasury to the Red Cross. Candi­ dates will be initiated on April 21. and Mrs. Tailant Greenough. The lodge expect* to have several eligible to attend the Ten Thousand Tuesday Bridge (Hub Members of the Tuesday Bridge Dollar luncheon at the Chandler When you get a Certificate, bring your group met with Mrs. Lafe Compton Hotel in April when Mrs. Eleanor tire here to be recapped with Goodyear at the hotel this week. Mrs. U. E. McAdoo will be the supeaker. Mrs. McClary and Mrs. F. L. Greenough Florence Hallock is chairman of the materials—the Goodyear way! Every won high scores. Mrs. Geo Chaney Defense Stamps and Bonds in the step—from inspection to curing—is will be the hostess in two weeks Relwkah lodge. done by factory methods snd with Attending were: Mesdames J. A. reliable Goodyear materials. Lamb, Ralph Milne Ed McKeown, F. Methodist Youth Enjoy L. Greenough, U. E. McClary, Geo. The Beach On Sunday H. Chaney and Mrs. Theo. Clinton, ’’TOO LITTLII TOO LATH” Sunday afternoon a few of the substituting guest. — ean be recapped. Only sound tire* young people from the Youth Fel­ Don’t wait until yours are worn too thin lowship Group went to Bandon, Mrs. Arnold Entertains wliere they frolicked on the beach for or seriously damaged. Come in today The C. S. C. cluB met on Tuesday a' few hours. Later in the afternoon for our careful tire and tube inspection. afternoon with Mrs. Jack Arnold. they gathered at the Richmond cot­ We’ll help you get a Certificate for The living room was springlike with tage, which had been loaned by G oody e a * recapped tire* — «nd givo daffodils from the hostess* garden. Dr. and Mrs. Richmond. After rul­ Dessert was served the fore pert of ing their lunch. Rev. Chas. G. you good advice on any tire matter. We the afternoon. Members attending Brown conducted devotions about sell reliable service at reasonable cost. were Mesdames Niel McGIIvery, Jas. the fireplace. The afternoon was Watson, Walter Winegar. J. J. Stan­ thoroughly enjoyed. Ideal weather ley, Aurora Willard, Maggie Sim­ made the beach almiait perfect. mons, Grant Wilcox, and Sam Ar­ nold, Sr. Mrs. Earl Cross will be the AFTER next hostess at her home in two weeks RECAPPINO M»r. 28- t -Walter Allie Alkire, of Empire, and Marjorie Evelyn Patton, Teacher Training Work of Marshfield. At Pioneer Church Mar. 20--4