PAOR EIGHT conform to the legal sub-division of the general survey, which can be done by picking up a Section comer, or a Quarter corner, nearest tlie land selected, from which it is easy to de­ Oregon termine the number of the land, the ington P. description of which must appear on Portland! the notice for recording and which disclosed would make a valid filing, but in the locating of a quartz claim, it is quite different, as there must actually be a lode, lead, or vein in place bearing : such minerals as are required by law, and there must be enough excavating Mrs. Everett Seeley left yesterday done on the vein to determine the morning for Fort Selby, Miss., where strike, or direction, or course, before Everett is station. He is a cavalry filing? as the boundaries of the claim unit. are governed entirely by the strike i of the vein, no matter in what dlrec- Mrs. Roy T. Johnson, the former i tlon, and since the law requires that Carolyn Fetch, of Riverton, left Mon­ 1 . a copy of the record of the claim be day morning for Paris, Texas, to be posted at the discovery, the exact, with her husband, Sgt. Roy T. John­ distance and direction, between the son. He was recently transferred discovery and a legal government there from Fort Lewis, Wash.. corner must also appear on the rec­ ords, in order to give the definite lo- i cation of the claim. In locating (By BOB HARRISON) ¡quartz claims, giving directions, the In locating mining claims the aver­ ■ words “Northerly,” “Westerly," age locator, as a rule, overlooks the ' Southwesterly," etcM' should never most important things, and that is to appear on the records, as they mean file In the records a notice that does nothing wh&n going to patent, but Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis have give the proper definition of the land icqeived word from their son, Merle, that is taken; especially la thia true only add to confusion and delay in that he is now stationed at lie Nou In quartz, or lode claims, which are any legal action and to avoid making in New Caledonia. He is a carpenter’s governed entirely by the strike, or invalid filings, persons Av ho c o n t em­ plate making mineral filings, should mate third class. direction of the ore body or vein. consult some competent authority on The mining laws are very explicit in the matter, and have their papers ex­ Leonard Taylor arrived here re­ this matter, and to properly locate a amined before filing, and in this way cently on a 30-day furlough from the lode claim, it requires the service of avoid a lot of unnecessary worry army, to visit his mother, who is ill an engineer, as the record® on file later on, The mining game at pres­ at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. must define the land to conform to ent seems to be badly disorganized, Thomas. He has been in the Islands the government survey, as patents which is not too encouraging at this are not granted on any guess work. for over a year. critical time when the country needs' or haphazard surveys. every fragment of available raw ma-' The posting of a mining notice on • Pete the Plumber” Johnson, who terial that can be collected, but when formerly conducted a shop on Front a certain piece of land only shows we undertake to unravel some legal street here, spent a couple of days in the intention of the locator to Him- matter tied up in the mining records, Coquille this week, returning to his plots a proper filing, one that will which Is unravelled would give the home in Klamath Falla last evening. form the base of sn abstract, in event "go ahead" sign to what would mean, of going to patent, and too, the simple production of strategic mineral and, matter of placing that notice on the Deputy Sheriff Ed Peterson left then find ourselves lost in the fog of records does not make that notice for Portland yesterday morning to bewildering stuff that means nothing valid, as it is found that many of the bring back a man named Curtis, of but uncertainty, we feel like pushing lode, as well as placer claims now on Powers, against whom the charge of up the white flag. It seems as.if reaord, are worthless, in the event contributing to the delinquency of a there should be some branch of that they are presented in going to minor has been made authority through which all mining patent. One reason Jor this indis­ or land location notices should criminate and haphazard invalid fil- ' Miss Nadine Arant, of Klamath I ing, is from the fact that the casual pass for examination, before being Falls, returned with her cousin, Wilda : miner-prospector does not under­ put on record, go that the applicant Mae Van Meter for a short visit with stand the fine points of the mining would be restrained from filing 4f i the Jack Dolan family. Mias Arant law, and banks a great deal of his the land was already occupied, and was delighted with the new library. faith in what he calls “local rules and thus ourb the habit of claim-jump­ Wilda Mae lias been on a short va­ customs" which are only possible in ing, as well as the overlapping of cation in Klamath Falls, visiting rela­ the organized mining districts, but holdings. Lapse of time is one factor by widch tives. throughout this Southwestern region old record* are outlawed, and each where the districts are unorganized, year records should be marked as the general mining law takes pre­ such, as they lapse, and in this way cedent, and therefore it is necessary the searcher of rec ords could pass up records marked as such, which wbuld greatly expedite his work. The Job’s Daughters' Silver Tea However, it is hoped that some was held last Saturday afternoon, solution of this problem can be suc­ March 13, from 3:30 till 5:30 p. m., cessfully worked out. at tlie home of Mrs. Keith Leslie. Mias Kay Leslie, Honored Queen, wus as­ sisted in receiving by Betty Emery, Senior Princess, and Jessie Sher­ wood, Junior Princess. The rooms were decorated with bowls of daffo­ dils and the tea table centerpiece was an arrangement of Japanese quince. Pouring during the afternoon were Four babies were/bom at the hos­ the following: Margaret Belloni, Pa­ pital this week—ah 8 Mi pound baby tricia Yarbrough. Marybelle and Dor­ boy to Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Lakey, of othea Yarbrough. Those assisting at Myrtle Point, on Tuesday; an 8M the tea table and serving were: Shir­ pound baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. J. ley Slater, Marianne Rackleff, Donna ‘duction; then comes the.*’gnibstaker" H. Baker, of North Bend, on Monday; Rankin, Jeannie Griggs, Gwen Elrod, | with a pocket full of location noUces a 8H pound baby boy to Mr. and Laura Emily Ruble and Roberta to plaster the district, and burden Mrs. Kenneth Stratton, of Riverton, . the county records with n batch of and a 9% pound baby girl to Mr. and Medley Guests who called during the after­ phoney stuff, something that will i Mm, L, R, Smith, of Bandon, both noon were: Mesdames R. T. Slater, later cause a lot of unnecessary legal born yesterday, George Sherwood. Wm. Mansell, Law­ proceedings and likely halt some en­ Last Thursday Mrs. Viola Anthony, rence Lundquist, Ralph Taylor, Har­ terprise that would develop into a of Denmark, entered for treatment old Zeigler, Paul Snider, Evelyn large scale production. Then toe, and Mrs. Raleigh Spencer, of March­ Hensley, Carl Rietman, D. E. Rack- there are another lot of headaches to field, submitted to a major operation. leff, J. C. Carter, Lafe Compton, F. contend with, which go along with Miss Donna Dean Bosserman under­ S. Emery, Geo. Ulett, K. P. Lawrence, the game, namely, the “trail pros­ went an appendectomy last Saturday. R. L. Stewart, R. Medley. C. L. Yar­ pector,” sort of a would be geologist, I Dr. J, R. Bunch extracted teeth" brough, Iris Elrod. Geo. Oerding, or know-it-all individual, who is only for Bon Mullin last Saturday and for Maare, Julilus Ruble, W. E. Bosser- looking for a “sell-out" location, that Mrs. Mabel Finney, of Powers, yes- I man, D. B. Kerner, O. C. Sanford, usually dies out in some protracted terday. Geo. Jenkins, R. A. Jeub, R. A. legal turmoil, or the 'dream spe- On Sunday Mrs. Delbert Sumerlin, ! Walker and F. G. Leslie. cialist,' who files on the advice of of Norway, and Miss Opal McBur- ' some special hunch, or the "doodle­ ney, of Bandon, underwent major Guild Meeting bug hound“,, that walks right along operations and Mrs. Ear] Harden- Mrs. Annie Robinson, chairman of through the woods and spots the big brook entered for treatment. the Rummage Saie held recently in ones, but just leaves them where they Larry Dorland, slx-year oM boy the Shelley Building, reported it as are. Of all the mining claims that from Bullards, underwent an appen­ a great success financially. The stock have been lucated throughout this dectomy on Monday. remaining on hand was donated to district, it is possible that less than C. O. Jennings, of Portland, entered the Bundles for America. _ Members one-tenth of one. per cent of them for a surgical yesterday. present at Wednesday’s session were: have gone to patent, which would Mrs. Elbert L. Miller, of thia city, Mesdames Jas. Watson, Wm. Man­ probably mean that a large percent­ underwent a major operation this sell, Jessie Kay, Annie Robinson, Ida age of the locators are not sincere in morning and an appendectomy was Owen, E. W? Lorens, A. J. Sherwood, their venture. pei formed for Douglas, nine-year old In making placer locations an sur­ Lee Hand, Julius Ruble, J. A. Lamb, son of Mr. »nd Mr» Kenneth Kistner veyed land, the part selected must of this city, Jane Williams and J. A. Moore. i Dismissals the past week were Dewey Beyers of Marshfield today, Dean Denney last Saturday, Mrs. Bon Owen and J, E. Chapman on Tues­ day. With 37 patients in the hospital this morning, every corner where a Mines And Mining MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan on good residential property: consult me if you iteed as­ sistance in financing a loan, or re­ financing your old loan—it may save you money, * J. S. Barton, Realtor iTHÜft- Ffti - SÄT IN THEIR NEWEST NUTTIEST FUN­ RIOT MEDFORD LINEN FINISH POUND PAPER Rarely do ws have an opport unity to offer such fine quality acation- cry at auch a tremendous laving. Get your» today! Fuhrman s Pharmacy Open tverg night until 8 LIBERTY LATEST NEWS ADMISSION 11c - 40c Silver Tea By Job's Daughters Belle Knife Hospital MAM/U CAU/AG LLOYD NOLAN • CAROLE LANOlS CORNFt WHDf • JAMES GLEASON FEATURE No, 1 IWEÓ.“"March24 BARGAIN NÍ&HTj BARGAIN NIGHT Adults 25c ATTENTION Information given on New Financial Responsibility Law, passed by the Oregon Legislature, Money to loan on good residential i property; consult me if you need as- istetance in financing a loan, or refi­ nancing your old loan—it may save I you money. J, S Barton, Realtor, s GEORGE and my office solicits the writing of your insurance. MATINEE SUNDAY Matinee lie - Me Evenings 11c • 35c