PAO« 8EVEN County Schools News Items ; daily obstacles and finds he keeps Francisco, to attend the exocut ivs course in airplane mechanics at Lin­ Mrs. Bert Hatch. quite busy. In fact, so busy he does­ meeting1 of the Challenge Cream and coln, Nebraska, arrived at San Mar­ A special meeting of the McKinley Mrs. L. A. Ryan was hostess at a n’t seem to be able to talk loud Butler association and plans to re­ cos, Texas, Mar. 9. He writes his Grange was held Saturday night for turn home next Sunday. lovely dinner in honor of her eon, enough to obtain a furlough home. mother, Mrs. Rufus Rylander, he’s the purpose of initiating Mias Hasel Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis visited at been quarantined with the measles Oberman, Miss Rosalie Laird, Wal­ "Bud” Ryan and friend. Bob Georges, , Arden Harrah reports he is to Remote school voted at ______ Monday evening. March 9, at her, graduate from army officers’ school the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verne ever since arriving there. • special lace Mast and Glade Krewson. They meeting recently called to suspend home. Those present were Mr. and* ¿at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Lundy at Myrtle Point last Friday Sunday visitors at the Roy Robison were given the first two degrees. We the district school. The Remote dis­ Mrs. “Bud" Ryan. Bob Georges. Hal j 'He hopes for a furlougl after evening. home were: Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid were honored at our meeting by the trict has been operating a one room ThisseU, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Molthu, i ; graduation. Mrs. Ward Evans and Mrs. Cheater Wilder and children; Mr. and Mrs. presence of one of our service men, school since the removal of the log­ Linda and Nadine, Margie Ryan and Warren Dow is reported to be in Willson and Chloe, of Myrtle Point, Carl Holland and children, of John- Dean Oberman, of the Navy, who, ging industry cut the number of the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ryan, I ,veland UI,d homesick; longing for the visited at the home of Mr. and Mr*, son's Mill; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hiek- when called on for a speech, wished children down from the size of a two The 4-H sowing club met at theiPaciflc coast and home. John Felshcr last Satuiday after-1 am and children, of Coquille, and the Grange prosperity and a long con­ i o«n school. The tentative plan is to Fairview school Friday, March 12. • There is an Hnor Roll on the wall noon. j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prlbble and tinuation. transport the children in cooperation The discussion was on dress-making. •of the Fairview church and we want Mr*. Ward Evans was hoate»« at a children, of Norway. Mrs. Nellie Brown spent the week­ with the Non High School Board Those present were Ellen Ellis. Phyi- !,he names of every man in service lovely dinner lust Sunday given at The Norway school board met at end in Camas Valley visiting friends which operates a bus to the Union Us Chezem, Ruth Palmer, Dorene^(rom this valley and his address on her home in honor of the birthdays the school house Monday evening, all and relatives. She went that far High in Myrtle Point. The children Frye, Ann Freeman. Barbara Free- 1 ‘his 1 "**• Get 'heir address and write of Miss Jerene Mast of Allegany, members being present, and re­ with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. will be transported to the Bridge man. Marvene Henagin and ___ Betty __ , them, you are invited and urged to do and Mrs. Chester Willson and her elected Mrs. Laura C. Brandon as Rex Brown, on their way to Grants school. Hatcher. .. Mrs. Chas. Chas Gaslin is their ‘his to che«r these boys up. It’s the daughter, Chloe. Other guests pres­ their teacher for thd ensuing school Pass. They all returned home late ent were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mast and year. teader and Mrs. _____ Hazel ________ Freeman . _ is *«ast we ««»do. Sunday night. The Bandon grade school has made her assistant Mrs. G. B. Dow is in Monmouth ___ _____________ _ vis- Ardyce, and Miss EJna Cvnliff, all j Vernon Trigg left Saturday morn- Mrs. Fern Brooks and daughter, u_ _______ ___ a family, •__ 11.. Mr. and a very good showing in the purchase Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler re-| ' itln< her brother I and of Allegany. Mr. and Mrs. John ing for Bend, Ore. He expected to Marie, left Thursday evening for San of war savings stamps. Up to date turned home from a business trip to iMri Vern Kenison. The Keniyons Felsher, of Myrtle Point. return Monday evening. Francisco to meet Mr. Brooks, who the school has bought 91087.70 since Eugene last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers and i Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fish and Clyde is a Merchant Marine and had come They , formerly lived here and will be re­ the beginning of school. This school brought Mrs. Wheeler's mother, Mrs.1 membered by several of their friends. Harold Lee Ray, of Myrtle Point, were Gage called at the A. R. Bennett's into port. Mrs. Brooks is Al Grin- M. O. Edwards, home with them for'Mr Kenison has been very ill and Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Monday morning. Mr. Gage was on accomodates the first six grades. nel's daughter and is living with Mr. Senate MU 919 ’ • hls sister, Mrs. Dow, made the trip and Mrs. E. J. Myers. his way to Bridge to meet his sister an Indefinite visit. ' and Mrs. Lee Mast. BB 275 would benefit Coos county up last week. Lorraine, the daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, of and husbond, Mr. and Mra. Novia Mrs. Faye Holverstott and daugh­ greatly. Thia bill has to do with the ter, Lorenc, returned Friday night works in an office in Portland. Myrtle Point, were Suiaiay evening Landrith, who came in from Rose­ apportioning of the elementary school from Eugene after a few days’ visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindsay visited guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I*>ng burg Friday to visit he let sister, Mrs. fund. If said bill la signed by the at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay’s brother and family, Hr. and Mrs. Walter Farrier ar- Fish. Mr, Gage was goii iing with them governor it will cauae the 2 mill tax Mrs. Rankin. She made the trip with the Lloyd Garretts, at Camas Valley rived at their home in Arago last Sat- I as far us Camus Valley, where he'is Sunday afternoon. They reported the urday and spent several days the e. employed. to be apportioned back to the coun­ the Wheelers. 4, • « You know Folks, this idea ties irrespective of the valuation of Hal Thiaaell, of Medford, is visiting ground white and that it was still Mrs. Farrier was ill when they came of running ad vs. is usually snowing haixl when they returned. that particular county. This means his daughter, Mrs. L. A. Ryan. and Mr. Farrier became ill after they MrKinlAV N»W< to get more business; well Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Buoy and family arrived home and was unable to ’’»VlNllIICjr I1CW5 that counties such as Coos with less Ethel Fish spent the week-end at A it never was that way with wealth would benefit greatly. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. visited Mrs. Buoy's brother and fam­ work for a few days. . Lucille Kock presented Dick Gil) us, and particularly since ily, Don Boone, of Kentuck Inlet, ; This bill passed both houses but is Albert Fish, of Arago. Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and Mrs. 1 with an arm band one day last week, , — * * w i vs • ms ess ssi k / <* si ^ uegjf seaot W , the rumor that there would being protested by the taxpayers in •MMo.,. , fiCjintoiu of, Myrtle Point, vaited at us he has completed his first one Wilmer Northup spent last week at Sunday. be no more cars built until Wm. Byerly made a trip to Coquille the home of Mr. and Mra. E. J. Myera hundred hours of watch at the ob- Portland, in spite of the fact that the the home of his father, Wm. Northup. after the war. nervation post. Dtck has not stopped bill was amended to postpone the ef­ He is in the U. S. Navy and has been Tuesday to purchase material to build Monday. a new altar in the church. The gar- fective date until 1944 in order to stationed at San Diego, Calif. Funeral services for the late An- watching. He is working now for a I To me the handwriting ew Smalley, taslto who -tei died at the Ms.t ¡five „... hundred hour pin. He u one accomodate Portland. It is unknown | Lulu Marie Lindsay is recovering age fund is growing and there is to .drew was on the wall for I had at lour , our most faithful wat< watchers. at the time of this writing as to what from a setback, following a siege of be a special meteing Wednesday night hospital last Friday, were held at tried nearly 20 years to edu­ to discuss the setting and building. action Governor Snell will take In the mumra. „ nt M»«*sy afternoon at' Those from McKinley to attend the cate people to preventive On account of snow, the rood crew "r' ®msUey, who lacked only | funeral Wednesday afternoon at Dora matter. Miss Frances McCarthy has been 'automotive service and it „ *®®ks of being 90 years old, foe Mrs. Oscar Oberman were Mrs. at the Horace Berry home, helping at Kline's could not work Monday J just wouldn’t take. since sickness hit everyone of the morning and were sent home for the has lived on a ranch on Hall's Creek Belle Siiephard, Mr. and Mra. Chas. Calling cards, 90 far 91.00. family. Genevieve is able to be up day. They are taking up plank on for about SO years. Now it is too late, for ! Gill and Put, Mra. Reuben W. Brown Miss Laura Bernice Lillie visited and Allee, Mrs. Rex Brown. again. Bill and Mr. Berry came home the hill and laying It on their new nearly every competent •t her r p.reni«, parents, air. Mr, and I The Pollyanna club met last Thura- -. the .... borne ,.w.„v of ,„ road. from Coquille Monday. „ - lubrication man has been *”*_!*r! for *everal days day with Marie Churchill for an all- called to service or other Harold Norris is stationed at James­ last week, returning to Corvallis on I day meeting. Those present were work. The few remaining town College In Jamestown, N. Da­ Monday, where she Is attending O, Mesdames Ernest Krewson, Elmer kota, according to word received last mechanics are struggling 8 C. this winter, with the vehicles that break week. They left. Fresno, Calif., Mar. Strode, Ed Abernathy, Harry Mast Mrs. Nile Miller has been quite ill and Freddie, Marlon Miller, Oscar down in their driveways. 1 and on the 8th arrived in James­ - Mrs. Grace Rackloff returned to town, finding the weather ten degrees her home In Arago last Tuesday for the past few days and confined to Bunch, Lee Mast, Milford Mast and If there are enough mo­ below. At least the boys saw a lot morning after visiting her daughter her home, Gene, Nellie A. Brown, Reuben W. torists interested in preven­ and husoand, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Aasen, Mr. and of new scenery on their roundabout Brown and Alice, John O’Sullivan, tive service, I, “Amiy," will trip, Harold Is studying to be an Gale, and other relatives In Klamath Mrs, J, P, €*r|, Lynn BurtU and 'Frank Haney, Belle Shephard, Jay explain and demonstrate officer In the air cadets and if he Falls for the past couple of weeks. <■ Mesdames Albert Lillie, Albert Gul- Freeman, Severus McCarthy and the how your cars can be saved Henry Roaslow, of and owiufy Stanley iianer, Halter, attended hostess, Mrs. Qlarence Churchill. — Myrtle — <— Point. strom w,-, passes the rigid examinations, will go from much destructive ______ _ late __ An __J____ ________ _____ has bein rspapering and painting the the funeral services for the to college about seven months before Nearly twelve pair of men’s pa- wear. L, A. Myers house the past week. I J-— - ------ •» Myrtle Point, last i 1«!™« were passed out by our Red graduation. „ | Cross ciairman to various members Ben Holverstott is still stationed ''My. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Monday Drop us a card, if inter­ W ir at Camp Roberts, Calif. Ben is work­ Gerald came in from Portland l*st to be sewed and returned at the next ested, and a place will be ing in the office besides doing bls Tuesday evening and «Pent several club meteing. Club chairman asked selected for some Sunday, days at their home in Arago. They for a clean-up day for next Wednes- the time to suit the major­ visited at the R, J, Myers and Stanley ity, u»tt day, all day. at the grange hail.* La­ ' - .¡m '.' ’ * -r-ivt Halter homes white hero. On Friday met last Friday in the Legtan Hall at dles are to bring their own lunch. AMZY ■«NIK they drove to Brookings and visited Myrtle Point with Mra. Goo, Hoffman Coffee will be served. A couple of Mbs. Edith Woodward and Mr. and in charge, A potluck dinner was interesting games were enjoyed by all. Mra. Bert DeMoss, returning to served, after which the meeting was Mrs. Ethel Abernathy drew the at­ Arago Saturday evening. They left tailed to order by the chairman, The tendance hostess prize. Guests at for Portland Monday afternoon and meeting was turned over to Mra, Dor­ the meeting were: Mrs. Virgil Mc­ planned on staying Monday night in othy Blaliop, who gave a very interest­ Kinney and Radeen, Mrs. Brooks, Eugene, whore Gerald i« attending ing and helpful talk (Ml the Point Ra- Mrs. Howard Kock and Janet and Jlniveraity agaig this winter- Uopiqg program the people are wor­ Ladies A|d met WMw*sdny at th* rying with now in trying to make church for an a|l day meeting with each rationing point go as far as pos­ pot luck dinner at noon. Those at­ sible in serving their individual needs tending were Mosdame-s J, L. Burti-, Mr. and Mrs. J, F. itehroeder and Robert Fish and Gene, Ward Rvaim, daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Freeman of Cadutile ih Elliott St Coquille O, H. Aasen, Albert LiUte, Albert and Mang Aasen were dinner guests ★ Gulstrom, Tyrrell Woodward. Clar­ Saturday of Mr. and Mra. W, A. War­ ence Butter, WfflW Plsep. H, C, Mc­ ner. of Coquille, Allister, Stanley »alter and Mrs- Mao- Everett Bpatks was a Sunday Calister, of Hall’i Creek breakfast guest at the A. R. Bennett's Mr. and Mrs J. D. Car» and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Vern Brockmann, of Grare Rackteff drove to Bandon on Cuqullte, were Sunday visitors at the business last Friday afternoon, Ellis Southmayd home. "tforM Pay M Frayo»" was ob­ Mr. and Mrs. Billy Anderson and * served last Friday afternoon at the son moved to the Everett Sparks' Arago Community church with Mrs. ranch one day last week. They have Werner Ptaep in charge of the pro­ rented the place. Mr. Sparks ex­ gram, The theme for the afternoon pects to leave Tuesday for Mobridge, “WALLY” was, "That they shall be one as we South Dakota. He has been in the 1 Phane 48 Res. 229J ire;” Mrs. Ward Evans gave a talk Norway district for the past week, on “The need for intercessory attending to business connected with prayer,” followed by a prayer. his ranch here. Vocal quartette, “The Lord is My The World Qgy of Prayer, spon- Shepherd,’’ by Mesdames Albert Lil­ »°‘*d to Vte United Council ’ of lie, Albert Gulstrom, Stanley Halter ChMfOk Women, was held last Friday and S. C. McAllister. Mp. ty***1! •I 1 p. m. in the Brethren Church Fish gave a talk °n intercessory of Myrtle ftatat, With the Methodist, prayer, followed fcy a scripture read­ Presbyterian. Assembly of God and ing apd prayer by Jflte Mil|er. Lqcai Church of Christ churches taking quartette by the abov? four Ikdie«* part ip the program. Mra. Rufus Ry­ H's only taHwol M fMnk that I ms “Lead M*. Saviour,’’ Mrit- J- k Bur­ lander. Mra. Guy Grant, Mrs Harry jHrtW te«*« »«R.WílPV *** tts gave a talk vn the need fw in- Druliner, Mrs. Roy Robison and Mra. attention to your oh. AttuaUy you LET US WS should be even more careful j tercesaory pram for OUT enemies, Arthur Bennett, oil from Norway, at­ Your motor oil is expoeed to dust followed by a prayer by Mr«. Ohgytea tended. The churches taking part and other contaminante carried Griffith. An offoring was taken »nd were well representd. , through the dr, And though oil COMPLETE the meeting waa closed with song. Don Trigg and Q,arise Leatherman Lies idle in the crankoaM. partially Take My Life And Let It Be,” and came in test «TlUroday from O. S. C. burned fuel partíales constantly promote oil deterioration. the benediction. Those present were ,or • stKCN visit with friends and ripe at lower Mesdames Albert Lillie, Albert Gul­ re^lives during the spring vacation, doesn’t get hot CHECK-UP! strom, Tyrrell Woodward, O. but will return Tuesday. water formed Aasen, Robert Fish snd Gen,?, Charles Mr. and Mra. Martin Sehmtdt were ninatee oil! Griffith, Loretta aqd Mary Anne, J, Sunday dinner gusota of Mr. and m or Sbellady L. Burtig, Ward Evans, Stanley Hal­ Mni, Tom Dettafaen. Sunday was your oil every time you go ter, Warner I’laep, S. C. McAllister Mrs- Detlefaen's birthday. and Mr and Mra. Nile Milter, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Rylander had l^ra. N^omi |lobi«ta Myrtte •• dinner guests at their home test inV w" W Ar*0 XHitor last Bun- Saturday night, Mr. and Mra. Edwin Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fairview News Howdy Folks: misvs GRAY HAIR? an GRANITA! ■ Arago News Norway News Items Boots Bepafod M&WAuto Service Shingles or Paper, Built-Up Roofs Grass Removed, Shingles Painted or Stained The Industrial Repair Co lack Bevlin MACHINING METALLIZING WELDING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING Repairing Aids Victory Your No. 4 GasolineRationCoupons expire Sunday, March 21 1 Attention TIM! TQ CHANG! YQUR MOTOR (Hl, TO®! Car Owners WKCAk A miN* Auto Tires Recapped No Certificate Needed 1rs. i and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Grant and F ta Coquille. , children, Richard and Helen, of Nog- E. Cross, Mrs. Hulda El-1 way. lingson and Mrs. Keith Cribbs, Cribha. Ran- Han- I ' Herman Tedsen has purchased the dra and Larry, of Coquille, visited at1R w. Footer property just east of the home of M’ and Mra. NeMen 1 the Norway school house. The Fes- owe day test week, | ters are purchasing a home in Suther- Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Schroeder jin where he is employed. •nd Kent Hiekam, of Corvallis, came J Norway is glad to report that their in last Saturday and visited at the contribution to the Red Cross is home of Mr. and Mrs Frank Burbank »13.80 above its quota of 9200.00, until Tuesday when they returned to thanks to the persevering efforts of Corvallis. , ¡grs. Sarah McCloskey. J. D. Carl leaves Thursday for Son . Frank Trigg, who has An Official Inspection Station Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 . Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 852