THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OE1GON. THURSDAY, PAGE SU ------------- L , 2-tff.ffll . ................ _....... ........... . . ---------- -------------- -------- ! , -J JANE DOE MARRION, his wife, if married; R. S. RHODES and JANE DOE RHODES, his wife, If mar­ ried; also all the unknown heirs One Cent a Word Each Insertion CaH2MM Hi of any of the above named defend­ No Adv. leas than 85 osate STRAWBERRY PLANTS Put a few ants who may now be deceused; also Pioneer Methodist Church Jack S. Laird, son of Mr. and Mrs, in your Victory garden. FARR A all other persons or parties un­ Corner of »rd am Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor FOR REFRIGERATION Service call George P. Vaird, of Bullards Rt., known claiming any right, title, ELWOOD. The Rev. Robert L. 9:45 — Sunday School hour. There 108J or write Box 307, Coquille. estate, lien or Interest in the real ’Coquille, won his Navy “Wings of estate described in the complaint are rooms for each class and group FrMay. March 19 O. H. Gamier, 501 North Carter FLOOR AND TABLE Lamps -New Gold" and was commisisoned an En­ herein. with teachers ready to lead in the 7:30 p. m. Litany and adult in Street. Ito stock just arrived. ,■ J. A. Lamb sign in the Naval Reserve last week, Defendants. study of Gods Word. struction. Company. s , following completion of the prescrib- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE RASPBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE- 11:00—Sunday morning worship Saturday. March M i ed flight training course at the Naval OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ 10c each or »7.50 per hundred. At FOR SALE— 3-room house with hot hour. "Why Did God say: Study to 11:00 u. m. Church School Conf ir quired to appear uud answer tiie Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla. Folsom Grocery. Its and cold water, at 550 W. Fifth, Complaint filed against you in the Show Thyseff Approved?” mat ion instruction. The middle of Auugst, he began above entitled suit, on or before the full fifty by one hundred foot lot. 7:00—Youth fellowship group. Tills Sunday, March 21 FOR PLUMBING Repair» and Ser­ preliminary training at the Naval last day of the time pi t-scribed in the $750.00 terms or cash. L. A. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. group will meet at the beach for their Air Station. Pasco, Wash., and suc- Order of Publication of this Sum­ vice—call 2-L. J. A. Iamb Com­ McCue at above address. Stfs 9:45 a. m. Church School. mons, which prescribed time is once a devotional hour. i cessfully completed the course the week for four (4) weeks or five (5) pany. tf* 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with 8:00 —Sunday evening worship BEEF, PORK and VEAL Wanted — middle of October, before reporting consecutive issues of the newspaper hour. Subject for this evening: “ Why Sermon. HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dair.» herein mentioned the Coquille Val ­ Farmers, we pay the highest mar­ I to the “Annapolis of the Air” for in­ 7:00 p, m. High School young peo­ ley Sentinel, the first day of which was Jesus compelled to face the and Poultry roods at Pacific Food ket price for any of the above. termediate training. publication is Thursday, the 18th day Cross?” ple. Having been designated a Naval A Sood CO. ' tft Jim's Market. Phone 19. tfs of March, 1943, and the last day of 7:30—Wednesday evenings choir re­ Wednesday. March 24 Aviator. Ensign Laird will go on which is the 15th day of April, 1943, 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. WANTED—Transmission and gear FOR SALE—Team of 8 and 7-year active duty at one of the Navy's air and if you fail to appear and answer hearsal hour, with Mrs. M. O. Haw­ < 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Old mareb, weight 1400 lbs. Wood­ case for Model A Pass. Car. Mrs? said Complaint by said time. Plain ­ kins directing. ’operational training centare before 2:00 p. m. Lenten study class, by tiff will apply to the Court for the 7:30—Thursday evenings mid-week row Robison, Arago, Oregon. 8t3*s i being assigned to a combat zone. W. A. Shutt, Fairview Rt., Coquille. relief prayed for therein, a succinct Bible and prayer hour. the vicar. It’s statement of which is as follows: FLOOR SANDER FOR RENT—Easy 2:00 p, m. St. James’ Guild. The church can do no more than FIRST: That that certain oil lease Miller D. Walker, of thia city, hqp WOMAN /WANTED to help with to um . Economical. FARR A EL­ ! agreement dated January 1, 1930, we make possible. What sire we i entered the Navy’s trade school for between Russ Investment Compativ WOOD. housework and cooking, »4.00 per thia Emanuel Baptist Church I doing to help some church in electrician's mates at Purdue univar- and Fat Elk Oil 8i Gas Company, Inc., ,. day. Board and room. 108 Moul­ Menno D. Rempel, Minister DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick sity. Upon completing the 16-wMk and that certain oil lease agreement "immunity serve. ton. Phone 282R. Mrs. V. H. Car­ dated April 18, 1932, between Russ March 21, IMS Deering Milker Parte and Dairy course he, will be eligible for promo­ mody. It’s 10.00 a. m, Sunday School. Church of Christ Supplies—Sea us. J. A. Lamb tion to a petty officer rating and be Investment Company and Coast Oil Company; each, be declared- to be 11:00 a. m., Morning Worship. East 4th and Coulter Sts. □RIVE IN and let us inspect your Company. s assigned to duty with the fleet or terminated, null and void, and the 8:30, Young Peoples Society. ■ Liston Parrish. Pastor tires for hidden defects before you same be decreed to be cancelled of at a shore station.'1 7:30, Evening Evangelistic service. record. Thursday 7:30, Bible study and take that trip. This service is frac MAIL Your Watch and Jeweby re­ The Bluejacket was selected to at­ SECOND: That all of the assign­ pairs in to Schroeder Jewelry We will begin a Topic, “At The Cross." and may save you trouble and ex­ tend the school upon the basis of a ments of said leases to those named prayer meeting. Store, Coquille, Ore. 22t3s Thursday, Prayer meet. pense away from home. Thornton series of aptitude tests taken during as defendants herein each be de­ study of the Book of James. Bring clared to be terminated, null and your bible and come. Tire Service. tfs FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ I recruit* training. I .. ....... , ....II.......... -............ — void, and that the same be decreed to Bible School 9:45, T. Ralph Harry, The Assembly oi God vice on Milking Machines, Farm be canceled of record. FOR SALE— “Farmers' Bargains’ — iSupt. You will find the Spiritual 2nd and BaaOk Btrwte Water Systems, Tractors and Farm THIRD: That the cloud upon the 1 Dodge Truck — V« HP Motor — L. C. Parsing. Paster title of plaintiff’s land herein des­ ' sustenance you need in the study of T/achines, call J. A. Lamb Com- Windmill — Sewing Machine — scribed, to-wit: God’s word. l«ny. Note — For Quick Service, Sunday OU Brooder. See FARR A EL­ That part of the North half of the I Mrrning worship 11:00. Special Mar. 13—Ann Kirohoff vs. Earl 9:41, Sunday bible school hour with small machines should be sent to Southeast Quarter of Section 10, WOOD’S “Swap Board.” Kirchoff, Suit for divorce. music and Lord’s Supper. The pastor capable eeaehers. Departments and lying South of the County road; our shop.. s Mar. 15 — State Unemployment the North half, the North half of will continue hi* series of messages grades for each member young or WANTED — Water wells to driU the Southwest Quarter, and the on the Lord's Prayer, “ When the adult. Mrs. Bessie Harney, super­ Have new and up-to-date equip­ FOR SALE—Webb's Home. 340 So. Compensation Commission vs. Ted Southeast Quarter of Section 11. Hall St. Brick houM, redecorated Houser. Tempter Comes.” This series is intendent. ment and heayy pipe where needed All in Township 28, South of Inside, excellent condition. Price Mar. 15 — Credit Service Co. vs. C. helpful, inspirational. Range 13, West of the Willamette Fred C. Lae, Route 1, Marshfield 11:00, Morning worship, in an at­ »4,000. Meridian in Coos County, Oregon, C. Gunther. • — Jr. C. E., 6:30. mosphere you will enjoy, the old 30t4’tf and containing approximately Mar. 15—A. B. Andrews vs. Henry Young Peoples C. E., 6:80. hymns and the Word of God you will 600 acres more or less, according FREE — If Excess acid causes you WALLA WALLA SWEET ONION L. and Lois Beckley. Evening service 7:30. We are enjoy. Pastor L. C. Persing, speaks. to government survey; PLANTS — Make mild sweet green pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges­ Mar. 16-State Industrial Accident caused by said leases, and the sub­ studying the New Testament Church. 6:30, Christ Ambassadors service. onions. FARR & ELWOOD. tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat­ ComrAlssion vs. Clayton T. Hayes sequent assignments thereof, be re­ This week we will discus* the or­ This is a fine young people’s group. moved- ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get tree FOR RENT—Furnished 2-room apt. and Otto K. Couster. ganisation of the church. Bring your Join them. Melvin Stewart, presi­ FOURTH: That all adverse claims sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug Mar. 12—Jane Martin vs. Paul Mar­ of said defendants, or either of them bible and come. Bath, Hot and Cold Water. Laun­ dent. Company. fltl5’ may be determined by a decree of Wednesday 7:30, choir practice. We dry privileges. Adults. No pet*. tin. Suit for divorce, 7:30, Evangelistic. An enthusias­ this Court; and that by said decree, are working on our Easter music. If 351 So. Henry St. Flora E Dunne. tic song fest of the old revival hymns. WATER WELL DRILLING — Phone it be declared and adjudged that said plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of yoy sing we would appreciate your Special music. The pastor speaks. JT H. Thomas, 26F28, Oakland. .,u’ said premises, and that the defend­ help. Tuesday 7:30, prayer meeting. ‘Ask Oregon. 8tf JUST ARRIVED—Rock Sharpie Crys­ ants, or either of them, have no estate and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall John R. Stillwell was last Thursday or interest whatever in or to said tal Glassware. Priced 35 cents to FEED YOLIH DOG economical Church of God find, knock and it shall be opened »2.00. You must see It to appre­ -appointed administrator of the »1000 land and premises; and also that the GAINES DOG FOOD. FARR A unto you.” Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. estate left by Frank Stillwell, who said defendants, and each and every ciate its Be*uty, J. A. Lamb Com ­ ELWOOD. one of them, be forever debarred from Friday 7:30, Bible study, conduc­ Pastor, A. L. Perry pany. s died Aug. IS, 1041. asserting any claim whatever in or to ted by the pastor. Sunday School, 10 a.’m. A petition for administration of said land and premises adverse to WANTED—To Buy large chest of Preaching service 11 a. m. drawers, also % inch plywood to PAINTING and Paper Hanging, ex­ the »1000 estate of Mair Amber Dano, the plaintiff. FIFTH: For judgment against any terior and Interior decorating—no who has been missing for seven years, Young People’s meeting, 8:45 p. m. Firat Church of Christ, Scientist make two pieces fl ft. by 2 ft. 3*4 'd >. . - -, ■. IOI- — - —- shortage pt material. Terms if de­ was filed by Bedingfield & Grant in of said defendants who make an ap- Preaching service 7:30 p. m. inches; also will trade coil springs Crance herein, for plaintiff’s coats " j CdgBMkJONgmi sired. Herbert E Wood, phone ' A1* are invited to attend. If your the county clerk's office on Tuesday. incurred jrred herein;' herein; lor mattress. Write or call 499 N. Sunday School at 9:10 a. m. 286. Coquille. 27» North Henry _____________ _____________ . SIX1 SIXTH: For-sunh olhet and further child does not go to Sunday School Schroeder St., north of Countj relief as to the court shall seem meet elsewhere, we urge you to send* them, Sunday Service at 11 a. ID» e 4 2tfs “Sara. it*» and equitable. Subjectior next Sunday, 'Matter.” or better still bring them. . This Summons la published In the Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 WANTED To Buy — Late Model BABY CHICKS—Place your orders Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newspa­ now. FARR A ELWOOD. Plaintiff, per of general circulation in the City o'clock. Trucks, Pickups and Cars. See a corporation, MB of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, Free public Reading Room at 255 Archie Bushnell at Southwestern LAWN MOWERS—4 models to choose second TWIN S ell syndicate . pursuant to the Order directing pub­ W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Motors, Coquille ltfs from. Priced »7.25 to »18.95. Also lication thereof, which order was a corporation; BELL VIEW OIL day except Sunday and holidays from we now have garden ho*e. Get Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at SYNDICATE, u common law trust; made on the iflth day of March, 1943, 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. THOMAS TAAFFE and JAN^ by the Honorable Dal M. King, Cir­ this office. yours while it is still available. J. . DOE TAAFFEE, his wits, if mar­ cuit Judge. A. Lamb Company. a Harry A. Slack ried; E. M. CROUCH and JANE f Attorney for Plaintiff Now is the time to order your DOE CROUCH, his wife, if married; RELIABLE LADY would like to care Residence and Postofifce address. A. H. WETHEY, JR, and JANE grave marker for your loved one if for children in their home while Coquille, Oregon. DOE WETHEY, his wife, if mar­ 9t5 you desire it for Memorial day. See Oregonian Subscribers: Please Courteous and Prompt mother works. Call 147J. morn­ ried; MAUDE I. IVINS and JOHN NOTICE TO BOND I1OLDER8 John S. Sanders. Phone 123L.—541 help your carrier by having your DOE IVINS, her husband, if mar- ing*. its NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Inspection Station 6.1.3 West 8th. fltf* paper money ready at his first call riedU, L BEDWELL and RUTH the City of Coquille, a municipal cor­ BEDWELL, ilia wife; COAST poration of Coos County, Oregon, has BEEF, PORK and VEAL Wanted — Remember he must pay his paper LAND COMPANY, ltd., 8 corpora­ elected to redeem and will redeem r Farmers, we pay the highest mar­ obligation before the 10th of the tion; MARRY F. MERRILL and on May I, 1943, at the office of the ket price for any of the above. month. Thank yoi. - JOHN DOE MERRILL, her hue ­ ’City Treasurer of said City in the 352 So. Hall St. Jim’s Market. PhoneJJi. tfs band, if married: GLADYS A. RICE City Hall in said City, by payment and MERL I, RICE, her husband, of the full face value thereon with IF YOUR Milker needs overhauling, PLANTING A VICTORY-GARDEN^ if married; AUGUST THORLAND interest to said date, the entire is­ P. O. Box No. 245 Phone 201 bring it in now; otherwise it might and JANE DOE THORLAND, h|s sue of City of Coquille Water Bonds Seed, tools, fertilizer, supplies.. We Coquille, Oregon wife, if married; SAMUEL DAVID issued and sold pursuant to the pro­ be impossible to get the work com­ are glad to answer questions. FARR TURNER and MARION TURNER, visions of Ordinance No. 403, passed pleted before the Heavy Milking A ELWOOD., his wife; ALPHONSE BUCHER and by the Common Council of the City Season starts. J. A. Lamb Com­ JANE DOE BUCHER, his wife, if of Coquille and approved by the pany. s FARM MACHINERY REPAIRS - married; DAISY M. BUCHER and Mayor thereof on the 17th day of I Your County Defense Board—Your JOHN DOE BUCHER, her hus­ October, 1938, and which said bonds I Dr. De La Rhue DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ band. if married; PETROLEUM are ten in number in the denomina­ County Agent — Your Country — MARKETING CORPORATION, a Eyesight er», Parts and Dairy Supplies Get tion of One Thousand Dollars each, Urges you to order parts for your corporation; J, H, O’DOWD and and are dated November I, ¡936. and them at Pacific Feed & Seed Co. tfs Specialist farm machines NOW! Let us dis­ JANE DOE O’DOWD, his wife. If are numbered one to ten inclusive; cuss your requirements with you. j married; VANDY GEORGE KO­ and that no Interest shall accrue or ASPARAGUS ROOTS—Only 3c each, <>«• Examined - Glaaaes Fitted LAR and JANE DOE KOLAR, his become payable on said bonds after Parte are now available without »175 per 100. FARR A ELWOOD. wife, if married; J. P. ESAU and said May I, 1943. Reception room jointly with costly delays. Check your machines NOTHING OVERLOOKED JANE DOE ESAU, his wife, By Order of the Common Council, Dr. J. R Bunch FARM WATER SYSTEM—Meyers Now! U m Only “GENUINE IHC if married; STANLEY Q. dated this 18th day of March, 1943. MARR ION and JANE DOE MAR- and Red Jackets. Let us explain PARTS." J. A. Lamb Company, * Mlrd Bulldin« Phone 82-J C, G. Caughell, no matter how large and elaborate RION, his wife, it married; R. S. It the certificate requirements neces­ City Treasurer. RHODES and JANE DOE RHODES, the scale upon which the funeral MONEY TO LOAN on good residen ­ sary to purchase a water pump.— V. his wife, if married; also all the un­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS tial property; consult me if you arrangements are to be made. That J. A. Lamb Company. s known heirs of any of the above NOTICE is hereby given that the need assistance in financing loan, named defendants who may now be undersigned was on February 23rd, is our -policy—that Is our proud GOOD Grass Hay, unbaled, for sale. deceased; also all other persona or 1943, duly appointed Administratrix or refinancing your old loan — it claim after many years of experi­ parties unknown claiming any of the Estate of Roy L. Thomas, De­ « Personal Interest »15.00 per ton or trade for stock. J. may save you money. J. S. Barton, right, title, estate, lien or interest ceased. by tiie County Court of Coos ence. A conference with us will L. Smith, Phone 56R. s Realtor. a Friendly Counsel in the real estate described in the County, Oregon, and all persons hav­ b» to your advantage complaint herein. ing claims against said estate are METAL HOSE REELS, »2.29 Sup­ Honest Advice 1 Good supply oi men and woman’s □•fendant* hereby required to present them to ply is limited. Get yours today. bicycles. Also electric toasters, elec­ me with proper vouchers attached Proper Guidance J. A. Lamb Company. s tric shavers, auto accessories, etc. and duly verfied at the Office of F. E. McCracken, Attorney, in Coquille, LADY IN ATTENDANCE ‘ Southwestern Motor Co. Car and FOR SALE--Home on South Tay | Home Supply Store. Oregon, within six months from the TO: SECOND TWIN BELL 8YNDI- date of this notice. J lor Street. »1200.00 I » CATE, a corporation; BELL VIEW Dated and published first time Feb­ GEORGE E. OERDING, Realtor Cnqullh- Itendon OIL SYNDICATE, a common law ruary 25, 1943. Anibutenee Servine trust; THOMA8 TAAFFE and Alta V. Rogers, 10»R 1081 Constile FREE BABY CHICK FEEDING IN­ DOE TAAFFE. his wife, if . 8t5 Administratrix of said Estate. Modern I JANE STRUCTIONS: Feed them Sperry’s married; E. M. CROUCH and JANE DOE CROUCH, his wife, if mar­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Surebuild for faster growth, health­ ried; A. H. WETHEY, JR. and Notice is hereby given that the un­ ier chicks. FARR & ELWOOD. JANE DOE WETHEY, his wife, if dersigned, ur.» on the 26th day of Febru- Phone 83 married; MAUDE I, IVINS and ary, 1943, 1» vj . filed meu in m the me Count n Court WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We Night Phone 272X __ _____ _ Oregon, , his final JOHN DOF. IVINS, her busband, __ for __ Coos County, High School service all makes of washers. if married; J. L. BEDWELL and account ...................... in the matter of the adminis­ Credits RUTH BEDWELL, his wife; tration of the Estate of Margarite Washer Service Co. 426 1st St., COAST LAND COMPANY, ltd., a 'Detlefsen, deceased; and that said Given Phone 17. tfs corporation; MARRY F. MERRILL Court has made an order fixing 185 W. 2nd and JOHN DOE MERRILL, her Tuesday, ril «, 1943, at 10:00 CARD TABLE—New Supply. Just , busband, if married; GLADYS A. Chevrolet — Buick . CLASSIFIED WANTED - Baby Stroller, in good Mn4>oc Twn condition. and with rubber tires. I HUTUI I3UIC3, I WU Coquille Boys 1 Circuit Court Cases Probate Court Items ST.™ Tire Inspection Service NOTICE Southwestern Motors The Oregonian Agency Mention! Üo Details^ Gano Funeral Home 4 WRECKER MISi INEZ ROVER SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, la«. fnetructor of Plano Southwestern Motors .iirrivetl . Riyed »48, and .up. ,-J- ---------------- u.,«**-... - * ........ ■1 1 188'11 .......... ■>-—r. NO MOISTURE TO PAY FOR . GAINES’“ 60c ““ DRY DOG FOOD ■ and JANE DOE THORLAND, his wife, if married; SAMUEL DAVID TURNER and MARION TURNER, his wife; ALPHONSE BUCHER and JANE DOE BUCHER, his wife, if married; DAISY M. BUCHER AND JOHN DOE BUCHER, her husband, if married; PETROLEUM MAR­ KETING CORPORATION, a cor­ poration; J. H. O’DOWD and JANE DOE O’DOWQ, his wife, if married; VANDY GEORGE KOLAR and JANE DOE KOLAR, his wife, if married; J. P. ESAU and JANE' DOE ESAU, his wife, if married; STANLEY G. MARRION and ,__ 0« thereto, and for the final settlement and distribution of said estate. Dated and published first time March 4. 1943. Edward L. Detlefaen, Administrator. 7t5 Benham’s Transfer Chadwick lodge No. 68 » F. & A. M. SAND AND GHAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Stated Communication Tuesday. April 12. 7:M F. M. Visitors Welcome Anywhere For Hire Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone Farr & Elwood Bldg. i W. Second St. -