The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 18, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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red-breast. While this may be true | booming voice could be heard where
The Governor wanted the bill pass- !
concerning many localities, it cer­
ed because he feared that his Old,
tainly does not apply to Coos county.
It requires, chiefly, that every Age Pension Program would be up- |
For always it is during the late fall
person, after he nas become party set because of the uncertainty of ibq
■nd the winter months that the robin
to a motor accident, be required to liquor revenues in view of recent O.
appeals in far greater numbers than
prove financial responsibility to pay P. M. restriction on manufacture of
During December,
Are you now ready for the sixty- in the' spring.
for damage to the amount of 15000 alcoholic beverages. The Governor four dollar question? Okay, here it thousands and thousands of robins
to 110,000 for bodily injury or death is fearful that revenues will drop j is? How do the ducks know the exact may be glimpsed throughout the
and >1000 for property damage.
i below the point necessary to attain i day that the reason ends?
fields and of an evening the migra­
“Argument centered about the ques­ i his «40.00 per . month goal. The
The last day of the past season a tion from the fields to the low hills
tion of whether there was popular 'sales tax would provide funds suf­ scarcity of the birds was encountered where the birds fly to roost is really
demand for protection to Oregon mo­ ficient for that purpose.
in most of the marshes in this dis­ something to marvel at. This season
torists from those irresponsible people
After several futile attempts to get trict. The very next day there were more of these birds were in evidence
who travel our highways.
the bill through the House (it having I thousands of them strung clear from than at any other time in the remem­
The act is patterned after those now previously passed the Senate) a mo­ Riverton to Arago. They were with­ brance of the writer. The robin is
in use in the states of New York and tion -to adjourn sine die was unani­ in gun shot of the highway and ap­ protected in every state In the Union
Massachusetts. It is a noble ex- mously carried and the issue was peared almost as tame as barnyard and has only natural enemies war­
fowl. It appears that they surely ring upon it That is why there is
The fire department was called out
The vote was a tie on the last must be endowed with super-instinct. an annual increase in its ranks. But
count, 30 to 30. Many members felt This not only applies to ducks, but take any game bird that is governed Monday evening to a house on South
that it would be a bad policy to call to deer as well. In most districts by An open season and it is seldom, if Elliott, east of the Roxy theatre,
a special election for such a purpose before the opening of deer season ever, you note an increase in their where a flue had burned out that aft­
during war time. Others thought that there are always bucks in evidence, ranks, , ’ And gradually, slowly and ernoon and because the bricks were
the situation was uncertain enough close into civilization, ’round farmer’s surely their numbers decrease, un- still quite warm the department was
to warrant the election expense.
fields. But when the season opens til in the course of time they are
This issue reveals to the public i they disappear and are mighty hard finally erased entirely from the pic­
See our larae display or choice pot
the strength of character of the 42nd to find.
plants at Bergen’s, across highway
House. A great majority of them
Poets and naturalists always speak
The big blue, or sooty grouse is fast from telephone office.
Not the
are men who make up their minds
rather slowly and only after careful of
1 the Spring appearance of the robin 1 disappearing. Time /vas, when its cheapest but the best. Phone 64.
During the session, a couple of thought. But when they have made 1
members got into a feud with the su­ their decision no outside pressure or
perintendent of the Fairview Home lobbyist <»r even the Governor him­
regarding the incarceration of a Jack, self could alter their stand. I think
it is to their credit that thia matter
son county family.
The members contended that this ended as it did. I feel that they
family was held unjustly in the in­ have done a good job for the people
stitution when they should have been and have merited public approvdl.
released to lead a normal life in their
| Before I sing my swan song as a
Clever Styles In The Smarest Fabrics!
home community.
The speaker appointed a committee columnist, I would like to pay tribute
Color is the thing for you this
to look into the matter, and the re­ i to other members of the Coos county
year! Select yours from this
port was read the morning of the last .and Curry county delegation with
fine group of fresh frocks that
whom it has been my pleasure to
have all the new tricks of the
i serve.
season . . peg top skirts, un­
Stella Cutlip, who has been sitting
pressed pleats, soft gathering
j in a desk adjacent to mine during thia
in the blouses, and novelty
session, has done a very good Job.
Bright colorful
Some people were fearful that she
flower prints in unusual com­
'would become confused and easily
binations. Sizes 12 to 20.
led astray in the heat of debate or
under pressure by lobbyists. But I
wish to testify to the fact that she
has used very good judgment in her
voting and has steered a very consis-
j tent and intelligent course throughout
the session. , Although she is popu­
lar and attractive and much in de-
i mand at social events, she stands up
¡under fire like a Uttle warrior and
has earned the respect and admira­
Spring Straws
tion of every member in the House.
I feel that the judgment of the voters
' has been vindicated in selecting her
Here you may choose from
I for the JoK______ _________ _—..—i_
our fine col lection of smart
I doubt whether many people in the
berets, coy bonnets, trim
county are aware of the influence ex-
p n e tlW ows, and popular
! er ted. by our own Senator, Bill Walsh,,
pompadour styles. Ribbon
in the legislature.
or feather trimming!
An earnest, eloquent, and forceful
speaker, and one well versed in legal
technology he is listened to attentively
when he speaks and is in great de­
* You'll revel in this fine se­
mand for committee work on meas­
lection of gay, casual -boxy
ures requiring legal analysis.
L coats in all-wool shetland
has been worked so hard during this
M . . . dashing wrap-around
session that I have had only fleeting
B styles in all wool fleece . .
conferences with him, Yet, 1 feel that
I intriguing in cavalry twill
Mrs. Cutlip and myself have worked
land all-wool shetland.
closely with him and have done
__ J Many other styles to suit
I fairly well as a county team,
your fancy! Popular spring
As for myself, 1 have enjoyed the
shades. 11-20.
session which has proven to be of
before adjournment. '
Ou t-of-Doors Stuff
Senate Bill No. 2H, being the Oc­
cupational Disease Bill, was passed
by both Houses after a conference
committee had agreed on a compro­
mise amendment.
The original bill introduced and
passed in the Senate was amended
in the House to conform more nearly
to the Ohio Act. The Senate refused
to concur on the House amendments,
and the bill went to conference com­
mittee. The committee recommended
amendments that were a compromise
but still followed the general plan of
the Ohio Act.
Both Houses passed the bill by an
overwhelming vote and it the Gov­
ernor signs, the State of Oregon will
have Its first Occupational Disease
Act. In my opinion the lumber in­
dustry will not be very much affected
by the act which la aimed mainly at
the ship-building industry,
Senate BUI No. 27« providing for a
small fee to be paid into the State
ar | Industrial Aocldent Commission for
M. the purpose of prosecuting a safety
sr,' program was passed by the House
of and sent to the Governor for his sig-
ip. nature.
This bill affects only those em-
ia. ployers who are not under the S. I,
>4. A, C. or private carrier or self in­
sured. It affects only the employers
ve who hsve provided no means of in-
iat suring their men against industrial
ed accidents. ____ _ .
great educational value to me and I
am deeply appreciative of the honor
given me by the people of Coos coun­
ty. Any mistakes that I have made
have been of the bead and not of the
heart. I have tried to keep the wel­
fare of the people in general and of
no one in particular foremoat in my
thoughts at all times. I know it is
impossible to please all but I hope
I have pleased most.
In closing this Uttle column, I wish
to express my appreciation for the
many kind things said about it
throughout the county.
What started out as being a weekly
I letter to the Western World of Ban­
don turned out to be a column that
was read state-wide.
My purpose was to try keeping the
folks at home in touch with the main
issues of this legislature and to spice
it with a dash ar two of Interesting
off-the-record happenings that other­
wise only the people of Salem would
The editors of all of the weekly
papers in the county have been moot
courteous and considerate and I feel
that they should share equally with
me in any oredit accruing to this
I wish to express further my ap­
preciation for the able and efficient
work of my secretary, Mias Helen
Ann Huggins, who has worked long
hours to insure the placing of the
subject matter for the oolumn in the
hands of the newspapers on time.
I would like to know whether the
VPH New shiPmen‘ LADIES PURSES—All new colon, un
J Uw I IxEVul V klzder-erm and handle styles; some with wooden frames.
$1.59 $1.98 $2.98
To Wear Under Her New Spring
Girl’ Miss Prep
¡New dresses simply demand new
^Smooth rayon crepe or lustrous
rayon satin with dainty touches of
■ace, embroidery or hemstitching!
jA trim self-ruffle is a pretty finish
at the' hem.
Built-up shoulder straps for com­
fortable fit.
Sizes 2 to 14.
For the Grown-Up Utile Lady!
New Spring Patterns
------ at Thrift Prices. Tee!
Beys’ Drees
[Handsome stripes, colorful plaids,
meat figures — all in the newest
¡spring tone«! Fine quality, too—
smooth weave percales, perfectly
Sixes >to«
A pint-sized edition of the jumper
big sis wears!
[Adorable pleated skirt of soft wool
<rrepe with matching shoulder sus­
Dainty embroidery encircles the
¡waist line . . . and adds a touch of
Men's Armorfoot
[Style, in pajamas, calls for full,
pasua) fit.
Handsome, full drape models that
won’t bind, creep or gripe.
Smart warm-weather colors in
bold and subdued stripes.
Ydlir choice of coat or slipover
models with drawstring tie tousers
(Gay blazer stripes and bright
argyle plaids for your sports out­
fits! _