flock of house and senate bills died be »10 00 for calves from stock of 350 pound butterfat, or better, and in committee »8.00 for calves for stock of 250 pound Taking Into consideration that close to 350 pound butterfat and are of to one-half of the house membership good dairy breeding. Heifer calves H. A. YOUNG SOd M. D. GRIMES (Taken from The Sentinel oof Friday. were serving their first term, fresh- purchased will be of recognized dairy with typhoid March 18, 1923) so to speak, all in all they did type or may be a cross between a H. A. YOUNG, Miter Carl Oscar Wldeborg, a Swede, and so far job. Very conservative, in Jersey and Holstein or other dairy ne Year*"™!!?^-^*........ »2.00 a prisoner in the county jail, com­ sit up fact too conservative on several im­ crosses. Calves sired by beef bulls Six Months.--------- ------- ------------- 1.00 mitted suicide Tuesday morning by portant bills, especially tax matters, will not be acceptable Acceptable Three Months................................ .80 hanging himself. . . Wldeborg had Mrs. Roy E. Nichols, this legislature had but few crack­ calves must be at least ten days old No subscription taken unless paid month resigned her position in pots, according to the views of vet­ and bucket broke and in good physi­ tor in advance. This rule is impera­ been shot in the heel and captured by Marshal Smith at North Bend on sheriffs offfice and has been ill at eran observers. Several made out­ cal condition. The receiving point tive. Friday night while attemptinig to the home of her parents, Mr. and standing records, especially John Hall will be in Coquille and this date is Entered at the Coquille Postoffiee ar rob the Woolen Mills Store there. Mrs. Frank Witteman, of Norway, for and Phil Brady, who proved them­ tentatively Second Class Mail Matter. three weeks, passed away on Friday selves excellent lawmakers; both are March 23. I The Baby Welfare Exhibit at the night. In order to encourage farmers to veterans, while Fred Hlmelwright Set-a-spell here Tuesday and Wed- and Ralph T. Moore were among the save calves that reach two weeks of Mrs. Mark H. Windle, daughter of nesday afternoon was not only entire­ freshmen members who were rated age before the shipping date, they ly novel but both interesting and in­ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Custer of this! tops. Even the anti-labor crowd re­ will be reimbursed at the rate of State House, Salem, March IB — A structive. It was also well attended city, died at Mercy HMpital last Sat­ 40c a day for every day they hold the week has passed since the president spect and admire Phil Brady, who has Jby fully a hundred mothers.............. urday morning. calf, over the first 14 days, until it of the senate banged down his gavel, been actively identified wiin organ­ The exhibit was under the auspices ized labor tor close to 40 years. Rea­ is purchased. This emergency meas­ D. C. Krantz has recently purchased the night of March 10, at 11:30, an­ sonable in his labor views and rated ure will apply only until purchasing nf the Coquille Health Association, nouncing the senate had adjourned I consisting of the following ladies: the J. J. Lamb residence from the THE AMERICAN WAY begins, around the 22nd. I sine die. The chief clerk of the sen­ a man who will always keep his word, Never before has the need been so Mesdamcs C. A. Cage, Helen Sperry, heirs for >2500. . ,’Mt Krantz, whose but always battling for the working . Jt will be well to contact the man- % ate personally delivered the notifica ’ - great tor the American Red Cross. I Edwin Ellingson, A. A. Selander and home is farther nortlfTifar the west ager of your cheese factory or the ' tion to the chief clerk of the house, and stiffs, the ex-blacksmith has a host This year it will reach into the battle H. E. Russell, assisted by Mrs. H. W. end of Second street, does not intend ' of loyal friends among the top flight local Farm Security office in Coquille 12 minutes later, at 11:42, the speaker fronts and into the countries wheie Irwin, wife of the county health of­ to occupy the place but purchased it for particulars. adjourned the house sine die, which employers of the,, state. for an investment. the sibk and Buffering lie helpless. ficer. Daily men are urged to co-operate j wound up the 42nd regular legislative To operate this great institution Some of the real cheers I get out with each other in the delivery of 1 assembly. The lawmakers just missed Last Saturday evening Mrs. Gott' Station W. E. Boasennan re- through the coming year 3125,000,- _ t_____ Agent __ these calves to us, as soon after ten going into the 60th day by 18 minutes, of a legislative session are the com­ 000 will be required, a small amount eeiVee brain. Take pianists K— -I—■-•- couples are being arranged for. At preserving vegetables and fruit this j or typists, for instance, both hands Tongue Point the naval development year appears to b« witiiout founda- are equally busy and adept. There has expanded so that 40 family dwell- tlon. Present indications are that are so many other trades where both ings and accommodations for 20 1943 will be the all-time record for hands need to be deft that the hands couples have been listed for construe- home canning because of the shortage should be considered a pair of work- tion. These will be paid for by tha ’’of canned goods and the point sys- j ers rather than a dominant right hand government. Additional dwelling tern, and the necessity of housewives and a weaker sinistral follower or units tor war workers in the Port- i having to deepnd upon their own en- ( vice versa. i___ _____ „_______ to __ ; deavors to keep their larder supplied. land area _____ have _____ been - appproved Instead of favoring , left-handed or shelter employees of Commercial Iron Glass jars and tops will also be avail-, right-handed tendencies to the ex- Works, which is building boats for able. elusion of the other hand, the better the navy, There is a housing short- educated and versatile person would uge jn every community in the Wil- . It looks as though after June the i seem to be the one most nearly ambi- lamette valley and Rogue river valley federal income tax will be paid on . dexterous. and in several towns in eastern Ore­ the installment plan. This Is the i gon Government has already spent proposal of the house committee on ; ..-lust wluitL..we.decide the. Japanese..niiliiun&.uf. dollars.on. units for .war ways, and The Sentinel TWENTY YEARS AGO I hìiisvuwtt/iLH!1 -■-- - -—- - - • - J — • • Fragmenta •••••••• of Fact and Fancy • •••••••• qP ■ F. S. A. Will Buy Calves Next Week many comes forward with new acts Oregon cheese factories, producing of calculated cruelty that make her the arch fiend of all tinie. The seiz­ cheddar cheese, will have a market ure of the men and women of France for every pound they can produce in by the Nazi soldiers is bringing a new 1943. More than 50 per cent of all reign of terror to that country which : the cheddar cheese in the United will snake the outrages of 1793 pale States will be bought for the armed ' forces and the Allies. Later, when ex- by comparison. Also the threat of the Germans to Governor Lehman, of New York, has kill all British and American priaon- his relief, machine organized to feed ers if the air raids on the continent more than 300,000,000 people, the are not stopped rather proves the ef- drain on domestic factories will be 1 • i ’ . easier to pay thia tax than trying to! meet It in a lump sum. Anything can happen before June, however, and the installment paying plan may be kicked out of the window. Grade III War Tires We have lots of them. Southwestern Motor Home Supply Store. Keys made for Cash Hardware, * . "How do you feel about this idea of stopping ’em from selling liquor anywhere near army camp*. Judge?" “I was just talking about that with Will down at the barber shop about ten minutes ago. TeU you what 1 told him, Ned. 1 say it's up to the Army to decide. Why should ire walk in and tell the Army how to do its job .. any more than I should tell you how to» about ixitting put a fire? And hare’s something that strikes me funny. All this worrying seems to be about the boys' conduct around the camps here in this country. You never hear a word ot worrying about them drink­ ing when they go abroad. Kind of queer, m't it, Nad?"