The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 18, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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Meeting Instructive 1
B. P. W. Club
Hazel HibnaTGertrude Uiett^t
Gretchen Clinton
Weds Jade Laird
Viola Newton, Bonnie Walker, Flor-*“1«'*«*/ DCnCHT
ence Barton,'Hattie LetHolimon. l<fo PortlAC M a M
Oerding, Jennie Price, Inez Ctuu^ !’«••• •“* **“•*■
Annie Robinson, Arlene Robertsqn,
The generosity of local people * Two well known families in Co­
Keyed to the war effort was the
Edith Dunn, Joyce Owen, Helen
entire meeting last Monday evening
toward the completion of the Public quille were represented in an inter­
Landis, Mabel Wemich.
of the B. P. W. club. Mrs. Leia Elrod,
Library continues. At the request of esting marriage recently at Pensacola,
health chairman for the club, was in
Mrs. Roy Boober, Library chairman Florida.
Miss Gratehen Clinton,
A film on
charge of the meeting.
of the Coquille Woman's Club, a good daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. Theodore
“Keeping Fit,” was shown tor the
list of names lias been compiled of Clinton, was united in marriage to
first time in Oregon by Mrs, Elrod,
women planning to give one or more Jack Stanley Laird, son of Mr. and
who stated that Mrs. Dorothy Bishop
benefit affairs.
Either bridge or Mrs. George Laird
The wedding
happened to be at Corvallis when it
The home of Miss Edith Gruene- sewing parties are in order. Anyone. was held at the . Navy
„ Chapel
arrived and spoke for It. Following wald was most attractively decorated not already contacted but interested ton March 3, at 6:00 p. m. The Epis-
this showing another film was run. last Friday evening for the monthly in the idea, may call Mrs. Boober for copal ring ceremony was conducted
the subject of which was based on meeting of the Past Noble Grands particulars,
The following parties by the Camp Chaplain.
club. Mrs. Annie Robinson waa co- have transpired recently:
"Hidden Hunger,"
The bride wore a dress of white
Following this, Mrs. Bishop talked' hostess. As each member arrived, she
A week ago last Friday, Mrs. Ed starched marquisette and shadow lace,
on “Foods for Health.” and distributed received a gay ornament for her hair McKeown gave an evening bridge with sash of white velvet; also a seed
pamphlets on the subject which dealt in keeping with St. Patrick’s day, the party. Mrs. Frank Thrift won Aigh pearl Juliet cap trimmed with a
with food habits and what every rest of the decorations carrying out score. Those attending were: Mes- white bow. She wore a string of
the motif. ,
dames H. W. Pierce, Jas. Brady, E. pearls which was the wedding present
normal person needs in food daily.
After a short business meet- E. Leslie, Fred McNelly, U. E. Mc- from her father, and carried her
Helen Landis, nurse at Coquille
hospital, gave an exhibition of exer­ ing, presided over by the presi- Clary, and Don McCune,
white prayer book.
cises advised for reducing hips and dent, Mra. Roy Boober, the evening
Mrs. George Maynard invited
The bride Was given away by
was spent in playing various games, friends to make up two tables of Donald
B. Estes, who is also stationed
waist Line.
Many expressions of pleasure were Winners of the various contest were: bridge on Thursday afternoon, March at Pensacola.
~_____ Best man was Jack
heard over the appearance on the Mesdames Harriet Schaer, Inez Chaae, 11. Mra. Ed McKeown received the McElhinny, of
o Salem, stationed at
wer« “fffiintff ^^ItUffllg-.....
orwam trt MterW W«-
Jown for her wecl-
i I, Greenough, Tailant Greenough,
Gretchei. flew
first time Miss Dae has played in
Mrs. Birdie Skeels received the U. E. McClary, Don McCune, A. B.' ding and it was her first experience
public since her accident last summer,
i in plane travel. The wedding guests
at which time she had the misfortune award for fashioning the moat at- Collier and R. A. Wernfch.
to fracture her left shoulder. Much tractive “St. Patrick" out of one1 fcir».
Mrs. Frank Turin
Thrift was a hostess
hoeteas on;
on, were - all
cadets and
because _________
the bride
apprehension has been felt by her green gum drop and a few tooth Tuesday evening of this week. Des- was unacquainted there, there were
*-• at 7:30, followed by no girls or women present at the
friends over the fact during the long pickes.
sert -----
was --------
—.t-- ot bridge, Mn| Ri K
Following a busy and enjoyable an evening
months since her violin has been
Past Noble Grands
St. Patrick Party
Coos Ministerial
Ass'n Met Here
Day of Prayer
Observed Here
The World Day of Prayer service
was held in the Methodist Church
parlor on March twelfth, with Mrs.
L. P. Fugelson as leader. It was a
heart-searching, comforting, season of
prayer and meditation. Mrs. With-
nell and Mrs. Couden each sang an
inspiring solo, and Mrs. Brown, Mrs.
Skeels and Mrs. WithneU sang a
trio, “Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me.”
At the end of the service an of­
fering was received, which will help
to continue the work begun twenty-
five years ago, when the World Day
of Prayer was originated. There are
four divisions of this work, namely:
Sending Christian Literature all
over the world; spiritual guidance of
American Indians in government
Work among migrants irf sixty or
more rural areas; and by helping
eight Oriental Colleges, where to-
morow’s nurses, doctors, i, teachers,
social workers, an<F housewives are
Townsend Club
Marriage Licenses
Do's and Don ts!
Don't put hot foods in
your refrigerator. Don't
open the door unneces­
sarily. Defrost frequently.
Clean each time you de­
Keep at normal
temperature recommend
ed by the manufacturer.
A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying,
Private . Enterprise
Mar. 11—Carl E. Morgan and Edna
Mae Herring, both of Marshfield.
They were married at the Episcopal
church rectory in Marshfield on
Sunday by Rev. Geo. R. Tumey.
Mar. 12—Ranaldo M. Hodge and
Jeannette L. Lindstrom, both of North
Mar. 12 — Frank L. Bessey, of
Marshfield, and Barbara E Poole, of
North Bend.
Mar. 12- Milo Thomas Doiezai and
Jane Ann Gwilt, both of Marshfield.
Mar. 13—Lewis C. Cotte, of Char­
leston, and Pauline Bertha Clark, of
North Bend. They were married at
the bride’s home on Sunday by Rev.
T. Paul Beresford.
Mar. 13—Herbert H. Jones, of Son
Angelo, Texas, and Claire Gladys
Daggett, of Marshfield.
Mar. 15 Meyer R. Diamond and
Marie Schroeder, both of Los Angeles.
They were married by Justice F. R.
Hull at his office here on Monday.
Mar 15—Walter E. Nickell and L.
Melissa Huggins, both of Marshfield.
Mar. 16—IjiGrande E. Wood and
Maxine V. Hurlburt, both of Marsh -
• Birth Certificates
GEO. E. Oerding
at Bank Bldg.
Wool Rugs
9x12 and 9x15
ranging in price from
Roy Mothers' Club
Resumes Sessions
They’re beauties. See them.
Purkey Furniture
a . k
the Ume Fred took over the Lorenz
quilt which the club Is making is gUir(,
Ptam. _____
were dis- ( The <ua,u
cussed for holding an old time dance
nel of the store. The dinner table
in the gymnasum.
I was attractive with arrangements of
The St. Patrick’s idea was carried
L daffodils and gay yellow candles.
out in the refreshments eaten at a , Following dinner the party spent the
candle-lighted tab|e.
i remainder of the evening visiting at
Mackey, teacher at the Roy
the Henry Lorenz home.
WSS hostess.
| Mrs. Lorenz accompanied her hus-
Members present were Mary John* * I band as far a» Portland and will
sqn, pfsgident; June.Green, ss u ialt
p, ,pend • wwk there hBtor* ro,urnln«-
a I..
Hulda Ellingson, Bertha Ci
i Attending the dinner were Jir- and
Green, Frances Detlfegen, Patricia
Mrs. Fred Lorenz, Mr. and Mm. Hen­
Griffin, Lenore Stevens, Maude An- 1
ry Lorenz, Mr. and Mra. Frank
dersom • guest. Mrs. Ben Walton, and Thrift, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Lund, Mes-
the hostess, Cork Mackey
dames Edna Hartson, Patzy Bark-
The club will meet in tWQ week» ¡weU and Irene Boyle.
at the Teacherage.
I Church Class Honors Those
Haviog Recent Birthdays
N, O, M, A. H»b Meeting
And Shower
The regular Tuesday meeting of the
N. O. M. A. club at the home of Mrs.
Howard Detlef sen was the scene of a
surprise shower In honor of Mrs. W.
Matejks Club members and guests
played court whist until a late
hour when delicious refreshments
were served. Favors st each place
were dainty pink and white corsages
of spring Rowers.
Club members attending were Mes-
dames Denton Kllingsen, Keith Kribs,
Melden Carl, Marlon Clayton, Tom
Stevens, Ray Schroeder, Harold Dey,
Ray Detlefsen, Dennis Waggoner.
Guests were Mesdames Carolyn Huff.
Ray Buckles, Leroy Swinney, Jane
Martin, Jack Cooper.
Former Bandon Girl Is
Prisoner Of En^py
Loyal Women’s Clya of the Church
of Christ met Thursday for regular
meeting and also for birthday dinner
'at 12:30. This was to honor those
! having birthdays In January, Febru­
ary and March. A short business
session was held and then ■ social
time was enjoyed.
The following were present: Mo
i dames Belle Hooton, Gus McCulloch,
I A. F. Wilson, Archie Hatcher, Harold
McCue, W. A. Sloan, May Tyrrell,
Earl Mitts, A. N. Foley, Pearl Card-
well, O. O. Wilson, Fred Schaer and
Miss Jennie Lafferty.
R ainis
Mrs. Ober man
I Buried At Dora
Funeral services were held at Dora
| last Wednesday for Mrs. O. W. Ober-
Bandon friends received
sage from Dr. and Mrs. S. C- .En­ i map, S resident of that section for the
dicott of Fugene, Tuesday stating ■ past J# yeqrs, and comjng tp Oregon
that their daughter, M|s» Delilah En­ ’ from Oklahoma in |Q|8. Shp was 70
dicott. is alive and well in the Philip­ I yews qf age Jast November 25, #nd
pines. This is the first word received was born kt Canton, Ills,
Besides |iw husband to whom »he
by the parents in more than a year.
It came through the Red Cross. Miss was married Ayg. 20, 1807, she is
Endicott spent her childhood days in survived by six children: Rex, of
Bandon. She is a graduate of theI Forest Grove; Mrs. Fern Kellogg, of
University of Oregon and at the time ! Portland; Charles, of Myrtle Point;
the Japs took Manila was professor Frank, of Oakland; Ray, of Myrtle
of English In the University of Man­ Point; and Mia, Reba Alford, of Sit-
ila. She Is believed to be a prisoner kwn; one brother, N. B. Spencer, of
In a concentration camp at Manila. Oakland. Calif., and 17 grandchildren.
—Western Wdrld.
Mining I .ocatten notice« rot -ale ••
Money to loan on good residential
this office.
Monday Night Ctnb
property; consult ma
me If you need as-
Mrs. Pauline Pettit entertained the I sistance In financing a loan, or rafl-
members of her bridge club
la^-nancg>g your old
loan—It may
ib la^tynanctoi,
—, —
Money. J.^. Barton, Realtor.
Monday night. Members i preaehtu'jou
< wera Maf'd3”1'* Edna Hartson, J. A.!
A Real Estate
Assortment of
the meet
t Tilgh-
tr and three
parted at this
h SJX wi .
0. E. S. Grand
Officers Honored
relating some of her experiences
She was asked if the stories of hard­
ship suffered at the hands of the
Japanese were true and gave it as
her opinion that they could all be
duplicated many times over. The
next meeting of the association will
be held at Myrtle Point, April 1».
Any minister residing in Coos county
is welcome, and urged to attend.
A good crowd at
ing Tuesday evening,
man waa back in the
evening" of games, the members sat Leslie won high soora. Guests were >1 Jack received his commission as
new members were
down to a moat attractive table, also Mesdames Walter Utxenberger, Jas. ‘ ensign the day before the wedding
carrying out the motif. The center- Brady, H, W, Pierce, U, E. McClary, and rated top man in a class of two
Keep in mind the all-county cara-
piece was a huge mound of new po-, Roy Boober, E. E. Leslie, and Ed Mc- hundred. He was one of three men
|van meeting to be held in Coquille
tatoes while at each plate were cute .Keown.
choeen to instruct at Bronson Field. March 28, with Marshfield as host.
place cards, centered with tiny repli- , x
-------------- *----------
The young couple will live for the
E Buchner gave a short talk on
cas of the same. Tiny shamrocks, “
time being at Pensacola,
“Triple Tee Tickets.” Mr. Tilghman
«reps paper, etc., completed tne en­
i» was lucky at drawing the door prize.
semble. Mrs. Myrtle Benham was
Dinner Honoring Fred
A short program of rmidings was en­
the lucky winner <4
pr|ze draw-,
And Henry Lorenz
joyed, those taking part being Mrs.
ing, a lovely plant.
1 A well attended mooting ot the
Fred Lorenz and Henry Lorenz Westbrook, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Schroe­
Present were: Mesdames Della Wil­
Roy Mothers* Club was held at the were honor guests at a pleasant din­ der, Mrs. Hatcher, Mrs. Dean, Mrs.
cox, Ethel Leach and Kern, Estelle
Tedcherage Tuesday evening, at ner party held Wednesday night. Roth, and Messrs. Snyder, Buchner
Dunn, riora
Flofa uonne,
Donne, Harriet scnaer,
Schaer, whk.h
Jennie Price. Birdie Skeels, Florabel
* ¿2! LZL
March *°’
the CoqulHe Hotel Fred and Tilghman.
All sang “God Bless America” at
Boober, Inez Chue, Myrtle Benham, a
which had been [^renz left yeiterday morning for
Ida Oerding d,*‘'nl,nu^ du*>< the winter. Sev-
he wU1 uke , the close. Pie and coffee were served
aS ¿Xtem.
..three months’ course, preparatory to by the committtee in charge. jSalad
and the hostess.
R °yed *“ d*,en“ work and can MI receiving a commission a. captain in and crackers are to be served at the
attend the day sessions
father, ’ H
Mr. ^rtha Cram brausht th. the U.
U' 8.
* Army. His
HU iather
*nry next meeting.—Press Cor.
Hr», neriha t-TOS arougnt the Lorenz, will return to business man-
Calling carda. 50 tor »1.00.
| ‘bl-ckout curtain." which the club agement from which he
quiet. Two lovely numbers were of­
fered which quite proved a complete
recovery for the artist.
Mrs. Chas. Stauff accompanied by
Inez Rover on the piano, led group
A book review was read by Mary
Virginia Morris, pinch hitting for
Lunelle Chapin, also on the subject
of "Keeping Fit." This was taken
from the national B, P. W. magazine.
During the social hour tempting sand­
wiches and coffee were served by
Mrs. Inez Chase and Mrs. Elrod
Mrs. Chase announced that at the
next meeting, on April 5, there will
be a forum discussion on, “How to
Check Inflation.’’
Several local
people will be asked to sit in on the
panel. All members of the club are
urged'to make an effort to attend the
meeting. ■
Two special guests on Monday eve­
ning were Mrs. Littler, county nurse.
..... Thbrwtay evening, Mrs. Max-
and Harriett Brenenstall, of Marsh- ¡ne Jeub, Grund Electa, and Miss
field. Members present were Doro­ Bess Maury, Grand Representative of
thy Bishop, Edith Walton, Mary
Rhode Island, were given a reception
by the officers and members of Beulah
Chapter, O. E. S., at the regular meet­
ing held in Masonic Hall There were
several visitors from Bandon and
Myrtle Point, including the Worthy
Matrons «f both chapters«
... a ,
An attractive degree, carrying out
St. Patrick’s day motif, WM tendered
the two honored members by officers
of the chapter following which they
were presented with lovly plants.
rollowing the meeting, a social hour
was enjoyed, after which refresh­
ments were served in the banquet h»l|
Old Photographs
The tables, forming a V, were at­
tractively decorated. Birthday cakes,
honoring those whose natal days were
in January, February »nd March,
were served.
Coos County Ministerial Associa­
tion met this week in Coquille at the
Pioneer Methodist church.
sentatives from the various parts of
the county were present. A most in­
teresting program was conducted
Rev. Mr. Lindsay, evangelist, con­
ducting services at Myrtle Point, con­
ducted the devotional hour in the (
Rev. Gilbert Newland
spoke on the subject “The Church
and Peace,’’ and Miss Hill, a mis­
sionary of the Baptist church, re­
cently5 returned from China, spoke
Lamb, Jana WIIHsm* Ed. W. Lorenz, i
Bert Folsom, J. L,
W Vf
Pierce and Lloyd Rosa.
>h* Wott*r
at the sheriffs office the past week
WM booked March 12 and was
^*L,Or . "Y7UJ,?On
board as to his status, he not having
*"y “ *cUv* ■*rvice certification
Grade III War Tires.
We have
ypg, it is trug, there is a safe harm­
less mrdlcsted liquid called Rleerex
that win
130 « w ®ÍS lwb
wall finish.
Pimply face orie night and surprised
the|r friend* the next day with »
(lompteriim. There Is no risk
i,rMt •ppll('»Uon must convince
you |et your money back Join
the happy Kleerex users who are n®
longer embarrassed with unsightly
pimples. For sate by Barrow Drug.
Coquille, Ore,
S herwin W illi a
P aints