The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 18, 1943, Image 1

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NO. 9.
New Point Rationing
Chairman J. A. Berg
More Names Of
Boys In Service
J. A. Berg Is To Be
City Attorney
For The Duration
Does Not Agree
With County Court
Mrs. Thos. Dungey To
Be Buried Saturday
Exams To Be Held
For 17-Year Old
Officer Candidates \
Last week the Sentinel printed the
Pat Geaney who was tne Coquille
Funeral services will be held Sat­
name of D. E. McCune as one of the
valley rancher quoted in the BenUnei urday, March 20, at the Gano Fun­
men from Coquille and vicinity who
last week, is still much perturbed be­ eral Home, at 2:00 p. m., for Mrs.
was in the U. 8. service now. The
cause the cannery at the county farm Thomas Dungey, who passed away at
“Simplicity is the keynote of the name was furnished the Sentinel by
Fire Chief Snyder told the
is not to be operated this year. As to the Oregon State Hospital at Salem
On April second, at 8:00 a. m. an
new meats and fate rationing pro­ Ray Morley, Legion post adjutant council, at the regular monthly
the help problem, it is no doubt cor­ Tuesday night. Interment will be examination will be given at the Co­
gram just announced by the Office of here who has contributed most of the sion of that body Monday evening, rect that most of the wAmen in Co­ in the Odd Fellows cqpetery.
quiUe High School by Principal Clar­
Price Administration,” said J. Arthur names already printed.
that he hoped the department would quille would be willing to spend a
Mrs. Dungey was born Elizabeth ence Osika for individuals who would
Berg, chairman of the Coquille War
Last Friday Don MeCune, in the get the old Sitka mill burned this day or two in the cannery this sum- Tann in England 83 years ago, and like to take the Army and Navy Col­
Price and Ration Board.
office at the Smith plant called to coining Sunday.
mef, helping save the surplus from came to the United States many years lege Training Teste (V12 and A$2)
Housewives will have no diffi- say he didn't want to sail under false
J. Arthur Berg, an ex-mayor of Co- Victory Gardens, by canning iL Pat later. She was married to Mr. Dun- for selection of Officer candidates.
Hl I M.i rvm a.ta. aiiiU«. Wijg,
UM M'M atea ww y aiaa niilil that, ilig ¡ wjiwel M
gey in Jackson county, Oregon, in Any individual who takes the test
lfti anä lhey cäme To Coquilfe Tn
and the appoint­ the same help problem, and he
War 1 and is not in the present by Mayor
Book Two when the new pubgram conflict, or for it. The ment was confirmed by the council. not agree with the county (court’s 1817.
lions. No others will be permitted to
goes into effect on March 29.”
_______ „ that
......... because there is „
name given Mr. Morley may have The appointment, whieh Mr. Berg statement
Besides her husband she is survived take it.
Although the ration list includes a been spelled differently, but just who did not wish to accept permanently, large a stock of canned goods, already by two sons, Alton F. Dungey, of ' Qualifications:
Wide variety of foods, including all the D. E. McCune listed is has not was to be in effect during the ab- on hand that it is not necessary to Coquille; Lester 11. Dungey, of Sca-
(a) High School and preparatory
meats and many cheeses, as well Ms been made clear.
sence of City Attorney Tallant Gres- can any more this year, for with the poose, Ore. A daughter, Mrs.Eunice school graduates who will have at­
shortenings and salad oil, butter and
Other names added to last week’s nough who expects to be called for ,armed forces taking so large a propor- Garrett, died at Klamath Falls seven tained their 17th and not their 20th
margarine, canned fish, and many 432 include those of:
military service on April 6. His ap­ tian of this year’s pack of fruit and years ago. Surviving step children birthdays by July 1, 1943, regardless
other Items, from the point of view
Byron Davis
plication for leave of absence was vegetables the amount of this kind are: Frank Dungey and Mrs. Ada Mc­ of whether they are presently attend­
of the housewife who does the shop­
couched in a poetic vein and it was of canned food available for civilian Clellan, of CoquiUe, and Mrs. Archie ing college.
Merle Davis
ping, it will really be a simple matter.
granted. The city attorney said he consumption may be so curtailed that Woolard, of Eureka, Calif.
Car) Holmstrom
(b) High School and preparatory
• “All these foods will be rationed
signed the following application, that the United States will, as Herbert
Orville Roady
school seniors who will be graduated
with a single set of stamps,” Mr. Berg
leaving the impression that Mrs. Hoover says, go hungry next winter. I
Arnold Wade Rice
by July 1, 1943, provided they will
oj>ointed out, “and the busy housewife
Greenough had written it:
Gerald I, Pettengill
have attained their 17th and not their
will have to consult only one table
Harold Leo Young
20th birthdays by this time.
of point values to find out how many
Russell E. Young
Hon. Mayor and Common Council
(c) Students who will have attained
ration pointe any of these foods will
Delbert James
of the City of Coquille:
their 17th and not their 20th birth­
Philip Reed
From Ordinances, Resolutions, Rates
days by July 1, 1943, who do not hold
•This latest program requires no
Svend Johansen
and Budgets,
certificates of graduation from a sec­
Leonard W. Rice, of the Farm Se- I that David B. Biegger, Coquille furni­
registration of any kind,” added Mr.
Harold Norris
Il must leave and go wrestle with
' curity Administration here, an- ture merchant, has begun his recruit ondary school but who are now con­
Berg. “War Ration Books Two are
Richard G. Cornelius
Uncle Sam’s muskets.
“This future Blue­ tinuing their education in an accredit­
This brings the total to 445. Ara ' [ Instead of fighting over dogs and es
as ­ noun.ts that definite plans have been training there.
already distributed, and when the
jacket,” the item says, “will be in­ ed college or university.
program goes into effect, housewives thete more not yet listed? Let us
Furthermore, to be eligible for se­
calves all day next Wednesday, March structed in W»' fundamentals of sea­
will already have had a full month’s have their names.
My job will now be to subdue Jap
manship as Well as undergo a thor­ lection, you must:
experience in the use of their point­
Aggress menta.
ough physical training program which I (a) Be a male citixen of the United
U March 25.
ration books in buying processed
If the City sees fit to allow leave of 1 j The receiving ebnter. which is the will make him Into a seasoned sailor, States.
foods. Neither will consumers be
(b) Be morally and physically qual­
Told Coos Seed Ihc. warehouse, to- ready to join the hardest hitting Navy
asked to report any stocks of foods
I will trade in my salary for Soldier | icated at the end of South Hall street
in the world. On graduation, he will ified for thia program, including a
they may have on hand.”
Boy’s pittance,
minimum uncorrected visual acuity of
In Coquille, will be open to reoelve be given an opportunity to qualify for
One of the tew differences between
18/20 in each eye.
Oregon's new “safety responsibil­ And not come back for six months
calves from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 one of the many Service. Schools
the use of the blue and red stamps
and duration.
(c) Be unmarried, and agree to
ity” bill, passed by the recent leg­
on Wednesday. March 24, and
In War Ration Book Twa is the order
remain unmarried until commission­
islature, has been signed by Gov. While everyone else gets the tax and
8:00 a. m. until 12:00 noon on sonnel where he may receive addi­
in which stamps wM be declared
Snell andlx-comes an effective law on
tional training in a specialized field, ed, unless sooner released by the Navy
As I rattle along in an old Army
or Army Department.
June 10.
that all salves be delivered by noon ar be assigned to one of the units
When rationing begins on March
(d) Evidence potential ufficer qual-
Under its provisions any driver in­
of the fleet for action against tta*
29, the f iW set of stamps, marked A
ificationa. Including appearance and
volved in an accident which results I'll think of the Council still bussing, •an be completed that afternoon.
worth 18
the buck,
scholarship records.
in injury or death or property dam­
It is a part of the Dairy Conserva­
Men now enlisted in any branch of
age, within ten days must present But when we have ended Herr Hit|er’s tion program and it is requested that
the armed services, including V-l,
proof at his financial responsibility
V-5, V-7 reserves on inactive status,
in the amount of at least $11,000, or I will come back again and Ite an in any way, will attempt to secure
be validated.
are net eligible to take thia test.
his driver's license and car registra-
The examination starts promptly g:
„ ,f yXhin.r‘nt'm" "OW Wh“‘ ’ '
" n.m
9:00 A rn. :.nd will taai Wo hours.
proximate number of calves which
Immediately if his insurance policy I'll pock my junk and first go the ranchers und dairymen are plan­ last Friday evening, with wings. That Late individuals will not be admitted
Another difference in the use of
is, he had been accepted for the V5 j to the test. Obtain your admission
ning on selling to the government un­
the red stamps is that it permits re-
Nava) Aviation Reserve, but with no i blanks from C. S. Osika.
Respectfully submitted,
The act applies whether or not the
der the Dairy Animal Conservation
tailera to make “Change” in ration
Tailant Greenough, City Attorney
definite Information when he will be blanks must be signed by your high
driver was at TAilt, exception being
stamps when a customer finds it im­
called. He was told, however, that school principal.
allowed only in the case of a car
possible to give the exact amount
he would go to the flying school at
The application of E. L. Perrott &
legally parked at the time at the ac­
of valid red stamps when making a
St. Mary’s College.
cident. After two years, if the driver Son for permission to repair the floor
purchase. Only one-point red stamps
Two other high school boys—Bob
paid no damages and no suit was of the building where the bowling
of any series currently valid may be
Kline and Jack McCracken — are
brought against him, he woujd be alley is located, with floor joists and
used for this purpose.
working to get their papers in shape
permitted to drive and own a car a new floor, having been approved
During the week of April 4 to 10,
E. T. Stelle, Coquille Red Craas to enlist in the Reserve which is only
by the bufldirtg inspector and fire
Writing to renew their subscription
for example, storekeepers may give
chief, the council granted permission chairman, reports thia morning that open to boys of 17 years, and Clarence to the Sentinel, Mrs. W. V. Glaisyer
(Continued on page three)
funds on hand from this month’s drive Osika says that the young men ac­ writes from their home in Redmond:
to make the repairs.
M. F. Pettit called attention to the now total $1900 and that with the cepted are sent home to complete their 1
altogether too frequent practice of $44» to $500 Which will come from high school education.
We enjoyed a visit with Allington
breaking bottles on the street, and the Arago and surrounding territory,
last week. He is now Captain Roland
said there was also plate glass from as well as other expected contribu­
A. Glaisyer of the U. S. Army and
As far as electric lights could do
windshields which are a threat to all tions, that he can see $2500 practical­
is stationed at Chicago.
it, Coes county was completely’black­
The police have been on the ly assured. But that amount will
Betty and Forrest have been at
Miss Margaret Paulson, formerly of
watch for bottle breakers but have still leave the Coquille district $500
City, Iowa. Captain Kerby is
Coquille where she graduated from night Sunday.
been unable to catch the miscreants short of meeting its quota.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Watson are in the Air Corps. We expect Betty
high school and lived for many yean,
so far.
moving to Florence Ore., this week. home soon for the duration.
was united in marriage last Friday curious, or hungry, er [>erliaps just
A resolution was adopted authoriz­
Dorothy is in the Educational or
Mr. Watson has been transferred from
at the home of a friend in Hollywood, venturesome. At any rate he got up ing the city treasurer's intention to
Swift and 0a to the Cushman Cheese Training Department at Meier and
where she has made her home for
redeem $10,000 worth of water fund
Plant to act as foreman. Mrs. Watson Frank's in Portland.
some years, to Mr. John Philip Cahn, and-the switches managed to make a bonds which have not yet reached
Dr. Glaisyer is improving slowly
has been clerk for Farm Securities in
a business man in Stockton, Calif.,
maturity. A notice to that effect ap­
can walk a little with our help.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gould were com­
where they will make their home. the damage could be corrected. Noth­ pears elsewhere in this issue and the
months. She and her small daughter, We hope he will be able to go to
Her sister here, Mn. Ouy Mauney.G
bonds will be redeemed on May 1.
group of their friends took posses­ Louise, will leave for Florence next CoquHtt^or a real visit before the
says that they expect to be in Co­ portions of his two hind legs.
A city-owned lot on North Coulter
sion of their home, bringing with Saturday where they will live for year is over.
quille soon for a visit
street was sold to J. A. Hanqon, his
Please give our best regards to our
them aU the requirements for a tempt, the present. Mr. Watson has been
Margaret was one of a group of Co­
offer being $25 down and $25 a year
with the Swift plant here for the past friends in Coquille.
quille girls, some yean ago who called
for three years. The deferred pay- ’
was., spent visiting. The group was year and a half. Mrs. Dora Horn,
themselves the Pirates, and her mar-
ments will draw six per cejit.
■ inadeun'
up pf Messrs, and Meadames W, formerly with Western Mercantile
_ riage leaves but one of that group
M. Day Austin was given permis- » «.
R. R. Rosaerman, H„ Agency, will take Mrs. Watson’s place
Mil trans in Qnrino ctraot Sn
still not wedded—Mias Audrey Aasen,
County Treasurer Stauff on Tues­ sion to cut trees in Spring street, tn W. fierce, Roy Boober, Mrs. Leong in the F. S. A. office,
of Manhfield. who is so busy with
day remitted to tax levying bodies of the northeast comer of the city, Bryant, Mrs. Harold Gould and tWQ
her music that she has no time to
the county their shares of the tax where their shade keeps the sun from children and Clarence Osika,
The Geo. Oerding real estate agency
think of a mere man.
moneys paid in at the tax collection his garden lot.
this morning reports two deals com­
department which have been turned
pleted the past week. Loti .7 and 8
was present to ask the council if en­ Guild Dinner In Parish
over to him.
of Block 19, Elliott’s Addition, be­
House Last Evening
Of the $77,753.9« remitted, $47,-
The opening of spring dance will tween First and Second on Elliott
637.99 went to school districts, $17,- could not be made more effective. He
There were 80 tn attendance at the be given by the Coquille Junior street, and which were owned by Mr.
259.90 to cities, $9,980.94 to porta,
Guild six o’clock dinner in the Parish Woman's Club in the Community and Mrs. Geo. Steward, who live
who hang out at a Front street resort
Ernest Irvin Marang was taken be­ and $2.895.13 to drainage districte.
House last evening, the first to be held Building this coming Saturday eve­ near this city, were sold to J. H.
until one or two o’clock in the morn­
fore Justice Fred Bull last Friday
since ReV. R, L, Greene entered upon ning, March 20, with dancing between Brown, of Eugene. The purchaser is
ing. and whose parents admitted they
by the state police, charged with Mrs. Cora Mackey Elected
his duties as vicar of St. James' Epis­ I the hours of 9:30 and 12:30 to the the father of Waldo Brown, proprietor
could do nothing about it; the boys
“passing on a curve.” He paid $5.00 For 13th Time at Roy School
copal church, and It was a welcome music by Shady's Orchestra. Admis­ of the Industrial Repair Co., and a
paid no attention to parental demands.
of the $25 fine imposed and the
to himself and Mrs. Oreene. The la­ sion, Including tax, will be 55 cents portion of the purchase will be used
For the thirteenth successive year
Mayor Wood’s reply was that the
balance was suspended.
dies served an excellent repast which per person.
as a rear entrance to the machine
Mrs. Cora Mackey was elected by the police would co-operate in seeing that
Phil Aiborn contributed $2.00 to
all present enjoyed.
As the ladle« of the club say, “You shop plant. The three houses on the
directors this week to teach in the the youngteera got home earlier and
the justice court fees for permitting a
Binging and visiting was the pro­ will miss a good time if you fail to lots will be continued as rental prop­
Roy school. District No. 44. She was i asked Mr. Dunn to turn their names
minor to operate his car.
gram for the mat of the evening after attend this Spring Opening Dance.
given a salary boost to $1950 per over to Chief Jack Arnold, which he
Cart H. Fisher, picked up by the
the seven o’clock dinner. Short talks
The Floyd E. Watson house and
year, all of which indicates that the said he would da
Coquille police for trespassing on city
by Elbert Schroeder, Mr. Oreene and
lot, at the north end of Henry street
board and patrons are well satisfied
-..private property, the right-of-way
■ -..-j
James' Kinsey. Mr. Kinsey is em­
only for the purpose of picking flow­
Evan Albom went up to Portland expires March 21.
ployed at the Smith Wood-Products
Home Nmlsi Class
Diego for the past eight months, last Friday evening hoping to bring
ers and was released without penalty.
Sugar—Coupon No. 12 (5 lbs.) valid plant, and they expect to occupy theft-
I Te Be Started
came in yesterday and left last eve­ •»ack with him Saturday many of the March 16. Must I; .st through the end
new home soon.
Mrs. W. E. Bossennan is chairman ning for his home in Eugene to await needed repair parte and Supplies for of May, or 11 weeks.
$<78.75 In Bonds Purchased In
of the new Home Nursing Class, ready
Coffee- Stamp No. 25 (1 lb.) ex­
the Washer Service Co. here. Mrs.
February By Coos Employees
Cold Nights The Past Week
to be organized to include twenty or board here. After being in the Navy Phil Aborn and daughter Evelyn ac­ pires March 21.
Voluntary purchases of Defense more members.
Below 32 Degrees
Anyone interested
companied him and expect to remain
Urea—Clan A. First inspection
Bonds by Coos county employees who in taking this course may register at discharged because of his chronic up there for several months, both of deadline March 31.
The theremometer has stood below
authorize the withholding of portions the County Health Office in the court sinus trouble.
them having been offered and ac­
Fuel oil —Period Four coupons ex­ freezing every morning this week,
of their salaries each month, totaled house or telephone Mrs. Bosse man at
cepted jobs in the shipyards at Van­ pire April 6 in tones C and D; April twice being 2® degrees and other
for February, $450 by the road de- | her home, 225J
Mrs. J. R. Bunch
Mrs. Walter Marr ion returned home couver.
12 in zone B; April 17 in zone A. mornings 30 or 31. The daily range
pertinent and $318.75 hv
by thp
t^e court
court and Mrs. Naimi High, retired nurses, the first of this week from a ten­
Period 5 coupons are now valid in ail has seldom been 25 degrees and one
hopae crew.
are ready to take charge of the class. der trip to Portland.
day was only
F.S.A. To Buy
Dave Biegger Is
At Farragut, Ida.
Nevf* Week
vaives nexr
lng A itation
at ,roni th* Navytrain
Idah0 uyi -
New State Law
Affects Drivers
Tom Martin To
Receive Wings
More Red Cross
Donations Needed
Margaret Paulson
Dr. Glaisyer Is
Slowly Improving
Rat Blacks Out
Coos County
The Floyd Watsons
Move To Florence
Married March 12
Friends Surprise
The Newlyweds
Taxes Sent To
Justice Court
Cases Here
Two Real Estate
Deals Reported
Dance Saturday
Night Opens Spring