The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 11, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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Circuit Court Coses
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Mrs. Althea Harrah spent the week­
end at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Lane, at Arago. Mrs.
Lane has been quite poorly thia
i Mrs. Carrie Benham spent Wednes­
day night and Thursday at the home
ot Walter Norris, visiting the Norris
family and Mrs. Nancy {iealy.
Lillie Johnson has rented her farm
to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fletcher, of
San Francisco, Calif.
Three Divorces Granted
J. A. Deadmond and Mrs. Clarence
Judge King granted three divorces
in circuit court here on Tuesday, to Deadmond visited Mrs. J. A. Dead­
the plaintiffs in the following cases: mond at Keizer Hospital. They took
Thelma Rahnasto vs. Aaron Rahn- Lillie Johnson with them. Mrs. Dead­
mond was removed from the hos­
Willard K- Churhchill vs. Gertrude pital to the home of her daughter,
1 Mrs. Juanita Heddon, in Marshfield.
T. Churchill.
A business meeting of the Sunday
Dorothy Barkdoll vs. Virgil Bark-
school was held Sunday evening. The
ordering of supplies was the main
Grade III War Tires.
We have topic of discussion, At church the
lots of them. Southwestern Motor congregation was favored with a solo
by Miss Ethel Fish, accompanying
Hom* Supply Store.
herself at the piano.
FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­
Mrs. Carrie Benham, who has been
vice on Milking Machines, Farm
March 12, commencing at 2:15 p. m.
Water Systems, Tractors and t-uw
It was announced that on March
23 and1 ¿4, Mias Sherlock, of Portland,
^iTny^rfot*—For Quick Service,
will hold a training school at the
small machines should be sent to
church for vacations! Bible school
our shop..
, s
and Sunday school workers. Everyone
interested in this work invited to at­
On March 26 at 2:15 p. m, an execu­
tive meeting of W. S. C. S. will be
held in the church parlors.
In attendance at Thursday’s meet­
ing were: Mesdames McCurdy, Pur-
vance, Ellis, Londy Peart, Chas.
Brown, Harriman, Ziegler, Way, Fu-
and Red Jackets. Let us explain
gelson, Richmond, Helen Peterson,
10:00 a. m. Holy Communion.
the certificate requirements neces­
Fern Peterson, Slater, Chowning,
2:00 p. m. St. James’ Guild.
sary to purchase a water pump.—
7:00 p. m. Confirmation instruction
Nelson, Skeels, Withnell, Esther Tay­
J. A. Lamb Company.
lor, Hettie Leslie, Eva Stevens, Min­ for High School group.
ard, Rogers, Boeaerman, Hultin, Oden Thursday:
7:30 p. m. Bishop's Committee
and Mrs. A. T. Morrison, of Bandon.
FOR RENT—Furnished 2—room •Pt
Bath, Hot and Cold Water. Laun­
dry privileges. Adults. No pets.
3S1 So. Henry St. Flora E. Dunne.
Tire Inspection
Courteous and Prompt
Inspection Station 6.1.3
Southwestern Motors
352 So. Hall St.
Sawmills Meeting
Increased Demand
"Jerstanding of the Word of God. You
and your children will be profited.
A class for every age._ Bessie Mar-
ney, Sunday school superintendent.
11.00—Morning worship, a warm
welcome and inspiring spiritual at­
mosphere; a message to help. Pastor
L. C. Persing speaks.
8:30—Christ Ambassadors meet. A
service where youth is inspired.
7:30—Evangelistic. Inspiring song
service where Christ’s power to save
is declared. Do you know Him? Pas­
tor L. C. Persing brings the message.
Monday—In North Bend Assembly
of God, 10:30, 3:30 and 7:30 services.
Tuesday— 7:30, Prayer meeting
i night.
Thursday—7:30 and 8:30 choir,
AUeen Wilson, director.
Friday—7:30, Bible study conduc­
ted by the pastor.
7:30 p. m. Litany and Instruction.
Townsend Club
California and the mid-west and,
FOR GARDEN WOIUC See G. L. mailed tn Nebraska. Mrs. Benham
t Millard, 408 So. Elliott St.
It*» has not heard from Harold for a
couple of weeks, so does not know
CARD TABLE—New Supply. Just
whether he is with the troop train or
arrived. Priced »2.5» and up—J.
was sent somewhere else.
A. Lamb Company. —
Relatives had more letters from
WANTED — Furnished House with Raymond Norris, somewhere in the
two bed rooms. Call 139R.
It's South Pacific. He says he is feeling
“swell” but doesn’t like the particu­
FOR RENT — Two room furnished lar port where he was at the time he
apartment. Lights and water fur­ wrote. He states he is being kept
nished. 143 N. Taylor St.
lt*s very busy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wheeler left
IF YOUR Milker needs overhauling,
Tuesday for Eugene on a business
bring it in now; otherwise it might
trip. They will stay at the home of
be impossible to get the work com­
Mrs. Wheeler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
pleted before the Heavy Milking
M. O. Edwards.
Season starts. \ J. A. Lamb Com­
Robert McMillion started work
' a Tuesday morning at the Kline Log- '
giqg camp. He lives in Powers.
The Fairview Mission Aid is hold-!
ing "Guest Day” March 17, at the
home of Mrs. Robert Holveratott, from
FOR RENT — Three-month, partly 1:00 to 3:30 p. m. All ladies in the
furnished cottage Three minutes’ valley are urged to attend.
walk from S. W. P.
See J. Ray will be a short program and refresh­
lt*s ments.
Graduates From Training
School At Gulfport, Miss.
Pvt. Lawrence J. Blum, formerly
of Coquille, has been graduated from
the big Army Air Forces Technical
Training Command School for air­
plane at Gulfport, Miss., and is ready
to take his place on the farflung ser­
vice lines of this global war wherever
the biggest American planes are
based, at home or abroad.
He has received a course of inten­
sive training to fit him for his im­
portant task in this war. His train­
ing has also fitted him impor­
tant job in peacetime aviation.
Before entering the service Private
Blum was employed at the Smith
Wood-Products plant here. He is a
son of Mrs. Lucy Blum, of this city.
Mrs. Bill Noah and daughter, Bon-
Feed Security Calf [nig, and Mrs. Lamb, a neighbor,
Ik, save money, raise called on Mrs. Noah's mother Satur-
FARR A ELWOOD. day. The Noahs live at Lakeside.
. . ,
Don Phillips and Lillie Johnson
37M,toM8MC^ii Wer* VaUey C,ner’ ‘Mt Wedn*d*y
_ . They called on Mrs. Clarence Dead- ,
garoen nose.
oet. mond and Mra Me|vin K
is «till available.. Jjchildren
io Details
P*”7_____________ f is quite ill in Coquille.
Mr. and Mrs. George Millard moved
Monday from the Ray Deadmond
home into Coquille. They have been
at the Deadmonds all winter help­
ing on the farm.
headquarters for seed, tools, fer­
tilizers, free information. FARR A
ply is limited.
Get yours today.
J. A. Lamb Company.
FREE MANURE for your Victory
Garden. Come and get it, one mile
down North Bank Road.
Phone 83
Night Phone 272X
Chevrolet — Buick
FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser-
vice—call 2-L.
J. A. I «mb Com-
—-—------ ~7~~7~——
BEE SUPPLIES—We stock bee
keepers supplies. FARR A EL-
Bag Limits
For Fishermen
Finishes Air
Training Course
Completing a 17-week course in
the upkeep and maintenance of B-24
Liberators, largest combat bombers
used today by the Army Air Forces,
Pvt. John H. Shull, of Coquille, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer N. Shull who
now live at Sutherlin, was graduated
as an airplane mechanic recently from
Keesler Field’s Army Air Forces
Technical Training Command in Mis-
i «issippi.
! Private Shull, who with other
members of his class will be ready for
e“rl> alignment to some tactical unit
oi the Army Alr yorceti successfully
compiete<j the 14 phases of the course. also ana me Dag limit is six sucn iisn u.
renance, structures, hydraulic sys­
tems, engines, fuel systems, electrical
systems, instruments, propellers and
aircraft inspection.
The latest phase of the course is an
eight-day training period in the open
and under simulated combat condi­
tions. The students must know how
to apply what they have learned in '
school, camouflage their planes, and
even provide their own shelter
against attack, as no' buildings stand I
in the training area.
Benham’s Transfer
Anywhere For Hire
a, 8AND and gra vel
Agents for Oregon-Nevada-Califoroia Fast Freight
Office Phon.
Farj, E,wood mdg