The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 11, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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fage seven
Independence Hall
Brick Program Mar 17
or more of its students regularly
purchasing stamps or bonds and
which is engaged fa other Schools at
War activities. Several schools in
On March 17, at 10:30 a. m-achool Coos county are eligible for such
children and alt others Interested may
have the opportunity to hear the pro­
All schools in Coos county which
gram in connection with the Liberty
Brick Presentation. At this time, are situated with fire hazards sur­
which incidentally is St Patrick’s rounding them are earnestly urged to
Day, Mrs. F. W. Blum, State Schools begin at once to burn trash.
When school began last fall it was
at War leader, will present to the
school children of Oregon by and during the time that the War De­
through our State Superintendent, partment had forbidden any fires to be
Rex Putnam, an original brick which started and therefore grave danger
was recently removed from Inde­ surrounded several schools in Coos
county. Some of this old rubbish la
pendence Hall.
This presentation will be made be­ still around the school houses and be­
fore an audience of approximately fore the dry season begins it should
8,000 school children at McArthur be eliminated. In order to build a
Court, on the campus of the Univer­ fire, it is necessary first to secure a
sity of Oregon, in Eugene. Partici­ permit through the Coos County Fire
pating in the program at that time Patrol in Marshfield, and second, the
will be the following high schools: burning cannot be carried on after
Springfield, Eugene, University High, Slightfall.
Federal Income
Tax Information
Under Two Flags
Events moved quickly at the iso­
lated past of Astoria 130 yean ago
Wilson Price Hunt was in charge of
Farmers, which include livestock the Astor company's affairs on the
raisers, fruit and truck growers, Columbia and, in his absence, Dun­
poultry raisers, and operators of plan­ can McDougall was in command. Tir­
tations and ranches, are liable for ing of single blessedness, McDougall
Federal income tax returns provided took as wife the comely daughter of
their income is sufficient to require Chief Concomly, the one-eyed chief
the filing of returns. Primarily, due of the Chinooks, and the old warrior
to the reduction in the credit for per­ was mighty proud of his white son-
sonal exemption, many fanners will in-law. To add to Astor’s worries,
be liable for returns and to the tax the War of 1812-14 brought more
for the first time for theyesur 1943. { grief. He outfitted the Enterprise to
Farmers may maintain their records ' sail with supplies for Astoria, and
and file their returns of income on {persuaded the I Government to send
State House, Salem, March II—By either the cash receipts and disburse- 1 the U. S. frigate Adorns as an escort,
the time you are reading this column ments basis or on the accrual basis As the ships were about to sail, the
of accounting. A consistent method Adams was assign *d to other du-
here’s hoping that the regular session
of the 42nd legislative asaembiy has must, however, be employed. If a'ties, and the Enterprise remained in
cash basis is used. Form 1040F, port.
adjourned sine die—but we have our .
i “Schedule on Farm Income and Ex- 1 One day, John George McTavish
doubts. As we told you last week, i
penses,” is required to be filled out I of the Nerthwesi Fur Co., paddled
’ the all-important state tax question '
- e n d nil M Uiy» II18 11 I f gJIBH to hav T n sums
filed in conjunction With Form ; down the Columbia bearing news that
Indications are that ♦>—— —di u- uujuw j
the program broadcast and with the
vefy few spring vacations in COos ! at their desks longer than the planned ilWj uil ill I Ul'lfFWE-te^nStamaUhAJlfatad-States and Ei^fr^ ware
possibility of a transcription for re­
in the case of fanners who report in- ’at war. Hunt was absent on a trad-
county, at least this is the informa- , date of adjournment, which was
lease on the evening of March 17.
come on the accrual
basis. A, farmer ing ventufe a| thif Ume
After the brick has been presented, tion which has at this date reached scheduled for last Saturday, March 8. who reports income on the cash re­
’s loyalty
_ (t will start On a, tour of the schools county school superintendent, Martha Try, as they did. to accomplish the
of the state. The liberty brick is one E. Mulkey. Several school districts impossible, the legislators are still at which no inventories to determine his attachment to Astor, so he sold
of 52 which were preserved for school had planned to have spring vacations, it. The senate has a tax idea of its profits are used) must include in
the Americans down the river, dis­
purposes when some of the original but have eliminated these because of own. The conference committee ap­ gross income for the taxable year (1) posing of the fort, lock, stock and bar­
bricks in Independence Hall were re­ the desire to have school close at an pointed by both houses which tried the amount of cash or the value of rel to the Northwest Company for
to iron out the differences of opinion
moved during a repair job recently. early date.
merchandise or other property re­ one-third of its value.
existing between house and senate on
One will go to each state, the District Sehooi Beard Elects
ceived during the taxable year from -On November 30, 1813, the British
of Columbia and to each of the ter­
the sale of livestock or produce which warship Raccoon, Capt. Black, ap­
ritories. After the brick has made boards to give notice in writing to agree. After working several days were raised, regardless of when peared in the harbor.
The young
its tour of the Oregon schools, it will
raised; (3) the profits from the sal* Americans were for nailing the Stars
be placed in the State Department of for the followinr year. If boards fail Portland just couldn’t agree with the of any livestock or other items which and btripes to the flag-pole, and old
to give a teacher notification of dis­ balance of the committee, and he
were purchased; and (3) gross income Cosieomly was for fighting it out
An effort is being made on the part missal prior to that time, he will be brought in a minority report. How­ from all other sources.
with the British. On McDougall’s re­
of the state and county authorities to deemed to have been elected at a sal­ ever, whichever way it goes, the peo-
Under the accrual basis in which fusal to fight, the old chief lamented
see how many stamp books can be
inventories are used to determine the fact that his daughter had mar­
finished and how many bonds can be However, in order to make this effec- ' tion in state income taxes than the the profits, farmers' gross profits are ried a “squaw.” Captain Black haul­
bought by school children between tive, the teacher must notify the board original house bill called for—namely, ascertained by adding to the inven­ ed down the American flag and hoist­
March 1 and March 17, inclusive. on or before April 1 of his acceptance 10 per cent. The senate plan recom­ tory value of livestock and produce ed the British colors for its brief
These will be reported by Mrs. Blum or rejection. From the information mended by Dean Walker and incor­ on hand at the end of the year the reigrt’over the Columbia. In August,
on the 18th. Several schools will at­ coming into the office of the county porated in the majority report would amount received from the aale of 1818, the American sloop-of-war On-
tempt to have programs on that day. school superintendent, it is evident give an average reduction of about livestock and produce, and miscel- taria, Captain James Biddle, arrived
The time for securing Battleship that there is a general trend to raise 40 per cent, starting NEXT YEAR laneous receipts of income during.,the on the Columbia and claimed pos­
Oregon souvenirs in Coos county has salaries of teachers, in Coos county The minority report by John Hall year, and deducting from this sum session in the name of the United
been extended until May 12.
So and elsewhere in the state. This has would give a 30 per cent reduction the inventory value of livestock and States. On October 1, the British
many children in the county are seemed to be necessary because of THIS YEAR in both income and ex­ produce on hand at the beginning of ship Blossom, Capt. Hickey, appeared.
now working with the thought of the tremendous shortatge of teachers. cise taxes and a like amount next the year and the cost of livestock and On board were John B. Prevost, rep­
year. The lawmakers think they will
securing one of these souvenirs.
produce purchased during the year. resenting the United States and James
Key» made for all lock». Stevens have this matter out of the way by
A Minute Man flag can be displayed
All livestock, whether purchased or Keith of th« Northwest Co.
tf Thursday, March fl, and then will be
at each school which has 90 per pent Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore.
raised, musT be included in inven­ proper ceremonies the British flag
in position to adjourn, but our guess
tory at their proper valuation. Live- was lowered and Old Glory again
is that they will go until Saturday,
stock acquired for draft, breeding. fluttered to its rigntful place in the
Maith 13. Many other important
or dairy purposes and not for sale. breezes of the Old Oregon Country.
bills are before both houses, which
may be included in the inventory in­
will take time.
However, if both
stead of being treated as capital as-
houses hold night sessions they may
sets subject to depreciation, provided
be able to wind pp all remaining busi-
such practice is consistently followed.
ness and quit March 11—and we hope
If farm produce is exchanged for
they do.
merthandise, groceries, or the like,
the martcetkalue of the articles're­
Myrtle Point
The prize battle of the session So ceived fa exchange is to be included
regardless of make.
far centered around the Burke forti in
tacóme. 'The value of farm
be repaired at
fied wine bill, which passed the house products which are produced by a
by the narrow margin of two votes farmer and consumed by his family
waiting for parte.
and just did survive the second spasm does not constitute taxable income.
when the house three days later voted Rents received fa crop shares are to
Small Electric Motors
to reconsider the vote by which the be returned as income as of the year
bill passed. On a tie vote, 30 to 30, in which the crop shares are reduced
the house refused to reconsider its to money or the equivalent of money.
action and the bill went to the gov­ Proceeds of insurance, such as hail
ernor, who signed the measure last and fire insurance on growing crops,
Saturday. However, the bill does not are required to be included in gross
go into effect until January, 1944. In ineome. «•
the meantime Rep. Earl Hill intro-
Amounts received as loans from the
ducted House Bill 398, which the Commodity Credit Corporation may,
house passed. The Hill bill would at the option of the taxpayer, be con­
practically do the same thing to for­ sidered as Income and included in
tified wines as The Burke bill, the gross income for the taxable year in
big difference being the Hill measure which received. The election once
would go into effect immediately, if made is binding for all subsequent
it passes the senate and is signed by years unless the Commissioner ap­
the governor.
However, Senator proves a change to a different method
Burke can’t see it that way and seems of accounting. Amounts receivd un­
to be doing his level best to kill the der the Soil Conservation and Do­
bill, which ia now before the senate. mestic Allotment Act, as amended,
Those who are temperance-minded the Price Adjustment Act of 1938,
around here just can’t figure out why section 303 of the Agricultural Ad­
the senate is so dead set against the justment Act, as amended, and the
Hill measure. They would like to Sugar Act of 1937 constitute taxable
see the sale of fortified wines further income to the recipients for Federal
regulated right NOW. They're not income tax purposes.
too keen about waiting until 1944.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their helpful kindness and iyn>
puthy during our recent bereavement
and for the beautiful flowers at the
services held for Chas. H. Dondono.
Mrs. C. H. Dondono and Family
W/f/iouf a ftaf/en
Come fa today far our
careful tire inspection. If this
•hows your tire should be
recapped, let us do it the
Goodyear way. All recap jobs
are not alike. Get a job you
can trust. Come here for
reliable recapping, done
with Goodyear materials
and by Goodyear methods
W b H bvb Itl
and Home Supply Store
liai isÁmfflca
fighling lor ?
no compromise..
When the lawmakers reconvened ter it adjourns for the day, legislators
last Monday, which in all probability ire attending the all-important com­
will be the last week of the session, mittee meetings, which take hours of
they were greeted with very heavy time, and that is the very place where
calendars in both houses. Many bills all legislation is either made or killed.
Scores of people interested in vari­
had been reported out by the commit­
tees, who labored hard and long over ous measurs, both for and against,
the week-end. From now on few, if appear before the committees and
any, measures will be reported out. talk on, and on, into the night, neces-
most all of the remaining bills will isitating many night meetings. Often
die a natural death, except the ap­ it’s' midnight before the lawmaker
propriation measures.
There is > can call it a day. Many, if not all, of
enough important legislation before { the legislators receive hundreds of
both houses to keep the lawmakers letters, telegrams and phone callls
more than busy until adjournment {from constituents during a session.
without considering anything else. These are answered, and it takes
Next week we will give you the total . hours of time. All in all, the law-
{maker earns his salary and he soon
number of house and senate bills in­
troduced during the session, the num­ learns that serving in the legislature
I is no bed of roses. I
ber that failed, passed, etc.
These precious rights were not easily
attained. They have been held by war,
work, and hardships, and America will
The lawmakers are showing the
strain of the long grind. Tempers are
Yes, it is true, there is a safe harm­
flaring up quite often and the boys
think nothing of indulging in pCrson- less medicated liquid called Kleerex
Freedom of the Press!
(One of the Euentialt of a Democracy)
One of the strongest guarantees of Amer*
lean freedom is a Free Preu. A dictator’s
first act is to enslave the Presa.
The Free Press, like freedom of epeech,
religious tolerance, property rights, and
their protection, and the free ballot, ia
a sacred American heritage that permit«
By Knox, of course ... and that tells the
jftmpiag r over «MteWA
The same tireless spirit of sacrifice, indi*
vidual initiative, courage and foresight
that built America's mighty industries
will not fail ia this great struggle for
Mountain States Power Co
had recessed during an evening ses­
sion, a few of the lawmakers took
time out to tell each other just what
they thought of their colleagues, in
no uncertain terms. Many folks think
that serving as a legislator is a snap.
People read that the house or senate
convented at 10 a. m. and adjourned
at 2:30 until the next day. The folk»
back home get the idea that the law­
maker* enjoy banker*» hours, but such
who followed simple directions
and applied Kleerex upon retiring
were amazingly surprised when they
'found their pimples has disappeared.
These users enthusiastically praise
Kleerex and claim they are no longer
embarrassed and are now happy with
i their clear complexions. Don’t take
our word for it, use Kleerex tonight. If
one application does not satisfy, you'
get your money back. There is no
risk so do not hesitate. For sale by
Barrow Drug Co.
8t9* ,
out in lasting satisfaction and style lines
you can be sure of. Either would be simply
Prices range from M.S5