The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 11, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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araned forces; (2) the deferment of
Entering for medical treatemnt
J adequate persona to mantain war pro­ were Robert Farmer, of Bridge, last
duction and other civilian activitas; Thursday; Jacqueline Norris, of Mc­
and (3) tin* maintenance so far—and Kinley, on Friday and dismissed Sun­
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood and son
us long as possible, the normal fam- day; Mrs. Vernon Scott, of Bandon,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Nosier re­
. ,ly relationship.
in Friday and dismissed Monday; Zed
turned Saturday night from a week’s came in Tuesday morning from Sfe-
Captain Walker also declared that Finley, in Friday for a day.
trip to Portland, where they visited attle for a few days’ visit with their I.
(Continued from Page One)
Î Oregon selective service officials
their son, Layton, and family. Lay- parents, Mr. and Mis. O. L, Wood and
Mrs. John Rhule, now .living in
ent and future, needs of food produc­
i recognised more than a year ago that Sutherlin, underwent a major opera­
ton, who has been with Montgomery- j Mrs. Edna Hartaon. They expect to
tion. The words “coordinated col­
agriculture is the state’s No. 1 tabor tion on Saturday, and Bonnie Water­
Ward there for several months, likes leave for home tomorrow morning,
laboration, continued and augmented”
his position and the work.
problem, and that the service con­ man, of Coquille, a tonailectomy the
he said expressed the desire of the
Alva Turner la now operating the
sistently has tried to keep the indus­ same day.
¡state agricultural advisory committee
try on pn even keel tr. deferring men
Mrs. Harry Hall, Jr., Bullards route,
Mrs. E. D. Webb is not certain just Quelle Cafe, she having taken it
to the United States employment
of draft age.
underwent an appendectomy on Mon­
how soon she can move to Gardiner, over when Fred Burgin left for
service for Oregon, and the USDA
where Mr. Webb recently purchased Portland a couple of weeks ago.
day, and Mrs. Helen Brugnoli, Co­
>wir boards, to continue in 1943 last
quille, a thyroid operation yesterday.
years “united front" attack on agri­
Marianne Axtell left last Friday
Dtamissals were Mrs. Floyd King
cultural labor supply problems by all
a trip to Condon. She returned
and baby on Saturday and Miss Alice
federal, state, local agencies and in­
Wednesday. The trip was made
Garroutte on Sunday.
dividuals who have responsibilites
and functons in food production.
The W. C. Laird« Have
I As for the “augmented” of the
Oregon Plan tor 1942, Prof. Briethaupt
A card received this week from
said that recent directors from the
W. C. Laird, who was in the furniture
‘ war manpower commission and the
business in Coquille a quarter of a
¡department of agriculture placed re­
ago, and who was over in the
sponsibility with the extension ser-
islands until a year or more ago, says
J vice for the following important pro-
that he and Mrs. Laird have settled in
jects: «”
The Past Noble Granda of Mamie
until thewar,^
! ( 1 ) The direction and complete mu-
Rebekah Lodge. No, 20. will meet uL
. ........... i hi ■imwswiimMuiiiar
West Fourth street, Friday, March........................... aU l<f“' ,at>or purees
took the position in County Clerk
Oddy’s office made vacant when
(2) That a program for the recruit­
Mrs, T. K. Foss resigned to take a
position in the Southwestern Motor
ment, development, supervision and
Mrs. Delbert James lias received utilization of non-farm women be
office here.
word from her husband, who joined undertaken; and '
the Army last Decern br and who is
(3) That other responsibilities for
stationed at Fort Custer in Michigan, recruiting and training be assigned to
11 • 12 - 13
that has been made a corporal.
the farm security administration.
Representatives from many of the
Marian spending a week agencies and other groups having in­
visiting at the home of Mrs. Mabel terest and contributions to make to­
Whereat. She arrived from her home ward harvesting all _Oregon crops
in Eugene last Sunday and will re­ during 1943 attended the farm plan­
main here until next Sunday.
ning meeting, including the AAA,
FSA, USES, state department of vo­
Mrs. Jas. Watson returned Monday cational education, public schools,
from Seattle where she had been for Extension Service, Selective Service,
processors, youth participation groups,
county agents and civilian defense.
D. L. Ream, assistant farm piace-
F. A. Shepurd, who has been in ' m<‘n> representative of the United
Misa Joy Norton returned Sunday Honolulu the past year with the U. S. States employment service, disclosed
from Forest Grove, where she went Army Engineers, paid hta sister, Mrs that his agency alone had recruited
last week to attend the wedding of Fred Schaer, a visit last Thursday and placed more than 100,000 farm
a sorority sister and to provide the Mr. Shepard was to report in San workers not including those who
Franctaco soon for transfer to some ! worked 1 in processing
*“■* plants, then * in
“ ­
piano fhusic for the ceremony.
troduced Fred Scherer ahd Frank
where in Africa.
¡Chase, Marshfield and Roseburg of­
fice managers of the federal employ-
1 ment service. Scherer lauded the
personal efforts of I Conard Ric*e,
local ruse! rehabilitation supervisor,
for the work he and hta agency had
, done in connection with bringing
. more than a score of “Arkies’ ’to the
1 region to work as dairy hands. Dur­
ing tits talk, Rice said that the pro­
ject for importing laborer» had been
conducted as an experiment but, as
Mrs. Loraine Rice Returns To
such, was progressing satisfactorily.
Coquille From New Mexico
Chase emphasized that the only way
Mrs. Loraine Rice returned Iasi I anyone
can benefit from the USES is
Sunday night from Hobba, New ' to place orders with the nearest local
Mexico, where she has been since last I branch office, of which thbre are 22
Minor .
Arthur Ferrie
Taken To Asylum
Arthur Ferrie was indicted by lite
grand jury last Thursday, charged
with the murder of his neighbor, Al
Berg, a couple of weeks ago, on
South Inlet. In cit£u«,t> court a plea
of not guilty was entered for him
by his attorney, and he was imme­
diately given a hearing as to his san­
ity before Judge King.
Three physicians—Dr. Evans, of
Salem; Dr. Dixon, of Portland, and
Dr. Rankin, of Coquille.—after ex­
amining him all pronounced Ferrie
as insane and Judge King ordered
him committed to the state hospital.
An attendant came down and took
him to Salem on Tuesday.
Robert Arnold^ also indicted by the
grand jury Thursday on the charge
of larceny of an auto, pleaded guilty
in circuit court Tuesday, He was
sentenced to three years in the pen
and was taken to Salem yesterday by
Sheriff Howell and Deputy Ed Peter-
March 12 - IS - 14
nuisible invadir
To Talk On Credit
In Total War
Thanksgiving with her hueband, strategically located thorughout the
Richard (Happy) Rice. Happy is in state. “Unless your local office mana­
the flying school training to be an ger knows your tabor needs, it is
interior police in the guard squadron. impososible for him to fill them” he
Loraine worked at the camp on Pos.t declared.
George Jenkins, Coos county agent,
Exchange and enjoyed the experience.
2__ 2 that
. l” survey of-some
She is ___________
enthusiastic __ about
conditions " ■ ___
a ~
at the camp and stated it is now easier 50 dairies disclosed nearly a 100 per
for bar to have her husband in the [ cent shortage of workera, and that
service since she has seen how he is ! prospective haying needs also will be
Children 11c
Adults 40c
and how he works. The field is on a critical because of the lack of labor­
big plain where one can see great I saving machinery which would com-
distances because of the clear air, and ■ pensate somewhat the dearth of work-
is very impressive, she said. The days I ers.
Increased production of farm
are sunny but cold and windy. Ohe > equipment, he said is heartening, but
morning her front and buck doors i it is doubtful whether much will be
were frozen »hut and had to be available before the 1944 crops are
pounded loose before she could get ready for planting and harvesting.
out of the house.
Captain T. D. Walker, personnel
and agricultural classification officer
for selective service, introduced a
1 Coos Climate Too Cool
hopeful note into the meeting by dis­
For One of Samoan Birth
closing that more than 4500 Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton left
men under 38- years of age already
Wednesday morning for San Fran­
have been reclassified for war pro­
cisco hfter a three weeks visit with
duction work, including agriculture,
relatives and friends. Mrs. Hamilton
adding that "the reclaaxificaton is
has a sister in San Francisco, wh m
still in process and the number grow­
they will visit for a wh'le. There are ing daily.**
quite a number of people who are
He outlined the functions of selec­
natives of the South Seas living in
San Francisco. Several years ago tive service as follows: (1) the pro­
the Stewart Hotel, located across vision of suffiicient men men for the
from the St. Francis Hotel, was a
sort of headquarters for people from
the Samoan Islands. Hamilton is not
returning to the Islands at this time,
but will look for a new contract in
| Mexico or South America, according
| to a statement by his moother. Mrs,
' Sue Aiken.
Feature No. 2
Good supply of men and women's
bicycles. Also electric toasters, elec­
tric shavers, auto accessories, etc.
knows Southwestern Motor Co. Car and
' is tn Co. Car and Home Supply Store. .
Buy your V-mail packets at
ir Tires.
We have
Southwestern Motor
Mmtne Location notices roi sale •'
this office.
Chadwick lodge No. *8
SO sheets—24 en- BOTH FOB
velopes in a sturdy gaga
compact portfolio ^|1.
which serves as its YW»
own writing desk,
Fuhrman s Pharmacy
Open every night until 8
WED. March 17 Bargain Night
Detective Fan, You’ll have a swell time with