I ■ » PAG« NINI Arago News that day. Mrs. John Steams, Mrs. Avon Wil­ Mr. and Mrs. Will Lane, at Ashland, cox and Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Persing. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Ry lander were arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of Coquille, were Friday visitors at ■Sunday callers on Mrs. Amelia Laf­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller. Frank Lane last Tuesday for a abort ferty. AL. and Mrs. Harold Fish were visit. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmidt and E. J. Myers has been ill and con­ Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Doward Strong and chil- Local representatives of the petr<, fined to his bed for over a week. Dr. Fish in Coquille. ’ dren were Sunday evening dinner leum industry today received copies Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Rankin, of Coquille, was called In to guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, of of a joint statement by Paul V. Mc­ see him last Tuesday. He is a little and Mrs. E. J. Myers were: Mr. and Fairview. Nutt, chairman of the War Manpower Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mr. and Mrs better at this time. Little Donald Peterson is sick this Commission, and Harold L. Ickes. Pe­ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers, of Myr­ Oliver Myers and Mr. and Mrs. John week, so is absent from school. troleum Administrator for War, urg­ tle Point, spent Tuesday evening vis­ Myers, ot Myrtle Point. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haughton vis­ ing men now engaged in the petrole­ Mrs. James Lewellen has gone to iting at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. E. ited Sunday afternoon with his sister, um industry to remain with their Florida to join her husband for a time J. Myers. Mrs. Mabie Barklow. present jobs, in order to serve the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tilghman, of Co­ Ladies Aid met Wednesday for an Mrs. J. H, McCloskey and her sis­ war interest. all-day meeting and the ladies spent quille, spent Sunday night in Arago. ter, Mrs. Z. C. Strang, were Monday The statement followed reports that | the time quilting. There was a pot­ Mias Lillaverle Myers returned to business callers in Marshfield. oil company employees In some in-j luck dinner at noon. In the afternoon Arago with them after visiting them Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmidt took stances had recently quit to go to in Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. Tilghman the ladies met in the church room and Mr. and Mrs. Doward Strong to visit work in shipyards and other war in­ held their monthly missionary meet­ were packing and moving some of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs, dustries, in the belief that the gov-J ings with Mrs. O. H. Aasen In charge, the furniture and getting the house Russell Smith, of Coquille, Monday ernment wanted them to do so. with the following program: Scripture ready for the new manager of the evening. This loss of manpower in the oil J reading, John 1<: 1 to 10, by Mrs. Arago Cheese factory who is to rent Mr. and Mrs. Z. C- Strang were industry was said by local represen- | Ward Evans; poem by Mrs. Stanley the house. week-end guests of Mr. and Mr*. J. tstives today to threaten impairment Mr. and Mrs. J. D: Carl were Sun­ H McCloskey. Halter, “God la,Like That;” prayer of vital war work in this and other, by Mrs. J. L. Burtis; Mrs. Werner day dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparks, now of Mobridge, areas. Plaep read an article written by a A. H. Bender in Myrtle Point. South Dakota, came in on the bus to The 1W Mrs. Melden MMgiHQi^MkiU^gdbeqn a prison- er of the Japanese nntaaanMdaSMfiM . E.‘ Cross of Coquille, rode down to Norway with A. R. Ben­ “Reports are being received iu H. Aasen read a report of the World to Marshfield Monday on business. nett, Staying all night with Lennis Mr. and Mrs. X L. Burtis spent Kork on the Amelia Nelson ranch. Mr., Washington from a few places to the Day of Prayer in different parts of the eountry; song, “Take the Name of last Monday evening visiting at the Sparks came to attend to business in­ effect that oil Company employees misunderstood the War Manpower Jesus with You.” There was a short home of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lundy In terest in this district ,• Commission's recent statement about Myrtle Point. business meeting at which time it Mr. and Mrs. Binger Laird, of Rose­ Andrew Smalley was taken to the burg, were Monday callers at the J. non-deferrable occupations. was voted to send »5.00 to the “Greek “The reports are that oil, natural Relief,” and »10:00 to the “Save a Mast hospital in Myrtle Point last H. McCloskey home. Child Federation.” Treasurer’s re­ week and is in a very serious condi­ _W. W. Deyoe, qf Myrtle Point lately gas and gasoline company employees engaged in vital and essential jobs in port was given by Mrs. Tyrrell Wood­ tion. purchased the former J. D. Mitchell Mrs. Gus Schroeder gave a birthday property on West Maple street. There that industry failed to report for work ward. Roll call was as follows:: Mes- dames O. H. Aasen, Robert Fish and party in honor of Miss Audrey are two buildings on the property. and instead were seeking employment Gene, Ward Evans, J. L. Burtis, Schroeder, whd was seven years old, Mr. Deyoe plans to remodel one of in munitions plants or some other Stanley Halter, Lizzie Lett, Tyrrell last Thursday. A lovely time was the buildings to live in and fix the kind of work which they thought was Woodward and Werner Plaep. The enjoyed by aU the children playing other up for a carpenter shop. A. R. listed as more essential by the War Manpower Commission. next meeting of the society will be in ------ games -J and the hostess served a nice Bennett is helping Mr. Deyoe with “Petroleum is regarded as one of luncheon of ice cream, cake and punch •.narge of Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward. this remodeling job. the moat essential of war industries During the meeting a discussion arose to the following guests: Mrs. Clarence Mrs. J, H. McCloskey is soliciting as to the whereabouts of the mission­ Mullins, Mary Ann and Jimmy; Mau­ the Norway district this week in the and has been so designated previously ary basket and no one has been able reen Evans, June and Junior Sim­ interest of the Red Cross and her first by the War Manpower Commission. “Oil and natural" gas are vital to to locate it. If anyone knows where mons, Ginger Schmidt, and Messrs. day’s work netted her a hundred and the war and it does not help to win it is will you please see that it is Ralph and Lloyd Fish, Clark and fifty dollars and sixty cents. the war for men who have long been brought to the store or to the church Tommy Griffith, Kenneth Sumer- A. R. Bennett took his wife as far trained and skilled in this industry to as the ladies wish to o^n Uie bank lin and Glenda Holycross. as Bridge last Friday morning to meet at the next meeting, if possible. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister were Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fish, who were leave their preeent joba. We wish to Friday afternoon, March U, the Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. driving to Roseburg that day on busi­ emphasize that while planes, tanka and ships fight the battle, they cannot Arago ladies will observe the “World and Mrs. Werner Plaep. ness. Mr. and Mrs. Fish returned the fight without oil to fuel them. The Day of Prayer” at ths Arago church Mr», Lizzie Lett, of Norway, visited same day but Mris Bennett remained at i p. m, There will be a short pro­ at the home of Mr, snd Mr». E. J. till Sunday in Roseburg, staying with production, refining, transportation and distribution of oil and gas are all gram with Mrs, Werner Plaep in Myers Wednesday afternoon. her mother, Mrs, Julia Leap.. necessary. , charge and with Mrs, Robert Fish Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe came in Mrs; Emma Hermann, of Broad­ “ Thfe same principle applies to other assisting. Everyone is cordially in­ from their lookout station near Scotts­ bent, waa an overnight visitor at the vited to attend. There will be an of­ burg last Friday ang visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. H, Mc­ essential industries and to the count­ loss services of civilian supply. Any fering taken. home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller, - Closkey, man who roads the limited lls[ of ac­ The regular monthly W. C. T. U. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Mfller and Mr. A baby shower was given at the tivities covered by the recent WMC will be held Wednesday afternoon at and Mrs. Harold Fish drove to Myrtle home of Mrs, Norman Halter last Fri­ Point last Friday Evening and visited day evening for Mrs Virgtt Halter, uf order will see that it is merely direct­ the church. ___ _ ___ u__. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sell, of-Port Or­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus i Coquille. She received many beauti- ed at things Which-either (a) can be done without for the duration of the filler andfamily. fftynily* ■ ford. visited at the home of Mr- and Milter fut gifts. There were eighteen pres­ Mrs. Frank Lane Sunday. ..Mrs. Sell J. D. Cartels the chainnap qt the ent. A luncheon of three colored war, or (b) can be performed by women, older or handicapped workers, will remain for • week’s visit with Red Cross for this district. Ha hag jello«, pookies and coffee was served or by unskilled workers. been busy the past few days with her parenter Mr». Love] Ziebertircame ih on the Mrs. Althea Harrah, of Fairview, this work. bug Monday evening from Yakima, spent the week-end visiting at the Miss Jean Watkins was a Friday Wash, She wgs an overnight guest home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. visitor at the Frank Burbank home. of her husband’» grandmother, Mr» Frank Lane. She also visited at the H. E. Watkins, who is enlisted in Marfha Jane Mulling, and son, Jim, home of Mr. and Mr«, »■ J- Myers the Navy, has been shipped out and of Norway. She took the stage Tues­ The increasing versatility of Saturday. is at present somewhere on the seas. day for Marshfield, where she went Mr, and Mrs. Nile Miller were Mrs. Watkins who has been visiting to visit her parent«, Mr, and Mr». troleum in the development of Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle him in California, will return home J. R. Schroeder, She plana to join her portant chemicals has led to the for­ Pauli and family in Myrtle Point Mr. soon, husband, Corp, Lovel Zlebarth, soon. mation of a new company as a sub­ and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis and Mias Pamela Evans spent Sunday He was lately transferred to Fort: sidiary of standard Oil of California. Alice, and Emmett Hammack, Mar­ night at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Al­ — “ Oklahoma, “7/ Sill, , | The new concern, the Oronite Harry Druiíner is doing some in-^Chemioal Company, opened Its doors vin, Jimmie and Shirley Ann were bert Lillie, also guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Pauli Rev. M. M^Stern, of the Brethren tenor painting in the Vem Lundy I March 1 with research, manufactur­ church in^jktle Point, conducted home this week, ing and marketing departments on i the west coast, and with sales repre­ the regular Sunday morning church sentation throughout the country. service, Sunday school followed with Oronite Will produce and market a an attendance of »5. There will be wide variety of industrial chemicals, services against pegt Sunday, preach­ Charles Gill j. , k was ; . rushed w 7 ' just now particularly useful for war ing at 10 a, m, and Sunday sohoo) at U hospital one day tats last wort, with purpo8eg but with the progpect 11 a. m, what every one thought were two equal importance in the postwar Mr, Mason, of the Coos Bay Mutual badly broken legs. However, It of Marshfield, has been hired as man­ proved upon examination to be two world. H. D. Collier, president of Standard ager of the Arago Co-op. He started badly bruised legs. He came home at California, is chairman of the work Monday morning. Saturday but is still quite stiff and board, and R. G. Smith is president. Mrs. Avan Wilcox and Willie were sore. “The chemistry of World War II,** Saturday callers at the Nile Miller Red Thorpe was able to return ’ said Mr. Collier in discussing the For better result» and increased home. home Friday evening from the hos­ profits, feed one of Trisngle The regular monthly school board pital, where h« had treatments for an new company, "is largely based on the Dairy Feeds ... ; Triangle Milk tynen“ by-products of petroleum, as the meeting was held Monday evening at attack of pneumonia. a He .................... is DacK ~ on chemUtry p{ War j WM Maker, Bar-Noae Dairy Feed. the school house. TriAngle Milk Ration and Albina the job now, on the by-products of coal. The list 1 Dairy Feed. Each is built from a The officers «f McKinley Grange carefully balance^ formula of Keys made for all l<*ks. Stevens have practiced the first and second ef products that ean be made from cereal graina, mineral» and con- petroleum Is almost unbelievable. It Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore- tf degrees, preparing to initiate a «roupi^ centratea for maximum milk includes plastics, synthetic silks, alco- , ... X'» «ur. -y '13 —■ "j. ** j production. of yqyng people Saturday night, , ammonia, formaldehyde and A traveling examiner of drivers March 11, Our McKinley Juvenile and chauffeurs will be at the Coquille Grange has a new matron. She is many other things of value to mod- iw msinm. « ern industry and modem living, city hall nFMt Tuesday, March 10, Mr», f Mrs, Lee uee Mast, Mrs. Elenore Lair Through ijboratory and manufaetur- I from pine until four o’clock, to re­ was recently elected end installed In jn< faclliUe, of standard of Call­ ceive applications of those desiring ie office of lady assistant steward. fornia we (w driven* licensee. It's cheaper to Mrs. Maat and other Juvenile officer. Bnvprnmpnt aBil fnr tha MlLLINti COMPANY | government and fw ths chemical R65 H litui pay for the license' to drive than it not installed are to have that honor trade op the Pacific coast many chem- is to pay a fine for not having one. Saturday night. Mar. 27. ___ may have great ieals which we trust UtUe Donald Hatfield waa operated ,lue’*^"overall w"ar effort’an’d on Monday for removal of tonsils. fa» domestic industry.4 The McKi