i Roper. I Minor . Mrs. Bernadean Wilson came down from Portland Monday to visit old friends in Coquille. She has been a guest at the A. H. Grimes and the P. W. Culver homes. •' Mia. L. W. Oddy went' up to Port­ land last Monday and is expected home today, accompanied by her daughter, grances—Mrs. Richard K. Sky les—who Will remain with her parents here for a time, Mr. Sky les having reported at Fort Lewis last Thursday for Army service. He en­ listed in the engineers corps some months ago and has just been called. Mrs. F. A- Pook returned last Fri day morning from a week's visit with hey two sisters in Portland. Fred R. Bull, chief observer at the Coquille station for reporting all planes passing over here, has been called to Roseburg by the Fourth In­ terceptor Command for a Civilian De­ fense meeting to be held there Sun­ day. . ..... i----------- --------. Margaret Smith Honored Wednesday Suit tor >10,000 for death of Old-fashioned Square Circuit Court Cases ! Mr. Morris when struck by a truck driven by défendant, last June. Dance Friday Evening Feb. 25 Douglas Building & Ix * ‘ I FLAMING ARROWS! FLAMING ORAMAI ■J FLAMING ’ ROMANCE! Salut» to th» Navy ... in the mightiest sea thriller since "Mutiny On the Bounty"! ¡f fi ! r >1.50 Value : $1.00 Camellia Cologne 50c Camellia Face Powder Both for 75c Cara Nome Min. Powder and Perfume 50c Mascal’a. Hand Lotion Large size.................................................... $1.00 Lavender Shaving Bowl - - v. 28c KLENZO FACIAL TISSUES 500 Count - - - - - • „ $2.00 Dorothy Gray BLUSTERY LOTION - . - - - $2.25 Dorothy Gray DRY SKIN CREAM - $2.00 Dorothy Gray EYE EMOLLIENT .... $1.00 Langlois Dry Skin Soap 4 cakes ...... A ■ B - D A G VITAMIN CAPS Package of 30 Wondt r Package of STATIONERY 7!i Sheets, 75 Envelopes } «K Jïj ♦: «j 1 Glorioutly Tognthur in ■■ by for actwn FEATURE NO. TWO Donald Duck Cartoon Donald’s Gold Mine’* LATEST NEWS EVENTS A man in thè dark ... a wonian in love ... fighting invader» in their very home! 'Ï^M- w IT, ^««ARNOLO^ t ’C i JI i «"• HARDING Visit your Rexall Store Regularly We’re Never Just Out. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Open every night until 8:00 WITH MATINEE SATURDAY 1:45 THE DOG WILL POSITIVELY AMAZE YOU' HE DESERVES THE ACADEMY AWARD FOR HIS HUMAN PERFORMANCE!