PAGE »ft METAL HQSE REEI^, »2.29 Sup­ ply is limited. Get yours today. J. A. Lamb Company. • CLASSIFIED --------------- ■ Myrtle-Lined Hi way Coquille To Myrtle Point Suggested f Next, is the plan feasible and practi­ cable? Can a community be welded into a cohesive unit hi such a way I Ona Cent a Werd Each laoertiee i that this plan can be made a reality? I St Jam-’ Epbeepd Church Ne Adv. laa» than 2* cents FOR SALE. 1934 Plymouth Sedan, in ■ Both cities have Chambers of Com- ' good shape mechanically, and good Charles Goodwin Brown. Owwr ef 3rd and Elite« Sts. 1'OR RENT—Two 3-room Furnished I , meree, Service Clubs and, I believe,■ rubber 6150. M. G. Sumeriin, The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar ____ _______________________ ______ 9:45 — Sunday school hour. “ Study Apartments and One unfurnished. [ Roadside Councils and Garden Clubs. ' (Continued from Page One) Lee-Gravel Ford road. • - lt*s [Further, «how thyself approved unto God." Mrs. Geo H. Chaney, phone 52L. ' Further, I believe you have a County (to } io your community and the state i Recreational Committee.____________ ! 11:00—Sunday morning worship 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. It» FOR SALE—IK head of Grade Jersey a whole never came to me so vividly I feel that these organizations will hour. Helpful, steadying, inspiring, Heifers, two and three years old 9:45 a. m. Church School. . as it did last wwk when 1 drove WANTED — Water wells to drill. be favorable to the foregoing plan.; 7:00—Youth Fellowship group. A 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion with Some are fresh now. Will sell the from Coquille to Roseburg via Myr- Have new and up-to-date equip­ Through these org- nations I feel change of hour in this group will be Sermon. band or by head. Jim McAdams, jtts Point on my way to Salem. Is ment and heavy pipe where needed , Langlois. Ore. Ranch in Coos Co. ; the highway noted. Weshsesday: Myrtle Point conscious of its myrtle the farmers living c. Fred C. Lee, Route I, Marshfield, I 8:00—Sunday evening worship hour. 2:00 p. m. St. James’ Guild will between the cities Co> Id be brought 6t2*s. value? There isn’t another such set­ 30t4»tf | One half hour later than usual. meet in the Parish Hall. ting in the Nation. It isn’t my thought into the general movement. The land WANTED — Small garden Hand Trac ­ CHOICE ITALIAN PRUNES-Fat^ 7:30 Wednesday evening choir re­ 7:00 p. m. Confirmation Class for would be theirs, the use of it would tor. Prefer last year’s model. See to buy three hundred strips either hearsal iiour. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, high school boys and girls. This ts not be changed, all we want from them { dried from Ripened Fruit. Abeo- i ! or write John Domath. Nature­ side of the highway between Coquille 'would be the protection of the trees, director. the first of nine consecutive Wednes­ lutely clean. 10c lb. F. O. B. Rose- , land Cottages, Bandon, Ore. Its and Myrtle Point where the land is „ 7:30—Thursday evening bible study day night meetings. under cultivation or. in pasturage AB IYou have ’°nwthln* thal conUina burg. G. A. Lindbloom. 4t4* ! hour. Using a new method of bible BRING Your Tire Troubles to Thorn­ such lands should remain in private greater values than metals that glit­ VICTORY GARDENER8I We are' 7:30 p. m. Confirmation Class for ton’», the most completely equipped uwnerahip because It is through these ter, stones that sparkle. The spiritual study. It is unusually helpful. headquarters for seed, fertilizer, | Putting off until later will never adults. shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ lands that you derivb your tax moneys aide abides in us all. A side that is tools, information. Farr & Elwood.; perienced workmen. Best quality help build a church, or build into our for the upkeep of your county. The being trampled by mankind through­ lives the things of real values. out a maddened world. Destruction PAINT—'We carry a complete stock ' _________________ materials and equipment used. All people who own these lands should or God quality paint. FARR A El.- work fully guaranteed. Thornton be brought into a community co- on all sides. Why not something con- 1 Emanuel Baptist Chunk t Tire Service. 23tf» operative movement wherein these atructive like the foregoing to fresh­ Menno D. Rempel, Minister myrtle tracts would be protected by en one's being after laying down the I 1 USED H otm Disk Harrow For Rate. PAINTING and Paper Hanging, ex I morning paper*” them. A form of a Sunday, March 7, IMS tree teaae could 9:45—Greater than the need of any Good condition. J. A. Lamb i terior and interior decorating —no A 'community drive in the promo­ 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. The other knowledge is a thorough un­ shortage of material. Terms If de­ be given to the state whereby the tion of thi» proposed project could be trees would be eared tor by the state, j .... ..... . FOR RENT—2 Rooms, furnished, up­ sired Harbert E. Wood, phone If »ueli a thing could be bnmght “u«,Uoned a‘ thl? P“rticula''An , Home Church and School are insep­ derstanding of the Word of God. You arable strongholds of Democracy. stairs, for light housekeeping. First, 288, Coquille 276 North Henry about. I would have a man, or men, al‘-°u‘ war e,,ourt?yu o ' 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship ser­ and your children will be profited. house across bridge on highway to A class for every age. Bessie Mgr- Stfs i on the ground the next day, trimming, ,e8oUJcea *8^aa>cedi b2t,‘ ,Na.Uo” • vice. Sermon topic: "The Eternal Bandon. , lt*s ney, Sunday school superintendent. I planting, caring for the Mme. »ill and Stote Diversional objecta tend : Atonement." Lord’s Supper Obser­ IF YOUR Milker needs overhauling, 11:00—Morning worship, a warni matt«r Jn hand vance. FOR RENT — Furnished Duplex I bring it in now'; othe. wisa it might areas, ground not adaptable to farm- * welcome and inspiring spiritual at­ Apartment, oil circulator, gas range, 6:30 p. m. Young People’s meetings. mosphere; a message to help. Pastur be impossible to get the work com­ ing but suitable to myrtle ptanting. F^ever, both Nation and States are would acquire. Somewhere between P lann * n * ut y* “ tir "* f° r Poaiwar Pyo- A1 | ages are welcome. private bath, quiet residential sec­ pleted before tiie Heavy Milling ma ‘ 4 th (kin »v«ir>*4lA Way,id< vlrmmlztA ; L. C. Persing speaks. toe“iwo"dtiM, I w^Sd Mto^tTtrZt Could n<> ‘B myrtle tion. See B. W. Dunn, 558 N. Coul- 1 Season starts. 7:38 p. m. Evangelistic Service. J. A. Lamb Com- 8:30—Christ Ambassadors meet. A which would be adaptable for the have tht consideration of a small ter. Phone 198L. s Sermon topic: "The Hands of God." service where youth is inspired. making of a state myrtle park I committee of citizens presenting the Thursday (tonight) Prayer and 7:30—Evangelistic. Inspiring son« WILL DO Family Washing and Iron- > lo OR AND TABLE Lamps __ , A —New , would prefer a young tract that could , in*"»“*1 communities in formulat- I------ monthly business meeting, service where Christ's power to save ing at my home at 469 No. Beach. f ~ stock Just arrived- J. A, Lamb lfae moulde<1 into a ghow p|ace W|th ing a plan of procedure of cooperation is declared. Do you know Him? Pas- Coquille. Phone 187ft. lt*s consider time boundaries. Company. * lhe myrtle waysin a,,d maln- East 4tn and Coulter Sta. Monday—In North Bend Assembly tenance? vice—call 2-L. j A UmbCom- tlvator. Priced for Quick Sale. e' en Oregonians would talk about, ( *"*"''* of God, 10:30, 2:30 and 7:30 services. Liston Parrish, Pastor ** [ A world today disseminates nothing Pan/.__________ ' _________ j. A. Lamb Company. ’ i ai°t»e the rest at Uie world- Tuesday — 7:30, Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30, Bible Study and but destruction for man’s mind to The nucleus, the foundation, the WATER WELL DRILLING — Phone 1 FOR SALE—3-room houae with hot ponder. There must be a counterac- Prayer meeting. We study Acts 27 night. body—THE TREES—we now have, Thursday—7:30 and 8:30 choir. J. H. Thomas, 28F23, Oakland.’ and. cold water, at 550 W. Fifth, tlve thought of something jjonstruc- this week. Aileen Wilson, director. Bible school 9:45, T. Ralph Harry, Oregnn Mf Now is the time to order your HF» which is necessary for proper full fifty by one hundred foot lot. Friday—7:30, Bible study conduc­ God's word will give you L. A. grave marker for your laved one if balancing. Surely this myrtle way- Supt. 8750.00 cash. FREE — If Excess acid causes you »<*»•*« terma terms or <>. v»..., ted by the pastor. strength to meet life. you desire it for Memorial day. See •*<»* < ’ «"*•* creative action of the Stfs pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges- f McCue at above address Morning worship 11:00 o'clock. John S Sanders Phone 123L -841 M»keir wbich compotes our own be- tion. Heartburn, Belching, Bloat- ; WANTED " ........ Buy ' To — Late Model ( West 6th. 6tfi *“••* What other Shrine is there to Special music. Lord's Supper. The Church of God ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free 1 Trucks, Piekups and Cars. See'_________________________________ ■ '........ look to for tomorrow ’s better world? pastor will bring the fifth in the series tomorrow's sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug Corner of Henry A Seventh Sta. Archie Bushnell at Southwestern CARD TABLE—New Supply. Just' You have something so big in your [ on the Lord’s Prayer, “God, the Great Pastor, A. L. Perry I Company. 6tl5* < | Motors, Coquille. Meaaagt 14 A Miotesen . OrrtriI s I smr *• Itfs arrived. Priced 82.5» »nd up—J, midst that you cant’ see it. Awaken Provider." Sunday School, 10 a. m. Young Peoples C. E., 6:30. A. Iamb Company • to your opportunity and complete a FOR SALE-“Farmers’ Bergalna” .... Preaching service 11 a. m. „___ r-i ______ ■ HOMES FOR SALE T7T7 I tri-color of Cheese, Breeze and Rocre- Evening service 7:30. We will con­ Oil brooders — Horses — Chickens , for SALE—Chevrolet Truck, 8300 Young People’s meeting, 8:45 p. m. tinue our study of the New Testament —Sewing Machine. — H HP direct Chaney Main Home 87500 Benham Tran.f.r re _ ­ i tition! Preaching service 7:30 p. m. » _____ current motor — Used milk cans. Chaney Cottages and Apartment 6500 | B*” am Transfer. CT ­ 8Ua * church, ‘ ‘, “The Founding of the All are invited to attend. It your REE FARR & ELWOOD’S "SWap Chaney Duplex and 4-unlt Apt. 8800 BEEF, PORK and VEAL Wanted — j The only other action taken by the Church.” Bring your bibles and we child does not go to Sunday School Board" a Harold Huddle, 601 N. Henry 3000 will study together the church. . Farmers, we pay the highest mar- ■ directors was in regard to the House elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Nora Tharp. 608 9th St.......... .? 3000 j Monday 6:45, Bible school workers ket price for any of the above.1 bill which would provide for further or better still bring them. “SAVE THE SURFACE J.. A. Lamb, Bandon cottage Jim’s Market. Phone 19. tfs inspection of grocery stores and eat­ conference. AND YOU SAVE ALL” 000 on Beach _ .............. Wednesday 7:30, choir practice. ing places. J. E. Norton, who gave, a i First Church of Christ, Scientist Don’t let the finish on your car 500 NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? Phone 18, MS N. Moulton St. ........... report on the bill said it looked to him get to such a condition that it 2125 W 5th,“G. B. Adama CoqnlUe, Or«««»* FARR A ELWOOD. s aa Just another chance to put more Good supply of man and women’s will rust and rot; this will in- 2000 E. 3rd, Fred Schaei j bicycles. Also electric ‘ I toasters, »lec- ... Sunday at 9:30 a. m. men on the public payroll, as inspec­ crease your cost for replacement Tag n . Coulter _________ trie — Shaven, —ivera, auto ec acceaaoriea, etc. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. tors, and to further build up bu ­ seek EE . — 1 acre, Hultto of metal». _ Have Mfr. Leutx Subject for next Sunday, “Man ” reaus. The director» voted against Southwestern Motor Co. Car and FARR A ELWOOD. " check and give you our low 1700 137 S. Beach ...... ......... ..... Co. Car and Home Supply Store. Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 approval of the measure prices. Do it now while we can 621 W. 4th St____ _______ 2300 WANTED IMMEDIATELY—Womap - - - - , o’clock. handle-the Job. 710 W. 4th, Kendall ...... . .... 5500 Buy your St. Patrick Cards NOW i Free public Reading Room at 255 who likes children to care for a Bring Your Car in Early and 2850 380 N. Hall St...... boy, 4, and a girl, 1*4, during the at Norton's. ' a W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Ask about Our Easy Pay Plan. 141 S. ,Coulter ,.7!............... 3000 day except Sunday and holidays from day while Mother is employed- 954 Midway St., 4*4 acres 1800 Townsend Club N/. 1 had 40 pres­ Z 12:80 to 5.00 p. m. Light housework—no washing or Sanford Heights, Collins, 3*4 A 800 ironing. Will pay high wages. Thia ent at the (peeling Tuesday evening, Buick —Chevrolet s Boone Boone, 4*4 acres -........ . «000 is a good Job for a person looking the business session being conducted Oregonian Subscribers: Please 865 N. Heath, 3 lots n-...... ..... 1200 for steady employment. Call Mrs. by the president, Mr. Tilghman. FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ help your carrier by having your 4500 Brady place, 3*4 acres Caravan of clubs meeting last Sun­ Vaughan, 288R, after 1 p. m, ■ vice on Milking Machines, Farm paper money ready at his first call. 482 Carter Ave, ...................... 800 day was a auceess, the beautiful day Water Systems, Tractors and Farm Remember he must pay his paper Calling cards. 50 tor »1.00. 800 NEED A PLUMBER' 1808 Carter Ave. Phone 10. bringing out 100 persons. 'V' '.'achinea, call J. A. Lamb Com- 1459 N. Coulter, E. G. Opperman obligation before the 10th of the 2900 FARR & ELWOOD. » We are sorry that death has re­ l„ny. Note—For Quick Service, month. Thank you. 520 E. 7th St. ..... 1500 moved two of our ol ier members, Lou small machines should be »ent to FOR YOUR Victory Garden Supplies 460 N. Taylor........ ..... 1400 Jones and Chas. Dondono from the our »hop.. » 461 E. 1st’ .......................... See us. J. A. Lamb Company. • ..... 2950 P. O. Box No. 24* Phone 201 HAVE YOU SEEN our stock of flow­ club ranks, and we hope the sick 3700 NEW HAMPSHIRE Setting Eggs for 592 S. Henry St.. Sleek members are qll better by now. Coquille, Oregon ered building paper? Economical 2000 Mie. Phone 604X. Mrs. M. D. 355 N. Henry St. A guessing contest resulted in the and easy to apply. FARR A EL­ 850 ; 550 E. 7th St. ,.r>...... ...... . Sherrard, Sanford Heights. WOOD , . losing aide having to wash the lunch­ 4ti> & Collier ...................... 1800 eon dishes. Instrumental music and LAWN MOWERS—8 models to choose 1J5 E 3rd St 5500 HOUSE FOR RENT —On Spurgeon a reading provided the program. Door from. Priced 87.25 to 818.95. Also [H A y La Khoe we now have JBlden hoee. Get stan Heighla 4500 the next meeting cookies, doughnuts Mrs. M Earl Wilson or Mrs. P. W. Eyesight yours while it is still available. J. Luther DanielSi 10th St. 2500 and coffee will be served. Culver, 28J A Lamb Company________’I RANCHES FOR SALE Specialist . —Press Cor. DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick CHANEY. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Ryes Kaaastoed - Glasers Notice is hereby given that the un­ Deering Milker Milker Parts Parts and and Dairy Dairy ' 34 acrM °** M p Highway 84500 Deering Iatdies Auxiliary and Townsend Reception room join Uy with At Langlois, 380 acres ......... 3800 dersigned, on the 26th day of Febru­ Supplies- See us J. A. Lamb ary, 1M3, filed in the Count Court Dr. J. R Bunch 2000 for Coos County, Oregon, his final Club No. 2 met at the home of Mrs. Company. *' Near Myrtle Point, 40 acres NOTHING OVHLOOUD iVarney. 13 A, Mfld. Hiway-. 3200 account in the matter of the adminis­ Mary Keck last Thursday, at 2 o’clock Lairg «Í-J FOR RENT-Furnished 2-room apt. Caudle, near Coquille, 79A .... 7000 tration of the Estate of Margarite with 17 present. Opened with prayer, no matter how large and elaborate I .Bath, Hot and Cold Water. Lqun- Fugelson, Sanford Heights, 14 A. 6500 Detlefsen, deceased; and that said singing and salute to the flag. Court has made an order fixing Flowers were ordered sent to two the scale upon which the funeral dry privileges. Adults. No pets. s. of Bandon 120 A................ 8500 Tuesday. April 6. IMS, at 10:00 members who are ill at home. • 351 So Henry St. Flora E. Dunne J A j < d MANY OTHERS arrangements are to be made. That o’clock A. M , at the County Court One quilt top was finished and will 4tfs | And if you will call at my office, room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time is our policy—that is our proud and .place tor hearing objections be ready to tie at the next meeting. Personal Interest — — FURNISHED ------------------- — 7 3 “ ^ ~ : J more information will be given claim after many years of experi­ WELL -Room Apart- thereto, and for the final settlement Defenta. stamps received for the „ mtnl. all outside rooms. • private J®?!“ °.B* 1 friendly C mumc I and distribution of Mid estate. ence. A conference with us will Triple T Tickets that were turned in Dated and published first time V uth. hot water, laundry trays, au- “*** mlTUri‘n< r Honest Advice be to' your advantage. at the last meeting. Remember, ask March 4. IMS. Ama tic gas range, electric washer ____________ , Edward L. Detlefsen, for a Triple ticket-every time yog Proper Guidance Administrator. spend a a dime at the following and refi igerator, close in, diagonal- HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy 715 ly aCFoas from court. hoeue, 107 arM1 p^uRrv Feeds at Pacific Feed LADY IN ATTENDANCE stores:, Gant’s Grocery, Jim’s Meat NOTICE TO CREDITORS East Second. lt*s ft s«ad Co th Notice is hereby given that the un­ Market and the Home Made Bakery. dersigned was on February 8, IMS, DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and