House Bill No. 3, the much amended and hotly debitted income tax meus- r ure, finally passed the House Friday r evening with an amendment permit- r ting a ten per cent reduction on this s year’s tax payments. » No other measure haa received ao I much strength of feeling and vigor r of debate. From the vote, it was evident that ! j organized farmers and those favoring • the tax commission were adamant for -1 no reduction at all. Organised labor ‘ ] and most of the independent members I, were for a degree of a reduction. After many attempts by the cixn- ■ mittee to arrive at a decision. Friday ■ night found them split worse than i ever before with a majority and two ^¡minority reports. - ' The majority report providing for a ten per cent' reduction prevailed. The bill will go to the Senate where the advanced dope is that the reduc­ tion will be increased to probably 15 per cost. By the time this is printed ! taxpayer’s money. It appears to me to be the State of Oregon vs, war bonds and stamps. Only a few in the House support this view but. my opinion was not changed after hearing the spirited debate- . See our iarae display or choice put i plants at Bergen's, across highway-' . from telephone office. Not the cheapest but the best. Phone 84. s | Grade III War Tires. We have lots of them. Southwestern Motor Hume Supply Store, By the Mayor and the Common Council of the City of Coquille. Fashions For applying 59c yd Give a lift to your i Ranges Springs Mattresses Chairs Heaters The Industrial Repair Co i of Coquille WELDING MACHINING PRESSI N® METALLIZING BLACKSMITHING ¡LUNCHEON CLOTHS 1.19 One of the atand-out policies of thia legislature is the allergy it haa towards giving various state boards power to make their own laws. This was manifested In Friday’« session when a bill giving the depart­ ment of Agriculture such powers in the case of cattle waa overwhelmed by arr almost unanimous move to refer Plumply Filled BED PILLOWS