F" Coquille Loses Twice At Tournament Mamniield, also went to tne snowers (Western World) _ with four personal fouls. The Humphreys Gold Corporation, O’Neal of Marshfield, took high which recently announced that a pri- game scoring honors with five m^.y concentrating plant will be baskets and » »ift ** a total of built st the lagoon property north of 11 points. Glen Gosline was high point Bullards for the purpose of working man for Coquille with nine pontt. beach sands for chromic oxide ore, In the second game of the night, began activities in that direction dur- for the. tournament championship, the ¡ng the past week. favored North Bend Bulldogs waxed Among the first Jobe is the build- Myrtle Point's Bobcats 4« to 24. The ing of an access road from the lagoon quarterly scores were 9 to 6; 25 to to intersect the Krome Corporation 10; 34 te 16 and 46 to 24, the Bull- j road now being built by the state dogs leading all the way. Hatfield of under direction of the federal Public Myrtle Point loft the game with four ’ Roads Administration. The same foul« the fourth quarter. Walt Sni- 1 federal administration will build the dow of the Bulldogs took high game . connecting link for Humphreys so honors with 1» points from eight ’ that primary concentrates can be baskets and three free shots, fini- : trucked to the secondary plant at dow also took top tournament honors | Beaver HUI north of Coquille. En- for both nights with a total of 31 ! gineel Emery of the PRA arrived dur- - putiilg!1 "Wti WM'RlIlussil bj Wniil) | lim WMtIiJii tiikeidMisge nf th» and Ruppe both of North Bend for . I project. Righta-o-way are being ob- game honors with 10 points apiece. | ' tained. Don Sutphin was high man for Myr* ' Another preliminary Job is con­ tie Point with 11 points. . ' struction of an electric power line to This defeat does not put Myrtle connect ' the Humphreys plant site Point out of the running for the with the line that will feed the Krome plant. The state tournament, however, as they i Corporation primary are entitled to go to Medford to play ■ connecting link will be built by the Medford quintet Tuesday night. Humphreys, with W. M. Sipreil as The winner of this game will enter as foreman in charge. Mr. Sipreil has the fourth team in the tournament at 1 arrived to start the work. A carload Ashland, March 5 to 6. North Bend ' of supplies for the line is en route will also participate in this tourna- < and should arrive in the county this ment which decides the Dsti ict No. 7 | ’ week. representative in the state meet at i Humphreys haye taken over two Selem. ¡1 local buildings. The American Le- The officials, Robins and Siegman, I «ion hul* 1« being converted into office picked an all tournament team which , Quarters with temporary partitions was announced at the end of the sec- dividing the main room into several ond game. They were Walt Snidow, rooms. The north end of the Inter­ North Bend; Jim O'Neal. Marshfield; national Cedar building will be used Don Sutphin, Myrtle Point; Dick Ray, as a storage warehouse, It is being equipped with tables and blns for mcchanicui |>urts. A model storage tank tuts also been built there in which experiments are being carried on with beach sand to determine the best methods of handing certain phases of the concentrating opera­ tions. D. G. Brown, one-of the men In charge for Humphreys, spent sev­ eral days here from Sacramento, Calif., during the week but has since returned south. He will soon make his lieadquui-ters here. C. J. Bastedo, superintendent of construction and operation, is expected here from Sac­ ramento within a few days and plans to establish headquarters in Bandon. Leonard Farr Commissioned A Second Lieutenant Upon completion of a t ten-day j Ruth Fults la Receiving grarhiation leave, the newly-com­ | W.A.A.C, Training In Iowa ■ missioned second lieutenant will re­ Ruth Fults, of Coquille, has begun port to his first station assignments. training at the First Women's Army ----------------------------------- Auxiliary Corps Training Center at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. She has been Selma Ulrich was last Saturday ap­ assigned to a Receiving Center com­ pointed administratrix of the $350 es­ pany tor a week of elementary train­ tate left by George Raddrlck, who ing. Here she was issued clothing died in Coos county January 4 this and equipment, instructed in rudi­ year, C. P. Kibler, Reta E. Smith ments of drill, and given Army classi­ itnd Harold A. Olson are appraisers fication tests. For the following four weeks, she will be assigned to a Basic of the uMWte. A. M. Peterson, on Saturday, was company for more detailed training named administrator of the $200 real preparing her to replace a man in a non-combat Army Job. property estate of the late Kramer, who died in August last year Appraisers appointed were George Gray, Frank Rudisil and Geo. Eckles. Probate Court Items Leonard C. Farr, 21, army cor­ poral, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Farr, of Marshfield, last week completed truining at the Medical Re- at t'amp Barkeley, Texas, in the Center Officer Candi­ date school and was commissioned second lieutenant in the Medical Ad­ ministrative Corps. He was a student in civilian life, having graduated from Coquille.High and attended Un- 1 iverslty of Oregon three years. He ; was general manager of Students' i Cooperative there. Their 12 weeks* training course } completed, new Medical Administra- ' live Corps officers, chosen for com­ missions by evidence of their qualities of leadership und command, will now assume the non-medical functions heretofore performed by Medical and Dental Corps officers, thus releasing the latter for purely professional duties with troops. Duties the MAC’S will takq over include medical sup­ ply, training personnel, and other administrative Jobs, Well stocked with Wax, Rug Cleaners SAFEWAY game Friday night Bulldog« came from quarter to go to a ttentioa Owners Passenger Tires Can Now Be Capped without Priorities Farm Fresh Produce GRAPEFRUIT Texas Pinks lb 7c ORANGES—Juicy - sweet lb. 8c CARROTS crispy lb. 9c RHUBARB for grand pies lb. 16^c TURNIPS firm, flavory lb. 7 fee Also a variety of fresh salad items! Safeway Meats LOIN PORK CHOPS - PORK LIVER ... SIRIAHN STEAK • - SMELT Columbia River HALIBUT — sliced - COLORED FRYERS - • lb. 41c - lb. 25c • lb. 37c 3 lbs. 29c - lb. 35c - lb. 69c SEE US NOW! 6.00x16, 6.25x16 and 6.50x16 Sugar White Satin 10 lb sk 62c 2 lb 15c FLOUR Kitchen Cruft 49 lb sk 11.79 FLOUR Drifted Snow 49 lb. |2.23 SALT Maximum plain or Iod. pkg. 7c MAYONNAISE Nu Made 8 oz jar 16c Salad Dressing Duchess qt. jar 33c Peanut Butter Beverly 1 lb jar 29c Syrup Sleepy Hollow 12 oz glass 19c Bread Julia Lee Wright’s 1*4 lb loaf 13c CIDER VINEGAR Speas 1 gal jug 39c OATS Morning Glory sm. 11c Ige pkg 23c INSTANT RALSTON 1 lb pkg. 21c GIVE Victory Books! to the United Bring your good books to Safeway for boys in the service. States Red Cross! Prices subject to market changes and available stocks