B.P.W. To Entertain |< Marshfield Club and cookies at the cluse of the session, The B. P. W. Club met at the Pariah House last Monday evening with Ida Oerding, president, in charge of the meeting. Opening songs were led by Clara Stauff. accompanied by Inez Rover at the piano. The flag salute was led by Ethel Roop and the club collect by Georgia Richmond. Regular routine business was con­ ducted, at which time the nominating committee reported. Election of of­ ficers comes up at the April ft meet­ ing. A sum was voted to donate to the milk fund. A tentative date of May Srd was set to entertain the Marshfield B. P. W. club. An interesting letter from Ella Braxton, who is connected with a HOvernniWf ' WWJJRM ‘ f»t Biigliam, Utah, was read. An invitation to the open meeting Monday night of -the Junior Woman’s BABY'S PICTURE FAMILY GROUPS i. Attending were Ida Oerding, Bess Maury, Clara Stauff, Annie Robinson, Inez Rover, Florence Barton, Ida Owen, Hattie Lee Holimon, Eva Stevens, Leia Elrod, Cherie Mae Hart­ well, Joyce Owen, Georgia Richmond, Ethel Roop, Irene Hartwell. Bertha Smith, Florence Hallock and Hazel Hanna. Bachelor Girb Initiate Fear At a special meeting last Friday evening four girls were iniUated as; new members into the Bachelor Girls I club. Donna Dean Boaaerman and Eunice Howe were the hostesses at the W. E. Boaaerman home. The' party was strictly a social affair. The' new girls had been told to come with­ out glamour and with their hair braid­ ed into seven pig tails tied with red anfPyellow ribbons. After the re­ freshments they were required to; wash the dishes. Girls initiated were Rheo Walker, Yvonne Kern, Marianne Axtell and Lois Robison. Members attending were Margaret Bellonl, Aloha Allen, 'Watlys May, Marguerite Robinsorr, Maxine Johnson, Norene McKeown, “ Dorothy Coffey; ’Margaret Stewart, Alys June Fox, Donna Dean Boaser- man and Eunice Howe. Margaret Smith, who will leave the first of next week for Phpenix, Ariz., to be married to Dick Sherrill, was the guest of honor at a pleasant party Monday evening. The hostesses were Mrs. Richard A, Hennessey and Mrs. Harry Claterboe, Jr. An inviting spread on a nich yard with everyone cooking their own wienies on a stick over the open fire was leisurely enjoyed by the girls. All of this speaks well for this year’s first day of March. Following th« out-of-door supper the guests spent the evening at bridge before the fire­ place in the living room. Arrange­ ments of white spirea and daffodils open meeting next Monday evening from the garden were used about the at 8:00 p. m„ at the Parish Hall, rooms. The guest of honor won high Everyone is invited. Mr. Withnell, ¡score at bridge and Donna Dean Dos­ instructor of muglc in the Coquille ser man received a prize’ to¥ second- schools, will give a lecture on Public score. Invited were Margaret Smith, School music. There is to be a musi­ | Margaret Stewart, Donna Doan Bos- cal program consisting of instrumen- serman, Marion Flannery, Norene Mc­ . tai solos by Claire Gray, trumpet; Keown. Alberta Brandon and Ina . Gerald Ulett, trombone; Mary Borel, Sherrill, of Marshfield. the bells, and Jerry White, bass horn. Justamerr Club • Woman's Utah Nets Tuesday The March meeting of the Coquille Members of the Justatpere Club were, guests for luncheon last Thurs- Woman's Club will be held next Tues­ day, March »th, at the Parish Hall. There wiir be an interesting program and Mrs. C. V. Smith Is program chairman. Members who have not yet contributed their dollar for the club budget, please do so thia meet­ ing if possible. Please try to attend. G Real Estate -Q Insurance Q Income Tax Reports Q Birth Certificates ’ To Celebrate Legion I I Auxiliary Birthday A Joint meeting of the American Legion and Legion Auxiliary mem­ bers will be held on Monday, March 8, at 1:00 o'cjbck in the Legion hall, to celebrate the birthday anniversary at the Auxiliary. An interesting pro­ gram followed by refreshments has been planned. All Legion and Aux­ iliary members are invited to attend. 1 Coen« and get acquainted again. MOVING Both Our - Shelves and Uns Are Marked With Point Values AND TIN CANS TO OUR STORE RATIONED ARTICLES PEACHES No. 2Vi Sun Blest - All Gold CORN No. 2 All Gold No. 2 PINEAPPLE All Gold — Del Monte STRING BEANS No. lame I Supply, Wilamet HOT SAUCE Hi ch Flavor SWEET POTATOES Garden No; I PEAS Garden CATSUP Gaiden u * k k No, 2h Dodge SPINACH No, / gn A ..... ........... ;...... s A Jar >• CRACKERS ’ PI.Ol’P 3 Bunches ..... * < c •' db A . ” b ’H ckui 5 s ' COCOA * ga 9 2 'b Tin ........................... IQ- si