The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 04, 1943, Image 1

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^-■”l 1
NO. 7.
Grand Jury To
Consider Ferrie
City Appeals To
Dog Owners
Myrtle-Lined Hiway ‘C. H. Dondono Nearly Another Group Of Council Session
Four Score Years
Selectees Called
Coquille To Myrtle
Slate To Resurface
Point Suggested
Willard Street
E. A. Wimer wus present at «the
The funeral service* were held^at
The following men will be inducted
council meeting Monday evening to
the Schroeder Chapel, at 2:30 yester­ soon from Coos County Local Board,
ask the city fathers to have the dog
■ day ufternooh, with Rev. R. L. Greene No. 2, located in Coquille:
nuisance eliminated. He said it was
officiating, for Chas. H. Dondono,
Thomas F. Hayes, Powers.
The new grand jury has been sum­ more difficult than it used to be to
Below is printed a letter from S. k H. who passed away at one o’clock Mon­
John J. Cooper, Myrtle Point.
With Mayor Wood and all council -
moned to meet at one o’clock this spade up a garden, that the govern­ Boardman, Oregon state superinten­ day afternoon at his home here, after
Claude A. Thomas, Remote.
men, except Dr. G. E. Stark, present
afternoon to consider what charge ment is asking everggne to help out dent of Parks, which contains a sug­ an illness of a month or more. Inter­
Monday evening the cijy council held
James Lee Bryon, Portland.
shall be placed against Arthur Ferrie, the nation’s food situation by planting gestion on which Coquille and Myrtle ment was in the Masonic ce
NO1 th Be“d
arrested a week ago yesterday by the gardens this spring, and that as soon Point chambers of commerce,
--------- civic
Charles Henry
■oM O. Yost, Marshfield.
state police, the sheriff and his depu­ as he had gotten
'MMinrifW'm Musk
ich., June 5, 1863,
Everett K. Ward, Powers.
■ported that the Eagles now have oh
ty, after Ferrie had presumably donm
all over considerable thought during the next and was eight months and 26 day*
- were
Oscar E. Shields, Coquille.
hand $900 for the First-Aid equipped
_an*j mill 1118 fWllIlUUl, AlTKrg?
it, scratching it u* and patting down |(ew month* in order that this section , past 79 years of age. He had lived in
David E. Schrader, Coquille.
car, which that lodge is going to pre­
The body of Berg was found in the over-turned earth.
- be ready Coquille for the past 34 years and
of the **
Clell Harry Holteen, Portland.
sent to the city, and expect that sum
South Stough last Thursday afternoon
The dog question ha* been a head­ to take some definite action along the had followed the trade of a carpenter.
to’be increased.
William I. Thomas, Broadbent!
by the state police, after they had ache for many previous councils. The lines suggested when the war is over. ; He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Raymond E. Folda, Lebanon
The committee in charge has'met
been dragging the waters of the inlet city ordinance provide* a fine for the
Lafe Compton, to whom the let­ Lenora Louise Dondono; a daughter -- Glenn Shields, Bridge.
with difficulties, however, in securing
for hours, and was found to have a animals' owners if the complainant ter was addressed, brought it to the by his first marriage, Mrs. Julia Sin­
Ralph A. Brown, Remote.
a suitable truck to equip and Mr. Bull
will file a charge and appear as a Chamber of Commerce directors’ at­
bullet hole in the head.
clair, of Portland; a step daughter,
Bçpiard Lee Jackson, Coquille.
asked it the city and police depart­
The last time Berg had been seen witness but there is no way to dis­ tention at their luncheon in the hotel Mrs. Lon Smith, of Coquille; three
Howgpg F, K4ght, Coquille, J
ment would be willing to use a sedan
alive was on the afternoon before pose of dogs that the police might Tuesday noon, and the directors were step sons, Frank, A. L. and John Mc­
Robert W. Adams, Coquille.
for the police car and permit the
when Ferrie had compelled him, at capture. The humane society, some enthusiastic over the possibility of Nair, all of Coquille; two sisters, Mrs. . Earl Floyd Wilson, Roseburg.
Eagles to equip the present police pan­
the point of a Bun, to accompany him time ago, entered a protest against having a state myrtle park in this sec­ Emma Van Bracklln and Mrs. Louise
Charles L. Scoggfa, Coquille.
el truck as the first-aid car; the Eagles,
in a boat on the inlet, leaving Mrs'. the shooting of dogs, the contention tion and a my rile-lined highway be- Mowery, and a brother, David Don­
of course, to provide the sedan. The
Vernon W. Konrad, Coquille.
Berg behind. Ferrie, of course, de­ being that the elty must provide a ' tween Coquille and Myrtle Point, as dono,all three of whom reside fa Mich­
Leo G. Paulsen, Corvallis.
council took the matter under ad­
nies all knowledge of the crime or of lethal death chamber.
iMr. Boardman suggests. Mr. Comp- igan. He is also survived by 14 grand­
Sterling V. Gruenewald, Coquille. visement, the’only comment being by
having seen Berg.
children and 26 great grandchildren.
Harry David Smith, Coquille.
one councilman who asked if it would
Dr- Dixon, psychiatrist from Port­ discussion was that the city would is- owned parks, varying from a few
Pallbearers yesterday were Jas.
be as easy to land a drunk in a se­
Marvin J. Floyd, Myrtle Point.
land, was brought down to investigate sue an appeal to all dog owners to acres to over 1200 acres in size, along Bgpckman, W. W. Tllghman, E. A,
dan as it is in the truck!
Melvin W. Floyd, Myrtle Point,
Ferrie’* mental condition, /nd after keep their dogs tied up or confined the Coast Highway, but there la none Wimer, Roy Folsom. Archie Hatcher
Chi>rles*V. Barrows, Bandon.
Authority was given for the mayor
spending some time with him. alone in a pen, as the first step in getting in Coot county south of Coos Bay,1 and Mr. Swfadail.
Lester C. Train, Coquille,
and recorder to sign an agreement
in a cell in the jail, did not make his rid of the nuisances.
that fails Mr. Boardman’s letter follows:
. .
.... .
with the State Highway Department
laurence A. Ryan, Coquille.
report to Sheriff Howell with tech­ more stringent mean* will be de-
by the terms of which the state crew
Frederick A. Griswold! Powers.
nical terms, he simply said, “He’s vised.
I wish to submit for your considera­
Russell P. Staten, Coquille.
would resurface Willard street, be­
At the same time an appeal was tion and criticism a wayside Myrtle
tween Front and Second. This has
Keith A. Northup, Myrtle Point.
The purpose in having the grand voiced to pedestrians not to walk Park plan, said plan faking in both
been the state's policy for some years,
Clarence Matthews, Powers.
jury consider his case, with a prohgble across parking strip* or lawn*, to use sides of the highway between Co­
to repair a block or two of streets
Robert A. Giorgis, Coquille.
indictment for. murder, is so that if, the sidewalks. There is one parking quille and Myrtle Point. Here is ■
which feed into the state highway on
at some future time, he should seek strip, across the street west of the myrtle setting, waysides and distant Orford on Tuesday for Mn. Alice
and Front.
parole from the insane asylum, and court house, where north and east­ hills unlike anything else to be found White, 101 yeggs of age, and most
The offer of Bill Foote, who had
secure parole, he can then be tried end resident* have packed the park­ in the world from a myrtle standpoint.
made a similar offer to the county,
ing almost to concrete hardness by The people living in the area think western Oregon. She was a sister of
for the murder.
of »20, for a lot in the gulch, between
Another case which will be con­ cutting across,’and there are other nothing of it, know not what they
Coquille a quarter of a century ago
The fire atarm last Friday after­ -Fourth and Fifth and Coulter amt
sidered by the grand juTy is that of spot* where the same disregard fot have in a community value, because
Heath, was referred to the finance
called the department to the
Robert Arnold, who was bound over private ownership and lawns is shown. it is a part of their daily lives. Con­
committee, The county has taken
bottom land, west of Elliott street and
The council instructed City Attor­ stancy breeds a sort, of contempt
to the grand jury by Justice Allan
the lot over for delinquent faxes, but
HHal at Marshfield, last Saturday, for ney Greenough fa prepare an appeal through its contact. But as I said be­ und had lived in Curry county for the between Seventh and Eighth where a the city has »33.88 invested in the
brush fire had gotten away from Mr.
. larceny of an automobile. _ ; ....
J fa the public ou these matters and fore, they have something to which a past 63 yean. -. _____
lot-for street improvements.
Davey and was threatening the .house
that appeal appear* elaewhere as an world would make a tHuT4f they could
belonging to Miss Myrtle Delxmg In
advertisement In this Issue. The city be made conscious of its value and
which it had burned a small hole in that 'there had been two alarms in
has also had handbills distributed all would care for that value.
February, with no 'resulting loss tn
over town carrying tbe same appeal
This myrtle setting and ito
(.0011 A$SI1
the property owner.
The tire alarm Tuesday and Wed­
to dog owners and thoughtless cutters
(Continued on page six)
It was decided to raise the pay of
nesday afternoons were also brush
of corners.
La«» week, the annual meeting of
Mr. Miller, watchman at the reser-
tires, resulting In no damage to near­
Whereas tbe men of our -armed
Bay end Coast National
voir, from »80 to »100 a month. He
by property.» That on Tuesday was at
forces are fighting and dying on the
Farm Loan Aasnclatlon was held at
is also to cut wood there for use at
far-flung battlefronts of the world—
the Odd Fellow* Hall In Coquille.
south of First street.
Yesterday’s the city hall, and the council felt that
from the steaming jungles of New
.uncneu,, served wM
a yacant )ot
of (he he could provide enough fUeT’to save
After a delightful luncheon,
Guinea to the sunbaked sands of
Tay. the amount of the increase fa salary
Mrs. Jack Dolan reports that the
Africa -on the sea and in the air; and
at least.
Mrs. Roy Boober touched off the Sulvage Shop, next door to the City George Jenkins, county agent, gave ’ lor.
Whereas the success of our forces
Lee Stonecypher was given per­
Library project last Thursday when Cleaners on Front street, was cleaned an instructive talk on “Agriculture
i With no rain far the past three
in preserving a world where men
she gave the first of a series of bridge out last week, the junk dealer at and the War Effort.” which waa fol­ , weeks the gras* and brush is becom­ mission to clear the brush and
and women may be free depend* on
parties at her home. The plan la to Marshfield taking out 5 tons of paper lowed by an address delivered by Ar- ! ing quite dry and once a fire get* brambles from a city-owned lot on
’the support and inspiration they get
Coulter street, south of the Knife
collect the proceeds taken at these and all the old rags and metal on nold Anderson, regional manager of «farted it run* rapidly.
from the peoples back home; and
parties and use it toward the pur­ hand. There was also sent out the 200 the Federal Land Bank of Spokane. I Keith Young, Coo* tounty fire war­ Apartments—and to put in a garden
Whereas it is the privilege-and duty
chase of chain for the new library. pounds of nylon and silk stockings Mr. Anderson complimented the tw•> den, ba* ordeied no more fires started there.
of every man and woman and child
Those desiring to plant garden» in
Mrs. Boober is Woman’s Club chair­ which the J. C. Penney Co., Lorenz associations on the spleialid recorl of without a permit after Feb. 27, and
to serve the cause of humanity In
parking stripe need not apply fathe
man of the Library committee.
It Department . stores.
Excel duress progress that they had ma le in loan the Coquille Fire Department now
every manner possible and to as great
was through the efforts of this same Shoppe, Hallock’s Dress Shop and delinquency, as well as their orders that brush fire may not be council, Recorder Leslie having here­
extent as possible; and
tofore been given authority to pass on
committee that the money was raised Miss May’s Shop had collected,
< up future payment funds to meet started inside the city limits, as of
Whereas It is -the aim of peace-
such requests.
to buy shades, making, it possible to
maturing installments during possi­ today, without a permit.
loving people of our nation to con­
Larry Estes asked if something
reopen the Library at night, i
hard from before noon Saturday until ble lean years. He reported that even
tribute in sweat and toil and sacrifice
could not be done to stop cars and
Each guest at one of these parties evening, helping load the. stuff onto after a substantial amount of new
sacrifice of luxuries and comforts
trucks whizzing off Sixth street, at
gives twenty-five cents towards the trucks for hauling to the railroad Ioans being closed during the past
to the support of those men who are
the Consolidated Freightways corner,
project. The hostess serves tea and car, were Leland Waterman, Jim year, the decrease in the bank’s loans
risking and giving their lives for us;
between the building and the tele­
cookies and awards a simple prize. Bunch, Earl Benham, Gene Johnson, outstanding was more than »11,000,-
phone pole, on to the highway. He
Every guest is then asked to give a Jack Axtell, George Folsom and Rob­ 000.00, and more than 4,000,000 loans
Whereas at the same time our home
Tiie damage case of Frank Porter said that at the speed some drivers
similar benefit if possible and so on. ert Simpson.
were paid in full before they were
front must be prepared to cope not
vs. J. E. Paulson and Dr. James Rich­ made the turn there was bound to be
In this rather painless way quite a
Mrs. Dolan also reports that fat and due. The past year also saw a steady mond started in circuit court here
only with possible attack on our
an accident there sooner or later. No
sum should be realized and consider­
grease on hand now at the shops demand for farms, and at the end of Monday and is expected to go to the
shores but with natural disasters, such
action was taken but the city en- ’
able sociability be aroused during the which had shipped out a few weeks the year, the bank owned less than 5
as earthquake, flood, hurricane, tor­
process. The chain being used in ago, is as follows: Jim’s Market 350 per cent as many farms as it did five jury today. Judge Carl Wimberly, gineer stated that the building was
nado. drought, fire, explosion or
the library at the preseot time are pounds. Peoples Market 180, Safe­ years ago. “A sound financial pro­ of Roseburg, is presiding at the trial. within a foot and a half of the Sixth
epidemic and
Judge King having had some connec­ street line. It is probable that some
borrowed from the hotel.
gram for farms,” Mr. Anderson said,
way 70, Thrift’s 15.
Whereas the American Red Cross is
tion with the case before he was ap­ kind of a warning sign will be posted
At Mn. Booher’s party the follow­
It is requested that everyone keep “include* paying all current debts, pointed circuit judge.
equipped and ready to carry on in
ing were guests: Mesdames Wm.
all property taxes, putting the mort­
our oWn and every community such Mansell, U. E. McClary, D. B. Kesner. in mind the need of greases and
The claim is that the defendants, or
fats for the war effort «nd turn it in
indispensable welfare programs a*
the logging operator, cut across the
I I Escili
Lawrence, V.
J. «li
A. Moore, Otto at once of the markets.
living expenses, setting aside money
public health nursing, home nursing,,
M McKeown miu
and Harold
plaintiff’s line and took timber be­
for income tax, and investing the
first aid, water safety and accident Ziegler. Mrs. Don Mcéune and Mrs.
longing to him.
farm income in war bonds.”
prevention, and through the Junior
F. S. Emery, unable to attend, made
Red Cross in the schools, to act as their contribution.
Mrs. Lawrence
a proved the forming of a common
One of the show spots in Coquille
the medium for service by our young won high score. Mrs. U. E. McClary
board of directors and elected A. O.
this week—and its splendor does not
Iteople; and
is entertaining a group at her home I
Rogers and Mrs. Ellen M. Young to
last much more than a week—is that
Whereas the American Red Cross this afternoon. Several ladies have
R. C. Carter, indicted by the grand
represent the Coos Bay Association.
acacia tree on the Jess O. Williams
is able and ready to render protec­ signified their Intentions to proceed Jury last October for threatening to
Today starts the fourth week of place, at the end of Division street,
J. P. Johnson, II. W. Mast, and A. W.
tion and relief fa case of the afore­ with follow-up affairs during the near commit a felony, pleaded guilty be­
Cope were elected to represent the the finest weather to be found any­ east of Fourth. The tree is in full
mentioned disasters:
fore Judge King in circuit court last
Coast Association. After the stock­ where on earth, no locality excepted, bloom now and it is a gorgeous spec­
Therefore I, O. L. Wood, Mayor of
Thursday and he is to be sentenced
holder’s meeting, the new board met j The present prolonged spell rather tacle. It has been topped so that it
the City of Coquille, In accord with
i*xt Monday. The other indictment
to elect the officers to serve the two puts the ground hog on the spot as a is only about 30 feet tall but it has a
the President of the United States
for “assault with a dangerous weap­
associations for the coming year. J. i weather predictor, but it Is safe to say spread of 40 feet. A somewhat small­
who has proclaimed March as Red
on," was dismissed at the suggestion P. Johnson was elected president, H. I Ithat March will not go out in the
er tree of the same variety is in the
Cross Month, do call on all public-
of the district attorney.
W. Mast vice-president of the Coast lamb-like way it came in.
corner of his yard.
spirited people of this community to
The campaign for membership in
make every effort tb support the and contributions to the American grand jury last month returned an in­
Coffee Stamp No. 25 To Be
Mrs. Woodyard’s Property
IMS Red Cross War Fund.
I urge Red Cross, in Coquille this week, has dictment for obtaining money under
Good Through March 21
Sold To The* A. E.'Keaten
every man, and woman, boy and girl been as thorough and complete a false pretenses—he passed a bogus
Here’s news -for coffee drinking
to give their support by contributing job as has ever been done here.
check here—changd his plea on Mon­
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kester, of the
through our local chapter to the Red
families. This rationed beverage may
The 22 ladies, organized by Mrs. day to that of guilty. He was sen­
Igloo Market, who came here from
Cross War Fund; and I further pro­ J. R. Bunch, has, or will have this tenced to a year in the county jail
be obtained with War Ration Book
Junction City three months ago, this
claim that it la the sense of all of us week, called at every home in town. and then paroled for two years, and
Miss Gretchen Clinton, daughter One, belonging to anyone whose age week purchased the Mrs. Maud
who are residents of Coquille and In the north end of the city Mrs. Fred was ordered to report once a month of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. L. Clinton, who was 14 or over at »the time the book
Woodyard house and lot on Henry
was .issqed Forgperly the agerestric-
vicinity that oyj»gifts must be larger Kunz wa« fa charge, with itu;
--- I *• street, northeast.of ttg.
The sale was madethrbugh
able this great national organization sistant covered Spurgeon Hill, Mrs. Lieut. Leonard Farr In
Incidentally coffee
da, Saturday evening. Her marriage years or older.
Barton agency. The Kesters will oc­
of ours to meet whatever demands are Don McCune, alone, had the Knowl­ The County A Few Days
to Jack Ijiird, son of Mr. and Mrs. stamp number 25 which will be valid cupy their new home as soon as the
made upon it.
ton Heights section, while Mrs. Bunch
Lieut. Leonard C. Farr, who was Geo. p. Tjiird, was solemnized in through March 21st is good for one Chas. Butler family can find a new
and Mrs. W. H. Mansell worked the commissioned last week at Berkeley Pensacola at eight o’clock Wednes­ |x>und of coffee.
There were 4,477 names registered east and south portions of the city. Field in Texas, after completing his day evening.
E. T. Stelle, Red Cross chairman training course there, was a Òo-
Guild Te Hold Rummage Sale
at the Washington building the fore
Walter Calvin Smith on Sunday, Red Cross Treasurer
The Guild will hold a rummage sale
- part of last week for those desiring far Coquille, and Rev. R. L. Greene qullle visitor Tuesday. He la spend­
L. H. Hazard has been named as on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
to secure the food ration book. No. 3. made a store to store to, office can­ ing his several days’ furlough with and Weldon Frost Biddle on Monday,
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Farr, were arrested for being < intoxicated. treasurer of the local American Red this week in the Shelley building. Do­
It kept the score of teachers and vass of the business district.
others tfasy most of the four and' Treasurer L, H. Hazard reports this in Marshfield, before proceeding to The former was at home in the city Cross membership drive and all con- nations are being solicited. Contact
one-half hours or more that they morning that »780 has been turned Camp Adair near Corvallis, where bastile for five days and the latter tributions by the soliciting commit- Mrs. J. A. Moore, president of the
he has been assigned to duty.
forfeited the »10 cash bail he posted tees are turned over to him.
were on duty each of the three days. in and deposited.
Posses At Age
Of 101 Years
Three Brush Fires
The Past Week
Annual Meet Of
Mayor Wood's Red
Cross Proclamation
25 Tons Old
Plan To Raise Money
Papers Shipped
For Library Chairs
Damage Case
On All Week
It Is A Poem
Of A Tree
Two Plead Guilty
In Circuit Court
March Came In
Like A Lamb
Red Cross Drive
Has Been Thorough
Coquille Couple
Wed In Florida