PAG« JtlhW' OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY JS, IMS. Norway News Items ! Forgotten Men At "'41- The jury which heard the caae of Robert Lee Steven» against the State Industrial Accident Comniisiaon, which had refused io compensate him Who Meat File A Retam ______ I_______ One ot the the most dramatic of of the Coach “Spike” Leslie's Coquille Th»r. ¿-r. ««„ M. ' u — nw“‘ dramatic I M. L. Daniels paid a fine of 825 and for injuries rendered a verdict Tues­ There were fifty-five who ittended expedition* to the far w»t »»» »1 Every single person must file s I c<*ts ln Justice Bull's court here last day awarding him 50 per cent of the .. Myrtle Mvrtle Point tn— r^..u * Wr we,t- one •*- High School Cagers lost their last the Point I Lions Club dinner­ mbst forgotten, wai the land expedi­ game of the season in the County Federal income tax return whose Wednesday for failure to secure and established rate for loss of a leg. dunce last Saturday evening, given tion financed by John. Jaeoto Astor League battle Friday night to the gloss income for the year from all give a health certificate for an.ani­ at the Coquille Valley County Club. and led by Wilaon -Price Hunt. Hunt rrespass Notices, primed on cloth, Myrtle Point Bobcats, 9-14. This ; sources was »500 or more; that is as mal disposed of at hte sale. Dr. S. K. Fortune, of Marshfield, was pushed out into the Missouri from his loss puts the Red Devils in the cellar much as $9 62 per year. Widows, For failure to have an operator’s lor sale at this office. the speaker and Elton Schroeder, winter camp on the Nodaway, on with two wins and six defeats. The widowers, divorcees, and married license, Kenneth LeRoy Baker, Eu­ of Myrtle Point, was toastmaster. April 21, 18it, |n four keel-bouts Red Devils only tallied one point the persons separated by mutual con­ gene David Schrader and L. C. Wit- Dr. Fortune and Dick Hill were equipped with oars and »ail». Hear­ first quarter, when Martin made a sent, are classed as single persons. cosky paid fines of 83.00 and costs. Marshfield guests of the club. ing that the Blackfeet were unfriend­ gift shot pay, while the Bobcats, i Every married person, living with j Lester Victor Howe, after being in Mrs. Glen Robison, of Norway, had ly, he decided to leave the river and sparked by Hatfield, Sutphin and husband or wife throughout the year, the coupty jail for a day, had his a minor operation Wednesday of last ■trike out overland. The route led Peck Walton, rang up seven counters. must file a return if his or her gross fine of »100 and costs paid by his em­ week at the Keiser Hospital and was across the present ‘ South Dakota. The second quarter the Devils did a income, togetirer with any income of ployer. He was picked Up after run­ able to be brought home Saturday. Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. The little better in scoring by netting five ; tiie spouse, was as much as »1200 for ning into Mike Daniels' car and was She is getting along njceiy. Snake River was reached near the points. One by Ray, two by Costine i the year; that is, as much as $23.0« charged with driving a car after his - ANY KIND OR AMOUNT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southmayd present St. Anthony, where they and two by Red Woodward, 4 beau- per week: If husband ___ _________ and _________ wife both license had been revoked last fall. were Sunday dinner guests of their abandoned their horses and took to tiful »wisher from the center of Ute j have income, they must both make a Last Saturday Rolland Quincy daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. the river. In the vicinity of Twin floor. Woodward and Barton re- return. Such return may be made I Sayler was fined »15 and costs for Paul Davis, of Gravelford. Fails, Hunt was forced to leave his placed McCarthy and Mineau half separately, or, if they are both citi- having no operator's license and for Mr. and Mrs. Walter 8chroeder boats and proceed on foot. Before way through the second period for lz*ns or residents, thqy may make a violating the basic rule. He was giv­ spent the day Monday visiting their long their food was consumed and Coquille. The Bobcats broadened joint return. A joint return may be en iffitil March 10 to pay. daughter, Mrs. Severt Iverson, at starvation was a daily guest. Hunt their lead considerable with ip points, I made by husband and wife even On Monday Robert Lester Cumden Roseburg, led one party and Ramsey Crooks all but Belloni scoring at least two , though one has no income, and a joint was fined 81-00 for having no chauf­ Thursday evening dinner guests at another on opposite sides of the points and the boys frofn Myrtle return is advisabli in the caré of per­ feur’s license, Vernon Walter Konrad the J. H. McCloskey's were Mr. and Snake as fur as the present Home­ Point town Jfcd 17-8 at half time. ' to*»», one of whom has no income, who was summoned to appear Feb. 27 be­ Mr». P. W. Laird, of Myrtle Point, stead, where they were forced to J. McCarthy started the third quarter ' marry during the year, since the per­ cause he had ho driver’s license, and V and Mrs. Herman Eickmyer and son, retrace their steps. iti Goaline’i place in the Red Devils* »»nal exemption attributable to each the case of Lee Edward Day, for the I uii rd, of Berkeley, Calif. They entered the Burnt River line up. The third period was one ot spouse during the period of pre-mari- same neglect, te pending. The regular meeting of the Myr­ canyon and pushed on through to those rough and tumble kind and not | *tel status is allowable In a joint re- ------------------------- . tle Point Rebekah lodge was held the Powder River valley. New Year’s many points were scored. SOLID OK LOOSE Myrtle turn. • in the I. O. O. F. hall Monday eve­ Day, 1812, was ushered in near the Point hit the hemp for five points and . A joint return must be signed by ning with twenty-six present. Ail present Ulfion, Oregon, in the Grande held the Coquille quint scoreless. ' both husband and wife and verified Feb. 18—Thomas Waldrop Moore, enjoyed a potluck dinner, honorinig Ronde Valley, where Hunt and his The final frame Bill Mineau hit a by a written declaration that it is i of Empire, and Claire Helen Stirrat, the members whose birthdays come famished party enjoyed a feast of free HHBL .. i___ ___ ________________________________________ shot, Tom Martin a basket and made under the penalties of perjury. of Seattle. m January and February of this year. hone and dog meat in a Shoshone In- ' »lek Ray a basket and three free ' Where separate returns are filed Feb. 20— Charles Franklin Stone Visitors at the Lincoln Day pro­ dian village. The Columbia was ones to give the Devils eight more j by husband and wife on Form 1640, gram given by the Norway school reached on January 21, where canoes points and a final score of 14. Myr- ‘be Joint personal exemption allow- and Geraldine Neideigh, both of i ___ ,, (»1200 were the foltowing named: Mrs. Taggj____ ___ ______________ ___________ _________ _____ . were ___________ traded for _____ with the Indians. Be Point made seven more to give'able where the _ ___ married status Charleston. Feb. 26—Norman John Richards Detlefsen, Mrs. Howard Hancock,' On February 15, Astoria was reached them 29 points at the final whistle, has existed throughout the year) may GET OUR PRICES BEFORE and Patricia Lee Chase, both of l^rs. Rayihond Thompson, Mrs. John'and the long, arduous journey was! In foul shooting both team»' aver« be taken by either, or divided be- YOU SELL. WE WILL GO OUT 'ages were the same but Coquille did tween them In any proportion agreed SaturdKv’bv 'lU-v' Cha* G Brown' d Keller. Mrs. Henry Gasner, Mrs. Del- ended. ages were the same but Coquille did ‘ween them In any proportion agreed OF TOWN TO PICK UP GOODS nert Sumerlin and Mrs. Earie Fowler. On June 29, Robert Stuart and a . Myrtle Point one better in the total^upon. If separate returns are filed |(lie pioneer p,,.™», hare. AND BUY. The school also celebrated Washing­ 'small small party set out for st. St. Louis with ¡made, 'made, making six out of 12 and the ,one may net report renort income Income which ^3_ Albert Virl Nighswonger ton’s birthday. j dispatches • for John Jacob Astor. Bobcats five out ot 10. The Red . belongs to the other, but must report j and Lucille Daisy Capps, both of Little "Jackie” Norris, who has Suart followed or paralleled their , Devils had two bad quarters, the first °nly the Income which belongs to him North Bend. ■ tx*en quite ill with the flu the past original trail as far as the present and the third. They made one peint‘(°r her). two weeks, has returod to school. Pocatello. There he turned east,, the first, and went scoreless the No person is exempt from filing S Grode III War Tire». We have Mr. and Mrs. Claver drove to Rose­ crossed the Rockies at or near the ¡third, they just couldn't seem to hit return if his gross income is equal PHONE 11»L lots of them. Southwestern Motor burg one day last week and brought South Pi and followed the Platte that hoop. to or greater than the amount speci- ■« Co. Car and Home Supply Store. back 500 baby chicks. River to the Missouri, reaching St. Don Sutphin captured high scoring fled above for hi* clarification. Neith­ Raymond Thompson, of Norway, is Louis in the spring of 1813. Hunt’s honors with nine points, followed er the President of the United States, /*—— 1 i i i' ....... ... near _ working for the South Western En­ trail from the _ Port Neuf, Poca­ closely by Hatfield and Peck Walton, nor the Vice President, nor Federal At the reduced pub­ gineering .Corporation at the Krome tello, west and Stuart'a trail from with eight apiece. Ray was high for Judges, nor Members of Congress, lished rates. Corporation plant oanstruction, at there east blazed the way which-waa Coquille with six. . _ __________ _ ______ are exempt from filing returns. the Beaver Hill junction, as a pipe followed in later yeers by covered Many listings to choose Coquille’s B squad won tlteir game 1 Moreover, all income from what- fitter. .' from in farm, home wagon caravans, to become familiarly from the Bobcat B squad, 26-14. Bud aver source, unless specifically ex­ Meek took high individual-scoring individual- scoring in eluded by statute, moat be reported and business property. known as the Oregon Tri*U. The type of Income Gov. Snell has signed the senate the prelim with seven points. This 'in the return. Old Oregon Trail A Sod Basketball Season Ends Federal Income Tax Information Fines Imposed In ! J. P. Court Here WANTED Used Furniture Enamel Ranges Circulating FRUIT JARS CHAIRS Marriage Licenses - Used MATTRESSES BED STEADS BED SPRINGS Brooks Swap Shop Insurance Fairview News Mrs. Clarence Dssdmond was pleasantly surprised Saturday ev«- ning by relatives and friends rete- brating her birthday, which was Feb. 22. Those calling at her home were Mr. and Mrs. Chartoe Geitoer, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kenyoa and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dow. Mrs. Dow served sandwiches, sai&d and a birthday «■ake, decorated for the occasion. 'T,‘ bill which provide» for the Old Ore­ winds up the season for the Coquille specifically exempt are listed in the gon Trail Centennial Commiaaion to' H squad, they won six out of eight intructions accompanying the return proceed with the Centennial celebra­ games, and tills ties them with form, North Bend’s B squad for the mythical tion this year, . ' A person whose groan Inicome doe» Secretary Walter Meacham reports county B »quad crown. n«>t exceed and consists wholly Main game summary:— of salary, wage», dividends, intereat. that erithuaiasm 1» growing and plans FO, FT, PF. ;<>r annuities, may make u Simplified being Jaid.Jsy various communities COQUILE (14) 2 Return on Form 1040A, In which -the for the staging at plays and pageants, Ray -- --------------„..rA........ 1 ■ 4 .... I U 3 tax due may be readily ascertained display of books on western history, Goeline .... .......... 1 I by reference ta a table contained in displays of relics of pioneer days, Martin I I lhe form. — 0 0 sermons in churches of ail faiths, McCarthy 0 .... A husband and wife living together ceremonies at the graves of the early MHvmu I MYRTLE POINT (29) FO FT. PF. on July 1 of the taxable year may file trail blazers and treks over portions Sutphin ................. »«A I I separate Simplified Returns if the of the old trails. 1 gross income of each te from the pre­ 1 Days at Remembrance are being P. Walton............ . ..... . ..4 0 1 scribed source» and does not exceed outlined, such as the discoverey of H. Walton ........ -....... —I 0 »3000, or they may file a »Ingle joint a I the Great River of the West (the Col­ Hatfield > .............. I 0 ______ __ I that y________ form if . thejr com- 4 ( return on umbia), the founding of the Provi­ Belloni gpbstitutlons: — Coquille, Wood- i Lined Income Is from the prescribed sional Government at Champoeg, the . i sources and does not exceed $S660. A admittance of Oregon as a Territory ward (8), Barton. Officiate: Lynn and Carver. taxpayer may not, however, file a and mi a state, and for other days of Simplified Return if the other .«pouse historical importance. files a return on Form 1040. In all of these activities the » c I kx J s throughout the state are taking an Lulu Marie Lindsay is ill at home with the mumps. Thia is her third tune to entertain them. Wm. Byerly was a business oaller in Coquille Monday. Mrs. J. A. Deadmond is ill at her home again. Mrs. BiR Noah, BiUle and Bonnie, were callers from their home at Lake­ side. Sunday. Relatives and friends of Raymond Norris were relieved to hear from him a week ago. The letter being ac,lve Pur • written “Somewhere in the Pacific.*’ on Jan. 17. Hto brother, Herold, ta hr- training at Freano, Calif. MH ____ Lindsay chaperoned a Alta V.-Roger» was on Tuesday ap- Mrs. Harry group of girl», who attended the be»- pointed administratrix of the 21100 ketball-game in Coquille Friday estate left by Roy L, Thomas, who died here Jan, 20, Appraiser» named night. E- L, The Fairview Extension oiub met were. Martin Randleman, last- Tuesday at the Grange Hall, Thompson and Henry Miller- C, H, Water was named on Tues­ Roxy Frye demonstrated the repair­ ing of electric equipment and ogre day a» executor of the will of Wm, H. Moore, who died at North Bend, Jan. of the same. Mr, and Mr». Melvin Kenyon and 31. Appraisers of the estate, which < hildren returned Saturday evening is estimated to be worth Il WO, will from southern California, where they be Walter Butler, Walter Condron and John Ferguson. went on business. A petition for administration ot the Mrs. Althea Harrah spent the week’ « nd with her parents at Arago. Her »500 estate left by James E, Ford, mother, Mrs. Frank Lan?, 1» in poor who died Jan. 80, was filed In pro­ bate court yesterday. health Just now, • Mr». L. L Buoy has heard that her mother, Mrs. Noah, is il|. She is in the northern part of the state visiting Feb. 16—Z. Row Properties, lnc„ mother daughter, vs, Coast Oil Co., a suit to cancel "Life Begini At 8:30" 4 Due At Roxy Theatre PfObate COUTt ItBITU ' Sun., Mon., Tuesday Circuit Court Cases McKinley News kNMNb Feit, IS—Archie D, McKinzie vs, Wayne Gill misged a d*y or two of school las) Wt*k when I ha wo» quite ill but he is bapk In school again this week, The Jolly Gardeners met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Qeo, Glenp. Members present were Mr». May Wyant. Mrs. Rex Brown. Mrs. lee Mast. Mrs. Milford Mast and Velvla McXenxie, Rult for divorce. Feb. M — Unemployment Compensation Commission vs. W. T. Alpine, Feb» 83 -Coos Bay lagging Co, vs, Howard W awl »arise C, Irwin et al heart attack. They had lived in Mc­ Kinley at the mill tor otoee to three lieu«, M<* ___ Clarence Churchill, Mrs, Frank Haney, Mrs. John B, O’Sullivan, and hostess, Mr». Geo, Glenn. Helen Mast was elected aewetary to HU the vacapgey left by Velva Kin« Club ladies »re to meet Thursday morning at Cherry ('reek te»rk to »tart plean- ..r the .... graurids «nd cutting down Ing up the new young brush and briars that are trying to tgke the place again- Friends pt Mr- and Mrs- Henry Jackson, Of Coqüllle, were very mucn shocked by the sad new« of Mr. J«®*- brother. Race, left Friday forWRf home in Arkansas. Frank had lived here and worked in the Moore mill for the past two or three years. «Mr »nd Mnl Howard Kook have houae guests from White Salmen, Washu They are Mr. and Mrs. Woody Kock and Judy. Howard's brother, Mr, J. L. Kock, hl. father, who came tost Friday and Intapd Visiting McKinley school was let out Mon- _ day at was Washington’s nuthd'av and Miss Oerdfhg had to —•-«—«*— WHEN. WHERE AND HOW TAXES ARE TO BE PAID Taxes due on a return filed for tiie calendar year 1942 may be paid in If you thrilled, as a almost every­ full'at the time for the filing of the one did. to the tender pathos and return on or before March 15. 1943. heart'W.rmlng humor ot "The Pied The tax may, at the option of the tax­ Piper," it te certain that an equally payer, be paid in four equal install­ enchanting einema treat awaits you ments instead of in a single payment, * in "Life Begins at Eight-Thirty," in which ease the first installment is which will be shown at the Roxy to be paid on or before March IS, the Theatre. Sunday, Monday and Tues­ second on or before June 13, the third on or before September 15, and the day, For, besides bringing back to the fourth an or before December 15, If the taxpayer elects to pay screen that austere master of merri­ 1943. ment, Monty Woolley, this 30th Cen­ his tax In four installments, each of tury-Fox entertainment windfall co- the (our installments must be equal stars Ida Luplno, fragile mistress of in amount, but any installment may the drama, with Cornel Wilde, ex­ be paid, at the election of the tax­ citing new diacevery, as her roman­ I payer, prior to the time prescribed tic vis-a-vis, and uteo feautres one for ¡ta payment. If an inatellment of the really well-rounded oasta of is not pail In full on or before the date fixed far Its payment, the whole thé sea»«n. Produoed and written for the screen amuunt of the tex remaining unpaid by Nunnally Johnson, the film waa is required to be paid upon notica taken from a play by Emlyn Williams, and demand from the .collector. author of "The Corn la Green" and The tax must be paid to the collec­ “Night Must Fall." Rich in humor, tor of internal revenue for the diatrict yet tenderly dramatic, the story in which the taxpayer’s return is re­ seems to be the perfect type to per­ quired to be filed—that Is, to the col­ mit Woolley to cavort at hte grandest lector for the district in which is lo­ cated the taxpayer's legal residence and gruffest, The bewhiakered star appear» as a or principal place of business, or if once-great stage personality toppled he has ni legal residence or principal from the height» by fate. Although place of business in the United Stat -s, he would rather laugh and let the then to the collector of internal rev­ world go by, he is brought to grips enue at Baltimore, Maryland. with the serious side of life by the up- In the payinent of taxes a fractional part Ot X CCOLM dtaregarded unless it amounts to"oKe'-hali cent Noteworthy, toe. Is the kitowleldge j'or more, In which caae it shall be | that Irvihg Plcbel. who directed “The Increased to one cent. The tax due, if any, should be paid 1 Pied Piper,'* piloted »Life Begins at Eight-Thirty." Topping the featured in cash at the collector’s office, in cast with Wilde are Sara Allgood, the by check or money order payable to I mother of "How Green Was My Val­ “Collector of Internal Reevnue." In ley," Melville Cooper, J. Edward the case of payment in oath, th« tax­ Bromberg and William Demarest payer should kt every instance re­ The film promises to be another hap­ quire and the collector should fur- py combination of ingratiating humor nish a receipt. In the caae of pay- .J 4 trenchant rlii n srr> i~ i menta made by check or money order. and drama, however, th« canceled check or th« | . ;..... - Keys made for »11 locks. Stevens money order receipt is usually a suf- , Hardware, Coquille. Or«. w ------ «— Real Estate Income Tax , Birth Certificates Oerding at Bank Bldg. Service — Moderate charge. The service charge on £*\i.c¿rtK order to continue this service to the public it is necessary to change the service fee to $2.60 to take effect on March 1st. This is stiy a low rate« for the service given.